Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint
Chapter 244 Table of contents

The command to kill the Princess from the Warforger was delivered with such casual simplicity that it seemed more like a request for something to be brought to him.

Historia was taken aback. She was tied up and had no intention of attacking the Princess.

Despite the Princess being affiliated with the Resistance, she was approachable and kind.

Historia didn't want to lose someone so easily reasoned with, especially someone kind-hearted.

Death was final, but as long as someone was alive, there was always a chance to meet again.

In this sense, Historia found some satisfaction in her current status as a prisoner.

Being a prisoner meant she was relieved of the obligation to harm others by force.

But Maximilien's command was pulling her out of this comfortable dream.

Fortunately, before Historia could respond, fierce reactions erupted from various directions.

Shiati, who had been silently waiting for a chance to ambush Maximilien, changed her mind and swung open the side door of the carriage to shield the PrincessPrincess.

As Shiati guided Selphy to safety, the Regressor unleashed her killing intent, drawing both Chun-aeng and Jizan.

“Are you asking for a fight?”

But even in the face of such a formidable foe, the Warforger remained calm.

“You seem to enjoy meddling. But if you had any manners, you would remain silent. I am having a conversation with Major General Historia.”

“You call a command to kill someone a ‘conversation’?”

“What else would it be?”

The Regressor looked incredulous, but no one else reacted similarly.

Azzy, myself, and even the Princess who was directly told to die, were not disturbed.

Maximilien's words lacked any real malice. He spoke so matter-of-factly that even the Princess merely tilted her head in confusion.

Historia, looking around, responded reluctantly.

“…Director, I am tied up and closer to those swords than I am to you. How can I execute your order?”

“Please, don't disappoint me any further, Major General. Why must we beat around the bush instead of trusting each other’s intelligence and abilities?”

Maximilien seemed to have anticipated Historia's reaction.

“No mere ropes can truly bind you. It’s your own mind that’s holding you back. Well, I won’t fault you for that... It's a mark of those with the luxury to indulge in trivial matters. Just don’t deny that you refused my request.”

“I apologize.”

“What for? A request can always be refused. It’s your choice. Now, what is it that you want?”

Maximilien responded calmly, devoid of any regret, appearing very considerate and rational.

Historia delivered her prepared statement.

“Their goal is to prevent the war that the Military State plans to start. They are charging at Command to stop the war.”

“Hmm. And?”

“Their total force is at the level of a nation. With the main force in the Far East, it's uncertain if we can win if we clash head-on. So, I think the most reasonable way to minimize damage is to delay the war plans, recall the troops, and negotiate with them.”

“I don’t think so.”

Maximilien dismissed her lightly, as if the answer had been predetermined. It was a definitive rejection that left no room for further discussion.

“Major General Historia, your motivations aren't for the protection of the Military State. You only care about Hamelin.”

“But this is also in the best interest of the Military State!”

“Then take it up with Command. Don’t drag me into it. I see no reason to avoid a battle.”

“Many lives will be lost! Command itself could be wiped out!”

“Whose lives are you worried about? Ah, right. You mentioned finding the Pied Piper of Hamelin.”

His lens flickered briefly in my direction, but soon refocused on Historia.

To Maximilien, I wasn’t worth much attention. If he noticed me at all, it was because I influenced Historia.

To Maximilien, I was only a means to an end.

He wouldn't extend any consideration to those he deemed unworthy.

Because he was special.

Indeed, he was not ordinary.

“Rein in your hobbies, Major General.”

Maximilien spoke with a hint of regret.

“Tsk. I should have known from the time you made a fuss over two hundred worthless children dying. It was a matter that would have just faded away if left alone, but it was unnecessarily blown out of proportion because you poked around.”

“…Should we forget? Even after two hundred people died?”

“Two hundred people without power, talent, or even a prominent future. Who would remember them? If not for Major General Historia and Lankart’s hysteria, it would have ended as just another trivial incident.... Wait, who just spoke?”

Maximilien noticed Historia’s lips hadn’t moved and scanned the surroundings. From his position, the speaker wasn’t visible.

Because the voice belonged to Shiati, who had been concealed in the luggage compartment.

“Take that back!”

Shiati, who had been prepared to rescue the Princess if needed, couldn’t hold back when Hamelin was mentioned and lunged out, gripping the door.

Half outside, Shiati glared at Maximilien with burning eyes.

Her eyes blazed with fury.

“How dare you call us insignificant?! Hamelin is not something your kind can dismiss…!”

But Shiati, it’s pointless.

To someone who views you as less than human, your words hold no weight.



One of the gears in Maximilien's head misaligned.

His usual logic and tolerance didn’t apply to Shiati.

His reason could not be used… because she wasn’t worthy.


His killing intent surged suddenly.

The gears… were they aiding or hindering his thoughts?

The mechanisms connecting his reason and empathy seemed to switch off, unleashing darker emotions.

From those depths, immense hostility erupted.

And that hostility swiftly materialized.

Maximilien picked up six gears in one hand.

Though it didn’t look like it, they were part of a winch-powered bow.

No external power was needed; the force to turn the gears was their own power source.


Iron twisted with a groan. The sharp arrow on the string gleamed.

Ping, with a mechanical force, the bowstring propelled the arrow forward.

Like a streak of light, the arrow aimed straight at Shiati’s chest.

There was no hesitation or delay in his action.

In his mind, clearing the noise was his primary concern.

Most didn't read the intent of the attack until the arrow was unleashed.

