Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint
Chapter 159 Table of contents

༺ The Magician Has Returned ༻

The Magician did not hide his tracks.

No, on the contrary, it seemed like he was making his return known to everyone.

With an eye-catching beauty by his side, he strutted through the back alleys of the Military State, as if to boast. It was far too conspicuous to miss.

This news reached the ears of the one who least welcomed the Magician’s return. Even while wrapped in fear and dread, he immediately headed to the observation post. Using the ‘beacon’ that could only be used once, he sent a signal to his patron.

In the dark and narrow back alleys of Amitengrad, a hollow signal echoed.

To the uninitiated, it was just a collection of incomprehensible sounds, but to those in the know, it was a sound that would always put them on edge; a signal to be vigilant.

A beacon prepared out of fear, before anything had even happened, by those who had once set a trap for him.

This beacon, waiting only for one being, broke its long silence and rang fiercely.

The Magician has appeared.

The Magician has appeared.

The Magician has appeared.

Just like that, the signal announcing the Magician’s return spread through each district of the Military State.

It was their ace in the hole.

With this, they became aware of the fact that the Magician had returned before he noticed such a play….

Or so they thought.


At the signal station, Anton, weeping with trembling hands, finished sending the signal. With a Crunch, the signaling gem crumbled pathetically.

Ordinary people without signallers or communication devices needed twin gems even when sending such signals. Unless they were planning to use a real beacon, that was.

At any rate, if one was able to use twin gems, they were not an ordinary person.

And indeed, it was difficult to call this guy ordinary.

Anton, my old friend. The audience member who always sat in the very front row.

“I-I did it. I did as you told me, so please spare me!”

I muttered leisurely to Anton’s plea.

“I never said I’d spare you if you did as told, though. Again, you’re misinterpreting my actions and setting expectations on your own, Anton.”

I didn’t explicitly say I’d kill him either, but Anton was already shuddering in fear at his own assumptions.

Why is that? I really just came to ask something. That’s all.

“It’s a bit burdensome when I receive that kind of expectation. It feels like I have to grant it because it’s so desperate, you know. Though that’s why I’ve indulged all your whims until now.”

“Please grant it! I’m innocent!”

Anton implored me as if clinging to me meant holding onto life itself.

“I, I didn’t do anything! I was keeping watch as you ordered, but the Military Police moved too swiftly! I thought I’d also get caught if I contacted you!”

“Don’t lie, Anton.”

“It’s true!”

“If that’s true, why are you managing this observation post? Why did its owner entrust you with such a heavy responsibility?”

Anton fell silent. His eyes darted around in search for an excuse. And then, with an Aha, he finally found one.

“No, it’s not that. I was looking for you and it just happened to be that they were too. Your patron, the ‘Lady’, I mean. So we joined forces and they supported me… It is absolutely not out of fear of your retu-.”

However, there was no way his hastily concocted excuse didn’t have flaws. I didn’t come here to listen to such nonsensical, unbelievable blabber. As such, I used a more coercive method to silence him.

So, what I mean is that I pulled out a skewer.


Anton shut his mouth. While smiling brightly, I spun the skewer in my hand and every time I did so, Anton’s pupils shuddered without quarter.

To kill or not to kill. Those were the only two thoughts swirling in his mind.

Ahhh, I’m in trouble. I didn’t really have any intentions of killing him, though.

If I receive this much expectation, I can’t help but to feel the same way.

“Anton, my dear friend. I have a question for you.”

“W-Will you spare me if I a-answer?”

“It’s not for me to decide, Anton. But I really wish you to answer. This is like…a kind of confession scene. I roughly know what you were thinking through your actions and words, but to have you lay it all out yourself…It’s a kind of catharsis for me, you see.”

「You perverted freak…!」

Once upon a time, Anton was my assistant, my disciple, and my colleague. At the same time, he was an excellent audience member.

He wanted to be that and I didn’t refuse his wishes.

