Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have …
Vol. 1 Ch. 106 Table of contents

Chapter 106: The Youthful Dragon Slayer Boy Won’t Yield to the Bunny Girl Senior

“Classmate Melkvi.” Leon solemnly tapped his palm with a small teaching cane, as if he were a truly exemplary teacher.


Exemplary teacher?

A wolf in sheep’s clothing!

Rosvitha unwillingly complied with him—just as he had unwillingly complied with her before—but still closed her eyes and reluctantly said, “Yes, teacher.”

“Watch your attitude, Melkvi.”

Rosvitha sighed. “What’s wrong with my attitude, teacher?”

Leon lightly tapped Rosvitha’s cheek with the small teaching cane.

If Rosvitha remembered correctly, the last time this cane appeared was when she used it to strike Leon’s chest.

“Is this the attitude you have when speaking to your teacher? Try again.”

Rosvitha bit her lip, mustered her emotions, and replied, “Yes, teacher~”

“Mmm, that’s about right. Oh, Classmate Melkvi, your school uniform today is quite unique, with the black stockings.”

Rosvitha smirked, “Isn’t it because I thought the teacher would like it? So I wore it.”

“Bold! How could I like such superficial things? Don’t wear it next time!”

“Yes, teacher, I won’t—”

Rosvitha glanced at Leon’s expression.

Clearly, her previous response didn’t fit the “teacher-play” script Leon had in mind.

This guy even followed his eldest daughter to act in a drama about ‘Parental Love’, and now he thinks he’s a big star, huh?

Rosvitha angrily gripped the bed sheet, rephrased her words, “No, teacher, I just like wearing this outfit to show you.”


Even she felt like throwing up at her own words!

“But better to just throw up than to have those bunny girl photos end up in big sister’s hands.”

“Hmph, since it’s your first offense, I’ll let it slide.”

“Thank you, teacher.”

“Did you do yesterday’s homework?”

Rosvitha raised an eyebrow and shook her head. “Teacher, haven’t we gone half a month without homework? Ah! Hiss~~~”

“Leon lightly struck her buttocks with the small teaching cane, not too forcefully, but enough to elicit a cry from her.

“I didn’t assign homework because I forgot; you not reminding me is your laziness, understand?” Leon lectured firmly.

“Blushing, Rosvitha quietly rubbed her slightly sore buttocks. ‘Understood… teacher.’

“Now, let’s go over tonight’s assignment, listen carefully.”

“Yes, teacher.”

“The assignment is called ‘Three Honors and Three Shames,’ a creed every proud dragon slayer knows by heart. I’ll recite it for you now, so pay close attention.”

“Rosvitha’s face was full of black lines. ‘Tea-teacher, is it possible that, maybe, I’m actually a dragon, not a dragon slayer… so, should we maybe change the assignment?’


This time he struck her other buttock.

Rosvitha bit her lip, tears welling up in her eyes, as she miserably held her buttocks. She swore that if she ever caught him off guard, she would make him pay tenfold!

“Whatever assignment the teacher gives you, you must obediently complete it, understood!”

Leon asserted with the authoritarian air of a middle-aged male teacher.

“Yes… teacher.”

“The first of the ‘Three Honors and Three Shames,’ to be proud of loyalty to the empire, and to be ashamed of colluding with the dragon race.”

“To be proud of loyalty to the empire, and to be ashamed of… colluding with the dragon race.”

Damn it!

Forcing a dragon to be ashamed of colluding with its own kind!

Isn’t that pushing it too far!

Inhale, exhale.

Deep breaths, deep breaths.

Rosvitha comforted herself silently, telling herself that this was just the perverted taste of a dog of a man, nothing more! Just a kink!

Next, Leon taught her the following two lines.

Rosvitha had never regretted her ability to recall text as much as she did now.

If possible, she really wanted the Creator to take away her vocal cords.

“Classmate Melkvi is very clever, learning so quickly,” Leon said.

“Thank you for the praise, teacher.”

Rosvitha hesitated for a moment, then asked, “Teacher, is it time for class to be over?”

“What do you think?” Leon countered.

Rosvitha blinked. “I think… it’s time for a little break…”

“Hmph, Classmate Melkvi, with the major exam approaching, you can’t always think about resting. Next is the cultural appreciation class.”

Damn dragon slayers and their endless schemes, even cultural appreciation classes are included.

Alright, I’ll see what you want me to appreciate.

This queen has lived for two hundred years, what can a twenty-something little sprout like you bring out to impress me?

Leon took off his shirt.

Clear muscle lines, as if sculpted, solid from shoulders to arms and down to his waist, each inch filled with strength.

And the dragon tattoo representing “longing” and “loyalty” was boldly branded on his chest, emitting a faint glow.

Alright, so this is what we’re appreciating in cultural appreciation class?

You’re testing the dragon king with this?

Which dragon king can’t withstand such a test?


Rosvitha’s gaze slowly moved up from Leon’s solid waist, past the dragon tattoo, and settled back on his face. “Teacher, this doesn’t seem to have much to do with cultural appreciation class, does it?”

“Of course, it’s related. Today, we’re learning about ‘The Tolerance and Absorption of Foreign Cultures.'”

