Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have …
Vol. 1 Ch. 126 Table of contents

Chapter 126: Eat Everything Clean

Muen’s final awakening surprised everyone.

Not just Anna and the other maids, even Rosvitha, a knowledgeable Dragon King, had never witnessed a twin awakening firsthand.

Even for the long-lived Dragon Clan, witnessing a twin awakening was a rare occurrence.

Being able to awaken two elemental affinities meant that Muen’s future held more possibilities than most people.

After human children are born, there’s a custom called “Zhaozhou,” where common items are placed around the child, and whichever one the child grabs is said to determine their future path.

For example, if they grab a stack of coins, it means the child will surely become wealthy in the future.

Of course, this is just a superstitious ritual for good luck, nothing to be taken seriously.

But in the realm of magic, once a child awakens two elements in their youth, it truly determines their future.

As the daughter of the strongest dragon slayer and the Silver Dragon Queen, she was already destined for an extraordinary life;

And now that she has completed the twin awakening, which only existed in books, her future is boundless—

As long as she doesn’t mess around.

Who knows if the precious daughter will use her formidable thunder and fire dual elements to stun cattle and make steaks in the future?!

Thunder to stun the cattle, fire to cook the meat—this method ensures both the freshness of the meat and control over the cooking process and doneness.

Damn, it’s like she was born with these two elements just to fry steaks!

“Daddy, Mommy~”

As the light of the awakening formation dispersed, Muen excitedly ran over, grabbing Leon’s wrist with one hand and Rosvitha’s with the other.

“Did you see that? It seems like Muen awakened two elements~”

The little dragon girl clearly didn’t fully grasp how amazing her twin awakening was. Her excitement stemmed from overhearing her parents discussing whether she would awaken to fire or lightning.

Daddy leaned towards lightning, mommy leaned towards fire, and Muen found it hard to decide at the time.

But now that she’s awakened both, Daddy and Mommy must be really satisfied, right~

The couple crouched down, showering their chubby-faced daughter with kisses.

Rosvitha kissed her left cheek, while Leon kissed her right.

Muen: (◕ᴗ◕✿)

Basking in their love, basking in their love.

Maybe Daddy and Mommy will have a second awakening in the future, and they’ll both awaken as twins too! You never know!

“Daddy, Mommy, Muen’s face is going to be squished flat by you guys!~”

The couple finally let go of their precious daughter.

Alright, judging from Daddy and Mommy’s reactions, Muen thought to herself, her performance just now didn’t embarrass them.

If Leon and Rosvitha could hear their daughter’s thoughts, they might say:

“Not only did you not embarrass us, you adorable daughter, but from now on, when we take you out, we’ll have to stick a note on your forehead saying ‘Twin-Awakened Young Dragon Passing Through, Please Make Way!'”

Some swagger, gotta flaunt it;

Some grandeur, gotta flaunt it.

Leon picked up Muen, and the family of three left the practice ground, heading towards the backyard.

Anna and the others, while dismantling the formation, began to marvel at Princess Muen’s talent and luck.

“It’s true what they say, seeing it with your own eyes is better than hearing about it. I never expected to witness a twin awakening in Princess Muen.”

“The Princess is gifted, with such outstanding parents as His Majesty and the Prince, her future is boundless.”

“His Majesty’s two daughters are both surprises… I wonder~~” a maid trailed off with a teasing tone.

Anna and several other maids turned towards the voice, one of them urging, “Wonder what? Spit it out already.”

The young maid covered her mouth, like middle school girls gossiping about which teacher is prettier during break time. “I wonder if their future children will be even more powerful.”

“Huh~~ You’re thinking that far ahead? His Majesty has just recently given birth to two little princesses, how could he possibly… possibly get pregnant again so soon, impossible.”

“Well, you never know, His Majesty and the Prince are so loving, what if they want to have a few more.”

“Being loving means having more kids? I think you’re just too obsessed with shipping couples~” Her good friend tapped her head.

After a few more idle chatters, Anna intervened, “Alright alright, get back to work, you can gossip during break time.”

“Got it~”

In the evening, to celebrate Muen’s twin awakening, Leon and Rosvitha personally collaborated in the kitchen, preparing a table full of sumptuous dishes—

No cilantro, no carrots, and no eggplants.

After all, today’s protagonist is their precious daughter, so the couple temporarily declared a truce.

Muen looked at the table full of delicious dishes and without a word, she started devouring the food voraciously.

After using magic for the first time, the body indeed feels hungrier than usual, so eating a little extra is okay.

Leon specially prepared some extra steaks for his obedient daughter to enjoy to her heart’s content.

The couple watched Muen earnestly devouring her food with satisfaction, and then they began their meal.

Regarding Muen’s twin awakening, they had discussed it at noon and decided not to tell Muen how rare her existence was for now.

Muen never sought to be competitive, nor did she have any intention to pursue greater power like traditional dragonkind.

She had made this clear to Leon long ago, and Rosvitha was also aware of it.

They didn’t want their usually laid-back daughter to feel any psychological pressure or develop thoughts like “Daddy and Mommy have such high hopes for me, I must not disappoint them.”

She was a very obedient and sensible girl, and in some aspects, she was no less knowledgeable than Noia.

