Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have …
Vol. 1 Ch. 156 Table of contents

Chapter 156: Three days without washing, arrogant and proud

Rosvitha’s body flexibility was good, and her coordination was also high, so learning yoga was not a difficult thing for her.

Milan was also surprised by the queen’s physical advantages and learning speed during the teaching process.

This is not flattery, but a sincere feeling.

As for Leon, he got up and left after listening for less than ten minutes, saying he was going to play with Noia Muen.

It’s not the Dragon Slayer’s fault for lacking determination. Blame it on the fact that the mother dragon’s long legs were too eye-catching. If you keep looking, it’s afraid that the dragon scales will shine.

Watching Leon leave in a hurry, Rosvitha thought that this dog of a man would have the patience to listen all the way, but he left after such a short time.

Humph, it’s good that he’s gone. If he were here, I wouldn’t be able to concentrate on practicing. Rosvitha thought.

For some reason, whenever Leon was around her, her attention would always be distracted.

This phenomenon seemed to have started two months ago.

At that time, she still had to deal with some follow-up work during the day in the study every night. If she was too busy, Leon would make some simple supper and bring it to her.

Sometimes he would also watch Rosvitha work quietly beside her.

But even so, Rosvitha always got distracted.

Workaholics are never delayed by any external factors.

But for some reason, Leon would inexplicably influence her.

Tsk, dog of a man, it’s obvious that he and this queen are incompatible, which is why this is happening.

Rosvitha shook her head to clear her scattered thoughts and continued to study yoga seriously.

To be honest, practicing yoga is quite effective.

The benefits of yoga are comprehensive. It not only activates the whole body but is also very beneficial for postpartum health recovery.

Most importantly, practicing yoga can also calm Rosvitha’s mind.

Relying solely on supplements like Jade Dew Dragon Fruit, which are good for calming the fetus and nourishing the spirit, the effect is still somewhat limited.

With the right yoga practice, it’s beneficial for both Rosvitha herself and the fetus.

Leon, that guy, unintentionally did something that made her feel comfortable, Rosvitha thought.

The yoga class continued.

Several hours later, Leon came back from outside.

With a chill about him, he didn’t immediately enter the house. Instead, he took off his snow-covered coat at the door, brushed off the snow from his head, and waited for some of the chill to dissipate before putting on slippers and walking in.

Pregnant women are afraid of the cold, and Leon knew this, so he paid attention to every detail in daily life.

In the bedroom, he found that Milan had already left.

Only Rosvitha was there, still practicing a yoga pose.

She recognized the footsteps as Leon’s, so she didn’t turn around but continued to silently practice.

The yoga pose Rosvitha was practicing now is called “Pilates Push-Up.” Unlike traditional push-ups, this push-up requires one knee to be on the ground, the other leg straight, aligned with the spine, and the elbows placed near the ribs.

It reduces the burden on the arms and instead tests the strength of the waist and abdominal core.

“Oh, very standard,” Leon walked over and sat cross-legged beside Rosvitha.

Rosvitha continued doing push-ups, her arms slender but not as thin as bamboo, her waist and hips undulating like rolling hills.

She glanced at Leon, “Milan also said I’m doing it very standard. Do you want me to teach you?”

“No thanks, I don’t want to wear tight pants and do these strange movements. Traditional exercises are more suitable for me.”


Rosvitha ignored him and continued doing Pilates push-ups.

Before leaving, Milan said this exercise is the most basic of basics and practicing it more will lay a solid foundation for future yoga classes.

Coincidentally, Rosvitha currently has plenty of time, so practicing for however long is not a problem.

Leon sat beside her, suddenly reminded of the school sports day.

Back then, in order to help Noia achieve good results at the sports day, he had also exerted all his efforts to recover his physical fitness.

Push-ups, sit-ups, long-distance running, those were all daily essentials.

And he distinctly remembered one time during push-ups when Rosvitha slid under him and teased him:

“If you run out of strength while doing these, you’ll have to kiss me~”

Five hundred push-ups were indeed an astronomical figure for Leon, who hadn’t fully recovered at the time, but with this dragoness under him acting as a “safety net,” he gritted his teeth and finished them.

He still remembered that evening at dinner when his arms were too weak to lift, and he had to rely on Muen to feed him.

Returning to the present, Leon squinted as he scrutinized Rosvitha, and the mischief in his belly began to churn.

A few seconds later, Rosvitha’s gaze suddenly fell upon Leon’s face – but upside down. The Pilates push-up position differs from traditional push-ups, and Leon couldn’t slide under Rosvitha.

Moreover, she was pregnant now, so accidentally bumping into her belly wouldn’t be good. Therefore, Leon took a different approach and positioned his head directly beneath Rosvitha’s face.

