Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint
Chapter 219 Table of contents

After a series of this and that, to summarize everything simply…

I was tightly bound with ropes made from tree vines.

The horror and anger that appeared on the children's faces stabbed at me like sharp spears. They surrounded me, weapons raised.

Just moments before, they had been comforting and encouraging each other, combining their strengths to fight. Where had all that friendship and trust gone? How hard it was to earn, but all so easy it was to squander.

Well, it was to be expected.

“My oh my. Seems like I’ve been caught.”

After all, there was a gigantic pheromone bait in the middle of this base, attracting all sorts of beasts, and it was set to explode soon, which would have swept away the camp by the beasts that were wary of the human intruders.

And all of it had been discovered.

“What…in the world… What is happening…”

Shiati muttered with a trembling voice. Bound as I was, I could only shrug my shoulders towards the stupefied girl.

“What’s wrong? Why are you acting like that? Everyone knows already, right? I mean, you’d have to be a fool not to realize the situation.”

The answer they had reached couldn’t be more clear, so there was no need to make an effort to persuade them.

After all, the clues they found, the logic they constructed, and the suspicions they gradually formed all led to a single truth.

Yesterday, Chento, who was curious about where Kerapald and I had gone, followed our trail and found a rope that was holding driftwood. The children, noticing the existence of this rope, prematurely rejoiced, thinking this situation was all but a test. And if it was part of a test, then nothing unmanageable would happen. Thus, they reassured themselves and moved even more actively.

In the meantime, Kerapald had organized a team to search the camp. After mapping the camp, he tilted his head, realizing that it somewhat resembled the shape of a magic circle. While the children grunted thinking it was a puzzle or test question, Shiati took them out to gather food and water.

There was bedrock under the camp and following a shallow groove, a strange magic circle was drawn. At a time when everyone was puzzling over this never-before-seen magic circle, a pitch-black box appeared in the middle of one of the camp tents. The children, guessing it was a clue, opened the lid of the box…

While being completely unaware that it was bait to lure beasts.

The pheromones smeared on the bait spread. A child, whose parents were hunters, recognized what it was and hurriedly shouted to close it, but it was too late.

From afar, the sound of beasts rampaging could be heard.

The around one hundred and fifty military-trained students coped as adequately as they could, but that was their limit. An ever so adequate response to the crisis.

This proved that the reason the beasts had not attacked the human group until now was due to the inherent caution of the surviving beasts.

A horned deer, bristling with excitement, foamed at the mouth as it pierced through the camp. Its attack was comparable to a cavalry charge.

The deer, as large as a house, seemed like a giant swinging two trees attached to its head; it took ten people to pull on a single snare.

After that, a wolf that had been lurking carefully pounced. The covert attack of the stealthy hunter was only realized after a casualty had occurred.

Crows and eagles, sensing the fight, roamed in the distance.

Seventeen died.

If traps had not been pre-set, many more would have perished.

Nonetheless, humanity demonstrated its resilience. A bond that had been united to one, appropriate commands, and a desperate struggle ultimately drove away the beasts.

Though dear friends had died, there was no time to feel sorrow. Exhausted, the children sat on the ground, watching in horror as blood flowed from the dead.

And then, when the blood flowed along the engraved groove… the giant magic circle was illuminated, seeping into it.

It would have remained hidden underground, but because they were investigating and had exposed the bedrock, the secret was revealed.

Amidst an inexplicable sense of foreboding, someone cautiously suggested. Considering the risks of injury and infection, how about they take off their clothes?

The children agreed and released their clothing packets.

And upon doing so, they discovered a red mark glowing ominously on my back. The traces were far too clear to turn a blind eye to.

“N-No way… It can’t be… How… How could such a thing… How could Nicholas just use us as sacrifices….”

Everyone understood the series of events. The country had abandoned them, the leader they trusted was in fact a wolf in sheep's clothing, and the friend who had been laughing with them until yesterday was now grotesquely twisted and dead. That they, too, would soon end up the same.

And that someone would take their deaths and gain power from it.

“Kill him!”

Someone shouted. It was a child who had managed to stop the deer, his arm broken and wrapped in bandages. His eyes were bloodshot as he cursed me.

“There aren’t any instructors to stop us here anyway! Let’s just kill him and bury him somewhere!”

“T-Then how are we going to explain his death?”

“We can just say he slipped and fell into the river!”

“Yeah! That’s right! This is just self-defense!”

Such fierce cries echoed. I tried to smile as calmly as possible and spoke.

“It is a natural decision. Keeping me alive when I’m suspected of such collusion would be foolish. Isn’t that so?”

“Stay quiet, Huey. Act like the prisoner that you are.”

Shiati and Kerapald, now the new representatives of the students, calmed the agitated children.

