Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have …
Vol. 1 Ch. 70 Table of contents

Chapter 70: I Have Yuyu Syndrome

A sonic boom exploded in the clouds as a silver dragon soared through the sky.

Leon sat cross-legged on Rosvitha’s back, cradling Muen, who had started to doze off due to waking up too early.

“What kind of person is your sister?” Leon asked.

“Warm, lively, talkative, cheerful,” Rosvitha replied.

Leon pondered for a moment. “So basically, the complete opposite of you?”

Rosvitha wanted to refute but realized that she had indeed left Leon with an impression completely opposite to that of her sister, Isabella.

After some thought, Rosvitha added, “But she’s more cunning than me.”

Leon was surprised. “There’s actually a dragoness in this world more cunning than you?”

“I spent the first fifty years of my life with her, so I know her the best,” Rosvitha said. “So, you need to be highly vigilant around her. She’ll use all sorts of methods… to mess with you.”

Leon chuckled, nonchalantly replying, “Besides you, I don’t want to have any contact with any adult dragoness again.”

As soon as the words fell, Rosvitha’s dragon wings trembled slightly, causing her body to jolt. Then she heard Leon muttering, “I’ve had enough for this lifetime.”

Rosvitha wasn’t sure if he did it on purpose, but it’s always safe to be a little stubborn first. “Don’t talk nonsense.”

Leon (innocently): “But I’m speaking from the heart.”

Damn cunning dragonesses, now they don’t even allow speaking from the heart!

Leon glanced at his eldest daughter. “Noah, have you seen Aunt Isabella before?”

Noah shook her head. “I’ve only seen Aunt Isabella in photos in Mom’s room. The last time Aunt Isabella visited, I was doing physical training.”

“So, you’re the only one in the family who has seen your sister?” Leon asked.

“It seems so. That’s why my sister is looking forward to this meeting,” Rosvitha said. “Alright, hold on tight, we’re about to accelerate.”

Another sonic boom rang out, and the silver figure disappeared into the sky.

About three hours later, Leon’s family arrived at the territory of the Red Dragon Clan.

Looking down from high above, the Red Dragon Temple and the scale of the community were similar to Rosvitha’s Silver Dragon Clan, and the architectural style was very similar.

However, many of the silver decorations representing the Silver Dragon Clan were replaced with red here.

In the nearly identical design style, a few more features of the native clan were added, which was quite interesting.

Rosvitha slowly landed in the front courtyard of the Red Dragon Temple.

Her sister Isabella and several dragon maids had been waiting for a long time.

After landing, Leon, holding Muen, slid down from Rosvitha’s dragon wing, followed closely by Noah.

Before they could turn around, they heard Isabella’s voice.

“Little! Lo!! Your dragon form is still so handsome~”

Turning around, they saw the Red Dragon Queen, who had just been elegant and dignified, hugging Rosvitha’s dragon head tightly.

Rosvitha drooped her wings and her tail hung down helplessly. “Sister… let me change back first.”

“Oh, alright, you can change,” Isabella said.

Rosvitha folded her dragon wings, and with a flash of light, she transformed back into her human form.

“Little! Lo!”

After transforming back, Rosvitha still couldn’t escape Isabella’s enthusiastic hug, which was as warm as a husky’s.

From Rosvitha’s reaction and expression, it seemed that she was already accustomed to her sister’s way of greeting.

However, what slightly surprised Leon was that Rosvitha was already a tall woman, standing at around 1.7 meters tall, and wearing high heels could reach up to 1.75 meters. But in her sister Isabella’s embrace, she seemed to be a bit shorter.

Leon glanced down at Muen, who was about the same height as his calf, hoping that the tall gene from the Melkvi family could be perfectly passed down to their daughter.

“Sis, let me introduce you to my husband and daughter. You haven’t formally met them yet,” Rosvitha said.

“Sure, sure.” Isabella put aside her playful demeanor, tidied her hair, and followed Rosvitha to Leon and the others.

“This is my husband, Leon Casmode,” Rosvitha said.

Leon was about to greet Isabella politely, but she took the initiative to shake his hand. “Hello, brother-in-law, nice to finally meet you awake.”

Isabella glanced him up and down. “Indeed, looking at you now, you’re more compatible with little Lo.”

Leon awkwardly smiled and shook hands with Isabella, “Ahaha, Auntie, you’re really funny.”

“What’s with the ‘Auntie’? That’s too formal~ Just call me ‘sister’ like little Lo does.”

“Okay, sister.”

“Little Lo, is your husband still not awake?”

Rosvitha lightly nudged Leon’s arm with her elbow.

Leon immediately changed his words, “I was just joking with you, sis.”

“Interesting, little Lo, I really appreciate your husband’s personality, just as unpredictable as me,” Isabella remarked.

