Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint
Chapter 240 Table of contents

While Historia was occupied destroying cannons, the Princess, with nothing else to do, rode Selphy and walked around leisurely.

Naturally immune to hostility, the Princess observed Historia’s effortless action with admiration.

Someone targeted the Princess at that moment.

It was an officer who hadn't forgotten the Princess and the white horse while everyone was focused on Historia.

「They said to target the horse instead of the commander. If I capture the girl and take the horse, the enemy will be immobilized.」

Stealthily, the officer approached the Princess and Selphy.

Only the Regressor, watching from a distance, and I, who could read her thoughts, noticed his approach.

However, the Regressor wasn’t particularly concerned, and neither was I. Because...

“Ha! Got yo–”

“Woof! Got you!”


Suddenly, Azzy popped out and barked loudly.

Startled, Selphy noticed the approaching enemy and stepped back.

Seeing the threat, the Princess calmed her startled heart and spoke.

“W-Wow! Thank you, Miss Azzy!”

“I bark well! I guard well! Puffed up!”

Azzy proudly raised her shoulders.

As expected, a dog is best for guard duty.

Azzy, being a dog, couldn’t be confined in a container like Tyr or Nabi. Since she needed to be active, it was better to use her for guarding people, which also helped relieve her stress.

There was no point in hiding once discovered.

Emerging from the bushes, the officer shouted.

“Surrender! Or I’ll kill the horse!”

The fact that he threatened to kill the horse rather than the Princess was proof that his hostility was once again redirected from her.

He thrust his long spear toward Selphy.

Though his hostility was directed at the horse rather than the Princess, it was still a threatening and precise strike.

The spear lunged at the retreating Selphy.

The spear, imbued with Qi art, was about to pierce the horse's neck.

At that moment...

“Oh no! Selphy! It’s dangerous!”

The Princess swung the reins.

The spinning reins deftly wrapped around the spear shaft.

Wait. That is not possible just with luck or lineage.

What is this?

Could the Princess be strong too?

Reaching a similar realization, the officer was momentarily stunned.

His spear shaft was immobilized, tightly gripped by the reins.

It wasn’t because of the Princess’ strength.

She was merely using the reins and the horse’s strength.

Yet her technique was undeniably impressive.

The reins wound securely around the horse, harnessing its strength to leave no room for the spear to move.

Struggling to free the spear, the officer’s face reddened and paled.


Selphy, the white horse, shook vigorously.

In the heightened movement, the spear couldn’t keep up, and the horse seized the protruding shaft in her teeth.

The officer attempted to wrestle with the horse for a moment.

It was a bad move.

Humans couldn’t match a horse’s sheer strength.

Especially one like Selphy, a noble white steed passed down through the royal lineage.

The horse jerked her neck fiercely.

As she did that, the officer lost his last chance to let go and was flung away while holding the spear.

“Well done, Selphy! You’re so clever!”


Selphy flared her nostrils, mocking the human flying through the air.

Having completed her task, Historia trudged back.

Selphy lowered herself slightly, allowing Historia to mount.

The Princess also welcomed Historia.

“You fought amazingly well even with your arms tied! You’re incredible!”

“…This is rather embarrassing. Can you please stop talking to me?.”

“Huh? Why? It was really impressive! You didn’t even use your arms, only your legs! Wow! And they’re so slender and long, you looked really cool!”

Stop it.

Historia’s embarrassment had reached its peak.

She’s probably thinking about lighting up a cigarette.

The battle ended simply.

A Star General was indeed a Star General.

Unless facing a fellow general, she could handle normal officers even with her arms tied.

The Regressor muttered as she glanced at Historia.

“No matter how I think about it, she doesn’t seem like she’ll betray us. Should we untie the sky silk…?”

What nonsense. Untie the enemy’s restraints? Since when did you become so soft?

Historia’s goal is different from ours. We are attacking Command to stop the war, but Historia is focused on me and Siati’s-

Ugh, how do I explain this?

I said lazily.

“It’s fun to tie her up, isn’t it? It looks nice too. Let’s keep her tied up.”

“You’re really twisted... Hey! Watch the road!”

The Regressor yelled, and I suddenly noticed something appearing directly ahead of us.

Something aimed precisely at me from above.

Wait, if I’m not watching ahead, shouldn’t you be?

What’s the use of you sitting in the passenger seat then?

“Damn it!”

The Regressor swiftly raised Chun-aeng.

I appreciate her intention to protect me…!

Truly a reliable ally…!

Wait! That’s!

Realizing what was falling, I tightly gripped the Regressor with my right arm.

The Regressor, who was about to swing her sword, yelped.

“W-Where are you touching?!”

“Hold on, Mr. Shei! That’s!”

Thanks to restraining the Regressor, the projectile fell into my arms.

It was a sync-type magic golem with arms and legs, similar to those I’d seen numerous times in the Abyss

It had chosen its landing spot well. If not for my arms, it would have hit the ground hard.

The golem, now in my embrace, spoke urgently.

『This is Captain Ivy, the State’s signaller. Cease all hostilities against this unit. This unit demands dialogue with your group.』

The Regressor frowned.