Rosvitha couldn’t help but swallow nervously. The title somehow didn’t seem quite right…

Tolerance and absorption… in other contexts, they’re a perfectly normal pair of phrases.

But why did it feel different when it came from Leon?

Before Rosvitha could react, the dragon tattoo on her chest began to shimmer gradually.

Once both emblems resonated, it was unstoppable like a rolling boulder down a mountain.

Leon leaned down, extending his hand to gently caress Rosvitha’s slightly flushed cheek.

Initially, Rosvitha tried to turn away, but she couldn’t resist Leon’s gentle advances and the resonance of their emblems, soon falling into a bewildering affection.

Her lips parted slightly as her teeth lightly nibbled on Leon’s fingertip.

Their hearts connected through their fingertips, sending tingles and shivers.

“Classmate Melkvi, aren’t you naughty, daring to tease the teacher?” Leon whispered softly in her ear.

Rosvitha released her mouth, her face flushed, as she embraced his neck, silent.

Leon also leaned closer to her, the couple face to face, their noses almost touching, breathing each other’s air, at a distance that was absolutely blush-inducing.

Since the night at the hot springs, they had lost their initial reluctance and shyness towards “kissing.” Just like when they were at the seaside, Rosvitha would still impulsively kiss the corner of Leon’s mouth.

They exchanged glances for a moment, their lips meeting gently in a tender embrace.

However, just when Rosvitha thought that tonight’s embarrassing teacher-play session had ended and they were about to move on to the main event, Leon surprised her with some unexpected tricks she hadn’t seen before.

“Turn around, Miss Melkvi,” Leon said.


Before Rosvitha could understand what he meant, Leon flipped her over.

After a moment of surprise, Rosvitha immediately realized what was happening and hastily used her tail to block, “No, Leon… you can’t do this!”

Leon pushed aside her tail and pressed her down on her knees. “What’s wrong? Student, it’s all for your own good, you know.”

“Even though we’re reaching the same destination in the end, the cheese is different, so the feeling will also be different!”

Rosvitha didn’t want to easily try something she hadn’t experienced before, which made her feel very insecure.

But unfortunately, she wasn’t in control now.

The bunny girl costume was removed, and one of the black stockings was taken off as well.

Rosvitha attempted to resist, but this time, Leon took the lead, and the influence of the dragon tattoo on him was much smaller than on Rosvitha.

Seeing her resistance was futile, Rosvitha could only let Leon take control. She buried her face in the pillow, unable to look.

Only when she felt the real sensation did muffled sounds come from the pillow.

This was also a new attempt for Leon. Despite aiming for the same destination, the approach was different. So, he took a moment to adapt before leaning in towards Rosvitha’s ear.

Her ears were red and hot, and she could feel the warmth of his lips lightly touching them.

“Now… Miss Melkvi, recite to me the ‘Three Honors and Three Shames’ that I just taught you.”

Rosvitha’s heart trembled, still burying her face in the pillow. “No!”

“Recite it! If you don’t, teacher will punish you severely~”

Each pause represented another attack.


Rosvitha lifted her head, disheveled silver strands clinging to her face.

“To honor the Empire is an honor, to collude with the dragon clan is a shame…”

“Mm-hmm, very good. And then?”

“To honor the battlefield with blood is an honor, to flee in the face of the enemy is a shame…” Rosvitha continued reciting.

As she recited, Rosvitha realized that as long as she obediently recited this ridiculous ‘Three Honors and Three Shames,’ she could ease the situation slightly.

Well then.

What did it matter if she recited this nonsense? Anything to make this damned night end sooner!

However, Leon wouldn’t easily let Rosvitha off just because she recited well. After all, there’s a principle of “softly-softly” in doing things, right?

Gradually, Rosvitha also sensed that something was amiss.

She knew that deceitful men had plenty of tricks up their sleeves. He wasn’t the same naive dragon slayer he used to be.

“To collude—collude with the dragon—ummm—”

“Why did you stop? Miss Melkvi, continue reciting. Teacher hasn’t heard enough yet.”

Even though he said he hadn’t heard enough, he had no intention of letting Rosvitha continue reciting properly. But if she didn’t recite well, she would be punished by the teacher.

Damn. It was a vicious cycle!

“I won’t recite anymore! Just punish me!” Rosvitha blushed.

“This is what you said, Miss Melkvi.”

Her cheeks flushed, she buried her face in the pillow again.

As the process progressed, the sensations brought about by the dragon tattoo became increasingly intoxicating.

But perhaps due to the change in the cheese, Rosvitha felt that Leon was fighting more bravely tonight.

Could it be because of the recovery after half a month of rest? Seems like I’ve underestimated him.

“Miss Melkvi… I just said, the title of this lesson is ‘Acceptance and Absorption of Foreign Cultures.'”

Rosvitha gripped the corner of the pillow, not responding to him.

“You’ve just learned about tolerance… Now, it’s time for absorption.”

“Of course, foreign cultures have both flaws and essence.”

“What should we do then? Hmm?”

With her eyes closed, Rosvitha replied helplessly, “Discard the flaws, retain the essence.”

“Yes, Miss Melkvi, you must absorb all the essence of these foreign cultures, understand?”

Rosvitha gritted her teeth. “Understood, teacher.”

The night grew darker, but it seemed like there was still a long, long time until the end of class.

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