Fated to Be Loved by Villains
Chapter 108 Table of contents

Hatan U-Jul struggled to suppress his headache.

“...I’ve said it several times, but it didn’t just die once and started its resurrection process. It’s been confirmed that it was annihilated. Its existence itself can’t be detected.”

Everyone fell silent.

It was a silence that often followed when people heard something utterly ridiculous; A silence born from the inability of their thought processes to comprehend the current situation.

Even though it was asked repeatedly, someone, unable to hold back, spoke up again.

[...The Unicorn of the Jungle Zone is completely dead?]

“Yes. With certainty.”

[And all the other Rulers of the Demonic Zones also suffered harm that is equivalent to annihilation.]


[And all of this was done by—]

“One man and two hunting parties acting on his orders. If you ask me one more time, I’ll take it as a challenge to duel.”

As he spoke these words with barely restrained anger, a hush fell over the other War Chiefs.

An emergency assembly of all the War Chiefs wasn’t a common occurrence, but if his words were true, it wasn’t hard to understand why this meeting was called.

[It’s an unprecedented event.]

One of the War Chiefs murmured in a low voice.

It was extremely rare for anyone to kill the Rulers of the Demonic Zones during the long history of the Tribal Alliance, let alone erase their very existence.

Even the achievement of hunting a single Ruler was enough to be recognized as the greatest hunter of their time.

But to have hunted the Rulers from all four Demonic Zones?

[...According to the traditions of the Tribal Alliance, that person must be given a fitting reward.]

“The title of Great Hunter has to obviously be given.”

[That’s not what I mean, Hatan. You know it as well, don’t you?]

The War Chief who spoke sighed before continuing.

[...Given the nature of the Alliance, someone who accomplishes a ‘great feat’ that has never been recorded in history deserves more than just a title.]

Never fail to reward a meritorious service nor to let a fault go unpunished. Reward and punishment. It was the tradition of the tribes.

For someone who achieved such an incredible feat, it wouldn’t be right to just throw a title at them.

Even if that person was an outsider.

As the conversation continued with a heavy undertone, everyone fell silent once again.



Though everyone remained quiet, they were likely all thinking the same thing.

This was something that none of them present could achieve.

Even the Chieftain of the Tribal Alliance wouldn’t be able to.

So, what reward would be fitting for someone who accomplished such a feat?

[Is it really that big of a deal?]

But, as always, there was someone who, out of personal dislike, would wish to belittle the achievements of even those who accomplished such great feats.


Hatan sighed as he looked in that direction.

Velua Ger-Do. The War Chief of the Blue Boar, the most problematic tribe of the Alliance.

He was also the father of Krun Ger-Do, who had recently been beaten up by Riru Garda and Dowd Campbell after provoking them.

[Well, anyway. Seeing as how this conversation is going, it seems like all of you want to give that guy something incredible. But doesn’t it require unanimous agreement from all the War Chieffs?]

“...Are you possibly saying that you would oppose it?”

[I said it before. Is it really that big of a deal?]

The more the conversation continued, the more evident it became.

‘...That bastard must have ratted them out to his father.’

Seeing as he was displaying such unreasonable jealousy, it was clear he was being obstinate out of personal grudges.

That idiot. The next time I see him I’ll definitely fold him in half.’

[What’s the Chieftain doing?]

Someone brought up such words.

Utad Han-Chai.

The father of Luca Han-Chai, who was currently studying abroad at Elfante Imperial Academy.

[In a situation like this, it’s normal for the Chieftain to have recognized him without even needing our vote.]

It was a logical statement.

In a case where such an extraordinary monster appeared, it would be normal for the Chieftain to step in and handle the situation before the War Chiefs even gathered.

“Alan has been unresponsive. He has visited the Forge, but hasn’t shown his face anywhere. No one has seen him either.”

[...This is quite a conundrum.]

However, Alan, who had arrived at the Forge of Struggle, was not engaging in any public activities, as Hatan said.

Almost as if he was already long-dead.

[For now, let’s call forth the person in question and hear from them.]

[You’re saying we should bring an outsider to a War Chief Assembly, Utad?]

[We have no choice, right? Especially in this kind of situation.]

At this point, it was undoubtedly the most logical solution.



In the end, the other War Chiefs, albeit reluctantly, had no choice but to agree.

!!!!!!!!!!! Devil Alert !!!!!!!!!!!

