Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint
Chapter 195 Table of contents

༺ A Far Away Tale. Those Left In The Military State ༻

Sowing chaos and disorder is easy, but fixing and building order is hard…was surprisingly just a misconception.

To mess something up required a long time and consistent effort, but cleaning could be done in an instant. It only felt difficult because it was bothersome. An example of this was one’s room; no matter how long a room had been messed up, it could be cleaned in half a day, thus showing exactly what was in a more superior position.

The Military State was an efficient slacker. Room cleaning was postponed for as long as possible, and then all the trash inside was cleaned up in one fell swoop.

It took long preparations and a resolute determination to cause this level of a commotion, yet it only took half a day for everything to be wrapped up by the Military State.

The Military Police led by Historia cleaned up the back alleys quickly and simply, as if tidying up items in disarray. The trash that continued the disturbance without knowing when to stop was either disposed of or arrested and those involved were also taken to the Military Police for a thorough investigation.

The involved parties were utterly terrified as they were interrogated.

The way the Military State handled trash was as a kind of fuel. Those captured who were no different from human garbage would be burned to fuel the country known as the Military State.

And while cleaning such a room, it was natural that something usable would get thrown away as well.

Even those innocent could not be at ease. They entered the Military Police expecting to face all sorts of harsh treatment.

And when they walked out completely unharmed, they were baffled. Thus, the unexpected fortune gradually turned their confusion into joy.

Why should they care about something like the truth? They were safe. And that was all that mattered.

Those that weren’t discarded rejoiced in the mere fact that they could remain and enjoy their daily lives.

“…Did you calculate this too? You meticulous fucker.”

Historia muttered as she took out a mana herb cigar from her cigar box.

The Pied Piper. The most veiled existence in the Hamelin Incident, a Taboo of the Military State. As soon as his identity was revealed, uncovering the truth behind the disturbance in the State’s back alleys became merely secondary.

Rather, the investigation could inadvertently expose information about the Pied Piper. Digging into information from ordinary citizens about Huey, Hughes, or the Magician would, of itself, be revealing clues.

Therefore, the Military State stopped the investigation and only went as far as punishing the apparent criminals. Instead, they poured all their efforts into tracking down the Pied Piper.

“No. That fucker must have been involved in the truth from the very start. Catching him will reveal everything.”

Historia, with her legs up on the desk, muttered as she put the cigar in her mouth. She chewed on it out of habit while bringing the gun’s hammer to the end of the cigar. Then, she pulled the hammer back sharply.


The hammer struck, creating a large spark. With that, Historia lit her cigar and took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment before speaking.


『Signaller, Captain Abbey here. Did you call for me?』

The golem beside Historia responded. Historia didn’t even look in its direction as she exhaled the air she had drawn in deeply. Puff. A long sigh was wrapped with a certain hue as it rose.

In the midst of her busy duties, Historia blankly asked while enjoying her cigar.

“Why did you stop guiding me?”

『Question. What matter are you referring to?』

“You know what I’m talking about. Why did you stop guiding me right after I was engulfed in the darkness?”

Abbey, sensing that she was being interrogated, crossed her arms behind her back and answered.

『Non-compliance with the order will be corrected. However, the Signaller Corps, including myself, judged that further pursuit was impractical at that time. Perhaps, even excessive.』

Boom. Historia suddenly slammed her hand down on the desk. The mark of her fist appeared on the steel surface.

Although Historia remained as expressionless as always, a muffled sound came from her mouth, perhaps because she was biting down on the cigar.

“Why are you the one to decide that?”

Despite Historia’s sharp wrath, the golem remained calm.

『Even if the 2 Beast Kings were excluded, the opponents still consisted of two powerhouses at the level of the Six Star Generals. Compared to such a force, Major General was unarmed. Engaging in combat as is would have led to significant losses.』

“I said it was fine.”

『Major General is one of the strongest forces of the Military State. We cannot afford to deploy such a force without any support.』

“Well, that’s just great. Look at the Signaller acting as if they are the superior.”

『I shall correct my demeanor.』

The golem bowed its head slightly. Having no more thoughts of faulting her, Historia clicked her tongue and leaned back in her chair.

The reason why Historia did not rebuke the signaller any further was because it was impossible to pursue him alone. Even she couldn’t help but admit that.

“Tch. How did that fucker end up in Tantalus? He obviously wouldn’t have entered because of the Pied Piper incident.”

『He was arrested for illegal gambling.』

“He ended up imprisoned in Tantalus just because of illegal gambling?”

『Negative. It was penal labor.』

“That’s the same thing.”

『At the time, Tantalus had just experienced a large-scale jailbreak orchestrated by Colonel Lankart. The circumstances were not as dangerous as expected.』

“Eh? Why is the danger important? It’s more crucial that he was in a circumstance where he could never climb out from.”

Every time Historia grumbled, the ember flickered. The red flame would turn bright, then dark, repeating as she gasped for breath.

As she finished smoking her cigar, Historia murmured.

“It seems there was some sort of suspicion. I’ll have to look at the case file later.”

『Shall I prepare it?』

“No. Later. Once we catch that bastard Huey, it’s a problem that will solve itself.”

To a smoker who gained pleasure from burning cigars, were cigars an object of hatred or was it an object of affection? What was certain was that cigars did not love smokers. After serving for as long as their length, they left without a farewell, leaving behind only white smoke.

Before long, the cigar was mercilessly burned away. It was time for a long farewell after a short meeting.

Historia spoke while rubbing her cigar onto the ashtray.

“So, what did Command say?”

Though the smoke rose in thick, dense clouds, the golem was unaffected as it did not need to breathe. Without coughing or stopping its breath, it spoke.

『Relaying. The operation plans of the Major General has been received and it has been decided to pursue the Pied Piper and four others.』

“Did we get permission? That’s unexpected.”

