I Became a Raid Boss
Chapter 1 Table of contents

Silia Online is a virtual reality game developed in Korea, which has gained massive global popularity as an MMORPG.

However, when news of its development first spread, Silia Online didn’t attract much attention. In a time where virtual reality games were already common, the phrase "virtual reality" didn’t carry much appeal. Moreover, the MMORPG genre itself was losing its charm.

Entertainment, whether it be movies or games, had evolved to seek quick and intense stimulation, but MMORPGs were the complete opposite. While there was enjoyment in role-playing and watching your character grow, it required a slow pace. To truly develop, you had to pour countless hours into it, which made it a genre that was heavily polarizing.

The few MMORPGs that survived resolved this dilemma by allowing players to speed up their character growth through in-game purchases. However, this came at a cost—MMORPGs earned a reputation for being nearly unplayable without spending money.

But Silia Online proved that these issues could be solved if the game was made well enough.

“If the leveling process is too boring, then just make the leveling process fun.”

That seemed to be the game's philosophy.

Among the many reasons Silia Online climbed the ranks of popular games, players consistently praised its graphics and freedom.

Unlike other games where the graphics looked obviously digital, Silia Online felt so natural, as if you had truly entered another world. And when they said you could do anything, they weren’t kidding.

The game provided an escape from harsh realities, offering a chance to live a new life in a fantasy world. It appealed to both heavy and casual players, men and women of all ages—all were drawn into the charm of Silia Online.

“It’s not just a game, it’s a whole new world!”

“They must have sacrificed thousands of aliens to make this!”

“MMORPGs are so immersive that players lose track of reality—there should be regulations on how long people can stay logged in!”

These were just a few of the reactions that came about.

While other game companies struggled, Silia Online thrived in the competitive market, standing tall in its beautifully crafted world.

Half a year after the release of Silia Online, its community was still going strong—stronger, in fact, than right after its launch.

Players were constantly sharing their discoveries, and every new piece of information revealed was met with amazement.

One particular post soon grabbed the community’s attention.

[Real-time: Just found something amazing!]

OP here, I love exploring. Ever since the game launched, I’ve mostly been wandering around. Recently, I’ve been near the mountains by the Kingdom of Grasis, and today I stumbled upon something unusual.

(Picture of a cabin in front of a field of flowers)

It looks like someone’s living here. Judging by the state of the flowers, I’d say the person living in the cabin made this flower field. At first glance, you might think, “Oh, it’s just some NPC living in the mountains for the first time, huh?” But…

(Picture of a grave) (Picture of a sword)

A sword stuck in front of a grave? Isn’t this some epic sword that anyone would want to pull out?

I couldn’t resist, so I tried to pull it out right away.

(Picture of a hand gripping the sword’s hilt) (Picture of 'You Died' message)


I tried to pull it out, and suddenly I was instantly killed. No joke, I was so confused I replayed the footage.

(Picture of a mysterious figure)

Right as I got hit, there was a brief glimpse of someone swinging a sword. There was even a health bar for a second, so it’s probably a raid boss. Man, I wish I had turned on third-person mode! Seriously, why would they put a sword that looks like it’s begging to be pulled out and then hide a boss there?

Anyway, I think I found a new boss. Next time, I’m going to sneak back and try again.


Amid the sea of mixed information and trolling posts, one post floated to the surface, discovered by curious players and carried to the top by a frenzy of attention.

The debate over whether the information was true, and whether a new raid boss had been found, along with the mysterious sword stuck in front of the grave, quickly pushed the post into the community’s hot topics.

“What the…?”

The body vanished into a flash of light.

Momentarily confused by the sudden disappearance, I quickly brushed it off as something that could happen.

I mean, there’s magic out there that can make a person disappear in an instant, so why not a body?

It could even be an artifact that sends the corpse back to its loved ones.

If only they’d spent their time developing defensive spells instead, maybe they could have lived a second longer. What a shame.

Shaking off that thought, I shuffled closer to inspect my sword, checking carefully for any blood that might have splattered onto it.

“…Good thing there’s no blood.”

I don’t mind if blood gets on my sword, but it’s a problem if it stains Crimson Aegis.

The stench of blood is for the living.

I shouldn’t disturb the rest of the dead.


As I wiped the blade down with an oilcloth, I suddenly burst out laughing.

Cutting down people without a care and cleaning my sword without guilt—if my old self saw me now, they’d be shocked.

Back when I lived on Earth, before reincarnating, I never would’ve imagined something like this.

But after all I’ve been through in this world, there’s no room for sentimentality.

One moment I was walking down the street, and the next, I blinked and found myself transformed—not into the sturdy man I once was, but into a small girl, surrounded by things straight out of a fantasy novel.

In the desperate struggle to survive, I somehow adapted.

It wasn’t like I had time to sit around and get used to things. If I let my guard down, my head would’ve rolled.

That’s why I’ve been told countless times, “Why does this girl act so much like a boy?”

“Thinking back, that was probably when I died, right?”

Was it a car accident? Maybe I got hit by a truck.

You know the joke about how getting hit by a truck means you’ll reincarnate in another world?

It was a meme that came from the neighboring country, but now that I’ve been reincarnated, I wonder if those people weren’t just making it up—they were probably pioneers who knew the truth all along.

“Not that I’ve ever missed it.”

I guess since life’s been easier, I’ve been thinking more about my old world lately.

“I miss fried chicken.”

Out of everything, it’s the food I miss most.

The food here isn’t bad, but I was raised on artificial, flavorful stuff, and I miss it…

My body here has never even tasted food like that, but it’s like my soul remembers.

Anyway, while the existence of other dimensions has been proven with the appearance of interdimensional beasts, crossing between them is a whole different issue.

Unfortunately, I can’t just pack up fried chicken from Earth and bring it back here to tear into.

If only there were a way, I’d try it right now.

Get to work, wizards.

“…Should I give it a shot?”

Not crossing dimensions, of course.

I don’t even know how, and even if I did, there’s no guarantee I’d end up back on Earth. Maybe when I’m an old granny.

No, I’ll just make fried chicken…!

I hate tedious work, but when it comes to chicken, that’s a different story.

I’m living in the mountains doing nothing anyway. From today, my goal is to recreate the taste of fried chicken.

“I think I saw a Cocatrice around here.”

The Cocatrice is a monster that looks like a mix between a chicken and a reptile.

People say it tastes like chicken or even better, so I’m sure it’ll work, right?

With the most important ingredient—the chicken—taken care of…

“Flour, oil, salt, milk, eggs…”

What else do I need?

I went over the ingredients I remembered and prepared to head down the mountain.

I’ll have to visit the village for everything but the chicken.

As I wrapped myself in a worn-out cape, I recalled what had happened earlier, and my hand paused.

I hadn’t expected anyone to come here, much less touch the sword in front of the grave, so my reaction had been a bit slow.

It was annoying when I thought about it again, but the guy was dead now, so there’s no point in staying mad.

“Everything should be fine, right?”

I worried a bit about what might happen while I was gone, but…

This place is so remote, with no paths leading to it. There’s no way anyone would come again.

If that were the case, I wouldn’t have gone a year and a half without seeing another person.

Still, even as I convinced myself, I couldn’t shake the feeling of unease. I hesitated at the grave for a while.

“…I’ll be back.”

I pulled the hood over my pink hair and forced my feet to move forward.

‘Take care.’

It couldn’t possibly be real, but…

The wind that blew through seemed to tell me to come back safely.

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