Fated to Be Loved by Villains
Chapter 46 Table of contents

“…What were you thinking?”

Atalante murmured while holding her face. It was a mixture of anger and lamentation.

I didn’t have anything to say to her.

She was running around trying to clean up the mess I had caused.

Despite the fact that what I had done was a colossal diplomatic and political disaster, she still went ahead and handled all the necessary procedures for the upcoming duel.

I guess she would be trying to accommodate everything I did down the line.

Of course, that didn’t change the fact that what I had done was utterly psychotic.

“An academy student requested a high-ranking battle priest to a duel. Were you fully aware of what you did?”

She questioned with a sigh.


As soon as I answered so in a flat voice, Atalante's sigh merely deepened.

“Regardless of your exemption, you have caused quite a stir. Even the Imperial Family and Tribal Alliance have started paying attention to this matter.”

Atalante spoke in a hushed voice.

“Why did you do this? Considering your disposition, it's hard to believe you did it without reason.”

I smiled at her words.

The reason?

Of course, there was a reason.

“You told me to seduce the devil vessels. I found one. This is all part of the plan.”

“…I have already confirmed that a fragment manifested in Yuria Greyhounder.”

Atalante replied in a somber voice.

“She was already one of the possible vessel candidates, but her manifestation was the fastest. This speed is undoubtedly unexpected.”


The list of candidates she gave contained various names. Given the circumstances and conditions, there were several people who were more likely to manifest their fragment faster than Yuria.

For example, Riru Garda, a key character in Chapter 3, and Faenol Lipek in Chapter 5.

Yet, it was Yuria who manifested the fragment the fastest...

“…Is it because of my frequent contact with her?”


Atalante gave a wry smile.

The nature of my soul, 'loved by all that is evil.'

No matter which way you looked at it, it was a trait that was designed to reel in the devil fragments.

“Do you know what the butterfly effect is, Headmistress?”

“…Yeah? What is it about?”

'What is it about? It's about how much of a bitch it is. That’s what it is.'

Ever since I got involved in the main scenario, it never seemed to favor me.

Every choice I made so far just kept on growing bigger and bigger, and it always came back biting at me with scenarios like these.

‘…Ultimately, I'm the cause of it all.’

Honestly, hoping everything would go according to the original while doing what was convenient for me was quite a conscienceless act.

Still, I was going to overlook most things and just move forward.

I was just trying to survive. I didn't really think of even touching the story.



There was a limit to everything.

Yuria and Lucia.

They were significantly affected by my presence.

Yuria might have never awakened as a vessel her whole life and Lucia wouldn't have experienced extreme torture.


Then Eleanor and Iliya's faces also flashed through my mind.

Them too.

I would eventually have to face the consequences.

“Well, anyway.”

I said with a bitter smile.

“I don’t think there’s any reason why I shouldn’t have saved her right away. Rescuing someone from torture isn’t a bad thing, is it?”

The ‘gust from the butterfly's wings’ that triggered the current situation was, after all, caused by me.

'That's why... I will take responsibility.'


Atalante looked at me in the eye for a moment before sighing again.

It looked like she resigned herself to the situation.

“A high-ranking battle priest is no random thug. There will undoubtedly be a reaction from the Pope's side. They might even observe directly.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, it's not a situation we can just brush off.”

Atalante’s gaze sank.

“The Pope is dangerous. I don't know what you're planning, but if he gets involved, it might be wise to reconsider.”

I fully understood Atalante’s words.

After all, this wasn't just anyone were talking about, it was the Pope. Credo Baor II. The strongest among the priest class and the leader of the Holy Land.

Even in the game, he was a villain who tormented players until the late stages.

Some might even argue that dealing with him was more challenging than the devil worshippers, who were the biggest hurdle in the scenario.

Even someone as capable as Atalante couldn't just intervene. It wasn't like she was simply watching Lucia suffer for her entertainment, rather, her intervention would be as effective as throwing eggs at a rock.

In other words, he was nothing but danger.


I had to do this now.

I didn’t have a choice.

‘…This is so dogshit.’

This situation was just plain absurd.

I couldn’t afford to fail the main quest, otherwise, it would be game over for me.

Because of my constitution, I had to tie the knots with the devil vessels that kept intertwining with me, and at the same time, take care of their mental health. Otherwise, who knows how the devils they harbor would rampage…


Well because of my gift, the devils naturally liked me, so it might not matter.

But depending on the devil's disposition, they could genuinely chop off my limbs, throw me into some isolated cell, and rear me like livestock.

They were called devils. I couldn’t even begin to imagine what sort of twisted definition there was to the meaning of their affection.

The fact that the Grey Devil within Eleanor simply treated me and then withdrew was very unusual.


Firstly, I had to clear the main quest.

Secondly, I had to get close to the devil's vessels and manage their mental health.

If I couldn’t do both of these things, I would be dead. The difficulty level was off the charts.


