Fated to Be Loved by Villains
Chapter 73 Table of contents

“Um, Trisha?”


“...Don’t you think you’ve scolded me enough?”

Iliya made a tearful face as she pleaded.

Her hands were held up in the air as they trembled, clearly showing their fatigue.

The reason for it was because she had reported her ‘progress’ during the vacation to her hawk-eyed friend as soon as she returned to her dorm.

“No way! It was a golden opportunity! The least thing you should have done was get him to promise a one-on-one date with you!”

“B-But, he said that he’d come to Margrave Kendride’s territory on the next vacation…”

“You didn’t write to Margrave Kendride just for such empty promises! There’s no mention of you getting along better with him in any part of your report!”


She's terrifying.

Though they were of the same age, Trisha’s advice on youth ventures were mostly given with the ferocity of a tiger, especially when she poured out her wisdom.

“...Lower your hands for now and come sit down.”

Trisha sighed and patted the space beside her on the bed.

She thought to herself that she shouldn’t just scold her. After all, the black energy that filled Iliya’s heart seemed much lighter than before.

“Can you tell me what exactly happened there?”


While massaging her arm, Iliya pondered as she recalled her memories.

-Leave Iliya entirely in my hands. I’ll make sure you never regret such a choice.

Somehow, that memory was the first one to come to her mind.

“...I’m not sure, but I did hear that… He considered me a very important person to him...”


Seeing Iliya say such words with puppy-like joy made Trisha’s eyes sharpen once again.

The way she became so giddy after hearing such vague words assured Trisha that her friend was too far gone.

Of course, after Iliya saw Trisha’s sudden change in expression, she hastily added an explanation.

“W-Wait, l-listen to me first, okay?! What he said was true! I know it sounds vague, but it definitely isn’t a bad development!”

Iliya explained in detail about everything that had happened during the vacation to Trisha.

Of course, she omitted the questionable parts that involved things such as how they joyfully turned an entire Viscounty and County upside down and about their fight against Duke Tristan, who was encroached by an unidentified object.


However, after hearing the entire story, Trisha sent her an even more incredulous look as she rubbed her forehead.

‘...This guy sounds like a complete player, doesn’t he?’

In truth, part of the reason why she sent Iliya to go with Lady Tristan was because she wanted to probe the man’s attitude,

At the very least, if she could find out that he had no feelings for Iliya, she could tell her friend to give up.


The situation somehow became even more ambiguous. Iliya’s condition worsened and the relationship between that man and Lady Tristan didn’t seem to deteriorate.

She couldn’t even imagine how he even managed to do that.

‘How can both the Hero Candidate and the Lady of a Duchy become lovestruck for a single person at the same time…’

As she rubbed her forehead due to the incoming headache, she let out a groan.

It was obvious what would happen if it continued like this. She would clearly see Iliya’s emotions fluctuating between heaven and hell day by day, depending on Dowd’s reactions.

‘Even so, letting it be is not a good idea either…’

In truth, Iliya almost didn’t have any ‘advantage’ compared to Lady Tristan.

While she wasn’t a person to be looked down upon in every aspect, Lady Tristan was just way superior to her in almost everything.

‘Since that’s the case, then the only thing she could do to gain his attention is…’

Go on an offensive. Not a half-hearted offensive. A total offensive.

Appeal to him, appeal to him, continuously appeal more aggressively to him! Never-ending appeals!

“Iliya. Listen carefully.”

So, using that as a basis, Trisha poured out a long speech to Iliya.

“H-How can I say such things…? I-I mean, wouldn’t that make Teach feel burdensome? If someone like me starts getting all over him like that—”

‘This is hopeless.’

As she watched Iliya hesitating while mumbling in fear just from the idea of saying such things, a boiling sensation surged within Trisha’ chest.

‘Seriously, this girl didn’t even get flustered in a life-threatening situation, but somehow, she couldn’t even say these simple words! What is wrong with her?!’

‘If she can’t do at least this much, she’ll be drowning in tears later!’

‘...There’s no choice.’

Since this was the case, what she should do the most right now was to make Iliya spend more time with that Dowd guy.