Shiati, particularly furious with me, pressed her lips tightly together and glared at me.

“Huey. I’ve never exactly liked you, but I still thought you were more humane than the other two. But… It seems I misjudged.”

“Out of all the people you can compare me with, why does it just have to be those two? Okay, fine, Shiati. So, what do you plan to do about this oh so terrible and inhuman me?”

“If it was up to me, I’d kill you right this instant.”

Since she the ones she now had to convince were not me but the other children, Shiati turned her head and shouted.

“But killing him here won’t change anything. We’ll tie him up, take him on a boat to Hamelin, and deal with this there. If it’s you, who Nicholas dotes on, you’ll make quite a good bargaining chip.”


“That’s right! Anathemas are something that the Sanctum is eager to stamp out. We could negotiate something in return for keeping a secr….”


I laughed loudly while tied up. As my sudden roar caught everyone's attention, I abruptly stopped and spoke.

“Shiati. Stop saying things that even you yourself don’t believe. Do you really think Nicholas, who planned to kill you all and invoke an Anathema, would just say ‘Ah, sorry!’ and hand over Level 3 as a reward? Just because you figured this out?”

No way. Of course not. If that were possible, he wouldn't have started this in the first place.

“No, he’d kill everyone. Actually, he’d use even harsher methods to bury all of you, along with the knowledge of the Anathema.”

“Then, what are you saying we should do?! Die for you here?!”

“What you do is your choice, but if you’re going to do anything, at least follow your heart. What you believe in. Your current choice is nothing more than a delusion denying reality itself, let alone practicality.”

“Easy for you to say! How dare you speak so arrogantly…!”

Shiati strode up and grabbed me by the collar. My neck hurt since she pulled me while I was tied up, but she paid no mind to my condition and spoke.

“We’re going to kill you! Do you think you’re so great?! Huh?! You think it’s the end all be all just because you’re a bit more capable than us? No matter how competent you are, you do not have the right to decide our fate…! I! We! Have not worked this hard just to become your prey! Your food!”

As she spoke, her shouts gradually turned into sobs. Shiati, clutching my collar as if to stretch it, wept ever so transparent tears as she poured out her resentment of me.

“Why? Why are you doing this? You were already able to just go to a military academy! Is that not enough? You’ve already reached the Level 3 that we all so desire…! Did you want something more? Did you want to surpass even that? Even if it meant killing us all?”

After venting her resentment, what remained was a dark emotion that had been pressed down deeply. Her gloomy eyes, as if dead inside, looked up at me.

“Then, you too… should die. That’s only fair.”

I instinctively sensed it.

Ah, this is dangerous. If this continues, I might really get swept away.

It’s not for nothing that it's called an Anathema, right? After all, to deny all the trust in humanity we've built up thus far is the very definition of an Anathema.

Now the rejected Shiati was fully engulfed in hatred and despair, clenching her fists.

...So, Historia.

This is your last chance to save me. If you don't come now...

I will…


The fact that the trainees had been stranded was quickly reported. Feeling a deep responsibility for the situation, Nicholas took only his close aides and rushed out of Hamelin Secondary Military School first. The main force decided to follow Nicholas with supplies loaded on the rescue ship.

「You did ask me for help. But to think that something actually happened. Could it be that you foresaw even this?

Historia had not forgotten her promise. Therefore, the moment she learned there was a problem with the graduation practical exercise, she strapped a gun to her back and ran to the Hamelin River to rent a rowboat.

As she rowed, strange waves split the water on either side of the river. Her rowing did not push the water, but rather pressed the surface down with force to create a slope, thus sliding over it.

The rowboat literally slid across the river. Historia quickly reached the riverbank full of debris, where she hid and assessed the situation.

And what she saw was... bizarre.

「Huey? Why are you tied up? And what’s with the kids?

In a situation that was completely unclear, the boy was bound like a prisoner on a scaffold or like the Saintess of Origin who had died of crucifixion. It was almost as if he was restrained amidst everyone’s reverence.

The children surrounding him seemed to be vehemently protesting something, engulfed in despair and anger.

Caught off guard by the unexpected situation, Historia drew her gun.

Her target was me. And Shiati beside me.

「Shiati. I don’t know why you’re holding Huey captive. However, if you try to kill him, I will have no choice but to stop you.

It was better to stay hidden until she understood their intentions. After all, if it was a minor issue, she could let it go, but if it was dangerous, Historia's appearance could actually escalate the situation instead.

Stealth and Infiltration Techniques, which required silence and secrecy, did not suit Historia's more boisterous Qi Arts. As such, she instead aimed her gun from a blind spot.

She watched Shiati and me through her gun's sights. I was still safe, and even though I was tied up, a carefree smile was on my face.

Because of my typically playful manner, Historia almost relaxed her guard. But then, she steadied her breath and aimed once again.

