Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have …
Vol. 1 Ch. 123 Table of contents

Chapter 123: Gained Some Flesh Again

Leon thought to himself that he should take advantage of lunchtime to finish off the remaining cake. Cream is a perishable food, so the sooner he finishes it, the better.

He went to Rosvitha’s room without knocking, simply pushing the door open and walking in.

Rosvitha was lying on the sofa in the living room wearing a light, thin nightgown, enjoying the cool breeze blowing in from the balcony, feeling comfortable and content.

Hearing footsteps, she didn’t get up to look around.

After all, the only person who would enter her room without knocking was him, the only one in the entire Silver Dragon Temple.

Rosvitha had “punished” Leon many times for this, but that was in the past.

The young Leon of the past was weak and could be easily manipulated by her.

But the current Leon was as fierce as a lion. Rosvitha couldn’t easily take action against him, or she might turn the balanced situation into a disadvantageous one, eventually leading to a crushing defeat.

So, she just let him be. Anyway, most of the time during the day, she wasn’t in her room, and she would just lock the door at night.

“Hmm? What are you doing here?”

Seeing the graceful figure lying on the sofa, Leon was momentarily stunned.

Usually, before lunchtime, Rosvitha would be busy in the main hall of the temple, and then she would go directly to the dining hall for her meal.

Rosvitha’s silver eyes opened slightly, glancing at Leon, then closed again. “You intrude into someone else’s room, and then you ask why they’re here. Is that reasonable?”

Leon shrugged, unconcerned.

Anyway, he knew that doing this would make Rosvitha uncomfortable, so he did it.

The more she disliked what he did, the more he did it. His main goal was rebellion.

After Rosvitha closed her eyes, she let out a sleepy yawn, with a few tears welling up at the corners of her eyes.

“So, you came back to slack off, huh?” Leon teased.

“I work from eight to five every day, year-round. What’s wrong with wanting to come back and sleep for a while today?”

“Nothing, suit yourself. I’m here to take the cake.”

Leon’s gaze shifted from Rosvitha to the small piece of leftover cake on the coffee table, with all the cream scraped off and set aside on a piece of tissue.

“You really hate cream that much?” Leon asked knowingly.

Actually, he detested it quite a bit too, considering the lasting impression it left on both of them as a couple.

But this pair of begrudging spouses had always followed the pattern of “hurting the enemy by a thousand to damage oneself by eight hundred.”

Leon refrained from questioning further, feeling uncomfortable about it.

However, this time Rosvitha didn’t engage in banter with Leon. She simply remarked, “Eating cream will make you fat.”

As she spoke, she pinched her thigh through the thin fabric of her nightgown.

Hmm, it seemed like she had gained a bit of flesh again.

Although it wasn’t much, and it wasn’t visible on the surface, her sense of touch was always accurate. If she felt she had gained weight, then she had.

She found it strange. Despite paying close attention to her diet and daily exercise for decades, her weight had always remained stable.

But recently, this flesh seemed to sprout up on her body like mushrooms after rain, growing rapidly.

Could it be that she had developed some bad habits recently that she hadn’t noticed, causing this weight gain?

Rosvitha pondered for a moment but couldn’t recall anything. Everything seemed to be the same as before, with no significant changes from the past.

However… If one were to insist on finding a difference from before, it would be… that she and Leon had been “exchanging homework” less frequently.


Thinking of this, Rosvitha tightly squinted her eyes, shook her head to dispel these messy thoughts.

Does exchanging homework lead to weight loss? What kind of logic is that? She hadn’t heard of it before!

Feeling annoyed, she sat up straight, about to say something. But it seemed that sitting up too quickly caused a lack of blood flow to her brain, making her vision darken and her head feel dizzy.

As Leon cut the cake into small pieces and placed them on a plate, he glanced at her.

She looked somewhat strange.

“Are you feeling sick?” Leon asked casually.

