Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint
Chapter 162 Table of contents

༺ The Military State’s Nights ༻

Just like anywhere in the world, abandoned buildings were perfect havens for outlaws to gather. Neglected buildings and rejected people lean on each other, filling each other’s voids.

Today, in a deserted building, a predator of the urban jungle was calculating his loot.

Number 2 laughed broadly at the sight of a small glass bottle filled with golden powder.

“Kehehe. Jackpot. Well done, Number 1.”

The bottle wasn’t all that large. It was so small that if one stuck their index finger in, it would touch the bottom before it was fully inserted.

However, valuable things often proved their worth in small sizes.

A thing that required a separate bottle for such a small amount was, conversely, that important.

“This is a spice. A Level 2 luxury item, minimum, and depending on the type, it can even be Level 4. Lower-class Level 0 citizens cant acquire it, much less own it. It’s better if we use it instead for something more meaningful.“

Number 1, who actually stole the item, seemed skeptical.

“It’s mere powder. Are you sure it’s expensive?”

“Did you really not know? Then why did you steal mere powder?”

“Just because. I beat up and robbed someone who looked like they cherished it.”

Sigh. It’s a miracle a dumbass as clueless as you managed to steal it in one piece.”

“What did you say, you little shit?”

Ignoring the infuriated Number 1, Number 2 continued.

“I know because I’m from ‘Market’. It’s expensive. We need to check its exact value, but if we’re lucky, it might even buy us an automaton carriage. Imagine, a luxury item that disappears into the body when consumed. In the Military State, such things are sold at a high price.”

“You call me a clueless dumbass? Do you wanna see how stupid you get when you’re hit by this clueless dumbass?”

“Jeez, what the hell. Why are you still yapping over something that’s already in the past?”

“It was just now, you know?”

As Number 1 and Number 2 bickered, Number 3, who had been silently watching, suddenly spoke.

“What about the risk of being tracked?”

Number 1 spoke with bravado.

“None. I checked whether I was being followed from time to time and found nothing.”

Still not reassured by Number 1’s words, Number 3 spoke gravely.

“Still, be careful. You might have been followed.”

“Nah, there ain’t no way. Who would track us down just because a Level 0 citizen got beaten up a bit. A complaint from a Level 0 citizen wouldn’t even be accepted formally. It means we can rob them freely without ever getting caught.”

“That’s what I’m trying to say. If it were the police, they would have just stormed in already. But if there’s a backer, they will retaliate thoroughly.”

Number 1 waved his hand dismissively at this far-fetched idea, but Number 3 was not easily swayed. Number 1 clicked his tongue and muttered.

“That paranoid piece of shit is at it again.”

Normally, Number 3 would have retorted, but today, for some reason, he was lost in thought and did not respond.

“A Level 0 couldn’t possibly afford spices. There must be someone who gave it to her. Or maybe there’s some other backer.”

“So what if there is a backer? Even if there was one, could they possibly compare to Him?”

Number 1 snickered and Number 3, too, did not deny it.

The new wind that had come to these back alleys was a storm with the power to shake the existing order. A true darkness to drive out trivial trash. A shadow that cast over the Military State.

With His power, they might be able to breathe again under the oppression of the State.

As such, they couldn’t be afraid of some Level 0 citizen’s backer.

After all, that would be disrespectful to Him.

“Backers of the back alleys are nothing more than hyenas. Compared to Him, a powerhouse who looks down on general officers and is even rumored to have escaped from Tantalus…They are no different from any Tom, Dick and Harry.”

Number 1 stated this proudly, as if being under this person was a stroke of luck or a once-in-a-lifetime honor.

Number 3 sighed and started to get up from his seat.

“…Alright. If you’re done sorting things out, I’m going to the bathroom for a bit.”

As Number 3 walked away, Number 1 shouted to him.

“If possible, go piss far away! We can’t report to Him that you got caught for public urination near the base!”

“Do I look like a retard who can’t hold it in?”

“Well, I guess it’s possible for you to not be able to piss in the first place. Because, you know…But yeah, there’s no way you won’t be able to hold it in if you do have one.”