Though their faces appeared upside down to each other, it didn’t matter; the effect was the same.

“What are you doing?” Rosvitha asked coldly, supporting her upper body with her arms.

“Just giving you some motivation to do a few more. If you accidentally lose strength, you’ll have to kiss this dragon slayer, don’t you want that?” Leon replied.

It was basically the same old banter, which constantly stirred Rosvitha’s memories. She knew Leon was bringing up old matters, but she just chuckled, “Childish.”

Although she called him childish, Rosvitha didn’t send him away; instead, she continued doing push-ups.

Her exquisite face, from Leon’s perspective, moved up and down, sometimes distant, sometimes close. Her silver hair lightly brushed against his cheeks, tickling him gently.

After hours of yoga practice, Rosvitha’s face was already covered in a light sheen of sweat. Her silver eyes gazed lazily down at Leon’s eyes, full of charm. It was unclear if she was a bit tired or deliberately acting that way.

Her warm breath gently sprayed onto Leon’s face, carrying a faint fragrance from her mouth.

After a while, Rosvitha’s rhythm noticeably slowed down. Several times, her lips lightly touched Leon’s nose, but each time she quickly pulled back.

“If you’re out of strength, just give up. Skipping a few won’t make you lose any muscle,” Leon chuckled.

What’s this smug dog of a man so proud of?

If she wanted to stop, Rosvitha could stop anytime; she hadn’t set a quota for herself anyway. The only reason she persisted until now was out of habit, just to compete with him.

He’s getting ahead of himself again.

Leon Casmode, three days without teasing you, you’re all full of yourself.

Rosvitha suddenly stopped, propping herself up on her elbows on the yoga mat. Her beautiful face was close to Leon’s, their eyes met, and they could almost feel each other’s breath.

Leon’s smile froze suddenly, sensing something was amiss. He discreetly tried to move away, but it was too late.

Rosvitha reached out, holding Leon’s chin, preventing him from slipping away from beneath her face.

Because of the completely reversed position, holding the chin was a natural move.

Responding to Rosvitha’s gaze, Leon’s alluring face remained beautiful even when seen upside down.

The couple gazed at each other, and in their hearts, a familiar longing and desire arose.

With one hand holding Leon’s chin and the other gently playing with his gradually warming earlobes, Rosvitha smiled knowingly.

“You’re right, my dear husband, I can’t do it anymore… I want to accept your punishment.”


She didn’t know what he was about to say, but kissing first seemed like a good idea.

Kissing in completely reversed positions was something they had never tried before.

The feeling was subtle, yet profound. In this position, Leon’s nose could catch the fragrance emanating from Rosvitha’s neck. Pregnant women have a unique scent about them, both ambiguous and enchanting, intoxicating to smell. Lips and tongues intertwined at angles and directions completely different from usual, creating sensations both familiar and unfamiliar.

After a long time apart, they once again indulged in the “addiction” in their hearts, but in a completely new way. They used gentle palms to caress each other’s cheeks, gradually moving to the back of the head, applying a slight pressure to bring the kiss even closer.

If the previous kisses relied on the cover of night, with its magical ability to thicken people’s skins, then how to explain kissing in broad daylight, right on the ground?

Admitting “I just wanted to kiss you” seemed a bit difficult for the couple.

As the kiss reached its climax, dragon scales faintly shimmered. The couple stopped just in time.

Of course, before the kiss was completely over, Rosvitha leaned forward and gently kissed Leon’s Adam’s apple. Afterward, she reclined on the yoga mat.

The two lay face to face, still in completely reversed positions, yet it didn’t affect anything. Rosvitha hooked her slender arms, kneading the earlobe on the other side of Leon, not wanting to let go. Leon, on the other hand, let Rosvitha’s warm fingertips roam freely on his face.

They listened to each other’s gradually calming breaths. Rosvitha looked up at the ceiling, suddenly realizing something and asked, “Actually, you didn’t make me practice yoga just to tease me, did you?”

Leon closed his eyes, reached out, and grasped Rosvitha’s wrist. “No, I just wanted to tease you, that’s all.”

“Oh? So it’s not because you were worried about your pregnant wife being too lonely and bored at home, so you came up with this ‘revenge’ plan that seems to fit your style of doing things while also not revealing your true intentions?”

How could an excellent Dragon Slayer “accidentally” do something? Everything he did was carefully planned, considering every possibility.

Leon gazed back at her, calling her name slowly, “Rosvitha.”


She looked into the Dragon Slayer’s affectionate eyes, thinking he was about to say something cheesy and awkwardly sweet. However, she realized she had overestimated Leon once again.

“This afternoon, doing five hundred push-ups, it’s all for your own good, my beloved wife.”

“…Hurry up and die!”

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