Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint
Chapter 112 Table of contents

༺ Clearing the Aftermath – 1 ༻

Tantalus was split in half.

When something grows too large, it fails to bear its own weight and breaks apart. This was why icicles could only grow so big, and why even the mightiest empire in history crumbled in a similar manner.

Tantalus had been able to embrace everything that fell into it over the years without issue, but now, like everything else, it was divided precisely in half due to an internal problem.

And that issue was…

“A beast that has attacked humans should immediately be put down. Why talk about sparing her?!”

“She’s already incapacitated! Don’t you think there’s no need to go that far?!”

…A difference in opinions between me and the regressor. Infuriated by her baseless claim, I shouted at her with flaring eyes.

“You’re so good at cutting off human arms, but you can’t handle a cat’s head? It’s because of people like you that cats go strutting around everywhere, not knowing their place!”

The regressor retorted in kind.

“Killing her like this won’t do any good! Nabi is the Cat King, and a King is a valuable asset! It’s enough that we don’t hand her over to the enemy, at the very least!”

Beside the regressor, Nabi lay sprawled on the classroom floor, her breaths shallow. Tyr’s blow had left her on the brink of death. Though she did enter a frenzy by instinct, it was akin to a final act of defiance before succumbing.

In the last moments, Azzy had lunged and sunk her teeth into Nabi’s ankle, which the latter couldn’t evade. Azzy wrenched her jaw from side to side, snapping Nabi’s leg and thrashing her against the walls and the floor, splattering blood. The cat was reduced to a mess of wounds.

Watching Nabi lie there, like a creature facing death, relinquishing its life and safety to its foes… I sensed nothing, as I couldn’t read the mind of a beast. Not that it mattered much.

“Beast Kings will reappear somewhere in the world even if they die, don’t they?! Just end her! And afterward, just raise a clean cat that hasn’t tasted much blood nor been tainted by drugs!”

“When we can’t leave the abyss right away and don’t know where the Cat King will appear? She’s in our hands now, this is the opportunity. If we just tame her right…”

“For all your pretty words, you never did any fostering around here! You’ll half neglect her and in the end, I’ll be doing the raising! I can see it already! I’m telling you, I don’t want to raise a junkie cat!”

“T-this time it’s different! Besides, there won’t even be much to do since the Cat King manages well on her own!”

“You’re already disqualified the moment you start talking like that!”

Our opinions ran parallel. I proposed to kill Nabi for immediate peace, whereas the regressor advocated for sparing her to prevent future disaster.

Amid our sharp confrontation, Tyr abandoned her silent observation and approached. As the balance of the situation hung precariously, she joined in to align with my stance, gazing coldly at Nabi.

“I shall side with Hu’s view. This generation of the Cat King is unstable in multiple ways. It would be better to deal with her, especially given her history of attacking us.”


I sure did forge the right link. With Tyr unequivocally backing me up, my words carried power and influence.

Look at the regressor now, sealing her lips despite countering everything I said earlier. Is this the taste of riding on someone else’s coattails? Sweet.

While I was at it, I called out to my henchman. Or henchdog, more like.



“Should we spare or kill the bad cat that attacked humans? What’s your take?”

“Ruff, ruff. Grrr.”

“She says, ‘Execution, execution. Immediate execution’.”

Azzy was generally kind to other beasts, but she was ruthless when it came to those that attacked humans. Moreover, the beast in question had broken her arm. Forgiveness wasn’t on the table.

The dog immediately bared her fangs against the cat, and with this, two of the strongest in Tantalus were supporting me.

What now, Regressor?

Tsk. There’s an increased chance of a Beast King going berserk once they end up within the Human Regime’s grasp! Not only beasts, but beastkin too! But how do I explain this?!」

As the regressor was at a loss for words, unable to explain, someone else chimed in.

“If I may… I’d like a moment to speak.”

Calls, complexion pale, struggled to her feet from the other side. She stumbled in her attempt, but luckily, the undying was nearby and caught her.

“Thank you, Rasch…”

“No need. It is almost embarrassing to be thanked for this much!”

Callis nodded slightly, then staggered her way closer to us.

Despite being pierced through the back by a claw, Callis clung to life thanks to Tyr’s bloodcraft and Azzy’s grooming. However, the woman was just barely alive. She was the most ordinary person after me in Tantalus, and for ordinary folks, being impaled by three claw blades constituted a grave injury. So much so that it wouldn’t be strange for her to collapse at any moment.

“…As your officer in—no, I mean, I oppose killing her.”

Yet, to think she would voice her opposition while sustaining herself through sheer willpower. I retorted with scrunched brows.

“Ehh? Sorry? Could you please repeat that, Lieutenant Colonel Callis of the Human Regime?”

“…That is why I’m saying this. My opinion stems from my affiliation there. Please at least take it into consideration.”

Callis displayed a respectful attitude toward me. I had intended to quash her opinion, but as a level 0 citizen, the feeling of being treated so nicely by a level 3 suddenly improved my mood.

Realizing the sweetness of revolution, I decided to hear her out.

“The Human Regime aims to weaponize the Beast Kings… and they have devised ways not only to locate them but also to exert control. Even if a new Cat King were to appear, it wouldn’t take long for the King to fall into their hands.”

“But should we be concerned with that? Regardless of the Human Regime’s plans for these felines, wouldn’t it be safer to get rid of the crazed cat right before us? You’re a regular person like me. If things go awry, you could be attacked and killed by that drug-addled animal.”

「A regular person? Someone who casually strangled a colonel of the State to death…?」

That rude notion of hers remained unspoken, indicating she was pretty tactful on top of being courteous. With restraint, Callis continued in an unperturbed manner.

