I Became a Raid Boss
Chapter 3 Table of contents

"O mighty Grasis, may you reign eternal, for no trial shall ever break my loyalty."

The soft tune came to a close.

*Hem, hem.*

"Yeah, military songs really don’t suit my voice."

Originally, it was a song full of vigor and pride, but with my delicate voice, it just didn’t hit the right note. Even the most skilled singers have songs they’re simply not suited for. The song’s mood and my voice were a complete mismatch.

I could rearrange the song to fit my voice better, but I don't want to, even if I could.

"You would’ve liked it even if I sang it like this, right, Garid?"

This was Garid’s favorite song. He used to sing it loudly, almost shaking the house, whenever he had too much to drink.

If I had to choose the most patriotic person I’ve ever met, it would definitely be Garid. Even when drunk, he’d belt out military songs. He was a shining example of a noble knight.

…Although, describing it like that makes him sound like a drunkard.

"But don’t you think I’m better than before? I kept practicing after you praised me, Garid."

This time, instead of another military song, I hummed a folk tune, the kind you’d hear walking through the streets.

"I’ll gather a bouquet of red flowers and present them to you. When red flowers bloom outside your home, you’ll think of me. And when red flowers bloom outside my home..."

I’ll think of you, too.

Humming softly, I picked the vibrant red flowers in full bloom.

"Sorry. I don’t think I can give you these flowers."

They were stained with blood, though you wouldn’t notice since they were already red. I’ll pick you some fresh ones later, so don’t be too upset.

I murmured my apology as I let go of the red flowers I was holding. The wind scattered them, sending the petals tumbling off the cliff. Perhaps by next year, the base of the cliff will be covered in red blooms.

"Hey, Garid, did you know? Insects communicate with pheromones. They use them to signal things like ‘there’s food here’ or ‘this area is dangerous.’"

I brushed the pollen and leaves off my hands as I continued talking.

"Humans have pheromones too, but our ability to detect them has atrophied, so we can’t communicate like insects do."

So maybe the ones that keep swarming me aren’t people—they’re insects. After all, if they were people, they wouldn’t be able to sense pheromones anymore.

At first, I thought they were thieves. Then I thought they were rats. But now I’m starting to think they’re bugs.

"They sure know how to push their luck."

Whether someone doused the place in pheromones or not, it’s been days now that I’ve had to deal with swarms of bugs several times a day. It feels like it’s been more than a week.

And the frequency just keeps increasing…

I’ve plucked the bloodstained flowers a few times, but at this rate, my carefully tended garden is going to be ruined.

‘Never act in groups of more than eight. Anything more than that is dishonorable!’

It was almost laughable how they never came in groups of more than eight, as if they had some kind of code. But it didn’t stop me from getting annoyed. 

With a sigh, I looked at the now-empty corner of the garden and trudged forward, drawing the sword that had proven effective not only for dealing with thieves and pests but also for exterminating bugs.

Apologizing to the blacksmith who forged it had become a bit of a routine by now.


“Alright, this time let’s focus on protecting the healers. We’ll have two tanks solely guarding the two healers, and the DPS should stay close by.”

“Healers, prioritize shielding yourselves over healing others.”

“Okay, let’s do this!”

‘…What are they even saying?’

I watched the group of eight people, puzzled by their incomprehensible battle strategy. 

The language wasn’t completely unfamiliar. It was Arckish, the imperial language created by the Lo Arka Empire.

Though it’s called an imperial language, it’s widely spoken by both humans and other races with their own native languages. So, in a way, Arckish had become the common language of the Ardinan continent.

Of course, that’s because the Lo Arka Empire holds dominance over the continent.

In that context, it wasn’t strange or surprising that these thugs—no, insects—spoke Arckish.

‘But so what?’

That didn’t give me any reason to spare them.

Nor did it mean I needed to learn Arckish.

Given the Empire’s influence, it’s not like I don’t understand any of it. I don’t fully grasp the language, but I know the key words.

‘Die, bastard, help me, run, mother, monster.’

You know, the basics.

That’s all you really need to get by.

Like right now.




“This crazy bastard is at it again!”

“Healers! Protect the healers!”

“How are we supposed to protect them when they’re getting cleaved in half, shield and all?!”

“Use the party survival skill!”

“The survival skill’s on cooldown!”

Judging by their unusual positions, it seemed like they had come up with some sort of strategy earlier. But strategies only work when your opponent plays along.

