Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have …
Vol. 1 Ch. 92 Table of contents


Chapter 92: Why Isn’t She at Home?

In the evening, Leon sat at his desk lost in thought. The mother dragon had been gone for the entire day.

When Leon hadn’t seen her all morning, he couldn’t help but feel excited. He thought she might have gone to patrol the border or meet with other dragon kings.

In the past, she would be gone for two or three days at a time. And at times like these, the entire Silver Dragon Temple belonged to him, the dragon slayer, Casmode.

He could come and go as he pleased, without having to report to the mother dragon where he was going or what he was doing. He could even arrange for the kitchen to make more of the grilled steaks that Muen loved to eat, and he didn’t have to do his homework.

But it wasn’t until he saw Anna and the other dragon maids at lunch that he realized this time, Rosvitha had left alone. In other words, this time, she had gone by herself.

Leon’s excitement gradually subsided as the afternoon sun began to set. By evening, he inexplicably felt anxious and uneasy.

There was a sense of emptiness, like “finally making it to the graduation vacation, intending to have a blast for two months, but after just two days of excitement, feeling bored and idle.”

So, after dinner, he casually approached Anna and asked, “Anna, is Noia going home in a few days?”

As Anna tidied up the dining table, she replied, “Yes, Your Highness will soon see Princess Noia again.”

“Oh… um, did Rosvitha say she was going to make something Noia likes to eat?”

“No, Princess Noia isn’t picky, which makes His Majesty feel relieved.”

“Is that so…”

Leon scratched his forehead and asked again, “Speaking of which, Noia seems quite similar to Rosvitha in terms of not being picky about food, huh?”

Anna blinked and thought for a moment, “Not entirely, Your Majesty doesn’t seem to like cilantro very much.”

“Oh, I see. I didn’t expect Rosvitha to be picky too, that’s unlike her.”

The dragon maid suddenly stopped tidying up the dining table and stood up straight, looking at Leon, “Your Highness, do you have something you want to ask me?”

Leon was startled, thinking that his little scheme had been exposed so quickly?

“Oh, no, it’s nothing, just casual conversation.”

Leon pretended to be nonchalant, then quickly changed his tone and asked seriously, “But since you mentioned it, I really want to ask, do you know where Rosvitha went?”

Casmode, you’re out of ideas now!

Upon hearing this, Anna covered her mouth and chuckled lightly, then shook her head, “I don’t know either, Your Highness.”

“But you’re her head maid, how could you not know?”

Oh dear, Your Highness, why are you in such a hurry? The Queen is a grown woman, she couldn’t possibly get lost, could she?

Anna: “Even as the head maid, there are some things that I’m not allowed to inquire about. Her Majesty might be inspecting the tribes, or attending some secret meeting. But if Your Highness really wants to know, you can wait for Her Majesty to return and ask her directly.”

Ask her directly?…

But we haven’t spoken for many days. What if she misunderstands my intentions?

Leon scratched his head, “Well, you can go ahead and continue with your tasks.”

“Alright, Your Highness, get some rest. Her Majesty might be back a little later tonight.”

Leon waved his hand and left the dining room. He returned to his nursery, continuing to wait silently. However, even until ten o’clock in the evening, he still hadn’t seen a trace of the mother dragon.

As time passed by, Leon hugged himself, rubbing his eyes. He continued to ponder over things that he hadn’t been able to figure out for hours.

During dinner, Anna mentioned that Rosvitha might have gone to inspect the tribes. This was something Leon knew. It was normal for Rosvitha, as the leader of the Silver Dragons, to regularly inspect her subjects and tribes.

But in the past, she would always bring her maidens or some trusted aides with her when she went on these inspections. However, this time, she had left alone.

Could it be that even the Silver Dragon Queen enjoyed clandestine visits and disguise checks? There was a sense of beauty in inspecting the grassroots secretly under the leadership of the imperial family.

Or perhaps, as Anna suggested, she had gone to attend a secret meeting of some dragon clan? But what could this meeting be about…

Leon’s thoughts drifted, recalling the newlywed couple he had met by chance a few days ago in the Flowing Cloud Valley, Yuna and Zay.

In their conversation, Leon unexpectedly learned that a dragon king named Constantine had been annexing some weak and small dragon clans recently, causing numerous small-scale wars and conflicts in order to expand his territory.

However, in the “Dragon’s Tales of Wisdom” that Leon had previously explained to Muen, Constantine was depicted as a hero who expanded the territory for the dragon race.

In other words, the achievements of this Flame Dragon King might not be for the greater good of the dragon race but rather to satisfy his own thirst for power.

Now that he had caused such a big commotion, it wasn’t entirely impossible for Rosvitha, as the Silver Dragon Queen, to secretly attend a meeting of clan leaders to discuss Constantine’s recent actions.

However, even if it were a secret meeting, wouldn’t she at least bring a guard with her?…

So, either there was no secret meeting at all, or the level of secrecy surrounding this meeting was such that only dragon kings could participate.