Rosvitha silently covered her face. “Sis, do you even know that you’re unpredictable?”

After introducing Leon, Rosvitha proceeded to introduce their two little dragon daughters.

“This is our daughter, Noia, and Muen. Sister is—”

“Wait! Let me guess!” Isabella interrupted Rosvitha’s introduction, excitedly starting a guessing game about the sisters’ identities.

Her gaze shifted between the two little ones, and she pointed at Muen, “This one with the cute little tufts is the older sister.”

“I’m the younger sister, Auntie,” Muen shook the tufts on her head.

“Oh, I guessed wrong! Come here, Muen, let Auntie hug you~”

Muen was a natural social-phobe, immediately letting go of Leon’s hand and embracing Auntie’s warm and fragrant embrace.

“Auntie, how did you know Muen’s name?” Muen asked.

“When you were little, I came to visit you, and your mom told me. The younger sister is called Muen, and the older sister is called Noia,” Isabella explained.

Then, she turned her gaze towards Noia.

Compared to her sister, Noia was a true “social-phobe.” She nervously held onto Rosvitha’s skirt, hesitantly stepping back.

Rosvitha didn’t force Noia to greet Isabella directly. She never pressured her daughter to address various relatives; she fully respected Noia’s wishes.

After some hesitation, Noia tried to peek out from behind Rosvitha and approached, saying, “Hello, Auntie, I’m Noia.”

“Oh, little Noia, would you like Auntie to hug you too?”

Previously, Rosvitha mentioned in her letter that Noia was a shy girl who wasn’t very talkative and didn’t like physical contact with others. So when Isabella didn’t directly pick her up earlier, she was just asking for her opinion. Noia nodded, “Yes.”

“Great~” Isabella held Muen with both hands and gently wrapped her flexible tail around Noia’s waist, then handed her over to her embrace.

Leon internally jokes: Convenient, huh!

With one dragon daughter on each side, Isabella was overwhelmed with happiness as she held them close.

“Wow~ It’s so blissful! little Lo, do you get to enjoy these cute little dragon daughters every day?”

“Oh, I’m usually busy, so it’s mostly Leon who takes care of them.”

“Oh, okay, thanks, brother-in-law.”

“No problem, it’s not hard, I enjoy taking care of the kids.”

Taking advantage of the situation, Leon added, “The kids are more attached to me, actually.”

Rosvitha raised an eyebrow at Leon, “Clearly, they’re more attached to me, right?”

“Darling, you’re such a joker.”

“Do I look like I’m joking with you?”

“Okay, okay, you’re right, they’re more attached to you.”

“Do I need your permission?”

Isabella interjected, “Wow, you two have such a great relationship.”

To Isabella’s praise, the couple immediately stopped their banter and replied in unison, “It’s just okay.”

Seeing this, Isabella chuckled and said nothing.

“Alright, alright, you must be tired after traveling such a long way. Come in and take a rest. Dinner is ready soon,” Isabella said, carrying two baby dragonettes and leading Leon and Rosvitha into the temple. The whole family arrived at the reception hall of the temple.

Leon and Rosvitha sat side by side. Muen and Noia were still being cuddled by their aunt for the time being, and they probably wouldn’t be let go until dinner was served.

“What does Muen usually like to eat?” Isabella asked.

“Fried steak! Muen likes fried steak!”

“Alright, luckily Auntie has prepared fried steak for dinner. And what about little Noia?”

“I’m fine with anything, Auntie.”

“Noia is so well-behaved. By the way, Auntie heard that you started attending St. Hys Academy half a month ago?” Noia nodded.

“Wow, that’s amazing! Just over a year old, and already going to school. How are your grades?”

Noia modestly replied, “They’re okay.”

Muen stopped her from being modest, “Sister is first in many subjects!”

Isabella’s eyes lit up, “That’s fantastic, my little Noia! Just like your mother when she was young.”

The keyword “your mother when she was young” was triggered. As everyone knows, whenever childhood is mentioned, it’s time for a history lesson of embarrassment.

Even though Noia usually had a cool demeanor, at this moment, she perked up her ears, afraid of missing a single word her aunt would say next. So the main question now is, who will continue the topic of “your mother when she was young”?

The two little ones, as if by agreement, turned to look at their father. Leon raised an eyebrow.

Alright, alright, alright, alright. What else can Dad do? Of course, I’m here to spoil you guys, not because I’m curious myself.

Digging deep into the dark history of this mother dragon, I’m more than willing to oblige!

“So, sis, how good was she?” Leon asked.

“How good? little Lo used to get first place so often it became routine. I remember when she moved up to the adult department, she even went on stage as a representative of outstanding students to give a speech. Oh, I still have the photos taken of her back then, let me go get them for you guys.”

“Eh, sis, you don’t—” Rosvitha tried to stop her, but Isabella had already put down the two baby dragonettes and trotted out of the reception hall.