A few upcoming academy events came to her mind.

And among those, the event that Dowd would definitely get involved in would be…

“Iliya. I’ll give you two assignments as homework for now.”


“Yeah. One you have to complete by today and the other within a week.”

“No wait, even the professors don’t give me homework that often, what are—”

Trisha’s glaring eyes practically lit with hellfire.

“If I tell you to do it, just do it.”


It was a determined and firm attitude that didn’t allow even a millimeter of compromise.

Let’s talk about the Tribal Alliance a bit.

It was one of the three most influential nations in the continent. It ran under a system where the Chieftain led an alliance consisting of various Tribal War Chiefs.

As seen from the titles and the country name, the image of a ‘Barbarian Warrior’ would best fit this nation.

‘...The problem is that only their appearance matched that image.’

The thing was, they adopted such an appearance just because they were following tradition.

Surprisingly, the Tribal Alliance was the most ‘scientifically advanced’ nation in Sera. It was a place where almost science fiction-like items were commonplace, unlike the Empire or the Holy Land.

While not as great as the Magic Tower, as they were commonly acknowledged as the hub of technology, the Tribal Alliance still occasionally showcased technological capabilities that surpassed the medieval fantasy worldview of Sera that other nations had.

When considering individual combat capabilities alone, the warriors of the Tribal Alliance were the strongest out of them all. Their training was not inferior to other countries, and above all, the technological prowess of their equipment had set them apart.

However, their fatal flaw was that their ‘numbers’ were horrifyingly low compared to the other two nation’s forces.

‘Guess that’s what made it balanced.’

The balance set by the Sera development team had been achieved by giving each nation a distinct advantage.

A quick comparison of the primary forces of each nation, which included ’Knights’, ‘Juggernauts’, and ‘Battle Priests’, easily illustrated their characteristics.

Knights boasted an above-average strength in all aspects and also had the largest numbers. However, they lacked any outstanding features. Overall, they were average.

Juggernauts had the highest overall individual combat capability but despite their elite capabilities, they were small in number.

Battle Priests were the weakest in terms of sheer force but specialized in covering their weaknesses with various special abilities.

Although it was a whole different story when considering fights between the most powerful individuals, it was true that when considering the average force of each nation, they generally maintained this basic trend.


Following this trend, the Tribal Alliance placed significant value on the strength of their individual warriors. This was because they believed that since their numbers were low, all their warriors should be the cream of the crop.

Consequently, it also meant that they held a strong disdain for the weak.

While it was common for the weak to be looked down upon, that tendency was especially pronounced in their nation. The weak were treated almost as if they weren't human beings.

If I didn’t want to be ignored and treated like a subhuman filth, I needed at least the minimum level of strength, even if I didn’t get into an especially dangerous situation.

And that was exactly the reason why I was enduring this hardship right now.



Due to my rough breaths that sounded like I was vomiting something, my running mate, Talion, looked toward me with a bewildered expression.

He probably thought there was no way that someone could turn into such a mess after just ten minutes of running.

“Senior Brother, are you okay? Shall we take a break?”

“Pl— Cough —ease.”

I crumbled down onto the ground.

Every muscle in my body screamed. It was a bit pathetic to be in this state after just this much running, but I really couldn't help it.

「Dowd Campbell」

< Status Info>

[ General ]

Strength: F ( Rank-Up: 3% )Agility: F ( Rank-Up: 3% )Endurance: FLuck: FPower: D

[ Special ]

Magic Power: E ( Adjusted with the effect of ‘Soul Linker’ )Law Power: FDivine Power: E

< Misc. >

Number of Forbidden Sorcery Currently Active: 1First-Stage Mutation Progress due to the Fallen’s Seal: 1%

Compared to before, I had managed to surpass the F-Grade in a few aspects, but my overall stats still remained at a catastrophic level.

That was why it was only natural for me to be on the brink of passing out after merely this much exercise.

But what could I do? If I wanted to increase my stats, I had to endure this situation.