No matter how skilled the moths may be, they’re powerless before a master mage’s Hellfire.

‘Their strategy was flawed from the start.’

If they wanted to protect the backline, the frontline should’ve stepped forward to engage in close combat.

I didn’t bother suppressing my irritation as I kicked the swordsman square in the chest.

When you stand that close, this is what happens.



“Gah! What kind of strength…?!”

The armored swordsman wheezed as he was knocked backward, skidding across the ground.

Behind him stood a mage, staff in hand.


“Move, move! He’s coming!”

“Do you think I’m not trying? You’re too heavy for me to get up!”

How amusing.

The swordsman and mage were tangled up on the ground.

From how closely they were sticking together, it seemed they were quite fond of each other. I felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing I had helped bring them closer.

The occasional screams were probably shouts of joy. I didn’t understand Arckish, but I was sure of it.

I couldn’t exactly offer the happy couple any gifts, but I could at least officiate their union.






The couple, apparently moved by my speech, expressed their gratitude before departing for their honeymoon.

How romantic is it to fulfill the promise of “let’s be together until death” and “even after death” all at once?

May their love last forever.

My next target was a crossbowman, standing with his mouth agape. The sudden disappearance of his comrades had left him too shocked to even pull the trigger. It was like he had entered a meditative state.

I rushed in and quickly swung my sword, ensuring he could continue meditating forever.

First, the healer I had taken down, followed by the honeymoon couple, and then the crossbowman who loved meditating.

In a matter of moments, four of them had been wiped out, and the morale of the remaining bugs was visibly shaken.


“Ha… another failed attempt.”

They hadn’t been able to defeat me even when they were giving it their all. Now that their numbers had been halved and their morale broken, they stood no chance.

Garid, who had valued bravery above all else, would have been disappointed by this display.

Not that I cared.

Still, I couldn’t help but wonder: if they were going to act like this, why did they come in the first place?


‘They don’t seem determined to die, but they also don’t seem too attached to living.’


It was odd how they didn’t flee, even after losing their will to fight.

They reminded me of someone caught between being a highly trained assassin and a complete amateur.

Maybe they’d been threatened with death if they didn’t return alive.

People in this world really have a casual attitude toward life.

Of course, I’m no different from them.


“See? Even when I’m lost in thought, my body moves naturally.”

I muttered as I surveyed the blood-soaked battlefield.

The bodies had long since disintegrated into flashes of light and disappeared.

And once again, my sword hadn’t broken or even bent.

At this point, it was almost becoming a matter of pride.


“At least the flower garden is fine this time.”

Thanks to fighting in the clearing where I had pulled out the bloodstained flowers, the bugs hadn’t trampled the garden.

Still, I couldn’t let this situation continue forever.

It was fine this time because there had been no damage, but that wouldn’t always be the case.

I had to take action before the flower field turned into a barren wasteland.

For Garid’s sake.


“Hmm… I guess I’ll have to go back down to the village again.”

It hadn’t been long since I thought I’d stocked up on enough supplies to avoid another trip, yet here I was, needing to go back again.

Life is full of surprises.

I’ll pick up new seeds, grab more plants, and while I’m at it, gather some information. Maybe I’ll even buy another decent sword.

I couldn’t be gone for too long since there was no telling when the next swarm might come, but if I hurried, it should be fine.


“Oh, I’ve got a brilliant idea.”

If I wipe out all the bugs I encounter on my way down, they won’t be able to bother me for a while, right?

At the very least, it’ll buy me enough time to get to the village and back.

I must admit, even I think it’s a genius plan.

Satisfied with my idea, I turned and headed off.


**Real-time Boss Update**

(Picture of a person in a hooded cape.jpg)  
(Picture of a dense forest.jpg)

The boss ran away from the boss room, lol.



- ???  
- ?????????  
- What the hell; is this a bug?  
- Isn’t that just a player cosplaying as a boss?  
┕ Nope, it’s real; all the top raid parties that tried to engage got wiped out.  
┕ What the hell?  
- First bug of the season.  
- Did anyone track where it went?  
┕ Nope, everyone who encountered it got wiped, so no clue.  
┕ LOL.  
- So, no more attempts at the raid?  
┕ It was guarding a grave, so it’ll probably return.  
┕ Then we could loot the place while it’s gone. Easy win!  
┕ Maybe, but no one’s left in the mountains to do it since they all got wiped out.  
┕ Bummer;  
┕ Was this its plan all along?  
┕ No way, lol.  

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