Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have …
Vol. 1 Ch. 100 Table of contents

Chapter 100: I Do

The audience, who had originally intended to leave after the performance, returned to their seats upon hearing there was a surprise ending, eagerly awaiting.

Even the actors who had already taken their bows didn’t leave the stage but stayed to witness the performances of the folk artists up close.

Among this group of actors were two supposed to be motionless props, but they stealthily moved to the side of the stage.

Clap, clap, clap.

The host gradually started applauding and, looking at Leon’s expression, couldn’t help but praise, “Although this gentleman is not a professional actor, if you look closely, the expression on his face, that sense of shyness and embarrassment, he portrays it so vividly. At the same time, his anticipation and longing for the proposal are also deeply felt.”

Under the host’s exaggerated praise, Leon faced Rosvitha, slowly kneeling.

He tried to block out all the flattery that was being thrown his way.

But he couldn’t resist the host’s relentless bombardment.

“Look at this kneeling gesture, the gaze toward his partner, the sincere offering of the ring!”

“This gentleman, truly a master of acting, overflowing with emotions!”

“If he didn’t truly love the lady before him, how could he portray such emotions?”

“Let’s encourage him with applause!”


Thunderous applause erupted once again from the audience below.

Even the professional actors on stage were swayed by the host’s flattery and joined in the applause.

For some reason, this scene seemed oddly familiar.

Have I experienced this somewhere before…

Where was it…


Leon remembered.

It wasn’t this scene that was familiar, but the host’s “shipping enthusiasts” look was very familiar—

It’s just like Vice Principal Wilson’s annoying dragon face!

So, are you an undercover sent by Wilson?

In that case, our country has a complete set of penalties for spies: hanging.

But hanging is too cruel.

As the dragon slayer, I uphold righteousness and can send you directly to the Western Heaven with just one move, painless and without any sensation, it’ll be over in the blink of an eye.

The audience and actors, under the host’s manipulation, focused all their attention on Leon and Rosvitha, completely ignoring the two stone props on the stage played by people.

One of the stone props leaned towards the other, lowering its voice, “Sis, Dad is about to propose to Mom, why aren’t you smiling?”

“Muen, don’t you feel… like this scene is familiar?”

Muen blinked in confusion and shook her head, “Muen forgot.”

Noia sighed, “Right, at that time, you were just watching the excitement from below the stage, and it was me, Mom, and Dad who were put on stage to socialize to death.”

Every time she recalled the day of the school opening ceremony when they gave the speech as the model family, Noia felt embarrassed enough to want to hide.

Why did she have to relive that day just to find material for her composition?

Damn it, it’s all because of choosing to disguise as stone props.

Originally, she intended to observe her parents’ reactions directly, thinking it would be more effective that way.

But she didn’t expect… It is too effective.

But now that things had come to this point, there was no use in saying more.

Looking at it from another angle, it was quite a pleasant surprise for the male and female leads to inadvertently stage a proposal right in front of them.

Noia huddled beneath the prop stone pedestal, quietly observing.

After kneeling, she saw her dad holding the prop ring, looking up at her mom.

Mom, just like Dad, blushed and seemed somewhat at a loss.

Noia rarely saw this side of her mom. In daily life, her mom was a gentle yet strict parent; at work, she was a diligent queen.

Even during the previous school opening ceremony, Mom only appeared a bit embarrassed, nothing like now… blushing with shyness.

Well, this is good. After all, when Dad proposed back then, neither I nor Muen saw it, so let’s consider this a make-up.

Leon pursed his lips and began to awkwardly recite the dry lines,

“Dear Judy—”

Judy was the name of the female lead in the play. Leon could only silently rejoice that the female lead wasn’t named Rosvitha.

“Do you… do you… want to… marry… marry me…”

At that moment, the embarrassment in Leon and Rosvitha’s hearts skyrocketed. Even the light of the setting sun couldn’t hide the blush on their faces.

Their hearts raced, their brains flooded with blood, and Leon felt dizzy.

He held Rosvitha’s slightly cold hand, feeling its softness, the slender fingers, the delicate wrist. Such beautiful hands.

His brain, nearly overloaded with embarrassment, made Leon ignore everything around him.

At this moment, it seemed like there was only his “Judy” in his eyes.

His gaze followed her hand up along her arm until it stopped at her face.

Even at a forty-five-degree angle of death, her face still looked perfect.

Combined with that shy and charming expression, this level of beauty was more than enough to reassure Leon.

Plus, with his daughters secretly watching somewhere, Leon was determined!

“Dear Judy, will you marry me?”

Rosvitha’s hand was held tightly by Leon, while the other hand clenched the hem of their couple’s shirt.

Every pore on her body seemed to be emitting heat. If it weren’t for the crowd, she might have been embarrassed enough to curl up her tail.

She bit her lower lip, feeling her cheeks burning.

She really wanted to escape, really wanted to escape.


This guy dared to recite his lines.

Was she worse off than her own prisoner of war?

Absolutely not! She couldn’t let him look down on her!

It was just agreeing to a proposal, what’s so difficult about that?


Nick was the name of the male lead.

She was about to say those three words.