But at some point, Anton wanted to bring about my downfall and become the usurper. And then, one day, the Military Police who suddenly came looking for me made his wish come true.

A very fortuitous coincidence. Or, to put it differently, an opportunity given to Anton.

However, with my return, his short-lived dream had come to an end.

「H-He is probably thinking of asking me why I betrayed him? I just have to somehow make something up. Even the Magician can’t read minds!」

Sorry, but you’re wrong. Every single thing from A to Z.

I am not curious why you betrayed me.

Nor do I want excuses.

And I can read minds.

“You were afraid of me, Anton.”

I slowly took out a deck of cards from my pocket, shuffling them leisurely.

Tak, tak, tak, tak. With each sound of the shuffle, Anton’s body twitched.

I spoke while shuffling very slowly so that all the cards could be seen.

“You were afraid yet in awe. You revered me. That’s why you followed me around so diligently. I never had such intentions, but you elevated me unasked and the thought of betrayal never crossed your mind. But.”

He wanted to become my only right hand, wishing to bask in the glory under someone seemingly significant.

It was quite a depraved wish, but I couldn’t ignore it. Despite the foul stink that accompanied the desire, it wasn’t too hard to grant.

And only I could fulfill it, after all.

Unfortunately, the price turned out to be in the form of a labor sentence in Tantalus, though.

Tak. The shuffle ended. I placed the deck on the desk and spoke.

“How did our cowardly Anton muster the courage to do such a thing? Until that morning, I hadn’t noticed anything amiss, but thanks to your capricious change of heart, I too was caught off guard. What kind of resolve did a coward like you make to betray me? I’m terribly curious about that.”

Was it because I kept calling him a coward who was filled with fear?

The defiance in Anton’s mind awoke from its slumber, Tears welling up, he confessed.

“…Fuck! I thought you wouldn’t return!”

It was a cry that could perhaps be of both regret and self-reproach.

“If I had known you would return, how could I possibly have even imagined doing this?! They said they would send you somewhere you couldn’t return from…!”

「I believed them wholeheartedly…! How could I not believe an authority who could even mobilize the Military Police?! I agreed because they assured me you couldn’t ever come back!」

And yet, despite all that, he still continued to fear me.

How complacent, Anton. You didn’t think about the aftermath.

Should I call you a foolish gambler? Drunk on the potential thrill of achievement you could earn if this succeeded, you forgot the fear of failure.

“You managed to briefly push aside the me you so feared. Congratulations. How was it? Was it satisfying to live that brief dream?”

Since Anton didn’t know the true identities of those who approached and urged him to betray me, neither did I. I could only read thoughts and memories, after all.

“But what were you planning to do if I returned? Ah, have you not thought that far?”

However, when putting it differently, it also meant I could read all of Anton’s thoughts; from the beginning all the way to end.

Having read enough, I spoke theatrically with a bright smile.

“I see you left it to chance. I guess you always did admire me playing card games. Whenever I took a risk, you watched with bated breath and cheered louder than anyone upon my success. Truly a fine audience.”

As I precisely struck a chord in his heart, Anton couldn’t respond and just bowed his head.

After all, one couldn’t escape the screams of their own heart. All Anton could do was disregard my words.

“I see. So you wanted to be me. You wanted to throw the dice freely, succeed, and then take my empty seat after driving me out…”

However, I was not a gambler. I only looked like one from the outside.

That was why Anton did not understand the true mindset of a gambler.

Let’s show him a taste, shall we?

“Now, Anton. Let’s play a very simple game. Here. See these cards?”

I laid out the cards in front of him in order.

Spades, hearts, clubs, and diamonds. Each suit was presented twice on the trump cards. I mixed them roughly and then laid them face down on the desk.

Anton, sensing what was about to happen, shook his head desperately.

“Pick one suit, Anton.”

「Pick one and if I guess it right, I’ll be spared? Out of four possible options?」

A great audience indeed.

He anticipated my every move, after all.

“N-No. Not that. Please.”

Oh no, no, no. Where do you think you’re going?