Leon scratched his head, feeling utterly clueless. Everything was just wild speculation and unfounded guesses.

As the night grew deeper and drowsiness washed over him, Leon yawned.

His gaze fell upon the small bear on the table. It was the one Rosvitha had won for him from a claw machine in the Flowing Cloud Valley, saying it was a return gift. Despite its size being much smaller than the large bear he had given her initially, Leon dared not refuse her “gracious” gift.

When he returned, Leon had initially thought to place the bear on his bed. But upon second thought, he felt it might be too girlish for a grown man to have a bear on his bed. So, he ended up putting it on his desk.

Leon reached out and picked up the small bear, looking at its two black eyes. Unconsciously, he chuckled softly.

“Disappeared without a word for so long,” he muttered, then set the bear down and moved to the recliner on the balcony, gazing at the deep night sky and the Milky Way suspended in the heavens.

After a while, he slowly closed his eyes. It was precisely at that moment, as he closed his eyes, that a faint purple light flashed across his chest, fleeting in an instant.

At this moment, the Silver Dragon Queen was still on her way back. As she flew, Rosvitha suddenly felt something strange, and her speed abruptly slowed down.

“What’s wrong, Your Majesty?” Shirley asked hurriedly.

“It’s nothing.”

Indeed… there was nothing wrong. That strange sensation just now came and went so quickly that Rosvitha didn’t even have time to figure out what it was before it disappeared.

Well, it was probably just because they had been flying for too long.

Calculating the time, she and Shirley still had a few more hours of flight before they could return to the Silver Dragon Temple. By then, they would have been out for two days and two nights.

Muen would be fine. Rosvitha had been away on business trips before, often returning after two or three days. But that guy, Leon, couldn’t go a day without causing a stir.

Thinking of this, Rosvitha flapped her wings, accelerating towards the direction of the temple. Shirley hesitated for a moment, then quickly flapped her wings as well.

“Your Majesty… Your Majesty, wait for me! I can’t catch up with you!”

The next morning, Leon was awakened by Muen shaking him.

“Daddy, Daddy, why are you sleeping on the balcony? You’ll catch a cold.”

Leon groggily opened his eyes, feeling a chill, and sneezed.

“Oh, Daddy! Are you really catching a cold?” Muen asked worriedly.

Leon wrapped his coat tighter around himself. “It’s okay, I’m fine. I’ll be better in a moment.”

Muen scratched her head. “Daddy, why were you sleeping on the balcony last night?”

Leon took a moment to collect his thoughts, then remembered. Last night, he had lain on the recliner, counting stars while waiting for the lights on the neighboring balcony to turn on—

Their room was adjacent to Rosvitha’s, so as soon as Rosvitha returned and turned on the lights, he could see her from the balcony.

Anna had mentioned that Rosvitha might return a little later. Unfortunately, even until the early hours of the morning, the lights next door remained off.

Leon had unknowingly fallen asleep.

“Oh, Daddy must have been too tired last night and forgot to come back to the room to sleep.”

Leon hugged Muen. “Mommy wasn’t home all day yesterday. Do you know where she went?”



“You’ve asked me this question three times already yesterday. Muen really doesn’t know.”

“…Did I ask so many times?”

Muen nodded earnestly, counting on her fingers one by one, “Once after lunch, once when we went running together, and once before dinner. ”

“Daddy, you don’t need to worry so much about Mommy. She used to go out for business often, and she always came back after a day or two.”

Leon cleared his throat awkwardly. “Ahem, okay, Daddy will listen to you.”

As he spoke, the sound of guards came from the front courtyard of the temple.

“Your Majesty, you’ve returned.”


Hearing this, Leon stood up with Muen in his arms and looked down from the balcony. Rosvitha had indeed returned, accompanied by a silver dragon maiden Leon hadn’t seen before.

“Look, Mommy’s back,” Muen pointed below.

Leon’s thoughts stirred slightly. “Muen, Mommy was gone for two days. Did you miss her?”

“Of course, I missed her a lot.”

“Then let Daddy teach you a phrase, and when you learn it, you can say it to Mommy to make her happy.”

Muen’s eyes lit up. “Okay, okay!”

A moment later, Muen ran out of the temple and dashed towards Rosvitha.


“Good morning, Muen.”

Rosvitha crouched down and hugged her daughter. “Did you behave and eat on time at home?”

“Um, well, uh—”

Muen took a step back, stood up straight, and with her tail slightly raised, she said, “Mommy, where did you go all day yesterday? Why were you gone for so long? Why didn’t you tell me beforehand?”

There was a hint of rehearsed tone in Muen’s voice. And this classic “inspection three” didn’t seem like something she would ask, did it?

Rosvitha thought for a moment, then looked up. She caught a glimpse of someone’s face on the balcony of the nursery—

Very quickly, it disappeared!

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