Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint
Chapter 225 Table of contents

When the possibility of the Daughter of the Military State betraying them was mentioned, the general officers' uncomfortable gazes turned toward the staff officer.

It was burdensome but inevitable. It was an issue that needed to be addressed, and above all, it was the most likely to be the duty of the staff officer.

In the midst of the lingering silence, Patraxion was the first to wave his hand dismissively.

"Aha. No, no. That's a bit too much. What could be on the other side that would make her defect?"

"The Pied Piper of Hamelin is there, is he not? Major General Historia's obsession with that incident is well-known."

"Really? Is it that bad? The Darling Girl of the Military State is obsessed with the Pied Playboy?"

When Patraxion asked without much thought, another general officer who had followed the Gunner Corps stood up and defended Historia.

"That is unlikely. When I was dispatched to the Gunner Corps to assist the Major General, I witnessed Major General Historia fight them with all her might! Discussing the Major General's defection is going too far!"

Do you really wish to doubt someone that bad? But out of everyone, you are trying to doubt the young Gunmaster? At that age, you should know some shame, tsk tsk.

As glances holding such meaning poured silently, the staff officer sweated profusely while making excuses.

"I, I was only saying... that there is a possibility..."

"All we need to do is wait a bit. If Major General Historia has indeed infiltrated, she will contact us in some way. We just have to wait for that moment."

"I, I think so too."

Despite his efforts to stop speaking, sharp gazes continued to fly from all around. The intimidated staff officer soon regretted his words.

Since a staff officer always had to prepare for the worst, it often annoyed the commanders, but it was still his job. Weren’t they being too harsh on him? Right as he was complaining inwardly..

A creaking sound came from a golem sitting quietly. It was a communication magic golem for Signaller use. Hoping for information that could break the situation, everyone's gaze turned there.

The golem raised its head with a sense of urgency as it creaked.

『I am Captain Piyu, the Military State Signaller in charge of the Meta Conveyor Belt. There is urgent information! Please pay attention!』

The signaller inside the golem quickly shouted.

『Observation information! One container has left the belt and is speeding toward the Far East Coastal Road! I repeat. One container is speeding across the eastern plains!』

Several seated general officers stood up abruptly. Some, who were general officers but lower in rank, rushed outside to loudly gather troops.

The opposing side had moved first. Their target was the Far East Coastal Road. Finally, having left the Meta Conveyor Belt, the real pursuit on new terrain had begun.

"Running away at this time of night? How proactive. I like that very, very much. It's always better to do something rather than just sit idle."

Patraxion, chuckling softly, scratched his chin and fell deep into thought.

"It's a bit early, but it seems they plan to flee to the Duchy before dawn instead of confronting us at the destination."

"That must be it. They would not want to face a large army in the plains during the day. All troops! Stand by for now! I, too, will contact Bernartern!"

As Prelvior moved busily, Colonel Gand quietly approached Patraxion.

"The possibility of it being a decoy also exists. Unless it's a command from Command, the information provided by the signaller is just that. Information. Ultimately, it's our job to ask for detailed information and make decisions. Ask the signaller if there's any other information."

"Why are you telling me this? You do it. I can’t be bothered."

"...I'm not ranked high enough to be involved here. It's something General should do."

"You always hassle me like this. And then you act all humble in front of others. Are you trying to make a fool of me?"

Unable to bear it any longer, Colonel Gand left Patraxion and shouted loudly.

"Signaller! What else is significant about that container!"

『The container's outer walls are full of bullet marks, and below it, hastily modified four wheels have been attached. It seems to be a desperate measure to race across the plains.』

"They modified it? But if it's fitted with wheels, the possibility of it being a decoy is even higher. It would roll on its own without needing to be touched... What's powering it?"

『Up front of the container, a giant red horse over 3 meters tall was leading it! It's assumed to be the Sanguine Steed Ralion, the Progenitor's Familiar recorded in history books!』

If it was the Sanguine Steed Ralion, it was indeed the Progenitor's Familiar, known to have never left her side. Therefore, if it was present, either the Progenitor herself was actually there or it was a highly elaborate disguise—one of only two possibilities.

Regardless, the information had been given. And the decision to be made was up to them. Colonel Gand asked if there were any other clues.

"Any other features not mentioned? Anything at all is fine."

『Due to the high likelihood of it being a decoy, I did not report separately, but at the top of the container surrounded by darkness, the silhouette of a young woman in uniform was seen.』

Everyone stopped talking. It was because the identity of the young woman in uniform was obvious.

Colonel Gand muttered.

"...If that's a decoy, it's a very convincing bait. In fact, it’s compelling enough that we can't just ignore it."

It was likely that Historia was inside the container, whether it was a decoy or not. At the very least, troops must be sent to catch up with the Sanguine Steed Ralion and check inside.

Several general officers, including the staff officer, appealed to Prelvior.

"Dividing the forces is a bad move. We need to decide on one location."

"If only there was just one more clue."

Choosing one location would leave the other empty. Corps could be split, but not the Six Star Generals. Without the Star Generals, they could stop the adversaries but not defeat them.

