Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint
Chapter 170 Table of contents

༺ Fake News…? ༻

‘…There are…So many good things in the world.’

‘The morning is so welcoming and the sunlight is warm. The wind is refreshing. Black tea is sweet, blankets are cozy, and food delights the taste buds.’

‘People live together in harmony. Exhausted from labor, they sit in restaurants, sharing jokes, and spending tired evenings. They make friends with those they just met and go home to raise their children, before falling asleep. In the quiet of the night, only their breathing is heard. I have experienced all of these things.’

‘However, there is tragedy in the world as well. Anna was severely injured in an ambush, those threatening even military officers roam the streets, organizations clash in the dark, and some citizens don’t wake up in the morning despite having gone to sleep like everyone else. There are surely more people dying somewhere unknown to me.’

‘There are unavoidable accidents, but many tragedies can be prevented. Especially the evil that spreads chaos must be swiftly dealt with. The Shadow of the Military State and the Magician. Lawless individuals who disrupt society while concealing their identities.’

‘For me to fulfill my duty to the utmost. Even if it is just for him and Anna.’

‘Before my life reaches its end, I will eliminate all of them.’

‘…At least, that was my intention.’


While returning home, the Captain suppressed her rising emotions.

Pressss, Press. A hard, heavy sense of duty weighed down her heart. While it was previously agitated without its owner even being aware, it gradually calmed down. As heat left her head, rationality returned to its rightful place.

She looks much more tranquil. Looks like it’s time to start clearing up the misunderstanding.

“Captain, you’re not perhaps upset about my evasive answers, are you?”


“Maybe because Nehru was born a beast, she barks so loudly when she doesn’t have meat in her mouth. So, please be genero….”


“Excuse me? Negative about what?”

The Captain didn’t respond, instead looking around the room.

Bed and sofa, lamp and lights. Even the carpet covering the floor and the bathroom door.

After glancing at every item, the Captain, with a firm resolve, looked at me.

“I request your cooperation.”

“Oh, right. You mentioned needing cooperation. But I’m a person who keeps work and personal life separate. Tell me. I’ll consider your request and even the necessary compensation for it.”

I had once done a job similar to a debt collector. Cooperation? Sure, you can have it. If the price is right, of course.

As if expecting my reaction, the Captain nodded before speaking.

“I am looking for a criminal organization known as the ‘Shadow of the Military State’ and an outlaw called the ‘Magician’.”


Wait, what. That’s not possible, though. Since the Magician…is yours truly.

Was it the instinct of a petty criminal? I froze like a mouse in front of a cat since a military officer sought me out. Uh, I can’t help with this, okay? Since to help, I’d have to cuff myself with a straightjacket packet, you know?

But why all of a sudden?

“Why are you looking for them?”

“I am a soldier. What reason does a soldier need to monitor and arrest criminals?”

“Well, yes, but….”

Weren’t you on leave until you had to return to headquarters?

If ‘return before two weeks past’ is the condition, shouldn’t one obviously enjoy society during those two weeks and then casually return on the last day? Why are you even trying to work while you’re on leave?

And to top it all off, it just has to be about catching me!

“I need a collaborator who resides locally and is knowledgeable about the geography and situation. Additionally, I need a contact who can relay information to me in case of an emergency.”

“And you’re telling me you want that to be me?”


“I don’t mind cooperating, but I don’t do freebies. Whatever I do, I should get the prescribed price for it. Work as much as you get paid. That’s my motto, you see.”

In other words, show me the money. The Captain agreed without much complaint.

「I am aware. You have that kind of personality. Even in the Abyss, you demanded a price for even the smallest favor.」

Kekek. I guess you do know, after all.

That was why it was important not to be taken advantage of. Once you built yourself enough of a reputation, they would think of the payment they need to give themselves.

“But first. I have one offer for you.”

Ooooh. She dares to negotiate? With me? A Mind Reader?

Well then. Let’s see. I wonder…How much has she figured out? Hazard pay, labor, and even the cost of providing a base. Hmm. I’m pretty sure it won’t be cheap.

Should I try reading what her proposal is….If it’s completely bonkers, I’ll cut her off right away.

Right as I was about to read her mind…

“Please marry me.”

“What? What did you say?”

What? What did you say?

