Fated to Be Loved by Villains
Chapter 31 Table of contents

〚What's even the point of this?〛

Marquis Riverback questioned while still in the air.

It was an expression of absurdity mixed with thick ridicule.

He was literally chasing this man with his demonic flying ability.

Naturally, he would have doubts regarding what flying so high up would even do. Much less, if it would even work.

“Well, of course, I have my reasons.”

However, Dowd simply shrugged and replied in a nonchalant tone.

He seemed to be hiding something even here, but Marquis Riverback merely snorted and raised his hand.

This only amounted to prolonging his puny life for a few more seconds. Nothing more.

〚Hah, I guess you're just at this level. Alright, go die…!〛

He was finally going to kill him.

At least, that was what would have happened if the black mist emanating from the essence embedded in his chest hadn’t suddenly disappeared like smoke.

No, it didn't just stop there.

His entire body began to melt away.

His skin, his body, his entire form was just collapsing, like a wax figure melting when brought close to fire.


Marquis Riverback looked down at his own body with a bewildered expression on his face.

〚What is this…!?〛

His body had fused with the essence he had received from the Prophet. He had an invincible body that even this cunning guy couldn’t do anything about.

So, why the hell was this happening?

“Let's think logically, shall we? Some common sense if you will…”

Seeing Marquis Riverback's reaction, Dowd smirked and spoke.

He did so while casually turning off the beeping alarm on his wristwatch.

It was almost as though the alarm had been set while knowing that this event would happen exactly at this moment.

“Isn’t it strange that you, who didn’t even have a decent fighting ability, were able to continue using such strong abilities without restrictions?”


“That’s one of the representative side effects of fusing with the Devil's Essence. Burnout. Using too much magic, to the point where your very body collapses. Didn't your Prophet explain that when they gave it to you?”

〚…What, nonsense, I don't believe, no—〛

In fact, he had not heard of such side effects.

This was meant to be a sign of loyalty.

“It would have been really dangerous if you weren't so conceited and didn't take your time after you ate the essence. I don't have that many cards up my sleeves.”

Saying so, Dowd pulled out the cylinder on his waist.

Just a few minutes ago, he wouldn’t have been able to relax like this. In front of the transformed Marquis Riverback, all Dowd was capable of was running away with all his might.

But now?

He could even sit back and watch leisurely as Marquis Riverback's body collapsed in real-time.

It was just that he wouldn’t be doing something vague and arrogant like that. He had to make sure that Marquis Riverback was thoroughly defeated after all.

Dowd silently smirked and manipulated the cylinder case.

It contained processed Ectoplasm, primed for explosive purposes, imbued with divine power.


Seeing this, Marquis Riverback had a hunch.

He realized that he would never survive in this position.

“You had plenty of options. You could have joined forces with the Man Eaters and broken through the barrier, or you could have charged at me from the start with the intention to kill rather than just defeating Eleanor. Honestly, you had the opportunity but you didn't take it, did you?”

That was right.

If he had attacked seriously from the start, he would have been able to kill either this man or even Lady Tristan in a heartbeat.

‘If I had tried to kill him thoroughly from the beginning…!’

He gritted his teeth thinking of such a fact.

“I expected that you would do that, so I planned accordingly... It's not bad.”

〚Not bad, you say?〛

“I only died once.”

Dowd said with a still calm expression on his face.


“If I did it wrong, I could have died two or three times, but because you were so cooperative, it ended with just one. Well, you did a good job in meeting my expectations.”


Dowd's tone remained composed.

Even if he succeeded in killing this man two or three times…

…It seemed as though the end result had already been predetermined.

‘This wretched bastard…!’

Suddenly, a stream of cold sweat ran down Marquis Riverback’s melting spine.

Thinking about it, this was a rather familiar feeling.

Throughout the day, facing this man, he felt something had been off from the very beginning.

