Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have …
Vol. 1 Ch. 29 Table of contents

Chapter 29: Great strength works wonders.

The queen smiled with satisfaction, her eyes forming two crescent moons.

Leon couldn’t discern if she was mocking him or found their recent conversation amusing as she laughed.

He silently turned around, continuing to modify the tutoring plan.


Fabric rubbed against the sheets, followed by the gradually approaching sound of high heels. After a moment, a faint fragrance wafted from behind Leon. That was the fragrance of Rosvitha. Leon had smelled it many times. She reached for a chilli pepper on the table, smelled it in front of her nose, and immediately furrowed her brow. Indeed, the smell was quite pungent. Even a dragon-like Rosvitha found it too strong. Surprisingly, Leon considered it a refreshing tonic.

It was daring.

Rosvitha put down the chilli pepper and reached her hand towards Leon’s chin. Before Leon could react, she abruptly pinched his chin, forcing him to turn his head to look at her.

Rosvitha’s fingertips conveyed a scalding sensation. Up close, Leon’s entire cheeks and lips were red, and there were traces of tears in the corners of his eyes. She gently flicked Leon’s burning lower lip with her thumb, not applying too much force.

“If you want to refresh yourself, ask Anna for coffee. What’s the difference between this and self-harm?”

“I drank coffee for half a year during school. You build up a tolerance, and it becomes ineffective. Chilli is more straightforward,” Leon replied.

“But this is dragon pepper. Aren’t you a human afraid you can’t handle it—”

“Don’t underestimate me.”

Alright. Once he became stubborn like this, he was just like Rosvitha, and even eight oxen couldn’t pull him back.

Rosvitha chuckled and withdrew her hand. Leon pursed his tingling lips, secretly enjoying being touched on the face by Rosvitha.

He did not have any strange fetishes, but because Rosvitha’s fingertips were pleasantly cool. When they touched his hot cheeks, it felt comfortable.

The thought of it seemed a bit perverse.

“Rest early, don’t eat too many peppers. If your mouth gets too spicy, you’ll have to teach Noia using sign language,” the queen advised.

With that, the high heels queen leisurely left the bedroom. The door clicked as it locked, and the light from the corridor seeped in through the crack as Rosvitha exited the room.

Leon breathed a sigh of relief, and once he was sure Rosvitha had gone far enough, he took out the medicinal book again and continued reading. In the end, he found a medication in a chapter of the last book that met his requirements.

The name of this medicine was indeed a “Long Dali.”

Leon took a sharp breath, “How is this even more abstract than that Dragon Kidney Guardian?… It’s not some kind of aphrodisiac, is it?”

Fortunately, the description of the drug’s effects only mentioned that “Long Dali” was a highly efficient tonic unrelated to virility.

Leon’s eyes brightened at this point, and he immediately looked further down to find out where he could get this “Long Dali.”

However, the result poured cold water on Leon’s excited heart.

“Although the ingredients required for Long Dali are common, even the most outstanding pharmacists among the dragons have a low chance of successfully concocting it.”

“As a health tonic, Long Dali often finds itself in an awkward situation in the dragon market, valuable but with little demand.” Leon rubbed his chin and continued reading.

The book also mentioned the method of refining Long Dali, emphasising how difficult it was to perfect the process.

Leon pursed his lips and flipped through the pages again. He found that, apart from Long Dali meeting his current needs, other drugs were not quite suitable. Moreover, dragon and human ingredients differed significantly, especially in refining methods.

So, in someone else’s territory, he could only use what belonged to them. After some hesitation, he picked up pen and paper and listed the ingredients for Long Dali. He planned to give Anna this list tomorrow, asking her to help gather the required ingredients.

Leon couldn’t casually leave the room, so this method was his only way to gather the ingredients.

At the same time, Leon added some other ingredients to the list. This confused others and prevented them from realising he intended to refine Long Dali.

“Damn, the more I hear this name, the more abstract it sounds. Your dragon names are so beautiful, like Moon, Hero, Galaxy, and when naming ingredients, it’s either Kidney Guardian or Long Dali…”

Leon neatly stored the prepared list as he complained, then stood up and went to the bathroom to take another sip of cold water.

His mouth still felt numb and spicy. He tried to exhale and found his throat uncomfortable.

A mild burning sensation accompanied the passage of warm air over his throat.

“Tomorrow, I might have to teach Noia using sign language.”

That might be a bit exaggerated, but the discomfort in his throat was a given. After a brief wash, Leon got into bed and went to sleep.

A night passed in silence. The next morning, the maid Anna brought Leon breakfast, and he handed her the list of ingredients he had prepared the night before.

Anna didn’t ask many questions. She just explained that it would be possible to gather everything tomorrow. Leon said it was okay. There was no rush.

After Anna left, Leon brought breakfast into the room, consisting of bread, boiled chicken breast, and a cup of water.

There was nothing to complain about. Having this food, Leon felt he had surpassed 99.9% of the defeated captives.

He tore off a small piece of bread and put it in his mouth. After chewing a couple of times, he swallowed.

But a sharp and painful sensation hit him when the bread reached his throat. Leon quickly took a sip of water, allowing the bread to go smoothly.

He raised his hand to touch his throat, feeling a pronounced discomfort even through the flesh.

“As expected… ate too many peppers.”

There was a knock on the door. Someone was at the door. Leon set down the bread and went to answer the door.

It was Noia.

Just her.

“Good morning, Noia,” Leon greeted his eldest daughter with a smile, despite the discomfort.

“Good morning.”

Still without any titles. But Leon was used to it. He let Noia into the room. The little ice dragoness held yesterday’s homework in her hand and followed Leon into the bedroom. They took their seats in the same positions as yesterday, and Noia handed over her completed homework.

After glancing at the paper, Leon heard Noia speak.


“What’s the matter?”

“Here, this is for you.”

“Candy?” Leon blinked and asked, “What kind of candy is this?”

“Throat lozenges.”

Leon was a little surprised, “For me?”

“Yeah, it’s from Mom, not me.”

Leon didn’t expose her. He just took the throat lozenges and said, “Help me say thank you to your mom.”


So… saying it’s from Mom, no issues at all. Noia thought this in her mind.

Leon took a throat lozenge to soothe his throat and started checking Noia’s test paper simultaneously.

“Well done. The completion rate is very high. So, our main task this morning is to reinforce yesterday’s topics. Shall we start now?”

Noia obediently nodded, “Okay.”

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