Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have …
Vol. 1 Ch. 182 Table of contents

Chapter 182: Let the old man figure out a solution

The master and disciple leaned back to back, with Teg holding up his sword in front of him.

“I thought our reunion after three years would be very touching and warm, but who would have thought there would be so many onlookers.”

“Master, let’s not complain when we’re facing a major enemy,” Leon said solemnly.

Hearing his disciple’s words, Teg was taken aback. “What’s wrong, kid? Have you been neglecting your training in these three years? Dealing with these few dangerous types might be a bit difficult for this old man, but it should be as simple as drinking cold water for you, right?”

Leon swallowed nervously, opened his palm, and the remaining electric light flickered twice before extinguishing in his palm.


Coming back too hastily, he hadn’t had the chance to gather much mana. The wave of Clearing Technique skills just now had depleted Leon’s mana bar.

“A lot has happened in these three years, and the situation is quite complicated. I’ll explain it to you in detail after we break out, Master.”

“It’s just having two daughters, right? How complicated could it be?” Teg said indifferently.

Leon: ?

“Master… how did you know about this?”

“Your wife told me.”

After a pause, Teg asked again, “So the Silver Dragon is your wife, right? Or did you two have a shotgun wedding?”

“In theory… she is indeed my wife, and we’ve had more than two daughters…”

Teg: ?

“Alright, kid, now I know why you’re nervous. Seems like you haven’t done anything productive in these three years except helping the Silver Dragon clan expand its population, huh?”

“I already said let’s discuss this after we break out, Master!”

“Hmph, come on, don’t lag behind an old man like me,” Teg said.

Leon nodded. The two of them spread out their formation, and the situation briefly descended into chaos.

Although Leon had run out of mana, he managed to push back the three dangerous types repeatedly with just his physical skills and strength.

Teg also realized that this kid’s strength had improved a lot since three years ago. It seemed that he hadn’t just been idly enjoying family life with his wife and children in the Silver Dragon clan; he hadn’t forgotten to train either.

The master and disciple cooperated seamlessly, maneuvering around while retreating to the side of the street.

However, fists are no match for four hands, and the opponents were numerous, continuously releasing various ferocious A-level dangerous types.

“These guys don’t consider the consequences at all. If these dangerous types suddenly went out of control on the streets of the empire, many innocent civilians would be harmed,” Leon said.

“The empire is no longer what it used to be, kid,” Teg retorted.

With that statement, Teg raised his greatsword high, and a blue light suddenly gathered on its blade.


Teg slashed downward with his greatsword, and a crescent-shaped lightning burst shot out, blasting open the street ahead, creating an opening.

“Quick, let’s go!”

The master and disciple dashed towards the gap in the encirclement, with over a hundred law enforcers and a dozen dangerous types still hot on their heels.

“Don’t tell me you just rushed over here to help me without any preparation,” Teg said as they ran.

“Of course, I prepared,” Leon replied.

“What preparation?”

As soon as the words fell, they heard the urgent sound of horse hooves ahead. The master and disciple looked up to see a carriage speeding towards them. On the carriage, a petite girl with dual pistols strapped to her back looked terrified. She tightly gripped the reins, shouting, “This horse doesn’t listen to me at all!”

When the carriage was less than ten meters away from the master and disciple, the petite figure of Rebecca leaned back, using all her strength to pull on the reins. After a clear neigh, the tall horse lifted its front hooves and stopped in place.

Rebecca breathed a sigh of relief, “Driving a carriage is much harder than shooting.”

Leon and Teg exchanged glances, then simultaneously climbed onto the carriage.

Leon took the reins from Rebecca’s hands. “I’ll drive the carriage. You go to the back and help the Master fend off the pursuing dangerous types.”

“Yes, Captain!” Rebecca smiled knowingly, finally reaching the part she was good at!

She went to the back of the carriage and saw Teg. “Long time no see, Teg.”

“Let’s catch up later. For now, hold them off for a while. I’ll give them something big,” Teg said.


Rebecca pulled out her pistols, disengaged the safety, and stepped onto the edge of the carriage compartment. The blue hues in her eyes gleamed with long-lost fervor.