It seemed as though everything about him was being seen through. He even knew things that Marquis Riverback himself didn't know about. Dowd had complete control over all possible variables.

〚You, right from the beginning, everything was just to buy time…!〛

His appearance with Lady Tristan, just the two of them alone. His every action was deliberately aimed at provoking him.


Making Marquis Riverback believe that he died.

It was all an act with everything calculated to the very last variable from the beginning.

Dowd knew from the start that he would become incapacitated like this after a while.

From the beginning, everything Dowd did was not to defeat him but to drag out the time.

The moment Marquis Riverback failed to notice that, he had already lost!

〚This, this...!〛


Once again...

To this guy, from the beginning to the end...

He was dancing on this man's palm!

〚I'll chew your bones into dust you bastaaaaaaaaard-! 〛

Dowd chuckled and held the explosive bomb in front of his body.

‘I didn’t ask Percy to make it resembling a cannon for nothing. I don't want to get caught up after triggering at close range.’

Although divine power cannot cause great damage to humans, it was a weapon made with the premise of detonating the whole academy. Safety rules must be followed.


Then, with that…

“Do you have any last words?”

The divinity-infused bomb exploded with an incandescent light.

“You did excellent, Talion.”

“…Don't mention it.”

Talion, who had been waiting at the prearranged landing point, looked up at the sky with an awkward smile on his face.

Due to the effect of the divinity-infused bomb, I just detonated, a terrifying light was scattered all around, reminiscent of a polar light phenomenon.

‘As expected, it has incredible firepower.’

I smiled while looking at the breathtaking sight.

The Devil’s Essence itself was such a dangerous item that if it had not been dealt with using such intense firepower, it could have caused a big problem.

Even if Marquis Riverback's body collapsed, the essence itself could survive and parasitize onto another nearby living being.

While I didn't expect something like that to happen, it was wise to have prepared such an intense level of firepower from the very beginning.


To think that a small fraction of one's power could bring forth such a being, and the devil behind it was residing within Eleanor's body, or even Iliya who would later grow powerful enough to take down such an existence.

It once again made me realize the bitter truth of what level of monstrosity I was dealing with here.

And I managed to survive that somehow.

Thinking about this, I turned on my heels.

“Uh, Senior Brother? Where are you going now…!”

“I need to go somewhere!”

Saying so, I hurriedly rush off.

My destination was the wall outside the academy, where Eleanor was stuck.

‘…I need to make it up to her.’

I did give her the most basic first aid to prevent any serious problems before I lured the Purifier away… However, for my sake, she was the one who had it the worst and worked the hardest as well.

At the very least, I should personally escort her to the infirmary.

While running with that thought in mind, several messages appeared in front of me one after another.

System Message

[ Main Quest Completed! ]

[ Granting Rewards! ]

[Received Evil Essence 1x! ]

[ Received Hero Fragment 1x!

[ Received 5,000pts ]

As those messages floated up, two gems appeared in my hand with a halo of light.

One emitted a pure white radiance, while the other exuded ominous black smoke.

[ Evil Essence ]

Item Grade: Story

Description: A material that can interact with epic items. Something special will happen when fused!

[ Hero Fragment ]

Item Grade: Story

Description: A material that can interact with epic items. Something special will happen when fused!


I momentarily stopped running and just stared at the items in my hands.

‘…You're giving me all of this?’

These were items that could quite literally change the entire scenario.

Most items that had the moniker epic attached to them were as important to the story as their powerful effects.

By influencing these items and determining their alignment, various butterfly effects could occur throughout the entire scenario.

Fusing the Hero Fragment gave the item random effects related to the good alignment, while fusing the Evil Essence resulted in the same but it was related to the evil alignment instead.

Depending on which item you fused until a specific event occurred, the outcome of certain individuals becoming stronger, weaker, dying, or surviving could completely change in its entirety.

Even for the boss of Chapter 2, the Boy King of the Ruined Kingdom, the clear difficulty could vary greatly depending on how these items were utilized.