So, if there was a way to break through both...

Even if it was dangerous, I had to commit. Regardless if the Pope's side came or not.

What else could I really do?

“The Greyhounder sisters, artificial beings created by the Holy Land.”

Hearing what I muttered, Atalante looked at me in shock.

This, under normal circumstances, was one of the highest classified secrets of the Holy Land.

The Homunculus Plan. The vile byproduct of the lifelong grand endeavor of the Pope.

“The Headmistress is aware of the nature of those two, right? In order to prevent Yuria, who awakened as a vessel, from getting worse, the two must be brought together. Otherwise, her sanity will truly collapse.”


“For that, I have to do this duel. We have to shake off the interference from the Holy Land.”

“…Is that even possible? From one duel?”

“Yes, without a shred of a doubt.”

Currently, it wasn't possible.

But I planned to make that happen during the duel.

An impact that would force the Holy Land to withdraw.


The means were there.

I didn’t prepare for this situation, but if my prediction was correct, I definitely had a combination that had the value and power to overcome this situation.

“…What on earth are you even thinking?”

I smiled at Atalante, whose voice slightly trembled.

“You mentioned the possibility of the Pope coming, right?”

What was I thinking?

In the end, all problems stemmed from that side.

To prevent this from happening again, something had to happen, be it negotiation or confrontation.

“Please make sure that he comes. It would be rather difficult if he wasn't not here.”

Let’s see that wretched face.


The dueling venue was a small circular arena located below the Academy.

The referee was Headmistress Atalante. Spectators included several members of the Holy Land, Butler Herman representing the Campbell Family, as well as a few obvious official representatives from the Imperial Palace.

Although the number of people wasn't large, those present held a significant presence.


However, one stood out even amidst such figures.

Klein glanced to the side with a slightly tense expression.

Under a luxurious canopy was a communication phantom of a young man, who was seemingly wrapped in gold.

The Pope was watching this duel.

His real body was probably in the Holy Land's headquarters. This was merely a projection of himself.

Then, with narrowed eyes, Klein turned his gaze at the impudent guy in front of him.

‘Just by appearances, he looks like a nobody.’

There was no need to look at him that deeply to realize that...

While he might have some proficiency in swordsmanship, it was clear as day that his overall ability was no higher than a crawling worm.

How this guy managed to hit him previously was still a mystery to him…

“The rules are as follows.”

With both swords drawn, Atalante's voice resounded.

“This is an informal duel, so death is prohibited. If there's a clear serious injury sustained, the duel will be stopped immediately and the victor will be declared. Otherwise, the duel will continue until one side surrenders. Do both parties understand?”


“I understand.”

Despite confronting him, a high-ranking battle priest, the other guy looked completely relaxed.

Hearing his dull voice, veins bulged up on Klein’s forehead.

Even professors from a decent Academy couldn't raise their heads properly before him, let alone a student.

What the hell was up with this guy?

‘I'll wipe that expression off your face.’

Klein didn’t know what this man was thinking, but since it was the other party who challenged him to a duel, he could legally beat him up without any restriction.

“…It's too late to beg for forgiveness now.”

He said with a sardonic smile on his face.

As he uttered those words, various blessings formed around him.

Scared characters formed from Divine Power materialized and began to circle around him.

Each character had an immense effect.

Enhanced regenerative ability, increased physical defense, increased agility and dexterity...

An ordinary priest would need to use a holy piece and pray for some time to conjure such blessings. The simultaneous emergence of these blessings left even those who were watching nearby in awe.

‘…What a fool.’

And Klein, who summoned it in an instant, smirked at Dowd, who was staring at him with a hollow gaze.

The Holy Land's Battle Priests were regarded as one of the four major forces alongside the Empire's Knights, the Tribal Alliance's Warlords, and the Mage Tower's Mages.

While Knights possessed the versatility to handle nearly all situations and Warlords focused on melee combat prowess like humanoid beasts, the competitiveness of Battle Priests stemmed entirely from blessings.

The longer the battle lasted and the more blessings they were able to stack, the more vitality and defense the Battle Priests possessed. They received bonus physical attributes approaching infinity.

The brief moments before these blessings were created marked the last chance given to Dowd Campbell.

Yet, he stood still like a dummy target.

‘Well, even if he knew, it wouldn't make much of a difference.’

How quickly these blessings were cast determined the skill of a battle priest. If they were classified as high-rank, the only people who would be able to keep up were knights or warlords of the same level.

No matter how good his skills might be, he was just a student.


Then, Klein's body quietly shot forward.

The solid stone floor at which he was standing just suddenly got crushed, as if a mine had exploded. It was only one stack of blessings, yet it already held this much power.

‘I won't let my guard down this time.’

He was careless previously and allowed a strike to connect.

But right now, the Pope was watching. Such a disgraceful display could never be tolerated.



They made their first contact.