Suddenly, Rosvitha had a bad feeling about this.

“Our sister is indeed quite enthusiastic,” Leon chuckled mischievously.

Rosvitha glanced at him, “Don’t get too smug. Once she’s done with me, you’re next.”

Leon shrugged, “I don’t have any embarrassing history in her hands. What’s there to be afraid of?”

“Don’t overestimate yourself, and don’t underestimate my sister.”

As they bantered, Isabella returned.

In her arms, she still held a thick photo album, and her face was beaming with a smile.

It was evident that this was not a spontaneous decision; she clearly came prepared, dear sister!

A crack appeared on Rosvitha’s frosty face, “Sis… didn’t you say you were only going to bring the photo of me as the student representative? Why did you bring them all?”

Isabella hurriedly sat back in her seat and eagerly opened the photo album. “I thought it would be too troublesome to take them out one by one, so I just bought them all.

Let me see… Let me find it, Rose’s student speech photo… Ah, here it is!” With that, Isabella handed the album to Leon. The two baby dragonettes also leaned over to join in the excitement.

On the open page of the album, indeed, was a younger-looking Rosvitha. Back then, her face didn’t look as sour as it does now (of course, that was Leon’s first impression). But for the two little dragonettes, their mom during her teenage years was so pretty!

She was wearing the uniform of St. Hys Academy, her silver hair tied neatly into a ponytail, radiating a sunny and cheerful aura that was completely different from the current Ice Queen.

“Wife, you were so lively when you were studying!” Rosvitha turned her head away, not wanting to engage with this guy. A dog’s mouth can’t utter ivory!

However, apart from being younger and more youthful, Leon also noticed an interesting detail. That was the dragon horn above Rosvitha’s ears. She had previously mentioned not seeing her own parents, which meant she was also a viviparous dragon, only revealing her horns when she reached adulthood.

Rosvitha’s dragon horn was cute and petite, making people want to touch it involuntarily. Leon swallowed nervously, glancing sideways at the mother dragon beside him, staring at her ears, his intentions a bit too obvious.

Rosvitha gave him a disdainful look. “Don’t bring up any weird requests, thanks.”

Leon clicked his tongue and withdrew his gaze. But he didn’t continue flipping through the other photos.

This is basic courtesy. Without the permission of the owner of the album, you can only look at the photo they handed you.

However, Isabella noticed that the father and daughters trio hadn’t seen enough, so she said, “You can flip through a few more pages. little Lo was really, really cute when she was little.” Alright, permission granted, let’s flip!

There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing photos of your archenemy when they were little; if there is, it’s that you haven’t seen enough!

Leon and the two little ones eagerly flipped through the album to the very beginning, officially starting to browse, completely ignoring a certain silver dragon.

Sure enough, on the first page of the album, a silver-haired young dragon was showing off her lollipop to the camera.

“Mommy was so tiny!” Muen exclaimed excitedly. “Just like Muen!”

To be fair, young Rosvitha did look like a silver-haired version of Noia and Muen. Although there was some adorable baby fat on her cheeks, it didn’t detract from the delicate features she exuded.

Leon flipped to the next page. On this page, Rosvitha had grown a lot, probably around ten years old, already showing signs of a teenage girl. In the photo, she was practicing dragon fire.

Another photo on the same page showed her with a burnt hand after failing to control the dragon fire, and Isabella was bandaging her wound.

“Wife, you and your sisters have such a good relationship,” Leon praised superficially but teasingly.

Rosvitha sneakily reached behind and quietly pinched Leon’s waist.

Leon, with a thick skin, patted Rosvitha’s leg, indicating her to calm down. “Come on, let’s keep looking.”

Flipping further back, there were various life photos and records taken over time. There was the first attempt at flying, with closed eyes due to fear of heights. There was also the triumphant moment of killing a dangerous species for the first time, proudly standing on its head.

However, the next photo was a hilarious snapshot titled “This mother dragon who killed an S-class dangerous species but got scared by a spider and used advanced magic for its brutal eradication.”

There were many more photos of Rosvitha crying, and Leon couldn’t help but chuckle as he looked at them, even though he didn’t realize he was laughing.

How strange. He came with the mindset of digging into the mother dragon’s embarrassing history, but why did he suddenly feel a sense of “my wife is so cute”?

Ah, whatever, as long as he enjoyed it.

The last photo in the album was taken on the day Rosvitha inherited the title of “Silver Dragon Queen.” Sitting on the throne, wearing a silver crown, the queen accepted the worship of her silver dragon subjects, exuding dignity and majesty.

Leon closed the album, feeling a bit reluctant to stop, just like the two little ones.

But Rosvitha, on the other hand, breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, it’s over!

