Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have …
Vol. 1 Ch. 104 Table of contents

Chapter 104: I Just Want to See You in a Bunny Girl Costume

Noia said her composition went smoothly. Although she couldn’t guarantee she would win first place, advancing to the top eight with the unconventional theme of “parental love” was not a problem.

The couple was very happy for their daughter. However, based on past experience, they didn’t rush to open champagne this time.

Until they had the first-place trophy in hand, the champagne cork would remain tightly sealed, and no one would dare to touch it.

It’s worth mentioning that Noia completed the composition independently. During the creative process, the couple didn’t offer any suggestions or even “visit” her.

Because they both knew that if the creative process of a piece of writing was scrutinized by others, it would lose all its original possibilities.

So, to respect their daughter, Leon and Rosvitha tacitly chose to wait quietly.

Even after the composition was finished, Noia didn’t offer to show it to them, and they didn’t ask.

If she achieved a good ranking, there would be a small award ceremony in the class, and excellent compositions would be shared for everyone to appreciate together. It wouldn’t be too late to admire their daughter’s work then.

When it came to respecting their children, the couple always managed to act in unison without needing to discuss it. After all, the primary premise of educating children is to respect them.

The day after completing the composition, Noia returned to the academy on Leviathan.

The rankings would come out in a few days, so all they needed to do now was wait quietly.

Leon held Muen in his arms, standing side by side with Rosvitha in the front yard, watching as the Leviathan gradually disappeared into the distance.

Until the colossal creature vanished from sight, Leon finally turned around, one hand holding Muen and the other pinching her little cheek.

“What does Muen want to play today?” he asked as he carried her towards the Silver Dragon Temple.

Rosvitha also turned back and followed behind them.

Muen’s tuft of hair on her head wobbled as she pondered—although she rarely did. After a brief moment of thought, Muen said earnestly, “Dad.”


“What exactly did you and Mom do at the beach that day?”

Leon’s steps faltered. Even Rosvitha, behind him, stopped in her tracks. He turned to look at Rosvitha, who shrugged, as if to say, “I don’t know how to explain it, you figure it out yourself.”

Darn it.

Mother dragon, you were the one who initiated it, weren’t you?

During their last date two days ago, they went for a walk on the beach. As they walked, this pair of mischievous spouses started teasing each other.

It started with them barefoot, trying to step on each other’s feet—Rosvitha had no advantage because as soon as Leon realized he couldn’t step on her feet, this brat went for her tail—

So they ended up running to the shallow water area of the beach and started a water fight. Then Rosvitha slipped and fell backward.

Leon, quick on his feet, rushed forward and grabbed her wrist, supporting her slender waist to lift her up. But due to momentum, Rosvitha didn’t control her body in time and unintentionally fell into Leon’s arms.

The two locked eyes, the waves lapping at their calves, their pupils reflecting the sunset, and the atmosphere gradually turning ambiguous.

Then she just… inexplicably kissed Leon’s cheek.

Well, that’s it. Nothing else happened.

Really~~~ nothing else happened.

After all, both of them realized that the kids might still be peeking somewhere, so they didn’t do anything too outrageous.

They thought that fleeting kiss wouldn’t be noticed.

But turns out, it was still seen, huh?

Wait, no.

If Muen really saw Mom and Dad kissing at that time, she wouldn’t ask a question like “What were you doing then?” Instead, it would be something like “You guys were kissing, right~?”

In other words… she and Noia were probably watching, but at that critical moment, maybe Anna covered their eyes?

So now she’s so curious?

Seeing Mom and Dad remain silent, Muen continued, “Anna said that part was not suitable for children to see, but Muen is really curious, what exactly did Mom and Dad do?”

Oh, Anna intervened just in time.

The maid’s intentions were good, but she overlooked Muen’s curiosity. At this age, young dragons are most curious.

If Leon and Rosvitha don’t give her a perfect explanation now, they’ll probably be pestered with this question for the next week.

Leon thought for a moment and chose a more tactful approach.

“We didn’t do anything, Mom just wanted to express her gratitude to Dad.”

“Gratitude?” Muen scratched her head.

“Exactly, Mom fell down at that time, Dad helped her up, and Mom thanked him in an adult way,” Leon said.

“Adults have their own way of expressing gratitude, and children have theirs. You shouldn’t imitate each other, understand, Muen?”

Muen suddenly realized, “Oh, I see.”

“Yeah, that’s it.”

“When will Daddy thank Mommy in an adult way?”

Leon: …

Rosvitha: *Suppresses a laugh*

She wanted to laugh. But she had to hold it in.

Good daughter, unless the sun rises from the west, your dad won’t be thanking me.