Given the gap in their skills, it was probably a bizarre scene, but Klein was no longer as surprised.

He knew that what was on the surface was not all it seemed, after having experienced it and hearing about it beforehand.

‘Don't rush in to kill him.’

‘…What does His Holiness mean?’

Klein recalled the advice the Pope had given him right before the duel.

‘The more aggressive you charge, the stronger he will be. He possesses that kind of ability.’

The Pope said in a soft voice.

It was an incredible ability.

Without any special talent or condition, just by having an opponent who rushed in to kill him, he automatically became stronger.

‘I've seen something similar before. I didn't expect to see it again.’

‘…There's someone else who uses such an irrational ability?’

‘Right. Yes. There was.’

To that question, the Pope responded with a subtle smile.

‘Though it's a bit ambiguous to call it a person.’

He never revealed who it was, but Klein was grateful to be given such information.

It was clear by observing how Dowd kept up with his attacks.

He was bridging the gap between student level and a high-ranking battle priest, which was akin to heaven and earth. It was simply ridiculous.

If Klein had rushed in with no knowledge and used his full power from the start, he might have been completely overwhelmed.


That same ability not only responded to the difference in their individual strengths. It was also sensitive to how much hostility the opponent harbored.

In that case, Klein just needed to take action without putting too much intent in his attacks.

There probably wasn't a human who could perfectly exert that level of control, but even this awareness significantly diminished Dowd's power compared to before. And at the moment, that alone was enough.

Dowd, who had lightly countered his attacks, couldn't deflect any of his strikes now. Far from counterattacking, he was either hit or barely managed to defend against them.

And here.

‘Blessing stack.’

The light emitted by the swirling characters intensified. This was when the unique ability of battle priests began to reveal its true worth, growing stronger over time.

His already vicious physical abilities were further amplified, bolstering his momentum.

The slight gap between the two just a moment ago started growing wider.

Attacks that couldn't be deflected or blocked began to accumulate, and wounds started to appear on Dowd's body.

From here on, that gap would only get bigger. His defeat was already set in stone. The sardonic smile reappeared on Klein's face.

The situation was unfolding like he expected.

As the blessings stacked, Klein grew stronger, and the wounds on Dowd’s body gradually increased.


If there was anything Klein didn't like.

It was that the other party was still expressionless.

As if this irreversible, hopeless situation was within his calculations.

Which led to Klein, in displeasure, doing the following action.


After a round of exchanges, Klein, who had left a long gash on Dowd's arm, slightly stepped back and said.

“How about this? If you start begging for mercy, I won’t leave you with too deep of an injury.”


Though, Dowd's face remained dull even then. There was not even a response.

Seeing this, Klein's fury turned up a notch.

“As long as it's not life or death, anything goes. So, do you want to experience what it's like being torn apart alive? I'll make sure that you would wish death instead of what I am about to do to you.”

He tried to threaten the other party.

Yet, nothing. Absolutely no change. Dowd still looked blunt and impassive.

“Oh. What a coincidence.”

Just that.

“I was also planning on doing that to you.”

He finally received a reply, but it was not something he had been expecting.


As I said those words, a look of disbelief filled Klein's face.


“No, as you said, it’s not life or death.”

I replied while scanning the floating window in front of me.

“I need to make sure that you'll live. You might just die right away if I don't let you stack your blessings.”


Klein's expression momentarily went blank.

It seemed that he couldn't comprehend the words I just said.

But soon, an eruption of anger akin to a volcano appeared on his face.

“…You bastard. Are you saying that you were letting the blessings stack?”

“I guess you're not that stupid, after all.”

Klein's eyes immediately went bloodshot.

“I see that you still have the leisure to engage in such a meaningless provocation.”


First of all.

I didn’t have that much leeway here.

I was busy calculating in my head.

Like how the actions I was about to take pan out. Or what aftermath they would bring.


It was not meaningless provocation. I was merely stating facts.

If the blessings weren't sufficiently stacked, this guy would really die within seconds against me.

“…I’d rather it was just a provocation too.”

I probably had at most a few dozen seconds.

But, that was enough. That was all that I needed.

“Ha. Let's see how far that cocky mouth can go—”


I let out a sigh and interrupted the loud bastard.

Come to think of it. The reason the Holy Land was after my ass was ultimately because they were interested in the devil’s power.

Because it was necessary to fulfill the Pope's lifelong ambition, the great endeavor.

The power of transcendents that twisted even the laws of the world.

“Let me give you a really serious piece of advice.”


'I'll show it to you then.'

“If you don't want to die right away, shut your mouth and focus.”

Right after I said so…

System Notification

[ Skill: Guidance has been used. ]

[ 〓 Currently Available Features ]

▶ Divine Descent - Wrath { Eleanor }

System Message

[ Checking Devil Energy. ]

[ The Fallen's Seal is responding. ]

The world...

…Was dyed in the hues of grey once more…

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