Even if I excluded the goal of not being looked down upon in the Tribal Alliance, considering how Chapter 3 would progress, improving stats related to ‘physical abilities’ was not a choice but a necessity.

There were quite a lot of situations where I had to use my body after all.

‘I think I’m actually gonna die…’

Because my vision was spinning, I covered my eyes with my hand and let out a deep sigh.

The reason I had been procrastinating despite the need to improve my stats was precisely because of this.

Unlike other growth methods that could be found with various tricks and ‘detours’, stats could only be increased through a character’s repetitive labor.

Basically, using other methods to adjust my stats had their limits. After all, since it was dependent on basic stamina, low stats would result in inefficiency no matter what I did.

Considering that even the unbelievable skill that inflated my stats, Desperation, squared my basic numbers, these limits became even more apparent.

‘...At least I have this. If I didn’t, I would’ve been even more fucked.’

I looked down at the necklace that I was wearing.

[ Lion’s Necklace ]

Type: Accessory

Item Grade: Rare

Description: A necklace bestowed upon promising warriors in the Tribal Alliance. When worn, it enhances the vitality of the body and improves the efficiency of physical training.

This was the thing that I received from Hatan of the Tribal Alliance when I dueled in front of the Pope.

Despite its low grade, it was a rare item that ‘helps increase stats’. Frankly, it was priceless to me.

And this item also held some relevance to the story.


When I was deep in contemplation, the light emitted from the Lion’s Necklace covered my body for a moment.

After that, some liquid was sprayed onto my tensed muscles and swollen joints.

As it did so, the pain I had from such places was relieved.


‘Huh, so it automatically detected breaks during exercise, scanned the body, and even recovered it…’

‘Is this what it meant when it said it would increase the efficiency of physical training?

Once again I realized how absurd their technology was.

“Is that an item from the Tribal Alliance? As expected, it’s truly amazing.”

As Talion witnessed this, he let out a laugh.

“I heard about how they have all sorts of interesting items there, I guess those rumors are true, huh?”

“Is this your first time seeing one?”

“I’ve only heard about them. I’ve always wanted to see them in person.”

Uttering those words, Talion opened his mouth with a smile.

“That’s why I’m gonna put in more effort during the test this weekend. There are many things I want to see there with my own eyes.”


“Originally, exchange student applications are only open for second-year students and above, but this time, even freshmen can apply. I don’t know what’s gotten into them.”


A bitter laugh involuntarily escaped me.

The Exchange Student Event between the academies in the Golden Triangle was only that in name. In reality, it was a ‘competition’ where the pride of each academy was put on the line.

Exchange students were pitted against each other in order to choose who was the best of the best, thus proving that one academy's students were far better than the others. Long story short, it was basically a dick measuring contest.

This utterly ridiculous idea of holding massive exams just to pick exchange students also seemed to follow such a trend.

“I heard that being chosen as an exchange student can also be of great help in future developments. For the sake of Armand Viscounty, I must definitely get accepted. You think so too, right, Senior Brother?”

“...Yeah, sure. Good luck.”

I gave a bitter smile towards the motivated Talion.

Honestly, that was all I could tell him.


‘You already passed.’

Even if my lips were torn, I couldn’t bring myself to say that to this pure and passionate guy who was burning with enthusiasm.

In the first place, I was the one who requested for the freshmen to be allowed to take this test. I guess it wasn’t empty words when Atalante said she would help me with everything she could.

As a result, some of the people who took the test would probably pass it ‘unconditionally’.

Basically, they were essential manpower in order for me to progress through Chapter 3.

‘The problem is…’

Among the people I had to take, there was probably one who’d vehemently refuse, even if I were to force them.

< Gift-Related Character Alert >

▼ Riru Garda

[ Curiosity Level 1 ][ ‘Fatal Charm’ skill conditionally implanted! ][ The next activation of the skill will provide a 2x effect ][ Related Event Occurs in D-5 ]

Riru Garda was someone incredibly important in Chapter 3.

Although she was a character with an evil disposition, she was not an antagonist in the scenario. On the contrary, she was a ‘crucial character’ for clearing Chapter 3.

‘...The process of making use of her is a bit ridiculous though.’

