Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have …
Vol. 1 Ch. 5 Table of contents

Chapter 5: Mom! Dad is about to escape!

The pride of the Dragon Slayer prohibited Leon from idly waiting. He must take action to avoid becoming a desiccated corpse drained by the mother dragon.

After a brief respite, Leon regained some strength. He rose from the bed and peered out of the window. He still remembered the route when they attacked the Silver Dragon Holy Temple two years ago, and in these two years, Rosvitha didn’t renovate her lair much. So, Leon could still sneak out using the route from his memory.

Leon was going to escape. Was he really going to wait in this dragon’s lair to be treated as StarFury by Rosvitha if he didn’t escape?

As for the dragon tattoo, Rosvitha just left on his chest, he can’t return to the empire as “Leon Casmode the Dragon Slayer.”

This would be the shame of his life as a Dragon Slayer.

Leon must abandon everything from before – his reputation, status, income, and so on – and live entirely with a new identity.

Regardless, as long as he escaped, Leon made some preparations before officially escaping. He searched through the room.

If Rosvitha had been keeping him in this room during his two-year coma, there should be some nutritional potions or similar items here. Leon’s body was still very weak now, and without some stamina-boosting potions, he could not run far.

After rummaging through boxes and cabinets, Leon found a whole box of nutritional potions in the bedside table. Then he searched the room for anything edible.

Finally, before leaving, Leon considered leaving a sarcastic note for Rosvitha. But after some thought, he decided against it. If he were to be accidentally captured and Rosvitha got hold of that note, she would undoubtedly use it to make a big deal out of it and continue to humiliate Leon on an even larger scale.

As for that little dragon person named Muen…

Consider it as a divorce judgment in favour of the woman. Leon definitely could not take her with him when he escaped.

Even if Leon was willing, Muen probably would not agree, and there was a high probability that she might even betray Leon to Rosvitha. After all, no matter how he looked at it, the dragon features on that little one were still too obvious.

These two years being with Rosvitha, she would undoubtedly be more inclined towards Rosvitha. Regardless of the success or failure of the escape, attitude was crucial.

Leon packed the nutritional potions and food into a shoulder bag, then slipped out of the room wearing a hooded sweatshirt. He thought someone would be on guard, but no one was in sight in the corridor. This gave Leon a good opportunity to escape. He hugged the wall tightly, stopping at each corner to observe the situation on the other side.

Leon was very cautious. However, due to his unfamiliarity with the internal layout of the temple, he took several turns, delaying quite a bit of time before finally finding the right exit.

What surprised him even more was that there wasn’t a single guard at the temple entrance.

“How does the Silver Dragon Holy Temple have this aesthetic of massive layoffs…” he mumbled.

He considered leaving a sarcastic note for Rosvitha. Leon took several turns before finding the right exit, delaying quite a bit of time.

Leon swallowed hard, “Regardless, I’ll run first and figure it out later.”

He looked around in all directions before briskly running down the temple stairs. He crossed the courtyard, heading straight for the side door.

Leon slipped into a thicket near the side door, secretly observing the situation outside. There were four dragon guards at the entrance of the side door. Escaping from here seemed impossible for Leon.

Darn it.

Was his escape plan going to end so quickly?

He thought,

Think of a solution, Leon.

Use your brain.

Consider what the old man, his master, would do in this situation. Leon hesitated. Never mind. It would be better not to think about it. Because that old man would surely choose the most primitive, most embarrassing method, crawling through a dog hole.

No, it was not a dog hole. It was much larger than a typical dog hole.

Leon straightened up, measured it, and found that this hole seemed tailor-made for him!

Leon’s eyes lit up, “Sometimes luck just can’t be stopped!”

He passed through the hole and successfully escaped the Silver Dragon Holy Temple.

Little did he know that Rosvitha on the temple rooftop observed every move he made.

Muen crouched on the railing, pointing at Leon’s distant figure. “Mom, look, Dad is running so fast! He’s really amazing!”

“Yeah, I saw. He’s quite impressive.”

“But didn’t Dad suspect anything? He escaped so smoothly. It’s all because of you, Mom.”

“He just wants freedom. What’s wrong with that? Besides, he just woke up. It’s normal for his head to be a bit fuzzy.”

“Um… Mom, when are you going to bring Dad back?” Muen blinked her watery eyes.

Leon noticed that Muen had distinct dragon characteristics, that was for sure. But her bright eyes were more human-like.

Rosvitha slowly crouched down, raised her index finger, and gently sealed Muen’s lips. “When talking about Dad, we shouldn’t use words like ‘bring him back.’ It’s quite impolite.”

Muen tilted her head, “Then what should we use?”

Rosvitha chuckled and then said with a serious expression, “Snatch him back.”

With his strength depleted, Leon arrived at a riverbank late at night to replenish his energy. He started with a bottle of nutritional potion and enjoyed some biscuits. Then he crouched by the river, scooping water into his mouth with his hands, quenching his thirst.

Having eaten and drunk his fill, Leon sat in place, patiently waiting for his strength to recover. He looked across the river and beyond it, climbing two more mountains. He would be near the border of human territory.

Once there, his escape plan would be halfway successful. And now, with some relaxation, Leon couldn’t help but wonder why his escape had been so smooth.

From the moment he left that room, he had encountered almost no obstacles.

“If the guards are as lax as they are now, we wouldn’t have struggled so much two years ago.”

What’s going on—


In the midst of his thoughts, there was a sudden sound of faint footsteps behind him.

Leon abruptly stood up, turning to look back warily.

There, a tall and slender figure emerged slowly from the darkness.

“You’re quite a runner, Leon,” came a tone of disdain and a hint of mockery.


“Your daughter misses you. Let me take you back.”

“I won’t go back with you!” Leon declared.

Rosvitha smiled lightly, completely stepping out of the shadows, and stood in front of Leon. Her posture was elegant, her expression languid, strongly contrasting with Leon’s tense demeanour.

She looked into Leon’s pitch-black eyes and said leisurely, “So, where do you want to go? Back to the Empire?”

With that, Rosvitha extended her hand and gently tapped Leon’s chest. “Don’t forget, Dragon Slayer, your chest already bears my mark. You can never return to the Empire as a Dragon Slayer again, understand?”

With a swift motion, Leon brushed away Rosvitha’s hand, took two steps back, and blurted out, “Then I’ll start a new life, live as an ordinary person. Anything is better than being tormented by you here.”

Tch, ignorant fool. I’ll grant your wish since you’re eager to go home.”

What do you mean?

After a moment of silence, a resounding dragon roar pierced through the sky. Immediately after, a colossal silver dragon stood before Leon.

The massive dragon was covered in scales, with heavy dragon breath and majestic dragon eyes. Its enormous body was as tall as several stories.

This was the dragon form of the Silver Dragon Queen, Rosvitha. It was majestic, divine, and solemn. Just standing before her, Leon could feel the overwhelming pressure that left him breathless.

Rosvitha remained silent, opening her mouth slightly to reveal sharp teeth inching towards Leon. He seemed to realise something, forcing himself to stay calm, refraining from stepping back or making jokes. He patted the scales on Rosvitha’s back and asked, “Where exactly are you taking me?”

“To your long-awaited home—The Empire.”

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