Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have …
Vol. 1 Ch. 129 Table of contents

Chapter 129: Spread, enumerate your sins

“It’s impossible, absolutely impossible.”

Rosvitha, who had already changed out of her nurse uniform, sat on the edge of the bed, refuting firmly, “I always take precautions afterward, it’s impossible… to be pregnant.”

The queen, no longer calm and composed as usual, became somewhat flustered and anxious.

Leon sat on the sofa opposite her, silent for a moment, and asked, “About those precautions… is the success rate one hundred percent?”

Rosvitha tidied the strands of hair on both sides of her cheeks, biting her lip as she explained, “It’s a type of purification magic. As long as it’s used within twenty-four hours after, it ensures that the dragon tribe won’t conceive.”

Rosvitha continued, “The books say the success rate of this magic is ninety-nine point nine percent.”

Leon paused, “Doesn’t that leave a point one percent?”

Although the probability of point one percent was very low, it couldn’t be ignored considering the high frequency of “three days, one night” assignments between Leon and Rosvitha recently.

Moreover, this so-called “one day” didn’t necessarily mean just one encounter.

A single night was quite lengthy, and Rosvitha wouldn’t easily let Leon off the hook. So even if the chances were as slim as one in a million, they still had a possibility of striking it lucky.

Rosvitha looked up at him, “Although theoretically there’s an extremely low possibility of mishaps with this magic, throughout the dragon tribe’s millennia of reproduction, there hasn’t been a single such exception.”

“The ninety-nine point nine percent mentioned in the book is just a conservative estimate. So in reality, as long as the purification magic is used afterward, there won’t be any pregnancies.”

Leon shrugged, “Well… you said it yourself, you’ve taken precautions every time, so why are you pregnant now—”

“I’m not pregnant!”

Rosvitha interrupted sharply.

She seemed somewhat agitated.

Regarding the matter of pregnancy… She felt some resistance.

She touched her abdomen, her beautiful eyes looking at Leon, filled with various indescribable emotions.

Meeting Leon’s gaze, Rosvitha recalled the days when she was carrying Noia and Muen.

That period was the loneliest and most helpless time for Rosvitha. It was also the primary reason she now harbored an aversion to “pregnancy.”

Leon responded to her gaze, knowing she didn’t want to face this matter.

But he still had to suggest to Rosvitha to take a test.

It wasn’t because he was worried about the mother dragon—well, maybe there was a tiny bit of worry, but it wasn’t significant—

The important thing was, if Rosvitha was indeed pregnant again, then the child in her belly would also be Leon’s.

Humans have an innate love for blood relatives, just like his love for Muen and Noia.

And he knew Rosvitha was the same.

Because Isabella had once told him about Rosvitha’s mindset when she was pregnant with the two sisters.

What she feared now wasn’t pregnancy, nor welcoming another new life, but rather the fear of facing everything alone again, just like in the past.

Leon hesitated for a moment, then stood up and walked to Rosvitha’s side, sitting down next to her.

Rosvitha subconsciously wanted to get up and move away from Leon, creating some distance between them.

But as soon as her buttocks left the bed, she gave up on that idea.

The couple leaned against each other like this, shoulder to shoulder, with moonlight streaming in through the window, casting light on Leon’s profile.

After a long silence, Leon spoke up, “Let’s take a test, okay?”

Rarely, there was a hint of coaxing in his tone.

“I… I’m not pregnant…” Rosvitha still emphasized softly.

Her hands clenched into fists, resting on her knees, her beautiful face filled with unease.

Leon knew that, combined with all the adverse reactions she had been experiencing these days, she should have realized something by now. She just didn’t want to face it yet.

He hesitated for a moment, then reached out and gently held Rosvitha’s hand.

Leon’s palm bore calluses from years of battle and countless minor injuries. But being held by such a hand, Rosvitha felt deeply comforted.

This feeling of comfort wasn’t what one might call “security.” She never sought security from others, not even from Leon.

What Rosvitha lacked when she was pregnant with the two sisters last year was exactly this sense of comfort.

“Go and take the test. Otherwise, with all these strange adverse reactions tormenting you for so many days, you won’t be at ease, will you?” Leon persuaded.

Pausing for a moment, he added, “Regardless of the result, I… will face it with you.”

Two years ago, that dungeon was the turning point for Leon and Rosvitha’s fate.

If Leon hadn’t held on until Rosvitha came to see him that day, if Rosvitha hadn’t tasted his blood, if he had forgotten to use the Blood Temptation…

So none of that would happen.

Leon would become just one of many who perished on the battlefield against dragons, and Rosvitha would continue to sit on her lofty throne.

Unfortunately, there are no “ifs.”

Reality has already unfolded, and responsibilities come one after another.