[ ‘Devil-Related’ Emergency Event Occurred! ]

[ This is a critical event! ]

[ If you do not take the correct actions within the time limit, you will die! ]

[ Event related to target ‘Riru’! ]

[ Find a way to survive immediately! ]




I was wondering when this would come up.

‘...It would be stranger if she wasn’t angry.’

She was probably dropped in the middle of the vast sea due to the effects of Faenol’s teleportation spell.

Anyone would agree to call me trash after knowing what I did. Since the entity inside her body was the ‘Devil of Wrath’ itself, it would be strange if she didn’t go berserk.

It probably wouldn’t take long before she found me. Maybe in just a few hours?


Of course, That was just one thing. For now, putting that aside…

I needed to focus on the task at hand.

“Dowd Campbell. Please come inside.”

I checked the time as one of the faculty said this.

Safe. Barely made it.

The main reason I destroyed the Rulers of the Demonic Zones in less than 5 minutes was because I was certain that convening this ‘War Chief Assembly’ would take quite a bit of time.

‘...Wherever it is, gathering high-ranking people together is always the hardest part.’

When I entered the room with such thoughts, the holograms of all the War Chiefs stared at me piercingly.

As expected of a country with high technological prowess, emergency gatherings were possible through such methods.

An odd silence followed until finally, someone started speaking to me.

A huge warrior wearing wolf skin. He looked quite familiar.

[...Pleased to meet you, Dowd Campbell. I am Utad Han-Chai. Father of Luca Han-Chai.]

“Do you know me?”

[Luca has told me stories about you and Riru Garda. He said you have remarkable capabilities.]

‘Ah, so it was him, huh?’

After all, that guy mentioned he would give something to Riru with his authority as the next War Chief. It was obvious that he would have told his father.

[Do you know why you’ve been called here?]

I looked at Utad, who spoke with a calm tone.

“Didn’t you call for me in order to discuss the reward that will be given to me? I know that the Alliance has an inclination to especially value hunters.”

[...You seem to know about the Alliance quite well. Yes. You’re right.]

Utad responded with an interested smile.

[What you have achieved is unprecedented in the history of our Alliance. As you may already know, it is only right to give such a person a reward in turn.]

[I have said it before, but I’m against it. I’m fine with giving the title of Great Hunter, but nothing beyond that.]

[Velua. Don’t be too spiteful.]

[Ha. I’m merely exercising my legitimate right as a War Chief-]

I silently watched the holograms of the War Chiefs exchanging these words.

‘...Well, I mean…’

Honestly speaking…

“This isn’t the issue right now.”

I would certainly secure that reward.

For the future of the Tribal Alliance, there was a position that I had to ’seat’ Riru in. As an opportunity for that.

And all my previous efforts to rehabilitate Riru were all for this purpose.

However, for now…

The situation I needed was just to have ‘all’ the War Chiefs together like this.

After all, there was something I urgently needed their permission for.



Hearing my words, Velua, Utad, and the other War Chiefs all looked at me with questioning gazes.

[...What do you mean that’s not the issue?]

“For now, giving me the title of Great Hunter seems to be unanimously agreed upon by everyone here. Is that correct?”

[That’s right. It wouldn’t make sense if you couldn’t have that title after achieving such a feat.]

At Utad’s response, I paused for a moment.

Honestly, the predominant emotion I felt was apologetic.

The Tribal Alliance, as mentioned several times before, was a very closed-off group. It was not a common situation to allow an outsider like me into such a gathering of their leaders.

And seeing as he spoke to me first, it seemed this person had facilitated this situation in an attempt to care for me.

Basically, it meant what I was about to do didn’t justify ‘harming’ someone like him.

I should apologize later.

“...Then, I believe I have the right to exercise one legitimate right.”

The title of Great Hunter was the highest authority when it came to dealing with ‘Demonic Creatures’, thus even the War Chiefs needed to consult me about such a category.

I, for one, had merely hopped on the Devil Bus for a free ride, so I didn’t need such an impressive modifier. Just the authority to have the other War Chiefs listen to me was enough.

“...Currently, the Tribal Alliance and the Forge of Struggle are in an unprecedented crisis.”

Before, there was a time when such a crisis was about to happen, but thanks to Eleanor blowing it up massively, it had disappeared.

But, now…

Perhaps as a backlash, such a threat had multiplied and was heading this way.

“I’m proposing this as someone who received the title of Great Hunter.”

And to overcome such a situation…

“Please temporarily hand over the ‘entire’ Forge of Struggle to me.”

This entire ‘academy’...

Had to become a piece on my chessboard.

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