However, it was clear that after not seeing each other for a long time, she underestimated her sister’s level of cunningness.

How could she miss the chance to express some sisterly love fiercely, now that they were reunited as a family for the first time in a long time?

These were just appetizers!

After the album session, Isabella pulled out a crystal ball from behind the sofa.

“Auntie, Auntie, what’s this?” Muen asked excitedly.

Leon raised his hand. “I know, this is called a Memory Stone!”

Wow, he really knew it!

“Yes, it’s called a Memory Stone. Finally, we have the chance to watch it together as a family. little Lo, you must miss it too, right?”

The three dragons and one human all looked at Rosvitha.

This was the day since she became the Silver Dragon Queen that she wanted to find a hole to hide in the most. Her icy demeanor was finally breaking!

Rosvitha even said with a hint of pleading, “Sis… please, for the sake of me being your real little sister, don’t show what’s inside.”

“Sis, I also beg you, for the sake of me being your real brother-in-law, you must show us what’s inside!” Leon couldn’t contain his curiosity about the images inside the Memory Stone.

Isabella admired her sister and brother-in-law’s reactions. She was satisfied. Very satisfied.

“Alright, since Leon is visiting our house for the first time, let’s go with his suggestion this time, and we’ll follow Rose’s idea next time.”

Rosvitha’s inner thoughts: There won’t be a next time!

With that, Isabella activated the Memory Stone, and a clear image appeared in the center of the reception hall. Everyone looked up, and the first scene was a silver-haired young dragon sitting on the ground, crying.

A grown-up Isabella was squatting beside her, comforting her and saying, “Don’t cry, little Lo, don’t cry. So what if the lunch was taken away by the messenger dragon? Sister will make another one for you later, don’t cry, okay?”

“Later, that messenger dragon went hungry for three days and finally learned its lesson, no longer stealing her food,” Isabella explained beside them.

Leon leaned close to Rosvitha’s ear and whispered, “Then how come you don’t have any psychological trauma from messenger dragons now?”

“Shh, shut up,” Rosvitha nudged his shoulder.

Leon chuckled, dodging away, and continued watching the images in the Memory Stone.

The next scene was by the bathroom door, with the camera slightly shaking, giving off a family video vibe. In the next moment, Isabella appeared in the frame, waving and then making a “silence” gesture before sticking the Memory Stone on the bathroom door. Soon, familiar sounds could be heard from the bathroom.

“I love bathing, makes my body feel good~~ oh oh oh~~ scrubbing my tail and blowing bubbles~~ oh oh oh~~”

Leon’s smile widened. “Wife, your singing voice is as melodious as a nightingale!”

“Ah! Just end it all!” Rosvitha exclaimed in despair, burying her head in her arms on the table, hands covering her ears.


The sound of her heart’s defense breaking, so pleasant!

“Here comes the final part, which I personally think is the most exciting,” Isabella announced.

Upon hearing this, Rosvitha quickly lifted her head and grabbed Isabella’s wrist. “Sis, this part is really not okay, absolutely cannot be shown.”

Isabella narrowed her eyes and smiled. “Little Lo, you know me. The more you resist, the more I want to show it.”

“Sis, you’re my only sister, I support you,” Leon said nonchalantly, looking like he was just enjoying the show.

Rosvitha turned to glare at him fiercely.

The look in her eyes clearly said, “Wait until we get home, and you’ll see how I deal with you.” But Leon remained indifferent. Carpe diem, seize the day, live in the moment!

I don’t know how I’ll die in the future, but you’re probably going to die now.

Isabella activated the Memory Stone, playing the final scene, and reminded them, “Some things you need to see so you won’t forget.”

In the scene, she and Rosvitha were sitting side by side by the river, having their first conversation about relationships.

“Rose, what are your criteria for choosing a partner in the future?” At the age of seventeen or eighteen, Rosvitha didn’t quite understand the concept of love or relationships, but she had very clear standards.

She looked at the river, earnestly replying, “They should at least be academically superior to me, with many first places or championships; they must be responsible and not dislike children; and they should be powerful but not bully the weak, have their own principles of conduct, and not be influenced by the masses or external factors.”

Isabella’s eyes flickered. “Those three points are quite challenging, especially the last one. Many people lose themselves after gaining power and authority.”

Young Rosvitha looked up at the Milky Way in the night sky, her tone firm with a hint of longing and determination. “Who knows? Anyway, if I were to marry, I would only marry such a person. If I never meet someone like that in my lifetime, then I’ll never marry.”

The Silver Dragon Queen, preferring to remain single than to settle for less.

The scene ended.

Leon and the two little dragon girls were still a bit stunned.. After a moment, Noia and Muen looked at their own father simultaneously.

Noia said, “Academically superior, not bullying the weak…”

Muen: “Not disliking children…”

Leon: “Dang!”

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