The final decision-makers were the Mage Marshal and Sunderspear, but it was the general officers who made the strategies. And as such, it was a time of deep concern for them. Patraxion, leaning back in his chair, spoke to the magic golem.

"Signaller. Where did they jump off the belt?"

『If they did not move on the Meta Conveyor Belt, they are about 50 minutes away.』

"Good. Granny! Let's get ready to go!"

Prelvior showed interest in Patraxion's actions.

"Why did you ask that?"

"I told you earlier. Historia got caught on purpose."

"I heard you. What does that have to do with... Ah."

Historia got caught on purpose. That meant she knew what was a decoy and what was real.

Therefore, she would have left some kind of trace, be it a code or a signal.

The Mage Marshal sighed softly at that thought.

"I see! If we find a signal left by the Major General, we might get a clue! It has been a while since you were helpful, rookie!"

"Don't just say I'm admirable. Show some trust. That's how you should treat your kids, you know? Gosh. Nevermind. Granny wouldn't know, since she’s never been married."

"Such nonsense. I am married to magic."

"Sounds like words that spinsters would worship just like how believers worship God."

The general officers had to try their best not to let a hint of laughter escape. If they let even a little slip, it could destroy not only their military career but their entire life.

Patraxion, who had previously mumbled without a hint of dignity, commanded, putting aside his conversation with the Mage Marshal.

"Alright, let's prepare for both scenarios! For a case where the container is bait, and a case where it's real! Be ready to respond to any situation!"

Following the Star General's orders, the forces busily moved. Through the signaller, they kept in close contact with Bernartern, preparing to respond to both scenarios.

Patraxion, along with several general officers, flew through the sky with Prelvior's magic. The feeling was terrible, like being on a ship swaying in every direction, and her magic seemed as if a giant was clutching the wind and walking.

Patraxion didn't get motion sickness purely because he had gone beyond the realm of merely being healthy; he was robust.

"Ugh. If I haven't mastered Gon Qi Arts, I would 100% have motion sickness. No wonder there's a joke that 'surviving the Mage Marshal's Flight Magic' is a condition for promotion to general officer."

"Which bastard would utter such nonsense?"

Upon reaching their target location, the Mage Marshal and Sunderspear, along with a few general officers, quickly turned on their searchlights and began searching the area. The gloomy belt seemed to have been recently occupied by darkness, strewn with containers swept up in a battle.

Patraxion, recognizing familiar footprints, aligned his feet with them, recalling the battle that had taken place during the day.

He had fought the Progenitor here, being repelled several times. The darkness beyond was as if night had fallen, making it hard to see, but… Without a doubt, the container they had stayed in was...

30 paces from here.

Patraxion strode thirty steps as if running. When he placed his last step, the ground where the container had been was now only flat.

"Hm. The container was definitely moved."

In his sight, a piece of the container lay unnaturally overturned at the corner of the Meta Conveyor Belt. He rushed over and picked it up.

Then, he smiled triumphantly.

“As expected.”

The braille was delicately crafted using Qi Arts—it was a military cipher. Historia had feigned her capture and used this method to communicate information to this side.

Patraxion, who did not bother to memorize such petty codes, handed the cipher text to Colonel Gand. Upon doing so, Gand read it aloud.

"The red horse is bait."

The Gunmaster's infiltration had a purpose. A new and rather critical clue was provided. Prelvior nodded firmly and Patraxion grinned slyly.

"Did you hear that? The Sanguine Steed is just a decoy. They must still be on the Conveyor Belt! Everyone, get ready!"


Look, there’s one ball here.

Suppose you need to hide this ball from an audience eagerly awaiting its revelation. How should you proceed?

Should it be hidden in your left hand, or your right?

Tyr chose the right hand. Azzy found it by smell. As for Nabi, I was frightened by her hissing, so I quickly revealed it. The Regressor tried to see through it with her Jade Eyes... I really shouldn't show magic to her again. Seriously.

And Historia, puffing out smoke from her cigarette, mused.

"...I’m sure the hand itself is the trick."

As expected, having observed me for so long, she knew me quite well.

At the mention of both hands, their attention was drawn to such. To be honest, there wasn’t really any need to hide it there. Just presenting the options was enough to fixate them on that answer.

In reality... it was hidden inside my pocket.

"Let's go inside."

So, I made a suggestion.

Honestly, it was possible for us to somehow make it through the Coastal Road. Tyr's strength was formidable and the Regressor had the power to achieve outcomes by any means necessary.

But there was no need to clash directly with the Military State. If they flipped out and brought in trained, specialized troops like those from Bernartern, we'd be at a disadvantage. And that might truly become a matter of life or death.

Though to be fair, would the Military State really be insane enough to call in such specialized troops? Of course not. That was ridiculous.


"We'll take the Inner Circle. Let's enter inwards of the Meta Conveyor Belt and carve a shortcut."

There was really no need to head towards the Duchy. In the first place, besides the Military State, who else would bother to chase us?

We could just turn north, traverse the Abyssal Wastelands, and head towards the Fallen Dominion.

"While their focus is on the Far East, let's hide within the fringes of the Military State and head north. After gaining some distance, we'll board the Meta Conveyor Belt pretending to be cargo... and enjoy a comfortable and pleasant journey."

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