Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have …
Vol. 1 Ch. 80 Table of contents

Chapter 80: Darling, It’s Your Turn

After the relay race came some routine competition events, such as high jump, long jump, javelin throw, and the like.

As usual, the family of three worked together, and the final total score was added up to determine the rankings.

Each race in the dragon community had its own strengths. However, in events that didn’t involve speed, the Silver Dragon clan didn’t have much of an advantage.

Rosvitha and Noia were a bit worried that the advantage gained from winning the relay race might be wasted in the upcoming events.

But as it turned out, with Leon around, their worries were unfounded.

It could only be said that Leon was so ridiculously strong that he wasn’t even counted in the rankings. He was like an invincible hexagonal warrior.

If you looked at him individually, whether in terms of strength or speed, Leon would definitely be outmatched by certain dragon clans.

But when it came to overall ability, Leon’s advantage shone through. And this was the Dragon Clan Sports Festival!

Rosvitha only had to spend some time with him, and he could achieve this level of performance. If it were his peak, wouldn’t he be unbeatable?

If someone like Leon could continue to stay on the battlefield, it would definitely put pressure on all the dragon clans, right…?

Leaving aside the slightly hellish implications, this was a human who could still impregnate someone before dying. In every aspect, he truly deserved the title of the strongest dragon slayer.

That’s what Rosvitha thought.

After the routine competitions ended, there was no doubt that the total score of Leon’s family ranked first. In response, the two little dragon girls were ecstatic to the extreme.

As long as they perform normally in the final fun game segment, there’s basically no suspense.

Leon: Vacation! Vacation! Vacation!

“All right, for the final event of this family sports festival, the fun games are about to begin. Let me announce the rules of the competition.”

The school staff explained from the lectern, “In the fun games segment, the adult dragons and young dragons of each family will compete separately.”

“The game for the young dragons is ‘Protect the Balloon.’ Staff will attach balloons to the backs of the young dragons, and once the balloon is popped, they are eliminated. The young dragons will be placed in a designated area for the competition, and the last one remaining will be the winner.”

“While the adult dragons will participate in the ‘Two-Person Three-Legged Race’ in another area.”

Trigger keyword: Two-Person Three-Legged Race.

Leon and Rosvitha looked at each other simultaneously.

They could both see the same signal in each other’s eyes:

Qin Shihuang touches the electric door—win!


The Two-Person Three-Legged Race was their first tacit training, and their synchronization was excellent.

And Rosvitha’s “prediction” was also quite accurate; the final and most critical event was indeed related to the Two-Person Three-Legged Race.

However, Leon didn’t rush to open the champagne.

Past experiences had taught him that in this damn school, every half-time champagne popping almost ended in disaster.

Like the initial interview, or the later model family speech…

Those moments had truly taken half of Leon’s life.

“As for the specific contents of the Two-Person Three-Legged Race, please proceed to the starting point. Explore and enjoy the surprises during the game~”

Leon grinned, his mouth curling up. “Haha, just as I thought. Thank goodness we didn’t open the champagne.”

All the adult dragons from each family gathered at the starting point of the Two-Person Three-Legged Race. The staff tied ropes around their ankles.

After being fastened together, Leon naturally wrapped his arm around Rosvitha’s waist.

Rosvitha glanced at the hand resting on her waist, then looked at Leon teasingly. “You’re too skilled at hugging me, aren’t you?”

“Practice makes perfect, darling.”


Despite her words of disdain, Rosvitha, like Leon, expertly wrapped her arm around his waist. The touch was still wonderful.

Looking ahead from the starting point, there was a temporary structure about fifty meters away—a small compartment with an opaque door. Inside would likely be the first challenge they would face.

Strangely, there was a hint of anticipation.

“Okay, get ready~~~” The referee raised the Dragon Flame in his hand. “Begin!”

With the starting signal echoing in the air, the tethered adult dragons sprinted forward, but they stumbled and fell.

“What’s going on? Why didn’t you step with the foot that’s tied together first?”

“What? I thought we should step with the outer foot first?”

“Idiot, hurry up and get up!”

“This is so embarrassing!”

“Darling, are you okay, darling?”

“I… I think I pulled a muscle…”

Silence followed.

At the referee’s signal, cries of pain echoed across the field.

“Damn it, why would there be such a torturous event? Who can even do this?” complained one adult dragon.

“N-No, wait… there are people who can do it…” His companion reached out, pointing towards the track ahead.

On the track, two figures—one black, one silver—were closely pressed together. Their arms were wrapped around each other’s waists, their footsteps synchronized perfectly, without any hint of discord.