『Elaboration. The Pied Piper is a key figure holding the secrets of Hamelin, deeply involved in various incidents in Tantalus, and has formed close ties with the Progenitor, significantly increasing his degree of risk. Additionally, this methodology is similar to Lankart, an individual of Level 5 Risk, hence the military authorities are accelerating efforts to capture him. This is Command’s decision.』

Though the cigar had long left, good news had arrived. Historia smirked.

“Not too shabby, huh. It would have been too overwhelming to search this vast land alone. Having the management of the signallers will make it a bit easier, I’m sure.”

The statement implied that she would have gone to search by herself, even if permission had not been granted. Abbey pretended not to understand the implication and delivered only simple facts, just as she always had done.

『After today, I am expected to be absent for the sake of verification. After this, Signaller Yuel will assist Major General.』

“Absent? Why?”

『Warning. This information is classified. Would you like to access it with your authority as a Star General?』

Access to command-related matters was restricted even if the counterpart was a general officer. If Historia was an ordinary military officer, she would never have received an answer from the golem.

However, Historia was one of the Six Star Generals. Furthermore, she was not one to spare her authority.

“Let’s hear it.”

『Request approved. Then, I shall explain.』

The golem straightened its posture and spoke.

『I was the signaller in charge of Tantalus. After the collapse of the Abyss, contact was lost and I returned on my own. During my stay in Amitengrad, I witnessed this incident.』


『However, during the return, there was a possibility that I had come into contact with the Pied Piper. I have denied this fact, but in the case of the Pied Piper, his unknown identity and abilities make him an enigma. Therefore, I am heading to the command center to undergo an investigation into whether I have been mentally contaminated, after which my treatment will be decided.』

Although the golem presented the facts as if it were not its own concern, upon hearing this, Historia clamped her mouth shut. Though they said treatment would be determined after investigation, being sent to the command center for investigation meant the signaller’s foreseeable future would be far from smooth.

At best, she would serve as a kind of exchange role, transferring orders from the command center to other places; at worst, she might just be disposed of.

“That fucker’s ability isn’t like mental contamination, though. Do they not listen to a single iota of what I say?”

Historia felt a slight pity for Abbey, knowing a bit about the truth behind signallers.

Officers despised signallers. Soldiers with a mere nominal title who gained the rank of Captain through innate Unique Magic. At the same time, they were rigid regardless of rank, thus making other officers feel all sorts of unpleasant emotions when dealing with signallers.

“You’re having a tough time too, taking on a role that is so hated.”

However, signallers were just messengers. If one did not see them as individuals but as the voice or letters of Command, such contempt seemed utterly pointless.

In the end, officers were venting their dissatisfaction with unwanted orders on the signallers.

Historia spoke with an ever so slight tinge of consideration in her voice.

“You said you encountered that fucker, right? Then you might be useful in this pursuit operation. Wouldn’t it be better if I deployed you?”

『Impossible. The investigation of a signaller’s mental contamination takes precedence over everything. If extraneous noise interferes with signals and communication, it could affect the entire operation. There are many who can replace me, so I recommend deploying them.』

“…Is that so? Well, good luck.”

It couldn’t be helped. Historia had no obligation to do any more than she already had, and currently, there were more important matters at hand. Historia withdrew her attention from Abbey.

Was that perhaps why?

『Thank you. I will survive no matter what, as far as my strength allows.』

Historia did not notice the slight warmth in the golem’s words.


Abbey stopped synchronizing.

Standing up in a quarantine communication room within the Communications Headquarters, Abbey recalled the conversation with Historia and smiled bitterly.

The matter of mental contamination.

Regrettably, it was true. After all, a significant issue had arisen in Abbey’s mind, which should always remain calm and subdued as a signaller.

A longing for life overflowed.

Whenever she recalled happy memories, a smile naturally formed on her lips.

She wanted to share this uplifted feeling, this joy that was too sublime to feel alone, with everyone.

These happy times would inevitably remain as indelible marks. Therefore, Abbey feared death and was full of longing for life.

What else could this be if not mental contamination?

It was all too perfectly different from before, after all.

But as long as she knew this fact, she could not go back to how she used to. Those times when she lived with joy and fulfillment among those who had spent their time happily. A time when she picked and chose happiness from the laughter of people, bustling and noisy.

Thanks to those memories, she had changed.

Her mindset was a given, but even her Unique Magic did as well….

As she reminisced about such joyful times, Abbey placed her hands on her chest. And then, she unfolded her Unique Magic.

Unique Magic, Morning Glory.

The morning glory, rooted in her chest, spread out in all directions. Leaves interspersed along the vines that warped around her arms, legs, chest, and neck, resembling being bound by thorny vines. Flowers grew from the morning glory that enveloped her entire body.

Synchronization occurred from the purple flowers that bloomed, nourished by Abbey’s mana.

The vines that bound her represented her duty; the flowers, the role she must fulfill.

Thus, Abbey’s Unique Magic was Morning Glory.

But now, it was slightly different.

At the end of the vine climbing up her neck and face, a small, straight stem emerged gracefully. This stem, poking its head out shyly as if to pretend to be a part of the morning glory vine, bore a large bud.

And at its end bloomed…a small, solitary sunflower.

Facing to one side with its clear, pure face, the sunflower lovingly sought the warm light. It was gazing endlessly towards somewhere from atop the morning glory stem.

At the end of where this sunflower was looking, he would be there. Abbey instinctively knew this to be true.

Therefore, Abbey could not help but to always be happy.

Because she knew… She knew the sun still existed.

While holding the Sunflower close to her heart, Abbey spoke to the Morning Glory facing Command.

“Command, this is Signaller Captain Abbey. I will now depart towards the command center as of the current time.”

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