Only Historia, on high alert despite being bound, reacted swiftly.

She kicked out, despite her restraints. A burst erupted, throwing her off balance.

The impact was so strong that Historia’s body lifted off the horse.

“Kyahhh?! Gunmaster!”

The Princess reached out, but the force was too great.

To protect the Princess and Selphy, Historia chose not to resist and allowed herself to be thrown.

She was falling.

I shouted immediately.

“Azzy! Catch her!”


At my command, Azzy leaped out.

At the same time…


The front of the automaton carriage shattered as the Regressor smashed through the bothersome windshield and leaped out with Chun-aeng.

“You crazy bastard! Consider this a declaration of war!”

Even Maximilien, who had initiated the attack, was now enraged and shouted.


“We’re not mere noise. Even if we are, it’s our noise!”

The Regressor retorted fiercely, wielding Chun-aeng.

Sky Blade Art, Dragon Slayer.

A massive blade of wind, like an enlarged Chun-aeng, descended upon Maximilien.

Even before it swung, the fierce wind pressured the surroundings.

Facing the giant sword wielded by the Sky God, Maximilien unsheathed his gear sword.


The sharp gears emitted a metallic squeal as they spun. Capable of grinding steel without being swung, the self-rotating blade was one of his masterpieces.

Yet, when he was about to position the gear blade against Chun-aeng…

Maximilien’s arm twisted backward.


Shiati had targeted Maximilien’s arm and twisted her finger to do so.

Driven by rage, she didn’t care for her own body, leaving her ring finger gruesomely disfigured.

Without proper treatment, she might never bend it again after today.

Still, black magic operates on fairness.

The same affliction she endured on her finger was mirrored upon her cursed target.

Thanks to her sacrifice, Maximilien’s arm contorted backward like Shiati’s finger….


But identical effects don’t always yield identical results.

What’s a refreshing stream for a person could be a deluge for ants.

Maximilien's arm, though bent, swiftly returned to normal without issue.

Practitioners of Gon Qi Art could infuse their bodies with Qi. Although it was typically used to bolster bones and muscles,those who had reached mastery could use it inversely.

Upon being inflicted by Shiati’s black magic, Maximilien reacted mechanically.

His bones and muscles briefly softened.

His arm, despite being bent, returned to its former state without issue.

Shiati’s sacrifice merely amounted to only a brief moment of distraction.

However, it infuriated Maximilien beyond measure.

He quivered with rage.


“That’s enough!”

However, that ‘worthless noise’ interrupted the clash between Chun-aeng and the gear sword.

Chun-aeng descended upon Maximilien.

Gears shattered in all directions.

Simultaneously, a steel gear the size of a hand flew toward Shiati’s chest.

Enraged, Maximilien had rolled a steel gear trap onto the road.

Shiati was caught unaware until it was almost too late, almost thrown from the automaton carriage.

If not for Azzy who was carrying Historia, rushing to her aid she would have been thrown out.

“Woof! Woof woof!”

Azzy barked, asking for gratitude, but Shiati winced, focusing on her remaining three fingers as she watched Maximilien.

Just as the Dragon Slayer threatened to rend Maximilien apart, his gears sparked fiercely and spun.

The jagged edges digging into the ground, the Warforger accelerated rapidly.

Controlling gears allowed rapid acceleration without the usual preparatory movements like bending knees or adjusting one's center of gravity.

Most attacks could be avoided with such agility.

“Sky Blade Art, Dragon's Reverse Scale!”

But the Regressor’s attack accounted for Maximilien’s capabilities.

A much larger and more formidable strike enveloped Maximilien.


Gears shifted on his shoulder. His cloak flipped over, shielding him like armor.

Then came the explosion.

The Warforger’s cloak tore apart, its fine gears dispersing like dust in the wind.

“Damn! Gear cloak…!”

「A counter to Chun-aeng using continuous meshing to disturb the surrounding space. He devised that in such a short time. This is troublesome.」

The Regressor clicked her tongue in frustration.

She seemed merely disappointed, but Maximilien felt his head might explode with rage.

The scattered gears had served their purpose but had now lost their order and returned to chaos.

His bloodshot eyes blazed as he shouted.

“To destroy my masterpiece, infinite meshing…! Really, you truly intend to provoke me!!!”

The Regressor replied with an incredulous look.

“You attacked first!”

“Now you blame me! Very well, my error was in attempting to resolve matters through reason and order! For those who disturb the peace, there exists a more fitting way to converse!”

The Warforger crouched low and thrust his hands into the ground.

The thin metal lines woven into his skin glowed.

His fingers sliced through the road's surface as if through it was butter.

“Combat Alchemy. Titan Forge.”

The road did not crumble to dust but molded at the Warforger's touch.

Debris swiftly transmuted into steel.

Much like gently curving pudding with a spoon into a sphere, a similar transformation occurred at the Warforger's fingertips.

Though instead of pudding, it was the bedrock of the road, and his fingers acted as sculpting tools.

Two lengthy lines were etched into the road.

The excavated ground swiftly morphed into massive steel gears.

Inner and outer segments rotated independently within a complex framework, emitting shrill groans as they bit into the earth.

A steel gear as large as the automaton carriage was quickly forged.

The Warforger spun the inner gear at breakneck speed. The friction-heated inner wheel glowed a fiery red.


With a forceful shove, the steel gear scraped the ground, hurtling toward us.

The ground was marked with a bright red trail.

The massive steel gear barreled down the smooth road, aiming to crush us.

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