“No, just a bit… dizzy,” Rosvitha replied, gently massaging her temples.

“Oh… drink more hot water,” Leon suggested half-heartedly.

Rosvitha gave him a disdainful look and said nothing.

After feeling slightly better, she stood up from the sofa, put on a coat, and headed out the door.

After cutting the cake, Leon also took it to the dining hall.

The family of three sat at the table, with the cake temporarily placed aside as a dessert after the meal.

Muen sat across from Rosvitha, not too far away from her mother. She blinked and looked at her mother, suddenly asking, “Mom, you seem… like you haven’t slept well.”

Rosvitha raised her eyes, tidied her hair, and smiled back, “Really? I don’t think so. Maybe it’s because Mom didn’t put on makeup today, so I look a bit sleepy.”

“Mom, you need to take care of yourself,” Little Muen said with concern.

“Mm, Mom knows, let’s eat quickly. Aren’t you going to study with Dad in the afternoon?”


Muen began to eat earnestly.

The couple exchanged a glance, not saying anything, and quietly started their meal.

After a while, Rosvitha reminded, “Don’t tire yourself out studying, remember to relax,” then got up and left.

Leon glanced at her plate, noticing that she had left a lot of food uneaten.

Was she trying to lose weight?

He looked up at Rosvitha’s retreating figure.

Tall and graceful, with long flowing hair, she had the perfect figure with slender legs and a slim waist, she didn’t need to lose weight at all.

Women were so incomprehensible.

Leon withdrew his gaze and looked at his daughter. “Muen, eat more. You need energy to study.”

“Yes, Dad!”

After finishing their meal, the father and daughter rested in the backyard for half an hour before starting their afternoon study session.

Muen had excellent comprehension and learned quickly, which pleased Leon.

Although Muen was often seen as a mascot, when she was serious, her learning efficiency was no less than Noia’s.

And this entirely depended on Muen herself.

Noia was a genius and a study enthusiast; her lowest level was the upper limit for many people.

However, Muen only showed full enthusiasm when she wanted to work hard for a specific goal. She had told Leon that she wanted to catch up with her sister, which was why she worked so hard.

The proud father was deeply gratified. Such dedication wasn’t just about frying steaks; it was even so positive. Truly, she was his daughter!

Leon had already begun to anticipate the day when Muen would awaken her talents. If this talented seedling awakened the same elemental affinity as Noia, lightning, then the term “swaggering” wouldn’t suffice to describe Leon’s excitement.

He would be dancing on Rosvitha’s head! See that, Mother Dragon? Both of our daughters are so strong, entirely because of my genes!

Ahem—hold back the champagne for now, as things were still up in the air.

Leon pushed aside his scattered thoughts and continued teaching his daughter diligently.

In the late afternoon, Leon took a break, allowing Muen to work on some practice questions by herself.

He got up and went to the bookshelf to select books that might help solve his magic depletion problem.

Noia had mentioned that the winter break at St. Hys Academy would start in just over a month. He needed to restore his magic before then so that he could teach Noia more lightning magic.

Time was running short, and the task was heavy. Leon couldn’t afford to delay.

However, with the current situation, he had tried every method he could think of but still made no progress.

Leon held the ancient books, leaning against the bookshelf, his brow furrowed deeply.

“Where did it go wrong… What is the cause of this magic depletion?”

“I can still gather faint magic normally, there are no issues with my magic circuits, my physical and mental strength are at normal levels, and I haven’t been sealed by any external force. The Blood Enigma’s side effects only result in unconsciousness and have nothing to do with magic.”

“Tsk— I’ve considered all possibilities, but still haven’t found the cause.”

“Could it be that I’ve been researching the wrong direction…”

As his thoughts delved deeper, the atmosphere in the library gradually became heavy. Leon raised his hand, intending to loosen his collar.

But as his hand touched his chest, his movement abruptly halted.

Suddenly, a completely new idea flashed into his mind.

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