Clearing Chapter 3 depended on the process of ‘rehabilitating’ this person’s bad side.

She was different compared to Eleanor and Yuria. In their cases, it was a bit unfair to say that they had an evil disposition. On the contrary, Riru had certain tendencies that could undoubtedly be classified as evil.

She enjoyed beating the shit out of people and she was insanely violent. When it came to combat, she’d turn into a lunatic. There was also her tendency to ignore the shit out of weak people, and so on…


As I pondered such thoughts, someone was approaching us at full speed from a distance.

It was barely dawn and the sun had just started to reveal itself, but seeing that their entire body was drenched in sweat, it was clear that they had been running around this area for quite some time.

Fluttering purple hair, a body of hardened muscles without a single ounce of fat, and numerous scars covering such a figure.

A familiar person

While wiping off sweat, I looked towards her, Riru Garda.

‘Seriously, what a savage…’


Her gaze also briefly lingered on me.

After all, it was not the first time we’ve met; we had encountered each other once during Observation class.

Maybe she’d even greet me.

However, her gaze directly fell on the necklace I was wearing as her eyes widened slightly.

Her brows furrowed for a moment. From the way she opened and closed her mouth, she seemed to be wanting to say something.


However, after alternating between my face and the necklace with a hesitant gaze…

She deliberately averted her eyes and passed by me and Talion.

It was almost as if she was convincing herself that it had nothing to do with her.


I had a bitter smile on my face as I watched Riru getting further away at an incredible pace.

Considering her personality, it wouldn’t have been strange for her to pick a fight with me.

Regardless of the consequences, she was the type of person who would charge head-first if she thought it would be a fun fight and if I remembered our previous encounter correctly, I was quite a suitable match for such conditions.


Riru Garda was the daughter of the Chieftain and was currently attending the Empire’s academy as a student.

This peculiar situation indicates that the relationship between Riru and the Tribal Alliance was incredibly complex.

From her perspective, anything that reminded her of her hometown was more than enough to make her run away.

“...I do believe that it is better not to get involved with her.”

Talion said this with a serious voice.

“The entire department branded her as a mad dog. I’ve heard she has already violated the rules more than ten times. All of them were rules related to assaults.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. The rumors about her are rampant. People even wonder where exactly she came from because she still avoided being expelled despite causing so many incidents.”

After complaining as such, Talion then let out a bitter smile.

“However… Even when I consider myself quite diligent, I still can’t be compared to her.”

His dispirited voice continued.

“She seems like a training fanatic. I’m usually the first one to get up and train among people of the same year, but I’ve never seen her do anything other than running and exercising all day. I don’t even know when she began to run today as well.”

“She’s always been like that.”

“...Excuse me?”

Although she didn’t show it, Riru Garda was someone who worked harder than any other person in this world.

“She isn’t as bad as she looks.”

It was one of her ‘good sides’ hidden beneath that violent attitude of hers.

If you were to dig a bit deeper, she was actually someone that had quite a few good qualities.

< Gift-Related Character Alert >

▼ Riru Garda

[ Curiosity Level 1 ][ ‘Fatal Charm’ skill conditionally implanted! ][ The next activation of the skill will provide a 2x effect ][ Related Event Occurs in D-5 ]

Maybe, if my conjectures were right…

During this Exchange Student Selection Test and the ‘Related Event’ that precisely coincided with it, such a side of her would be revealed.

As I contemplated such thoughts while looking at the system window…

Next to me, Talion stroked his chin with a ‘Hm’.

“Senior Brother, do you know?”


“There are also quite a few wicked rumors about you within the department.”

“...What rumors?”

“Apparently, you’re an amazing piece of shit who simultaneously seduces several women that ordinary people can’t even approach.”


“Beside Iliya and the Student Council President, during the midterms, I heard you collared a ghost-like woman who would cut anything that came close and walked her around on a leash. If that wasn’t enough, apparently people even witnessed the Saintesss sticking around Senior Brother fairly often…”


“So, have you found a new prey this time?”

Shut up.

Please, just shut the fuck up.

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