And in Leon’s life creed, there’s no room for “evading responsibility.”

He loved Noia and Muen wholeheartedly, striving to do what a father should do, and he would also build this “family” with Rosvitha. Therefore, when a new responsibility arrived, whether it came unexpectedly or not, Leon wouldn’t choose to escape.

The most important thing for a man is to take responsibility. If one can’t even do that, what’s the meaning of championships, what’s the meaning of fame?

Rosvitha lowered her eyes. She didn’t like hearing those grand principles, and Leon knew this, so he just made promises to her with his simplest and most sincere words.

But Rosvitha also understood that Leon’s commitment to her wasn’t because he had feelings for her or anything like that.

Leon was just fulfilling his duties and responsibilities as a “husband” of the family and a father of two children.

As for herself, whether she was within his considerations, Rosvitha didn’t know. She didn’t want to know either. But in any case, she was quite relieved that Leon was so sincere.

At least he didn’t gloat and say, “Hahaha, you’re pregnant with my child again,” like a brat. Rosvitha would really hit him if he did that.

“Okay, I’ll go take the test.”

“Um… wait, do you have the tools?” Rosvitha stood up, walked to the cabinet, and crouched down to start searching.

“Two years ago, someone made me pregnant in the dungeon. After that day, I bought a lot of pregnancy tests.”


“I found it.”

Rosvitha held a paper box containing a bunch of small items. She took one out and then went to the bathroom. “Wait for me, ten minutes.”


Leon sat on the edge of the bed, fiddling with his fingers. To be honest, he was a bit nervous too. It was impossible not to be nervous. If she really was pregnant, the mother dragon’s temple would be bustling with activity.

He would have to add a significant entry to his “Chronicles of Captivity”: having a second child with a dragon.

And if his master, that old guy, found out that his beloved disciple had not only been eating and sleeping well for the past two years but had also given him some grandchildren, he’d probably be overjoyed.

The year Leon graduated from the academy, his master kept urging him to find a girlfriend, get married, and then have children to raise with him and his wife. His master said even the neighbor’s grandchildren could help with chores in the field.

He asked, “Are you going to rely on our donkey for the rest of your life? Go find a partner and bring her back by the end of the year.”

Leon replied, “Master, is it possible that I’m only fifteen this year? Even the neighbor’s grandchildren have to call me ‘big brother’.”

His master said, “You know nothing; you have to win at the starting line.” Leon said, “Then why didn’t you just adopt a baby directly when you adopted me? That would be the real starting line.”

His master gave him a kick. Leon shook his head, snapping out of his thoughts.

Just then, ten minutes passed. Rosvitha emerged from the bathroom.

She stared at the pregnancy test kit in her hand, her expression solemn. Leon looked at her expression and probably guessed the test result. But he still tentatively asked, “So…?”

Rosvitha clicked her tongue lightly, her cheeks slightly flushed. “Can’t you tell? Still asking.”

With that, she sat back down on the bed, looking down at her toes. The couple fell into silence once again.

After a moment, Leon asked, “When you were pregnant with Noia and Muen, did you have similar symptoms of dizziness and nausea? Haven’t you considered the possibility of pregnancy these past few days?”

“I did consider it, but I remember I took precautions every time, so I just thought it was because of work exhaustion.”

“And you didn’t take a test?” Leon nodded towards the kit in her hand.

Rosvitha shook her head, mumbling, “No.”

Leon scratched his nose. “So… which time was it? The night at the hot spring?”

Rosvitha recalled. Although that night at the hot spring was their most passionate, she was certain that she took precautions the next morning. So it couldn’t be that time.

“No, I took precautions that time,” Rosvitha recalled, her mind racing. “Could it be during the days with the bunny girl photos?”

During that period, Leon and she indeed had more assignments than usual. And Leon had absolute dominance, while she could only go along with him.

But after careful consideration, even though the frequency increased and she lost control, she still remembered to take precautions. So she quickly dismissed this idea.

“What about the night with Dragon Big Power?” Leon asked.

At his words, the queen gasped for a breath of cold air.

That was truly the night she least wanted to remember, with Leon having a seizure. He was truly a nightmare for her entire life! How dare this jerk even bring it up. But unfortunately, “It wasn’t that night either.”

The couple recounted their past “sins,” almost every encounter leaving a deep impression. Just starting to talk about it would bring back the entire process.

It seemed like they were trying to figure out which occasion led to the result, but in reality, it felt more like settling their karma.

However, they had no choice. They could only grit their teeth and endure the overwhelming sense of shame as they slowly recalled.

Which occasion could it be…

Suddenly, Leon slapped his palm and had a moment of realization. “Oh, I remember which time it was!”

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