“…That may be right. However, the Dog King seemed to be a sort of… special existence to the organization. Most likely, when their forces are replenished…”

“They might come seeking her again? And that could make things even more dangerous?”

“That’s—correct. Agh.”

Callis concluded her statement with effort before falling into the undying’s arms. He swiftly supported her.

“Well done! I am sure your words have been fully conveyed, Lieutenant Colonel!”

Following that, the undying immediately directed a remark at me.

“Oh, and by the way, I am also in favor of saving the cat lass!”

“Why’s that?”

“Because I am needed to balance the votes at 3:3!”

The undying pretentiously raised a thumbs-up despite making the serious blunder of counting Azzy as a voter.

“Uh, could you not talk as if you’re some keeper of harmony? It’s people like you who add to the world’s chaos!”

“Haha! All else aside, being alive is better than dying, is it not?”

He certainly cherished life for an immortal.

The undying laughed heartily, shrugging.

“But this is purely my viewpoint as one who cannot die. Since I have not actually done anything for Miss Cat, I suppose I cannot force the matter! Consider my opinion as just that—an opinion! I leave the judgment to you, ladies and gentleman! Well then, I will take a moment to escort the lieutenant colonel!”

The undying quickly slipped his hands under Callis’ legs and lifted her into his arms. She gasped for breath, resting against his chest.

“I’m… sorry… I’m not. Fully healed yet.”

“Come now! You must take care of yourself. I would be fine, even if my body were torn apart. But folks who die as easily as you, Lieutenant Colonel, should recuperate even after a small injury!”

“Once again, thank… you…”

“Haha. Even saying thanks is a waste of energy right now. Focus on recovering.”

“I swear… to repay this favor…”

“Hey now, I said it is fine! I shall accept all repayment at once when you are all better. Minor compensations are a hassle!”

Though the undying effortlessly lifted her, Callis struggled to find her balance. She tried to adjust her position on top of him, only to settle into a close embrace.

The next moment, the undying looked up and made noises resembling dry coughs.

“Ahem. Ahem-hem.”

“Rasch…? Is there… a problem?”

“Aha! It is nothing!”

「Hmm. It is touching slightly, but I worry pointing it out will make it awkward for the both of us! Well, how am I to handle this?!」

He tilted his head, lost in troubled thought as he held Callis… oblivious to the keen glint in her gaze.

「Well, it is inevitable for our bodies to touch while helping her move! Since the lieutenant colonel does not seem to mind much herself, it should be fine so long as I do not fuss about it! I shall graciously take it as a fortuitous feast!」

Fool. You’re the one being feasted on.

Based on my deductions, I predicted that once inside her room, Callis would complain about feeling cold and start clattering her teeth. Then, the undying would consider himself lucky again and hug her. Given her actual low body temperature due to blood loss, he’d earnestly try to warm her up.

I wasn’t sure what would come after. What fate awaited the barbarian, swept up in the meticulous yet lightning-fast assault maneuver concocted by a State lieutenant colonel?

Since it was impolite to peep, I decided to vacate the 4th floor for a while later.

After the two left, I scratched my chin and addressed the others.

“Anyway, the tally is tied at 3:3. This brings the opinions to a deadlock.”

By subtly including Azzy in the count myself, I presented the tie as a solid fact and glossed over that aspect. Luckily, the regressor failed to realize this critical error as she responded.

“So, the decision is being postponed for now?”

“Nope. Not a chance.”

Postponement meant sparing Nabi for now, and I couldn’t let that happen. It was better to clear away imminent danger rather than an unknown future threat. Why? Because only oracles could see the future. This was my long-time pet theory.

But since I had to overcome the regressor’s opposition… I had no choice but to pull out a certain card of mine.

I wheeled my right arm around, murmuring.

“The venerable sages of yore have prepared many ways to resolve conflicts in moments like this.”

“A duel… Is that what you’re talking about?”

「3:3…? Tsk. There’s no chance of winning with Tyrkanzyaka and even Azzy on his side. Should I suggest a captain’s duel? I did want to have spar at least once…」

“Where did that come from? Are you insane?”

And proposing a captain’s duel at that? Talk about unscrupulous. If you lack common sense, you should at least have some conscience.

“Then what do you suggest?”

“Rock-paper-scissors. It’s historically proven to be the fairest competition.”

“You’re telling me to decide Nabi’s life… with rock-papers-scissors?”

“Then what, are there any other ways? Shall we really duel? Just letting you know, I’m a Tyrkanzyaka-owning country, you hear? Just try me if you’ve got the confidence.”

I assuredly pointed at Tyr, who flinched and started fidgeting with her hands gathered.

「Declaring me, of all people, as his… I, I never permitted such arrogant proclamations, how presumptuous of him… yet, why does it not feel as bad as I expected…?」

But that’s not what I meant. I was talking about possessing asymmetric power.

Anyway, my proposition was accepted by the regressor as is. She begrudgingly accepted my proposal.

Tsk, fine. We can just go with that.”

“Let’s settle this in one match without any petty fuss. Nabi’s fate rests in your fist.”

“I get it already.”

Good, she took the bait.

Rock-paper-scissors, a simple contest where scissors beats paper, paper beats rock, and rock beats scissors. People rarely think during this game. Most decide reflexively in the moment of revealing their choice, without any prior thought.

But under specific conditions, rock-paper-scissors transforms into an intense psychological battle rampant with speculation. And when it became a psychological battle, as a mind reader, I’d always win.

“I’ll go rock. A classic man’s choice.”

I raised a fist, my intentions veiled.

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