“It’s been a while since I killed you monsters. Don’t disappoint me!” With that, she pulled the trigger.

In an instant, gunfire erupted. The two heavy-duty rifles in Rebecca’s hands unleashed the bullets from their magazines, and the muzzle flashes illuminated Rebecca’s face.

The face that should have been described as “adorable” was now filled with an excited smile. She laughed, her ears filled with the cries and screams of the dangerous types.

Leon, driving the carriage in front, listened to the constant gunfire. It suddenly occurred to him that his gunnery expert was euphemistically called a “nervous beauty” but less charitably referred to as a “crazy loli”!

It was probably because it wasn’t convenient on the carriage, otherwise Leon was sure Rebecca would have brought over that massive fire elemental cannon from her backyard.

Shaking off his thoughts, Leon focused on controlling the carriage and headed forward. The chase continued. Dangerous types kept rushing out from the side streets, and Rebecca’s bullets were almost depleted.

While shooting, she looked back towards the carriage compartment. “Teg, how are you holding up? I’m running low on ammo here!”

Teg poked his head out from the compartment. “Just keep shooting, I’ll figure something out.”

With that, he retreated back inside.

“Ugh! Teaming up with that annoying old man and clueless straight guy is so irritating!”

Rebecca grumbled in frustration, while increasing her firepower output.

Just as Rebecca’s bullets ran out completely, Teg finally emerged from the carriage compartment. In his hand was a bundle of black thread.

Rebecca tossed her overheated pistols aside. “Dad, what’s that?”

“Watch closely, little girl,” Teg said, then tossed out the thread.

The thread expanded in the air, revealing itself to be a finely woven giant net.

The giant net slowly drifted down to the ground, and the dim-witted dangerous types didn’t even notice. They stepped directly onto the net.

Teg seized the opportunity and snapped his fingers. Instantly, the giant net on the ground lit up with arcs of electricity and sparks, causing the monsters on it to cry out in agony. The high-intensity lightning immediately paralyzed them, blocking the street, and the law enforcers behind couldn’t catch up.

“You’re amazing, Dad!” Rebecca’s eyes sparkled.

“Hmph, girl, you still have a lot to learn,” Teg replied.

The carriage raced away, leaving behind…

The three of them escaped to a slum. Leon pushed the carriage into a stinking swamp, then found some fodder to feed the horse. After the horse had eaten its fill, Leon set it free.

After taking care of everything, Leon entered a shabby house. Rebecca was busy maintaining her weapons, while Teg set up a bonfire nearby for warmth.

Leon sat down by the fire, crossing his legs. Teg used his greatsword to pry open a can of beef and handed it to Leon.

“I was planning to welcome you with a feast of roasted beef, but conditions are limited. Let’s make do with canned beef.”

Leon smiled and took the can. “Master, I never expected our reunion to be like this.”

“Hmph, just being able to meet is good enough. I thought the Silver Dragon clan had already taken you away,” Teg remarked.

Teg opened another can and handed it to Rebecca, then turned to Leon. “So, you came with Rebecca to find me, which means you saw the message I left for you at the farm, right?”

Leon nodded. “Yes, I saw it.”

“What message?” Rebecca, having quickly finished half of her can, blinked her beautiful eyes and asked.

“Oh, it’s about the mole. Master said you’re trustworthy,” Leon explained.

“Oh, I see. So, it seems Dad has a good impression of me,” Rebecca said.

“The impression is indeed good, but it’s a serious matter. You can’t judge whether you’re trustworthy just based on a good impression,” Teg said.

“I left that message in the barn at the farm because I calculated it would be about a year until you came back, Leon. During this year, I’ve been secretly tracking and investigating the three of you.”

Rebecca was slightly surprised. “You’ve been tracking us all this time… and I didn’t even notice.”

As a former top member of the Imperial Dragon Slayer Army, Rebecca had high counter-surveillance abilities (not locking the back door of the house didn’t count as counter-surveillance abilities). But the fact that Teg had been able to track and investigate her for a year without her noticing was truly impressive.

Teg waved his hand dismissively. “Just simple tracking, nothing worth mentioning, nothing worth mentioning~”

Rebecca smirked knowingly. She knew exactly where Leon learned his laid-back attitude from. These two were really alike when they started boasting.