“This fucker….”

Number 3, his business seemingly urgent, left without saying anything more. Number 1 and Number 2 opened a lukewarm beer, cackling.

Level 1 luxury item, compressed beer.

Because it was compressed, it was incredibly strong, and due to it being sold lukewarm, it was barely drinkable without ice. Nevertheless, it was the only alcoholic beverage available to ordinary people.

There was no freedom of choice for them. Maybe if they tightly held power in the back alleys, it would be different, but for now, they had to quench their thirst with this terrible beer.

As Number 2 diluted his beer with water, he muttered.

“You gotta know about that bastard’s bladder. The level of control over his bladder is Level 0, I tell you….”

“I bet you. Galen, no, Number 3 will get caught first for public urination than any other crime.”

“That would honestly be better. At least the Military Police would give him time to fix his pants. If he gets attacked by someone while doing his business, then no one would ever know….”


The two, who had been eagerly gossiping and trashtalking about the absent Number 3, fell silent at the sound from downstairs. They held their breath and listened carefully, but no further noise came after that initial sound.

Number 2 spoke with a frown.

“Number 3, is that you? You didn’t piss on the floor right below us, did you? I told you to go far away because of the smell!”

There was no answer. Number 2 got up and headed towards the edge of the abandoned building.

At the very edge, where no walls were built yet, a slight misstep could send someone plummeting down five floors. Number 2 cautiously peeked down to the floor below.

“What the….There’s no one downstairs. Was it just the wind?”

Number 1, concerned at the dangerous position of Number 2 leaning over the edge, cautioned him.

“Hey, Milsen. Isn’t that dangerous? You might fall.”

“Look at this bastard being a pussy. Have you been infected by Galen’s worries? What’s so dangerous about this?”

“You drank beer. What if you slip?”

“I don’t get how cowardly bastards like you even survived in this organization. If I was retarded enough to fall because I got drunk on beer, I deserve to die. Stop nagging like you’re my mother….”

How dare you ignore your mother’s nagging.

I, too, offered my sincere advice to the ignorant Number 2.

“You should listen to your mother’s naggings. It’s advice that will make up your very flesh and blood in the future.”


The moment Number 2 responded dumbfoundedly to my words, I punished this unfilial son. A wire attached to a hook tightened around his neck.

I, holding the other end of the wire, murmured.

“For the sin of ignoring nagging, your punishment is the Umbilical Cord style.”


Immediately after, Number 2’s body, choked by the wire, staggered towards the edge. The bewildered Number 1 hurriedly grabbed his legs.

This caused Number 2 to be pulled from both sides, strangling him further.

As Number 2 gagged, Number 1 shouted.

“Who’s there!”

“A sad and hungry person who lost his dinner tonight. I have come to avenge my unborn dinner that wasn’t even able to see the light of day.”

As Number 1 moved away from the stairs, I trudged up them.

Phew, the plan worked.

As a mere human, unable to fly, it would have been troublesome if they guarded the stairs. As such, I couldn’t be more thankful that they made way for me on their own.

Number 1, realizing my arrival belatedly, yelled.

“You bastard! What did you do to Number 3?”

“The man with the small bladder is covering the wall he dirtied with his own body. I think his appearance looks dirtier than the contents of his bladder, though….Agh damn it, just thinking about it makes me feel like shit. Let me beat you up a bit for that. Just let me take a moment to catch a breather.”

Ugh, staying on the fifth floor was far worse than you guys actually committing a crime. It took a long time to climb up, you know? If you’re a human who walks on the earth, please just use the 1st floor.

“Who are you? Who sent you?”

“The world sent me. At any rate, do people nowadays still beat up others senselessly? Are you not afraid of the stern judgment of military law?

As I strided towards him, Number 1, in a panic, looked at the gagging Number 2. If he let go, Number 2 would fall five floors below while still being choked.

「I have no choice. If I get attacked in this state, we’re both done for. It’s better to let go. One of us has to survive!」

With this firm resolve, Number 1 tightly closed his eyes and let go of his grip.