“All right, Muen, don’t ask too many of these questions. You’ll understand when you grow up,” Rosvitha said. “Go play with Dad in the backyard, be safe, Mom has to go to work.”

Muen obediently nodded, “Okay, Mom, take care~”

Rosvitha stepped forward, gently lifted Muen’s chin with her hand, then stepped into the Silver Dragon Temple.

Leon also took his daughter to the backyard.

After dinner, Leon sat at his desk, looking at the last set of bunny girl photos in his hand, wondering where to hide them.

The other four sets had already been hidden in places where Rosvitha couldn’t possibly find them. As for this last set, he hadn’t figured out where to hide it yet.

As he pondered, he heard the lock click.

Leon immediately opened the drawer and put the photos inside.

High heels clicked on the floor in a crisp, rhythmic manner.

Rosvitha wore a long dress as she walked into Leon’s room.

Leon glanced at her and asked, “What’s up? Are you planning to sleep here tonight too?”

Rosvitha sat down on his bed, crossed her legs, and smiled, “What’s wrong with that?”

“Hmph, suit yourself.”

Leon now held two aces up his sleeve—a well-rested body after a half-month break and a collection of bunny girl photos. His main strategy was simple: if the enemy didn’t move, he wouldn’t move; but if the enemy moved, he’d strike fiercely.

Of course, this was just an ideal scenario. If the opportunity presented itself, he wouldn’t hesitate to take the initiative.

Rosvitha adjusted the strands of hair near her temples and glanced out the window, casually saying, “Didn’t you ask me about the things you said in your sleep that night?”

Leon raised an eyebrow, turning from his chair, “What did I say?”

Rosvitha smiled knowingly, retracting her gaze and fiddling with her nails, “You said you liked mature women… and liked black stockings and stuff…”

Gulp— Leon swallowed.

Could he really have blurted out those undisclosed preferences in his sleep?

Had Rosvitha slipped him some truth serum or something before bed?

“Well, I can understand that,” she continued nonchalantly. “After all, even the mightiest dragon slayer is still a man with his own little quirks. It’s normal.”

Leon smirked, keeping his composure.

Given Rosvitha’s conversational style, there should be a twist coming up.


As expected.

“I can understand the mature women and black stockings, but… the bunny girls… that’s a bit hard to comprehend, isn’t it?”

“Bunny girls?!” Leon’s heart skipped a beat. Could it be that she found out about him secretly taking photos of Rosvitha in her bunny girl outfit?! No, no, no.

He had just checked the four hiding spots for those photos, and they were all well-hidden. Rosvitha couldn’t have possibly discovered them. Could it really be that he talked about bunny girls in his sleep? Leon found it hard to believe.

“Leon, do you like bunny girls?” Rosvitha asked with a smile.

Leon felt like he was sitting on pins and needles. He adjusted his posture but didn’t deny it, “So what if I do? Hobbies are personal freedoms!”

Yes, hobbies are personal freedoms, and XP (experience points) are personal freedoms too.

Rosvitha shrugged, “I didn’t say anything, why are you so worked up?”

She scratched her head as if trying to remember something, “Oh right, you also said that night…”

She deliberately elongated her tone, enjoying Leon’s nervous and curious expression, “You said…?”

“You said you wanted to see your female classmates dress up as bunny girls for you.”

Slap— Leon slammed the table, “You audacious dragon! That’s pure nonsense! I would never say such things in my dreams!

And… even if I did, I’d definitely say it was about you dressing up as a bunny girl for me!”

Rosvitha was slightly taken aback. “You little rascal, did you blurt out your true feelings in the heat of the moment?”

After a brief moment of surprise, Rosvitha decided to strike back, “Make me dress up? Dream on, I would never dress up as a bunny girl for you in this lifetime.”

Leon’s mind stirred slightly as he glanced at the drawer beside him. Seizing the opportunity, he asked, “But what if you did dress up for me, then what?”

“What if? That’s simply impossible.”

Leon waved his hand, “Never mind whether it’s possible or not, just answer me this: if you did dress up, what would you do?”

The queen snorted, crossing her arms confidently, “No matter what tricks you’re planning, trying to use charm or coercion to make me put on a bunny girl outfit is futile. Your little tricks can’t escape my scrutiny. And if I did indeed put on a bunny girl outfit for you, well, you can deal with me however you want.”

Leon raised an eyebrow, “Is that so?”

“It is. But you should think carefully, dragon slayer. If your plans fail, you know better than anyone the consequences, don’t you?”

Leon stood up, confidently declaring, “My dear queen, I don’t need any plans, because… I’ve already done everything that needs to be done.”

With that, he slowly opened the drawer beside him.

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