「This is the first time in this timeline they’ve openly demanded dialogue. Did these people even have a concept of dialogue?」

Even within the golem’s artificial form, it seemed to sense the Regressor’s hostility.

The golem nodded frantically, almost pleading not to be attacked.

『Affirmative. This unit serves as an intermediary. Your message will be relayed directly to Command through this unit. Please respond if you agree with these terms.』

However, our rebellious Regressor hated listening to anyone.

Perhaps, after being deceived numerous times in her past lives, she distrusted those who did not earn her trust.

To the Regressor, the golem acting as the Military State’s spokesperson was a dubious entity.

Without much thought, she flatly rejected the proposal.

“I have nothing to say to yo–”

“What a short fuse! Wait a moment, Mr. Shei.”

“Don’t grab my collar so recklessly! And you, keep your eyes on the road! You’re looking everywhere except straight ahead!”

“It’s fine since we didn’t crash. Besides, stop baselessly hating on golems. Listening doesn’t take much effort, right? Did a golem burn your hand before?”

「Of course! These signallers have never revealed themselves and only communicate through golems every time! Even if you find a suspicious one, they remain tight-lipped, so you can’t learn anything! It’s frustrating how secretive they are! How can I like them?」

Although still disgruntled, the Regressor reluctantly agreed with me, muttering under her breath.

“…Make it quick. It’s risky to let them observe us for long.”

“Alright, hold the golem closer to my ear. I need to keep my eyes on the road while driving.”

“Am I your servant now?!”

『Time is short, so I will get to the point.』

The golem interrupted our conversation. Grumbling more, the Regressor extended the golem towards me.

Positioned in her hand, the golem spoke clearly.

『You were supposed to head north towards the Fallen Dominion. That was your only remaining path and the safest route. Command anticipated that, and you likely came to the same conclusion.』

“Tsk. See? It was a lure tactic after all.”

The Regressor, despite claiming she wouldn’t talk, echoed the golem’s assumption aloud.

It didn’t matter since we both expected this…

Actually, you might be the one who needs this discussion the most.

『However, you suddenly changed direction and are now threatening the Military State. This is an irrational and unexpected action. Why are you advancing toward Command?』

“What do you think?”

『This unit is asking for that reason. If we understand why you are heading towards Command, there might be room for negotiation.』

“Negotiation, meaning you’ll let us go to the Fallen Dominion? Are you offering some compensation for that?”


This is surprising.

The Military State, typically unyielding to demands, is now willing to engage in negotiations?

Is our threat that significant to warrant such a precedent?

Yet our Regressor never negotiated with suspicious factions.

Firmly, she challenged the golem.

“The States planned to exploit our escape to the Fallen Dominion as pretext for invading them, didn't they? After all, you’ll be clashing with the Fallen Dominion over the Abyss Wasteland!”

『Affirmative. However, how does that concern you?』

The golem responded as if puzzled.

『The war has nothing to do with you. The Military State seeks to neutralize potential threats like yourselves before the war. The Military State no longer requires a deterrent. Hence, you have no reason to remain in the Military State.』

“But we also have no reason to leave.”

『Understood. Therefore, Command intends to provide you with an incentive to leave. What do you desire? Money? Wealth? We are willing to provide those within reasonable limits.』

The golem's tone was dry, but this was a plea from the Military State.

How desperate must they be to offer money and make such a request?

Of course, it wasn't the Regressor’s concern.

“Disarm your forces.”

『…What do you mean by that?』

“The corps you’ve gathered to capture us. Disband them. That’s all I ask.”

She demanded the Military State disarm, a command tantamount to ideological and national suicide.

Naturally, Command could not accept this.

The golem replied stiffly.

『...Then, should we consider you hostile towards the Military State?』

“You just figured it out? You’re rather slow.”

Understanding the Regressor's intentions, the golem’s tone lowered.

『I advise against it.』

「You shouldn’t have come here. This place is dangerous.」


Wait. Is this… mind reading?

What’s this?

I cocked my head in confusion.


Until now,I could only read the thoughts of nearby beings.

I had never heard a golem’s thoughts before.

Even with Captain Abbey, I didn’t know anything about her until we met face-to-face.

But now...

“Is this a threat? Anyway, I assume we’re done here?”

『...It appears negotiations have failed. If you intend to oppose the Military State, be prepared for the consequences.』

“Very well. Goodbye.”

The Regressor swiftly cleaved the golem in half.

With a creaking sound, the golem split into two.

Its mechanical hum ceased, and it fell silent.

Before that, I caught a faint scent of flowers.

It wasn't the season for flowers yet.

Ah, so that’s why the golem fell towards me.

She did say she could die if exposed.

“They’re nervous too?”

“Seems like it.”

From afar, a faint fragrance drifted—a distinct aroma of sun-dried grass under the bright sunlight.

Considering the thoughts I just read...

“Mr. Shei. Get ready.”

“For what?”

“They've warned us to prepare. So let's be ready.”

I pressed harder on the pedal and tightened my grip on the wheel.

The automaton carriage strained under the effort.

Even the Regressor flinched, grabbing the handle.

A deafening roar erupted.

The white horse reared up, and everyone screamed and ducked.

Amidst the scattering dust, I witnessed the aftermath of our enemy’s power.

The road ahead lay split in two.

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