Who are these dragon special forces? This isn’t just a matter of leading other adult dragons by a few lengths. If these dragons keep up this performance, the championship should just be handed over to this silver dragon family.

Realizing this, the adult dragons from each family rallied themselves.

Although their rhythm and coordination were as chaotic as a pot of porridge, they managed to move forward, albeit barely.

Meanwhile, Leon and Rosvitha were the first to reach the small compartment amidst the astonished gazes of the audience.

They pushed open the door and stepped inside, expecting some kind of intellectual challenge. However, they were greeted only by a table, two chairs, and an entire basin… of noodles.

Steam rose from the fresh, slender noodles, emitting a rich wheat fragrance. With the hot broth, the noodles gave off a delicious aroma that made mouths water just from the scent alone—

“However, this is a whole basin of noodles!”

“Not a bowl, not a plate, but a basin!”

As Leon and Rosvitha walked into the compartment, the nearby memory stone also began playing the video.

“Welcome to the first challenge, Family Feeding!”

“The rules of this challenge are as follows: Family member A must eat all the noodles in front of you under the feeding of family member B to pass this challenge. Remember, do not change roles midway, as that constitutes cheating, and the recording stone will monitor the entire process.”

“Also, the noodles for this competition are sponsored exclusively by Teswah Young Dragon Noodles. Teswah—especially silky~”

Leon smirked, unable to resist the comment, “They even have product placement now?”

“You eat, I’ll feed,” Rosvitha said.

She chuckled inwardly, feeling mischievous.

Leon paused, “So, you’ve already decided I’m the one who’s supposed to eat?”

“Don’t you want our daughter to win first place?”

Rosvitha stepped forward, pulling Leon along to the table.

Once seated, Rosvitha picked up a fork, skewered a bunch of noodles, and held them out to Leon’s mouth, speaking softly, “Here, let me feed you, ahhh~”


This mother dragon suddenly seemed so gentle, almost unnaturally so, even during a competition.

Leon eyed her suspiciously as he opened his mouth and ate the noodles.


As he swallowed the noodles, Leon didn’t notice anything strange.

Maybe the mother dragon should play some tricks after all, otherwise, these noodles wouldn’t sit well with him.

“Mmm, delicious. Here, take your time eating, no rush.”

Rosvitha smiled sweetly as she skewered another portion of noodles and fed them to Leon. Unintentionally, Leon ended up eating several portions in quick succession, and he finally noticed something was off!

Despite her words of “take it easy,” her feeding speed was so fast that it left afterimages!

Twenty seconds? Leon had already been fed four or five portions! The rapid feeding, combined with his attempts to keep up, left him feeling overwhelmed.

“Slow down… We’re already in first place, no rush.”

“Hmm? Alright, I’ll follow your lead. Here, open up~” Rosvitha sweetly replied, but her hands didn’t stop moving.

Leon blinked, muttering, “I thought you said to slow down,” as he obediently opened his mouth.

After Rosvitha fed him the noodles, she eagerly skewered another portion.

Leon swallowed hard, waving his hand, “I can’t do it anymore, let me take a break.”

“No, don’t be lazy when eating, it’s a sign of laziness. Come on, dear, open up~”



Rosvitha’s sweetest tone yet.

Even though she said “dear” sweetly, the speed at which she was feeding him was too fast to handle, even for ten “dears”!

And based on Leon’s understanding of Rosvitha, she wouldn’t be so attentive to him just because of a competition.

In the blink of an eye, Leon realized what was happening—it was revenge!

This was the mother dragon’s revenge!

Not long ago, when Rosvitha had just awakened, Leon had pressured her to drink fish soup.

Oh no, the mother dragon had seized the opportunity for payback!

“Come on, dear, move a little, come on, dear, ahh~”

“Wife, calm down, the principal just said, friendship comes first, competition second.”

“Yeah, you’re third, so friendship and competition are both more important than you. For Noia’s sake, eat up, dear~”

With that, Rosvitha pinched Leon’s chin and stuffed a noodle into his mouth.


Meanwhile, outside the booth, the game host’s commentary continued:

“All right, folks! After the Melkvi family, several other families have arrived at the first stage.”

“Oh~ Watching them feeding each other affectionately reminds me of my first love. We also had a beautiful romance~”

“Look, the wife of the Rose family is tenderly preparing napkins for her husband!”

“And the husband of the Canter family, he’s gazing lovingly at his wife throughout the noodle-eating process! It’s so touching! So touching!!”