Even the ability to read thoughts was useless if I couldn’t understand what the fuck I had just heard.

As I was stunned to silence, the Captain, holding her hat to her chest, spoke seriously.

“I know very well that this is sudden. However, please, hear me out.”

I was planning to read and analyze her thoughts and memories. What was even the thought process that arrived at such an ‘offer’? Was this actually how I got proposed for the first time in my life?

「My identity as a signaller has been discovered by you. I should have either taken my life or killed you immediately, but I did nothing and just observed throughout half the journey across the Military State’s territory. There is no excuse for such negligence on my part.」

Ah, this again.

“I owe you a great debt. You saved my life, provided me a place for accommodations, and looked after me in many ways. In contrast, what I have given you in return is….”

「Not having killed you…does not count as favor being returned. According to principles, I should have killed myself, after all. In a way, thanks to your help, I have been living on borrowed time, delaying the inevitable end of my life….」


You know very well, huh?

So, someone who is that aware said what?!

“I’m proud of you for being aware of that and all, but what does it matter to this? Are you trying to tell me to be grateful that you’re marrying me and expect me to serve you for the rest of my life?”


The Captain stood stiff and straight; her sky-blue eyes were so clear that it made me feel like there was no need to even read her mind.

“Currently, in District 10 of the Military State, a mysterious criminal organization and outlaws are wreaking havoc. For your sake and those around you, I plan to rectify law and order and eradicate them.”

The likes of you…? was what I wanted to say but her demonstrated abilities spoke for themselves.

Just going to the signallers headquarters and leaking the right information would decimate the organization. Since golems hidden everywhere would start tracking them, an ordinary criminal organization would stand no chance.

But, going to the signallers headquarters with my identity exposed would only lead to my death. It seemed her intention was to gather as much information as possible before that.

…Or…Die fighting the criminal organization.

“What a noble endeavor.”

“It is my duty. I will use all means to investigate and eliminate the outlaws who torment the citizens of the Military State. However, these criminals are violent, even to military officers. There is a risk to my safety in the process of investigation. As they have no regard for law or order, it is possible that I could be killed.”

She still had no intention of living, I see. The Captain spoke of her potential death with utter detachment.

“This is both a request for your cooperation and a way to repay you for your help so far. Someone needs to pass on the information I have obtained in the event of my death, as well as report the fact of my death to the authorities.”

Now, I was starting to slowly understand why marriage came into play here.

“If you die on duty, a death gratuity is given, so you’re telling me to claim that money by marrying you since it’ll be useless if you don’t have family anyway?”




「That is all I can give you. Without any direct family, I wouldn’t receive those funds anyway, so at the very least, I would like you to be the one to accept them.」

My life is already forfeit.

With this in mind, the Captain intended to investigate and dismantle the forces behind the attack on Anna and the unrest among the citizens. The sudden shift in topic to marriage was part of her way of repaying her debt to me.

“It is not a bad deal for you either. If I reveal that you have actively cooperated with me in Tantalus, it may clear some of the charges against you.”

“The Military State clearing my charges? That’s the least credible story in existence.”

“The fact that you helped me return to Amitengrad is undeniable. If I emphasize that, the higher-ups will not blame you too much.”

“I am a Level 0 nobody. I might be arrested before they even find a reason to.”

“That is not an issue. When a Level 3 citizen marries, the spouse temporarily receives Level 2 citizenship. You can clear suspicions regarding you while maintaining Level 2.”

I was not really dissatisfied with my Level 0 petty criminal life, but our model Captain seemed to want me to return to the light.

“Now, you can wash away all your sins and start a new life with sufficient wealth. This is what I can offer you in return. This is the price I can pay.”

By marrying you, that is.

Eh, I’m grateful for the thought and honestly, the money too. But isn’t this a bit much?

“Uh, do you really have to die? Can’t you just back off when it gets too dangerous?”

The Captain shook her head firmly.

“I must fulfill my duty to the best of my ability.”

The ironclad rule of a signaller: Their identity itself must be absolutely classified.

Having just witnessed the power that a signaller held, I somewhat understood why.

From a single spot, she was able to monitor an entire District, absorb a variety of information all at once, and instantly sort them.