To be precise, it was practically impossible to clear the boss without them.

‘But to give me both.’

Originally, the game would only give one of these — either the Evil Essence or the Hero Fragment.

Perhaps, it was because the difficulty of the quest went up and so the reward increased to match it as well.

In fact, to have these as a reward was more than enough to cover all the hardships I had experienced throughout this event.

Just one alone could already greatly change the scenario, and I now had two.

With a smile, I put away the Evil Essence for now.

I had no immediate use for it at the moment.

The Hero Fragment on the other hand...

System Notification

[ Do you want to fuse Hero Fragment with the item Soul Linker? ]

[ Y/N ]

I chose Y without any hesitation, and the white gem melted into the amulet I was wearing.

[ Soul Linker ]

Exclusive Equipment

Item Grade: Epic

Description: An item imbued with a great spirit that can awaken by increasing synchronization rate. Always retains magic power due to the influence of a great spirit.

Current Charged Magic Power Rate: 0%

Current Synchronization Rate: 9.98%

System Notification

[ First Stage Spirit Awakening is imminent! ]

[ Upon the awakening of the spirit, special effects from the Hero Fragment will also be unlocked! ]


The Hero Fragment was an epic item that, when fused with a positive inclination item, granted various positive effects to the user.

The synchronization rate also increased significantly as I fed it items, so as long as I steadily improved my priest skills and abilities, it should awaken quickly.

By then, we would see what this dormant great spirit really was.

However, my eyebrows suddenly furrowed as another message appeared before me.

System Message

[ Confirming the use of a story item! ]

[ A Dedicated Quest for Iliya Krisanax will be created! ]

[ Meet the conditions to start the quest! ]

[ The probability of getting involved with the Heretic Inquisition has been increased! ]


The sudden creation of the main character’s dedicated quest immediately caught my eye.

Iliya's dedicated quest held such significance that it even affected the scenario and the ending as well. And yet, it had already appeared now?

On top of that, the probability of me getting involved with the Heretic Inquisition, which was one of the two top notorious organizations in the Empire, had increased?


When necessary, I even briefly delved into the Netherworld, but even then, I would prefer to avoid the Heretic Inquisition.

They were the very last thing I wanted to get entangled with among the villains in the game.

‘Dragon Fang — Faenol.’

A Half-Dragon Mage with exceptional magical abilities but an inversely proportional extreme temperament, and a key character in Chapter 4.

In terms of simple risk, many would even say that this person was worse than the final boss of Chapter 4, The Investigator.

What would happen if I met this person and my Fatal Charm passive triggered?


I didn’t even want to imagine such a scenario.

‘But this…’

I just fed the amulet the Hero Fragment, and this all came with it.

Which meant that these events were related to the awakening of the spirit inside.

‘Could it be that what's inside this amulet is possibly larger than I thought?’

As I pondered such thoughts while looking at the amulet, the outer walls of the Academy soon came into view within my sight.

I could see where Eleanor had been stuck.

“Oh, Dowd. You're here?”


However, there was no sign of Eleanor.

Rather, I was greeted by a waving Headmistress Atalante.

When did she get here?

“I've personally escorted the Student Council President to the ward, then came back here to wait for you. She's badly injured, but she will recover soon. She won't experience any lasting effects thanks to your first aid.”

Atalante’s rapid-fire statements informed me of Eleanor’s state, as she walked toward me with a smile on her face.

Her lips were arched into a pleasant smile.

“…Are you angry?”

Yup, she was definitely mad right now.

Her eyes weren’t smiling at all.

I could feel cold sweat running down my back at the dreadful sight.

“Oh, is it that obvious?”


She wasn't even trying to deny it.

If I didn’t want to die here, I needed to carefully listen to what she had to say to me.

“…It looks like you've been through quite a bit of trouble.”

Atalante said as she sized me up and down.