「I can’t hear them very well. But from what I can roughly tell, it seems they are resenting Huey for someone’s death….

Sure, I was the leader. Perhaps, I could be considered to have some responsibility in their death. But would they really tie someone up just for that reason?

Sharing the same doubt, Historia cocked her head in puzzlement but still kept her muscles tense while aiming at Shiati.

Even so, she did not fire rashly.

Shiati, too, was Historia's classmate. If it had been an enemy or a beast, she would have shot without hesitation, but she couldn’t help but waver because of their past connection.

Of course, it wasn't just for that reason.

「Huey. Do you get it now? When it comes down to it, all you can trust is your own strength. You need to take more interest in Qi Arts.

If I was able to feel a life-threatening danger, I would understand the importance of Qi Arts and focus more on them. With such thoughts in mind, she had just let the situation play out.

But because of that, it was too late. After all, I was already sufficiently stained in hatred and despair towards the Military State.

Shiati and I exchanged words. Time dragged on and the serious atmosphere had somehow dissipated; our conversation flowed smoothly and my expressions continued to vary.

To Historia, it looked as though I was enjoying this situation. Not that she was wrong, though.

「What the. Are you sure you need my help?

Help had been necessary. But not anymore.

「I told you so. If you had learned Qi Arts from the start, you wouldn’t have needed to waste so much time on ungrateful kids who would betray you. You wouldn’t have needed to be tied up. Tch, look at you making me anxious for no reason.

My body wasn't bound. After all, such ropes couldn't hold me.

I extended my hands, which had been tied behind my back. The stiff vines were poorly knotted. As such they unraveled without resistance and my arms rose as if they had never been bound in the first place. The children were startled, but I reached out to calm them.

「You’re not even tied up? The more I watch, the more I feel like I’m the idiot here.

To Historia, everyone here were classmates. Those she knew well or have met before. However dismissive she might be and how pathetic she found them, they all still fell within the category of comrades. So, she felt no need to attack them.

As Historia resumed her breathing, which she had briefly stopped while tense, a voice came from nearby.

“Boar Girl.”

Click.The gun swung around quickly. Her muzzle pointed at Lankart, who stood there expressionless.

He looked perplexedly between Historia and me, as if unable to understand such a scene.

Historia lowered her gun and asked.

“Ah, shit. You startled me. What’s with you? Why are you here?”

“That’s what I should be asking you. I’m part of the advance party that departed with Nicholas. But what’s with you? Why in the world are you here?”

“I’m the cleanup party.”

“How did the cleanup party get here so soon?”

“You guys are just slow. What do you want me to say when you’re even slower than me, who rowed all the way here?”

After noticing the rowboat and the large oar by the riverbank, Lankart muttered.

“You batshit crazy boar….”

Even so, it was within expectations that Historia would come here. That was also why Lankart had followed Nicholas.

「This boar is as temperamental as a beast and is showing her interest in Huey even more blatantly. Perhaps it's mating season? At any rate, she needs to be chased off before Gluttony occurs.

“It’s a command from Chief Instructor Nicholas. The issue with Huey will be resolved by the instructors, so you step back for a while.”

“Resolved? What do you mean resolved?”

「For the sake of verifying if the Gluttony occurs successfully. And if anything remains, to deal with it directly. However… What in the world is happening right now….

While Lankart was lost in thought, Historia mocked him.

“Look at you going at it again. Stop racking that useless brain of yours. Why don’t you just tell it to me straight without the pathetic scheming that you don’t even have a talent in?”

“Thoughts are a concept unknown to you, Bitch.”

After mutually hurling insults, Lankart responded irritably.

“We need to sort this situation out. I won’t say any more than that. And you wouldn’t understand anyway, even if I did.”

“Why, suddenly? Got something to hide?”

“Yes. That’s right.”

Because Lankart so readily agreed, Historia scoffed in incredulity.

“...Huh. How shameless. It makes me even less inclined to back off.”

「Tch. So damn stubborn and impervious to persuasion. How annoying. I wish I could just push her out with force, but fighting here wouldn’t even settle anything. If so…

“It’s for Huey’s sake.”

“What? For Huey’s sake?”

“You may not know, no. Never mind, I’m sure you just don’t know. But anyway, this whole evaluation was designed as a test made just for Huey. If you keep watching, it would diminish the purpose of the test.”

“A test?”

“That’s right. This very ordeal will advance Huey to the next stage.”

Wow. I mean, that's not wrong. After all, it was indeed a place that had been set up for me.

Historia's anger subsided a bit thanks to me being mentioned. She alternated her gaze between me and Lankart and after some thought, she clicked her tongue slightly, seeing as I was freed.