Take the twin awakening, for example. If Daddy and Mommy told her how much potential she had, how she would definitely become a powerful mage in the future, and how they were waiting for the day she would become famous in the Dragon Clan, then even if Muen’s aspirations didn’t lie in that direction, she would force herself to pursue it, to step towards a higher realm like traditional dragonkind.

In fact, compared to the rare twin awakening, Leon and Rosvitha both hoped that Muen could have a happy and fulfilling childhood.

Initially, Rosvitha hadn’t thought deeply about this aspect, and she even hesitated whether to let Muen know about her potential.

In the midst of her deliberation, it was Leon’s words about a “happy childhood” that made Rosvitha realize the true depth of the matter.

In terms of educational philosophy, there were indeed many areas where dragonkind fell short compared to humans, a fact Rosvitha had to admit.

Of course, Rosvitha wasn’t the type of mother who would say, “I suffered when I was young, so my child should suffer too.”

In any case, everything was based on her daughter’s happiness, which was the most important thing.

“Daddy, Mommy, you should eat more too~”

After eating for a while, Muen stood on her chair and began to pick dishes for Leon and Rosvitha.

“Thank you, Muen~”

“You’re welcome, Mommy~”

A simple thank you earned Muen two pieces of fried chicken wings.

Rosvitha’s plate was instantly filled up.

After serving her parents, Muen sat back down and continued eating.

As Leon ate slowly, he inadvertently glanced at Rosvitha’s plate.

He blinked and noticed that Rosvitha hadn’t eaten much tonight. Even with the dishes Muen picked for her, she barely touched them.

Leon looked at her, and although Rosvitha’s face wore a content smile, her brows were slightly furrowed, almost imperceptible unless one looked closely.

When she looked down at the salad dressing and fried foods on the table, her frown deepened slightly.

There was even a hint of disgust on her face.

Rosvitha swallowed hard, then immediately looked away, picking up the nearby glass of water and taking a sip to ease her discomfort.

Leon withdrew his gaze, choosing not to inquire further.

The meal continued.

Suddenly, Leon heard Rosvitha cough lightly.

It didn’t sound like a signal for something; rather, it seemed like a simple physiological reaction.

He looked up again to see Rosvitha resting her chin in her hand, using the posture to lightly cover her mouth with her fingers.

Although their eyes were on Muen, their expressions seemed odd, as if they were struggling with discomfort.

“Muen, can you go to Daddy’s room and bring some drinks? They’re under the bed, if they’re not there, check the balcony,” Leon said.

“Okay, Daddy!”

Muen hopped off the chair and swayed her little tail as she ran out of the room.

Leon had just noticed that something was off with Rosvitha, but because their daughter was present, he couldn’t inquire further and worry her.

So Leon used the excuse of fetching drinks to distract Muen and sent her away.

After Muen closed the door, Rosvitha whispered, “I’ll go to the bathroom.”

Then she hurriedly got up and ran to the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

Leon walked to the bathroom door, listening to the sound of running water inside. After a moment’s thought, he said, “Hey, I didn’t put any cilantro in the dishes I made, so why do you still look like you can’t eat?”

There were softer ways to inquire, but Leon chose to appear indifferent.

“It’s nothing… Maybe just… an upset stomach,” came Rosvitha’s voice from inside the bathroom.

“Oh… okay.”

Rosvitha washed her face, dried it, then opened the bathroom door. Leon was still standing outside.

Instinctively, both of them took a step back, then Leon stepped aside, making room for Rosvitha to come out.

Rosvitha nodded slightly, not saying much, and began to walk towards the dining room.

But before she could take a step, the Queen felt someone grabbing her arm.

Turning back, “What’s wrong?”

Leon opened his mouth, as if to say something, but hesitated. In the end, he just let go of Rosvitha’s arm.

Rosvitha’s gaze drifted, feeling the lingering warmth of the palm on her forearm. She spoke in a casual tone, “Let’s continue eating.”


The couple returned to the dining table.

Rosvitha looked down at the salad dressing, grilled meat, fried chicken wings, steaks, and so on in her plate. Indeed, she had no appetite. Not only did she lack appetite, she even felt a bit… nauseous.

“Here, you take this, you eat.” The Queen quickly switched her plate with Leon’s, showing quick thinking.

Leon was taken aback, looking at the full plate in front of him, he swallowed nervously, feeling like he was facing a formidable enemy. “…Do I look like someone who can eat a lot?”

Rosvitha rested her cheek on her hand, smiling playfully, “You eat more than me, a dragon who’s trying to lose weight.”

“Lose weight? How much do you weigh that you need to lose weight?”

“The last time I checked, it was around a hundred.”

Rosvitha thought for a moment, then added, “Seems like it was a hundred and something… My goal is below a hundred.”

Leon shook his head, seriously saying, “You shouldn’t lose weight below a hundred.”

Curious, Rosvitha asked, “Oh? Why not?”

“Girls who weigh less than a hundred are either flat-chested or short,” Leon said solemnly, as if this rhyme had some scientific basis.

Rosvitha rolled her eyes speechlessly.

Although this bantering style of conversation had slightly dampened the subtle atmosphere between her and Leon just now, it didn’t mean she would tolerate Leon’s nonsense here.

So, she casually picked up a chicken leg to throw into Leon’s plate.

But after some thought, she changed it to three servings of grilled oysters—supposedly, they were quite nutritious for humans.

“Eat these, eat them all, finish them all, and if you can’t finish, you’re not allowed to sleep!”

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