Number 2, with eyes wide in betrayal, reached out in vain, but his hand had already slipped away. His body, pulled by the wire, teetered dangerously on the edge, then disappeared.

I was impressed.

“Wow. You actually just let it go like that. I thought you’d hold on a bit longer, though.”

“You son of a bitch…! How dare you kill Number 2!”

“No, wait. What? The one who let go is you.”

I don’t just senselessly kill people like this. Number 2 is probably floundering in a wire net I set up below. As for feeling betrayed by you, well, who knows? I bet he’ll feel that way regardless, yeah?

However, unaware of this, Number 1, all riled up, drew a sharply honed knife from his pocket.

“Are you alone?”

“I have been feeling quite lonely lately.”

I responded, slightly lifting my magician’s hat. Number 1, gripping his knife tightly, scanned for any signs of Qi.

「That bastard’s the only Qi presence nearby. He doesn’t look that strong. If he was powerful, he would have stormed in from the start instead of picking us off one by one.」

Number 1’s guess was right on the money.

I was just a common petty criminal. If there were two opponents, I stayed alert, and if there were three, I would flee; I was a completely normal person who felt pain when stabbed.

As such, I must give my best even when dealing with such mediocrities.

「Maybe he planned to ambush me while I was holding Number 2. But he thought wrong. All of us were already prepared to die. Number 2 would understand.」

Nah, he didn’t though. He was actually quite resentful of you.

After reassuring himself in whatever self-centered way he pleased, Number 1 glared at me with fiery eyes.

“I’ll avenge Number 2 and Number 3, you bastard!”

Number 1 raised his knife and charged at me.

I didn’t really want a head-to-head fight. There was a problem if he was strong and there was a problem if he was weak. After all, I would rather not get stabbed just because he tripped over his own feet.

That was why…


I pulled out my hidden card. Literally.

The Six of Diamonds, a card with six rhombuses arranged in a circle.

「A card? What could he possibly do with something like that?!」

At a glance, it just looked like an ordinary card.

However, its true identity was the alchemic equipment I had made by investing all my wealth. It was the culmination of an exorbitant amount of money; a creation where one sheet of alchemic gold, sometimes two, were invested in each card.

The card underwent alchemical transformation via a bio-receptor. Suddenly, every strand of the card unraveled, revealing its true form.

Its identity was a small revolver that fit perfectly in the palm of my hand.

Number 1’s eyes widened.

「A gun?!」

Yep, a gun.


A silenced bullet struck his ankle, forming a huge hole.

Though not powerful enough to penetrate, a bullet fired at such close range was enough to stop a common thug.


It was just a gun. Humans didn’t die immediately after getting shot. If he had endured the pain and continued to attack me, Number 1 could have perhaps won.

But Number 1 was an existence even more trivial than me, a mere petty criminal.

Unable to withstand the pain, Number 1 lost his balance and slipped to the ground. After turning the revolver back into a card, I held a skewer and sat on top of him.

Having easily subdued Number 1, I spoke leisurely.

“Friends. If you do not want to foster amity with me any further, let us make a compromise now. At this point, I can just take the spice and leave it at that.”

“Keuk! Bullshit…!”

The pinned-down Number 1 didn’t lose his fighting spirit and struggled fiercely.

Because I almost fell over from his vigorous thrashing, I had no other choice but to stab his shoulder with the skewer.


Number 1 became much more compliant now that something had entered his body. Instead of causing more trouble, he clenched his teeth and shouted.

“Do you know who we are? We are ‘Shadow’ of the Military State! If you kill me, He will not take it lying down!”

He? Who in the world is He? And what kind of organization is ‘Shadow’? Why did all these strange things enter the useless back alleys when I was away?

Well, that’s not my concern right now anyway.

After all, that was not what was important.

“Whatever. Where is the spice? I’d like to have them back since they’re quite precious.”


It seemed like he still hadn’t grasped the situation, as Number 1 continued to blue while pinned down.