“Shall we move to a more comfortable place to talk?”


It was clear that I didn't have the choice to refuse.

“…Is it okay for you to be here?”

As I sat in Atalante's office and saw the tea being offered in front of me, I decided to start with that question.

After all, a human had consumed the Devil's Essence and wreaked havoc both inside and outside the academy.

Perhaps, since I took care of Marquis Riverback, the Man Eaters in the city were also dealt with.

However, quite a few things must have been destroyed during the previous chase. Not to mention that a while ago, there was a huge explosion of divine power in the sky above the Academy grounds.

It was clear that chaos still lingered everywhere in Elfante.

“It's fine. I am not needed there. In the first place, the students were active and managed to block everything without any casualties.”

But Atalante simply smiled casually and delivered those words.


“Elfante is old, Dowd Campbell.”


“It's a place that has been operating for nearly a thousand years, right next to the location where the devils are sealed, and has been dealing with all sorts of powerful nobles and egotistical privileged classes throughout its long history. Do you think there's anything worse than that?”


“You think we can't handle just this much?”

Elfante. It seemed to me that it was a crazier place than I had originally imagined.

So this level of incident wasn’t even in the realm of serious to them, huh?

“Above all, this much was within the expected range.”


Atalante looked at me and smiled once again.

As I stared at her blankly for a while, I suddenly realized the underlying meaning of her words. Immediately, goosebumps covered my skin.

‘…Does she mean that she could've just resolved all this if she wanted to?’

That was indeed right.

There were very few beings who could hold a candle near her, even when looking at the continent as a whole.

In the story, she was always portrayed as a top-tier powerhouse.

“I let it go this time. Since it looked like the student had planned and prepared everything from beginning to end. I just decided to go along with it.”

After saying so, Atalante rested her chin on the desk and said.

“This makes me angry, dear student.”

Atalante sighed and then looked at me with a troubled expression.

“You've got involved with a devil, didn't you?”


“I already know. I just want to hear it from your mouth. I will not accept any excuses.”

Atalante continued with a sharp gaze.

“One of the Grey Devil's abilities, Erosion, occurred extensively around the student’s location. The Heretic Inquisition will not overlook this matter, and even the Holy Land, which oversees the heresy trials, will show interest.”

She followed with a sigh.

“And I'm the only one who knows about this… At the time of the erosion, you and the Student Council President were the only ones present in the area.”

Cold sweat began to trickle down my back.

I was involved alright.

Very deeply at that.

I was confessed to and even got treatment from the absolutely powerful devil.

“Do you understand the situation you are in right now?”

Having said that, Atalante closed her eyes with a sigh.

However, despite saying she was angry, when she opened her eyes again, her gaze was full of worry instead.

“Based on your track record so far, I presume you already know what you're dealing with. Isn't that right?”


“But why didn't you actively seek help? Am I not trustworthy?”

“Well, didn’t I succeed this time even without the Headmistress' help?”

“Then what about next time?”


I couldn't open my mouth at Atalante’s sharp response.

“You are already at the epicenter of all the commotion, Dowd Campbell. You have become the eye of the storm.”

Atalante said with a stern voice.

“Devil Worshipers are persistent. Once they discover that you and the Student Council President have something to do with devils, they’ll follow you to the depths of hell. The current chaos is likely just the beginning.”


That was right.

It was an undeniable fact that I was deeply involved in the main scenario.

With Iliya and Eleanor by my side, it was practically definitive by now.

At this point, I had long given up on living as an extra.

I replied with a tired sigh.

“…No matter what happens next, it’s hard to expect much direct help from the Headmistress.”

This was indeed the case.

Atalante was an Eternal, a monster capable of handling the majority of situations all alone. However, only a very small number of individuals, designated for such a purpose, could directly confront the devils and those associated with them.

Iliya and the Hero Party fell into that category, and there were a few others as well... But at the very least, Atalante was not one of them.