A gambler should be able to bet their own life, right?

Me? Of course, I’m not. I, who can read thoughts, always fight only to win. I have never gambled in my life.

As such, I must show Anton the spirit of a true gambler.

“I wonder. Are you indeed lucky enough to save yourself?”

The cards were laid out. Now, the choice was all that remained.

There were four cards in front of Anton. He had no way to peek under, so he had no choice but to leave it to luck….

「This is impossible. If it’s the Magician, he can switch the card I choose with ease!」

Is that really so?

Can he indeed become a true gambler?

「Please…Please let there be a human heart in the Magician too…!」


I double-checked Anton’s decision.

“Heart? You’re sure, right?”


“Nice. Alright. Now, pick one from here. If it’s a heart…”

All that remained for him now was a choice that would determine his life.

Important decisions often took time. I sat at the desk, shuffling cards while waiting calmly for his decision.

It was a deck of cards made in the Abyss. I had grown fond of it, but perhaps it was time to start parting ways.

Alright. I’ll keep this desk as an expendable one and carry around my original deck. The more magic tools, the better, right?

While I was lost in such miscellaneous thoughts…

Anton, breaking out in cold sweat, glanced at me, then lowered his head slightly to look at the cards. As if he could peek at the bottom if he did that.

「I can’t see it….」

However, the flipped cards didn’t reveal their secrets. Giving up on peeking, Anton closed his eyes tightly and, with trembling hands, touched the card furthest from his right hand.

He chose the furthest one, as if that little bit of extra effort might bring him luck.

I asked once again.

“Is that the one you’re choosing?”

“Y-Yeah. Don’t play tricks on me. The one I chose is this one. Don’t you dare to even think about switching them….”

Anton nodded. He was clenching the flipped card with all his might, perhaps fearing I might play some trick on it.

Ahhh, don’t think like that.

It really makes me want to play tricks on you.


I spun the skewer and pierced the card Anton had touched. I didn’t pay much attention to the fact that his hand was covering it.

With a sharp thrust, the skewer penetrated the wooden desk.


A violent scream followed. I gripped Anton’s shoulder and brought my finger to my lips.

“Shhh, Anton. Calm down.”

“He-Heuk. Heuk.”

Stepping back from the sobbing Anton, I showed my empty hand while speaking.

“This is my consideration for you. I’m the Magician, after all. You were worried about what I’d do if I tampered with the cards, weren’t you?”

“M-My hand….”

“To alleviate your concerns, I made sure that I couldn’t tamper with this card. Now then. You only need to check the fate given solely to you.”

I urged him while keeping my distance, so that he could check the card himself.

Anton slowly flipped it while trembling his blood-soaked hand.

「Fuck….I thought wrong….A fucking monster like him can’t possibly have a human heart….」

The card was red. But whether it was the red of the heart suit or the color of Anton’s blood was yet to be determined.

Anton, unable to rejoice even at the glimpse of red, shook with fear, flipping his bloodied palm.

At that moment, flipping that palm was a matter of life or death for him.

The suit of that cruel card, pierced in the middle by the sharp skewer and weighed down by the blood seeping from there, was…

The Two of Hearts.

Anton blinked. At first, with an expression that seemed to say he couldn’t believe it, he looked at the card and then at me, before clenching his other fist, forgetting the pain, and shouted.

“Fuck! I’m alive! I survived!”

He was so elated that he sprang up from his seat, waving his arms around in the thrill of victory.

“You lost, Magician! You can’t kill me!”

It was just as he said. Anton won the game, so I couldn’t kill him. I clicked my tongue while shaking my head.

“Well, well. You’re quite lucky. Seems like the goddess of fortune is smiling down at you.”

No, actually…

He didn’t want to die, so I couldn’t kill him either in the first place.

“The loser of the bet should leave now. Ah, but before that. Give me back my things.”

“Hurry up and get out of here!”

Anton quickly gathered the other cards scattered on the desk with his uninjured hand. The practice he did while chasing after me had paid off; his grip on the cards was smooth.