“Spice? Hmph. It’s in my stomach. Why don’t you try cutting it open to take it out!”

It was a lie. He had hidden the spice in his pocket.

I could have just searched his clothes and taken them, but I was a bit curious about the source of his groundless bravado.

“You shouldn’t say such things so rashly, my friend. What if I actually cut open your stomach?”

“Hah! Try it! Do you even have the guts to do it?”

His daring words were unexpectedly sincere, making me shut my mouth.

While I remained silent, Number 1 spoke triumphantly.

“Why? Got cold feet? You scared? We’re all prepared to die. Do you think we would commit robberies in the State without that much resolve?”

That was indeed true.

Getting caught robbing in the Military State meant at least 15 years of labor. Depending on the number of assailants and the severity of the crime, it could even result in a summary conviction.

If he washed his hands of this and went into hiding right at this very moment, there was still a chance to survive, though….

“If our fate is to labor our whole life until we bite the dust anyway! Then I’d rather just live in glorious splendor! I am ready to kill or be killed for Him, who will fulfill our aspirations!”

I understood. As a Mind Reader, I truly understood his desires and ambitions.

「I am a low-class citizen in this country void of hope and dreams. The only one who can change this fate is Him! He will overthrow the Military State and rule over the underworld! Then, as His follower, I too can change my life…!」

In this country, where the State controlled everything, there was no room for dreams, hopes, romance, or luxury. Life just slowly wore away in the monotony.

The future offered by a nation that regulated everything was just a firm and controlled shade of ash-gray. The romanticist before me would just wither to death.


“My friend. You shouldn’t speak so lightly of being prepared to die. Especially in front of me.”

No one alive has ever experienced death, so they could not possibly know if their claims of resolution were true or false.

Even if it was sincere at that very moment, many floundered disgracefully at the moment of death.

However, those who claimed they were ready to die often used that resolve as a weapon to kill others, as if they could pay for such sins with their own death.

They continued to create sins without proving that they themselves had the capability to repay such debts.

So, if someone claimed to be ready to die…If they truly believed in their own resolve…

There was no other choice but to put it to the test.

I spoke leisurely.

“Actually, the nickname of this spice is sprinkled gold dust. It is made by solely plucking out the pistil of flowers found occasionally on the southeast coast, then dried. It’s a top-quality spice that can buy a plot of land with just a pinch of it. Since it’s a consumable luxury, it can be sold for a great price even in the Military State.”

“Haha! Too bad! Such an incredible thing is going to become my shit!”

「It did seem extraordinary, for some reason…! Nice, if I can just deceive this bastard or at least report to Him if it gets taken from me! Then it will help His grand cause…!」

“But, ta-da. The spice was here all along.”

I shook a bottle full of golden powder in front of his eyes, making them instantly fill with confusion.

「I definitely put it in my inside pocket, though. How did he know?」

“I’m a magician, you see. That means I can take things out of a box without even touching it. Though this time, the box was your stomach.”

Of course, I had read his thoughts and pickpocketed it, but I spoke as if I had really taken it out of his stomach.

“Do you know? The flower that’s the source of this spice is a poisonous herb that can kill the one who ate it. The pistil has the least toxins and produces a unique fragrance, but still, this spice, dried and compressed…is still a deadly poison if consumed too much.”

「What? Poison…?」

“In fact, more people have died fighting to obtain this spice than from the poison itself. Hence, this spice has always been compared to human life itself.”

So his claim of having eaten all the spice was obviously a lie….

But it won’t be any longer.

“As you said, I don’t have the resolve to kill or be killed. So obviously, someone without such determination doesn’t deserve a spice as precious as human life.”

I let out a lamentation before grabbing his hair and lifting his head. I slipped a round card into his slightly open mouth.

His mouth couldn’t close. While Number 1 panicked, I held the bottle of spice with two fingers. The confusion in Number 1’s eyes slowly turned to fear.

“I’m sorry for taking it out without asking. I’ll put it back.”

It’s okay. The glass bottle is sturdy, after all.

If you’re lucky, you might survive, you know?

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