“Now, what about our exemplary family, the Melkvi family? Let’s see—”

“Oh, it’s… it’s a bold scene indeed. We can see that the husband of the Melkvi family seems to want to escape the table, but because of the two-person-three-legs rule, he can’t leave his wife more than two steps away!”

“Only to see Melkvi’s wife using her Silver Dragon speed advantage, frantically stuffing noodles into her husband’s mouth!”

“Uh… the action is so fast, it’s almost like they’re sparring…??”

“Then, I’d like to ask a rather private question, do you two feed each other like this at home too?”

Despite the boldness, Rosvitha and Leon still managed to pass this stage with a first-place score.

“Congratulations on passing the first stage! There’s some digestive aid medication outside the door, just take it with water, and it works quickly.”

The couple got up, Rosvitha beaming with joy, supporting the pale-faced Leon as they exited the booth.

Sure enough, there was a glass of water and a digestive aid pill outside the door. She helped Leon take it and “gently” patted his chest. “You’re so brave, my warrior.”

This wasn’t caring, this was the satisfaction of successful revenge!

Leon gave her a side-eye but didn’t say anything, just looking out at the lanes on either side as if they were the first group to come out. Despite the painful process, they were still far ahead!

“Let’s move on to the second stage,” Leon said.


Because the digestive aid hadn’t taken effect yet, they slowed down their pace a bit. The second stage was also conducted in a small booth.

Once inside, it was the same setup: a table, two chairs, but this time, there was a game host sitting opposite them.

“Please have a seat. The second stage is called ‘Answer Irrelevantly.’ I will randomly ask you various questions, but remember, your answers must be completely unrelated to the question asked.”

“For example, if I ask this gentleman for his name, you should answer ‘I am male’ or ‘I have a daughter,’ and so on.”

“There are ten questions in total, and if you answer with a related response, you’ll be penalized for ten seconds.”

The challenge of this game lay in restraining oneself from giving reflexive answers to those “silly” questions.

“And now, with ‘time’ as a penalty, it’s inevitable to feel a bit nervous, leading to some answers slipping out unintentionally.

The couple exchanged a glance and then took their seats. After all, speaking with one’s mouth but meaning something else was just basic skills!

The second stage began.

“So, for the first question, sir, what color is your wife’s tail? Please answer immediately!” The host’s pace was quite fast, clearly trying to pressure Leon.

Leon had just been pressured by his wife, and his mouth almost subconsciously formed the shape of “Y,” but fortunately, he stopped himself just in time. “Duck!”

“Very good, excellent! It seems that this gentleman—”

Before the host could finish praising, he immediately turned to Rosvitha. “What is your husband’s profession?”

“Dragon Slayer—oh…uh, Draconian, I mean.”

The host was also taken aback. “Do we have Draconians as a branch? This question doesn’t count for the challenge.”

“Oh, yes, we do. It’s a small branch that has already disbanded. My husband married into our Silver Dragon clan from there.” Rosvitha quickly tried to smooth things over.

The host nodded. “Okay, next question—”

The following questions were still those that were usually easy to answer without much thought. However, according to the game rules, they couldn’t answer correctly.

During the process, Leon and Rosvitha made some mistakes and were penalized for twenty seconds. But they managed to find their rhythm and stumbled through to the last two questions.

“Sir, which part of your body are you most satisfied with?”

“My wife.”

Rosvitha couldn’t help but cover her face silently. Even if they were following the rules and giving unrelated answers, did they have to make it so outrageous?

“Okay, for the last question! Today’s weather is very nice, perfect for holding a sports event. I really want to know how the situation is over in the young dragon group—”

The host kept throwing out these “smoke bombs,” chatting one moment and throwing out a question the next. Leon stared at the host’s mouth, swallowing nervously.

“If I could, maybe I would become a forest ranger after retirement—do you love your husband?”

“Love—” Rosvitha almost blurted out.

Leon: ?

Host: !

Sure enough, they stumbled on the last question! Just wait for me to be penalized for ten seconds here!

But just as the host was about to penalize them, Rosvitha, in a moment of inspiration, turned the situation around.

“Love—oops, lazy when it comes to doing homework.”

The host was taken aback.

You managed to twist it around like that?!

Rosvitha also breathed a sigh of relief.

The host, feeling helpless, made a gesture of “you’re something else,” but didn’t deliberately make things difficult for them. After all, it was an entertainment competition, so as long as everyone was happy, it was fine.

“Well, congratulations to both of you for passing the second stage.”

The host stood up and opened the door for them. “But seriously, being able to instinctively answer ‘love’ must be true love!”

Rosvitha: Don’t take it seriously, I just said it without thinking.

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