The Synchronization Magic used to transfer state secrets and strategies to other signallers or corps, while seemingly insignificant on a personal level, was a formidable ability when used as a part of the Military State. Sending orders from high command without delay or cost meant the Military State could move as nimbly as a lone beast.

Long-distance communication, information control, surveillance, and management.

Signallers were the neural network of the Military State. They must never be exposed.

If any other part was damaged, only that part would suffer, but if something went wrong with a signaller, this entire vast nation known as the Military State would falter. Due to the nature of Synchronization Magic, a problem with one individual would spread throughout the entire State, so they had no choice but to be extremely careful with how they handled signallers.

Thus, the State had instilled in their signallers the importance and duty of their role, almost as if brainwashing them.

Just like the Captain before my eyes.

“It seems like you’re saying it’s almost certain that you will die.”

「Negative. Even if there is a chance of survival, I have no intention of taking it. Even if I have a spouse, the confidentiality of a signaller must be maintained.」

The words the Captain spoke were very different from how she actually felt.

“Affirmative. That is how dangerous this task will be.”

I understand what you’re trying to say.

So, the few days we spent together were enough to show you the joys of life, but not enough to save you, I see.

If that’s the case…

“…Captain, wouldn’t this be seen as a sham marriage for the sake of the death gratuity?”

“It is an unfounded worry. It is an unwritten rule not to find fault in hastily arranged marriages right before an unmarried soldier is dispatched to a deadly mission.”

The reason was simple; it was to boost morale.

When a soldier died, a death gratuity would be paid. In the Military State, where even legacies or inheritance could not be left behind, the death gratuity paid to the bereaved was an excellent way to prepare a soldier for death.

A soldier without the resolve to die was nothing more than rabble. Therefore, the Military State actively encouraged marriage.

For the sake of increasing population and military strength, as well as boosting the morale of the soldiers.

“I am simply exercising that right.”

I understood her intention. Her mindset, as well.

There was almost no loss to me. All I needed to do was stamp the marriage papers. That was it. There were no children and soon, no wife either, so only the death gratuity would be paid. Wasn’t this simply all the pleasure without any of the responsibility?

This was the Military State. As there was no Sanctum either, there was no one to point fingers at me for getting a divorce.

“The death gratuity of the Captain and the chance to throw off all my charges and accusations. It’s not a bad deal for me, but….I have something I’m curious about.”

“Please say.”

Receiving compensation through the gratuity from a sham marriage.

While it seemed a reasonable offer on the surface, one question remained.

Did the sincere and model Military State Signaller, Captain Abbey, make such a request purely for financial reasons?

Was it influenced by the interview with Nehru, or did meeting people in various parts of the streets somehow change her?

If I dug very, very deeply, I might just be able to know, but…

Not yet. The Captain had not obtained life yet.

Let’s leave it be just a bit longer.

“This contract is just a contract, right? There’s no meaning beyond the death gratuity I will receive?”


The Captain responded immediately; a prompt reply, as if prepared in advance.

“Well, in my case, I accept goods or promissory notes too.”

Somehow, agreeing to this made me feel like the biggest scum on this earth, but who cares? It ain’t my problem.

She offered first. The only thing I was guilty of was agreeing to her offer.

I extended my hand for a handshake.

“Alright. I’ll cooperate. Captain.”

“I am in your care.”

The Captain took hold of my hand, smiling purely.


‘…It should be fine, right? To be just a little more greedy at the end.’

‘As a signaller, I know all sorts of information. From top-secret intelligence that no one should know to the recipe for canned beans. I am aware of most of the knowledge and information accessible in the Military State.’

‘But there is still so much I do not know.’

‘The pounding of the heart when embraced, the burning embarrassment that reddens the face. The regret felt every time I think of my death. And the longing for those I will never see again. I still do not understand the nature of these feelings.’

‘…Could marriage perhaps help me understand? If it’s something that could change a person that dramatically. If that could even give courage to a soldier heading into the fields of death. Could it change me too?’

‘They say marriage should be with someone you want to spend your life with. If so, I am entering a rather blissful marriage.’

‘He will not be aware of my feelings. It is fortunate.’

‘There is not enough time remaining for children, but still, I will have…experienced marriage before I die.’

‘I must be the happiest signaller in the world.’

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