After some casual chatting and catching up, Leon finally brought up the main topic.

First and foremost, the thing he cared about the most, “Master, is Master Mother not with you?”

“Well, because the situation in the Empire turned out to be more complicated than I initially thought, I temporarily moved your Master Mother to a place that is absolutely safe, where someone is taking care of her,” Teg explained. Then he added after a pause, “The donkey is there too.”

“Oh… as long as Master Mother is safe,” Leon replied.

Then, Leon asked again, “Master, when you say the situation in the Empire is complicated, what exactly do you mean?”

Teg sighed and began to explain slowly, “Three years ago, you disappeared without a trace during the Battle of the Silver Dragon. After the Dragon Slayer Army returned from a devastating defeat, the Empire blamed you for the failure and labeled you a ‘traitor.'”

“I didn’t know what exactly happened on the battlefield at that time, but I believe that my disciple would never betray his comrades or his country.”

“At that time, everyone believed you were dead, and I had no desire to stay in this corrupted Empire consumed by power struggles. So, I took your Master Mother and left, hoping to spend the rest of our lives in peace.”

“Until one day, I discovered that a Silver Dragon seemed to be tracking my whereabouts. Through her, I contacted the Silver Dragon Queen, and she told me that you were still alive.”

“After getting a brief understanding of the situation, I decided to return to the Empire, investigate this matter thoroughly, and clear your name.”

“I found an old friend who held a position in the upper echelons of the Empire. I didn’t tell him that you were alive, but I asked him to contact the people responsible for the Battle of the Silver Dragon and demand your exoneration. However, they completely ignored my requests and even tried to silence me.”

“Two Imperial Guards intercepted me, and I knocked them out with the back of my sword.”

“But the next day, their bodies were found hanging on the walls of the palace, and I was framed as a wanted criminal,” Teg continued.

“From that moment on, I fully understood that the Empire had completely decayed, and your situation was not as simple as being scapegoated. Someone deliberately framed you.”

“The only way to negotiate with those dogs in the Empire is through ‘violence.'”

“Over this year, I’ve killed the leader of the Female Branch, the boss of the casino, and even a major drug lord. The Empire felt the pressure and didn’t hesitate to deploy their dangerous types to intercept me.”

“I estimate they’ll resort to even more outrageous methods next time.”

After listening silently to his master’s account, Leon spoke up after a long pause, “You’ve been through a lot, Master.”

“It’s nothing. It’s been a year, and I still haven’t cleared your name of the traitor accusation. Ultimately, I still need you to come back and help me,” Teg replied.

Leon reached out and patted Teg’s shoulder. “Don’t say that, Master. You’ve done a lot for me already.”

Teg sighed heavily. After adjusting his mindset, he asked, “What are your plans next?”

“Well… first, we need to expose the mole who framed me. He should have deep connections with the Imperial Family,” Leon replied.

Teg narrowed his eyes slightly. “As expected, you were framed.”

The master and disciple began to exchange the clues and intelligence they had gathered.

Meanwhile, Rebecca discreetly stole the can of beef that Leon hadn’t finished eating.

In the palace, on top of the walls, two figures stood, overlooking the Empire.

“Leon is still alive.”

One of the men spoke slowly, his voice deep and commanding, “You failed. You didn’t manage to kill him back then.”

The other man knelt down, his voice trembling, “I’m sorry, my lord… But I swear I pierced his heart back then. There’s no way he could have survived…”

“Heh… Useless.”

The “lord” lowered his gaze, looking at the kneeling man.

“Tonight, he and your former teammate Rebecca, have taken Teg from the church. They’ll probably come looking for you soon. This is your mistake, and you need to fix it.”

“Yes… My lord…”

“Furthermore, you know a lot of inside information, and the only reason you’re still alive is because those above have turned a blind eye to you. So, if you fail again this time, Leon won’t need to lay a hand on you. Your life won’t be spared either. Understand?”

“Yes, my lord. I’ll definitely succeed this time!”

The “lord” flicked his sleeve and turned away.

“Within five days, I want to see the body of Leon Casmode.”

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