「...I may not like this bastard, Lankart, but he’s reliable in getting things done. He basically sucks up to Huey, so he probably won’t harm him. On top of that, if the Chief Instructor has come, then, well… The situation is probably as good as over.

Acknowledging this, Historia stood up, slinging her rifle over her shoulder.

“...I’m warning you. Don’t ever try to command me. I’ll always handle things my own way.”

“If you have the energy to respond, just go catch some beasts wandering along the riverbank. Seems like the perfect job for you.”

For now, he had achieved his intended goal of removing Historia from the equation. Regardless, Lankart still looked taken aback at the situation before him.

「It’s not that he refused the Gluttony. But it also doesn’t seem like he accepted it either. What exactly are you trying to do, Huey…?


“Stop saying such nonsense!”

While those two finished their conversation, I, who had untied myself, had finished persuading the children. Nevertheless, Shiati shouted loudly, seemingly wanting to deny my words.

“....No. Shiati…. No. That’s not it.”

Kerapald, the other representative who was listening to my story, clenched his eyes shut and shook his head.

“If you think about it logically… Huey gave us plenty of hints. He informed everyone about the existence of the net and told us to investigate the secrets of the camp. He was the first to jump in and close the box containing the pheromone bait. And he even threw it into the river. If Huey hadn’t instructed us to set traps beforehand, more people would have died. If he had really intended to kill us….”


Or perhaps all of them would have died. Kerapald finished explaining.

And the silent majority agreed with him.

They knew I had been busy giving orders and working tirelessly all day; I wouldn't have had time to concoct anything. As they were aware of my conduct and actions, it seemed to have persuaded them.

Shiati wasn’t so stupid that she would not be able to understand or believe that. It was just that she was angrier than what mere rationality could induce. Losing a target for her wrath, Shiati clenched her fists and shouted.

“Then! Then, what is going on?! What exactly is all this…?!”

“You’re curious, right? I’m curious too. Honestly speaking, even I didn’t know what awaited us here until we arrived.”

This was indeed the truth. I had anticipated there would be Gluttony. But who knew they would use driftwood, a camp made as bait, and pheromones to trigger it?

It was hard to say we were successful as there had been casualties. Nevertheless, we were able to overcome it. But this was merely the first hurdle.

After all, the true malice that aimed to kill everyone was still approaching.

“There’s only one person who can answer us.”


“Chief Instructor Nicholas. The one who planned all this. The head of Hamelin Secondary Military School.”

In their minds, the children pictured a stern yet warm-hearted man in uniform. He had been dedicated to their education and never spared any effort for them. He had never starved or harmed them unnecessarily. As such, he could be relatively called a man of integrity.

But now, after what had happened... he seemed nothing more than a monster donned in human skin.

“So, then. Let’s get ready, everyone.”

I knew Nicholas. He was a good educator, but that was just a feature of being an officer of the Military State. Ultimately, his view on education was for the nation. Education was merely the field cultivated by the country to produce talents for it.

He might think that taking power from a hundred to enhance one person like me was for the better.

But I could assert, he was definitely wrong.

I was someone who became more exceptional when I was among those hundred. Combining their strength into one would be like tearing books to use as kindling.

The protector of knowledge was the library filled with great books, not the librarian who guarded its front. Ripping apart books to kindle a fire for the librarian was nothing short of putting the cart before the horse.

Of course, it was needless to say that if anyone were to commit such an atrocity, the librarian would be the most outraged of all.

“The box filled with pheromone bait was set to open automatically in a few hours. I’m not exactly sure, but it should be the approximate time for when the plan will be executed. So, would Chief Instructor Nicholas, having perpetrated this, just leave it unattended? It is just a prediction, but I expect Chief Instructor Nicholas to arrive soon.”

“T-The C-Chief Instructor…? Himself?”

“Yes. If he personally prepared this practical exercise, the net that holds the driftwood, the hidden camp with the Anathema, and the pheromone box set to open… If he who had plotted this grave doesn’t show up himself, the word Anathema would lose all meaning to it.”

I wasn't certain. Had I not read the thoughts of Historia and Lankart just before, I wouldn't have been able to assert so firmly.

But now that I had gathered the necessary information, it was time to prepare.

“When Chief Instructor Nicholas arrives, we need to know what to ask him. How we welcome him, how we query, how we face him, and how we respond. We must prepare in advance for all of it.”

As I looked around at eyes now void of focus after being abandoned by the State, I spoke to everyone in a low tone.

“So that we can accept his side of the story. So that we have enough information to find it reasonable.”

After all, I am aware, but you all are not.

After leaving all doubts, despair, and a sense of powerlessness behind, the students stood up. Their hands, which had buried friends just moments before, were clenched tightly as they looked up at me.

I addressed everyone with vigor.

“For now, shall we start by setting a trap?”

By that, I mean through the medium of conversation, of course.

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