It was systematically predetermined. Regardless of your identity in this world, one couldn’t go against the system no matter what one did.

“Then, do you intend to handle whatever happens next alone?”

“Of course, I’d love to receive some support.”

The process was going to be fucking difficult, painful, and arduous.

However, there was nothing I could do. My fate had already been sealed.

I just had to do my best to survive.

Atalante pursed her lips at my answer.

And then...


She burst into cheerful laughter that echoed throughout the office.

‘…Why is she suddenly like this?’

It was such a sudden drastic emotional change that it caught me completely off guard.

“…Looking at it from a Headmistress' perspective, I can't help but be ashamed of putting such a heavy burden on a student.”


“The plan itself had been completed long ago. However, I couldn't just bring myself to impose such a heavy load on a student. I was delaying it till the final confirmation.”

“…So, what exactly are you saying here?”

“I didn't intervene in your activities to assess your capabilities. If you fell short even slightly, I was prepared to give up immediately... But you have proven yourself flawlessly. Yes…”

She started saying some mysterious words, which made my eyes roll in confusion.





'What's going on here?'

“And I have also witnessed your determination to overcome any obstacles that come your way. Thus, I am now confident that I can reveal it.”

Having said that, Atalanta sighed and straightened her back.

Dignity dwelled in those eyes of hers. It was the sight of the dignity of an eternal who had dwelled and watched over this land for over a thousand years.

“Dowd Campbell.”

The solemn voice made me stand upright.

‘What the heck? What are you talking about!?’

“I’m sure you’ve noticed beforehand that the academy is plotting something around you.”


That was right.

Was she going to talk about that now?

“What I'm about to tell you is a secret that no one else should know about. The only involved parties are the Imperial Family, the Chieftain and War Chiefs of the Tribal Alliance, and the Pope and Archbishops of the Holy Land. Only a select few know the whole story.”

“Uh, what, yes?”

“After all, this matter concerns the survival of the world.”

Uh, uh?

It was that serious?

What on earth…!

“First, let me tell you about the ultimate goal of the plan.”

Atalante continued in her solemn voice.

“The fate of the entire continent is at stake.”

Her eyes carried an overwhelming charisma, even commanding the air around her.

A plan with the ultimate goal that would determine the fate of the continent, spoken by an immortal being that had lived through these lands for over a thousand years.

“I want you to have several wives.”




I tried cleaning my ears.

Maybe I just heard it wrong.

I coughed in confusion.

Then after a few blank blinks, I finally gave a response to Atalante.



“No, yes?”

“What are you curious about?”

Atalante's confident questioning attitude gave me a splitting headache.


No, what the hell was going on?

“Was the sentence not understandable? I mean, um. Harem, you know? Harem. Polygamy. I want you to do that…”

“Hold on. Wait just a moment.”

I weakly grabbed my head and stopped Atalante in her tracks.

“Let me get this straight.”

Ya. No.

But no matter how you look at it.

“There is a plan that only a minuscule fraction of the most influential and powerful individuals on the continent knows about, and it's so important that it determines the world's survival, right?”


“And the ultimate goal of that plan is for me to have a harem?”

“To be precise, you must seduce a few people.”

Atalante shrugged and spoke nonchalantly.

“The Student Council President, whom you'd risk your life for, is among those people. This is also the most important part.”


“All the necessary means to accomplish that will be supported by the continent's nations, be it overtly or covertly.”


I could barely catch my breath.

“So, in other words…”

With a constricted feeling, I somehow managed to say the last sentence.

Without any understanding of the reasons or the omitted middle processes, if I were to summarize what this person had been saying so far...

The conclusion was…

“...If I don’t have a harem, the world will end?”



This was absolutely insane.

I couldn't come up with any other reaction.

“…Why, could you please just explain the reason for crying out loud?”

In sharp contrast to my dying voice, Atalante burst into boisterous laughter once more.

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