Everyone, including the host, held their breath, waiting quietly.

Even the small stone pedestal hiding behind the actors widened its eyes.

She stared at her mom’s mouth, waiting for her to say the next, crucial line.

“I… do.”

Judy accepted Nick’s proposal, and the audience erupted into applause for the third time.

The small stone pedestal breathed a sigh of relief—it had turned into a large cobblestone.

Muen leaned in again, “Sister, your eyes look red.”

Noia snapped back, “Huh? Do they?”

“Yeah, they do. And although I don’t really understand what a proposal is, Muen’s eyes feel a bit teary too. Did my eyes turn red too?”

Noia smiled and leaned close to her sister’s cheek, rubbing her eye corner with her own cheek. “Not red this time.”

“Okay, thank you, sister~”

Children witnessing their dad proposing to their mom was not a common occurrence—because proposals usually happened before having children.

So, being moved was normal!

The audience and actors were deeply impressed by the shy and innocent feelings portrayed by this young couple. If they entered the industry, they might just be tomorrow’s stars!

However, what they didn’t know was that these two “tomorrow’s stars” weren’t acting at all—it was all genuine emotion!

The host led the audience in cheers, oblivious to the fact that the prop ring wasn’t actually on Rosvitha’s finger.

Everything ended the moment the words “I do” were spoken.

Leon stood up, returned the ring to the male actor, and breathed a sigh of relief.



Almost simultaneously, sighs of relief echoed around.

Leon glanced sideways and happened to meet Rosvitha’s gaze.

The couple locked eyes, and in less than a second, they both saw the same word reflected in each other’s eyes:


The couple held hands and ran directly off the stage.

The host, watching their backs, delivered the final blow, “Run~ run~ run towards your love grave~”


The theater’s doors closed, shutting out the applause and cheers, isolating the world in silence.

The couple, as if returning from hell, felt reborn.

The sunlight had never felt so warm, the air so fresh.

Was this what a world without embarrassment felt like?

Truly wonderful, my dear family!

After a moment, Rosvitha straightened her back, looked left and right, and finally found the restroom on one side of the corridor.

“Wait for me, I’ll go touch up my makeup.”

She had sweated a bit, and although her makeup was light, it still needed a touch-up.

Leon nodded.

While Rosvitha went to freshen up, Leon strolled around the theater’s corridor.

The interior space of the entire theater was quite large. In addition to the theater for musicals, there were also some medium-sized cinemas and an indoor dragon-themed amusement park.

It was a large entertainment complex.

As Leon wandered, he happened to see a self-service photo printing station.

The dragon slayer’s eyes lit up.

Obtained without any effort at all!

On this date to Sky City, Leon also had some personal motives, one of which was how to capitalize on the significant achievements of the Bunny Girl incident.

And now, he stumbled upon it.

He glanced in the direction of the restroom; Rosvitha hadn’t returned yet.

What an opportunity!

Leon briskly approached the self-service photo printing station, pulled back the curtain, and walked in.

Actually, he had thought about getting the photos developed at a photography studio within the Silver Dragon Tribe.

But within the tribe, there were no self-service photo printing stations; everything was done manually. The more important something was, the fewer people who knew about it, ensuring confidentiality.

And if the Silver Dragon Tribe saw such provocative photos of their queen, Rosvitha, they might actually tie Leon up and torture him in the Silver Dragon Temple. Provoking them to that extent would be extremely reckless.

So, Leon secretly prayed that Sky City would have a self-service photo printing station like this.

And he unexpectedly stumbled upon one right at the beginning.

Large entertainment venues like this always had photo opportunities, so having a few self-service photo printing stations was normal.

Leon placed his camera on the printing device, selected the Bunny Girl photos, and started the device. Just to be safe, he printed five copies of each photo, planning to hide them in five different places when he got back.

Even if one or more copies were discovered by Rosvitha, he wouldn’t panic at all. Leaving one card up his sleeve wasn’t Leon’s style; leaving five was.

After a moment, fresh Bunny Girl photos of Rosvitha were printed.

Leon didn’t linger; he would have plenty of time to appreciate them later. He quickly retrieved his camera, deleted all the Bunny Girl photos from it.

This way, the photos in his possession would become collector’s items!

After returning home and hiding the five copies of printed photos for future use, Leon would have plenty of ammunition for his next move when Rosvitha made her next move.

If Rosvitha got angry and tried to force herself on him, Leon would let her know just how brutal a dragon slayer who had been preparing for at least half a month could be when facing an enraged mother dragon.

That’s what you call being a top-notch strategist! (Strategic smugness.)

Leon put away the photos and camera, then left the self-service station. When he reached the theater entrance, Rosvitha had just finished touching up her makeup.

Facing each other, Rosvitha scrutinized him from head to toe and asked suspiciously, “Why do you look so happy?”

“You accepted my proposal, my dear Judy. Of course, I’m happy.”

Rosvitha’s face darkened, but she played along, “So, dear Nick, what’s our next date activity? Are we going to have stir-fried Nick with extra carrots?”

“It’s steamed Judy with extra coriander.”

Bantering, the two of them left the theater, heading straight to their next date activity.

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