But then…

As he tried to collect the other flipped cards, Anton, upon discovering their suits, muttered dumbfoundedly.


「Spades, diamonds, clubs, hearts. There was definitely one of each…」

Certainly, that was the case. At least when I showed them to him, that is.

However, the cards in Anton’s hand were…

The Three of Hearts.

The Four of Hearts.

The Five of Hearts.

They were all hearts. Without a single exception.

Anton wasn’t even able to express his shock. He just stared blankly at the cards in front of him.

“Wow. The cards I flipped all turned into hearts! To think that there is such luck! You must be the luckiest person this year!”


“I’m telling you, a lucky person is able to do anything!”

「After flipping them, the Magician didn’t touch them at all. If that’s the case, since when? I definitely only chose the heart after they were fli-.」

His thoughts stopped. They became endlessly tangled. As everything mixed together, making it impossible to differentiate left and right, each twist and distortion culminated into the emotions named Fear and Awe.

「He knew from the very beginning that I was going to choose hearts? That…can’t be.」

“Congratulations, Anton. After all your desperate efforts, you have managed to save your life. The goddess of fortune had smiled upon you, after all.”

Then, the last expression that crossed his face was one of regret. At the end of fear, there were eyes yearning for the mystery beyond it.

“How…did you do it…?”

“Anton, do you want to know the trick? Really?”

Upon hearing my words, Anton jerked his head in shock and came to his senses. His teeth were chattering.

「No! The only ones the Magician reveals his tricks to are the dead or those about to die!」

He was in awe of the mystery. However, he never sought to unravel it. He simply revered and basked himself in it.

Ah, so it was I who actually ruined him by bringing him around. To someone who revered the very essence of mystery, I should have remained an enigma.

I kept him too close. The closer he was, the more discontent grew in his heart.

I was no prophet. I could not foresee how my actions would change things.

It wasn’t that I didn’t know his true desire….But that didn’t mean I could just let him replace me, so I chose to fulfill a different wish of his.

Indeed, small desires were swallowed by larger ones in the end.


“You have to give me that as well, Anton.”


I casually grasped the skewer embedded in his hand. And then, I swiftly pulled it out before he could react.

The scream that followed was similar, or perhaps even louder than when I pierced it.


“No, no. That’s not the right response. You should say thank you. You see, it’s a lot less painful when pulling out something that’s impaled in the body without any notice. Just like a tooth before a new one grows in.”

Anton was grasping his bloodied hand and rolling on the ground. Although he had lost some blood today, at least one worry was lifted. After all, there wouldn’t be a reason for me to come and seek vengeance now.

From now on, Anton’s life and his desires were all his own to bear.

I left him behind, stepping out the door lightly, and spoke.

“Live well, Anton. May your life continue on.”

“Grgh, grghhh!”


At his farewell that seemed almost like high praise, I lightly tipped my hat, bidding farewell to the audience member.

“Ahaha. Thank you. I shall also live a long and healthy life.”

Thud. The door closed. From the observation post that had now finished its role, only the sound of sobbing, drenched with blood instead of tears, seeped out.

A dark night. A back alley of the Military State filled with the weary. The residential area of District 15, where the majority of its occupants had statuses that were no higher than Level 0 or Level 1.

While walking on this stage lit by a vague moonlight and nightlights that rendered such luminescence meaningless, I let out a sigh.

Since a warning had been sent, there would be a response. I just had to take one step at a time, reading the thoughts of those who approached.

Of course, if the presence at the end was far too immense, I had no choice but to flee.

Ahhh, this is why…

People should just play their part accordingly.

Life was like a faint flame; even though tired and worn, it always lurked for an opportunity to burn brighter by engulfing something else.

I did not know what others wished to swallow, but my nourishment was desires. As long as there was a desire to move and cling onto, I could persist.

Suddenly, I thought of the Captain sleeping in my house.

What kind of desires will the Captain, who regained her life, harbor?

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