I Became a Raid Boss
Chapter 8 Table of contents

[Enough with the Gravekeeper talk already!]

How long are people going to keep bringing up this badly designed boss? It's just a self-insert character for Demonin's devs. I don't get why everyone keeps hyping it up.


- 'He' again? Can we please stop this already?
  ┗ Seriously, just quit it ㅡㅡ
- If you’re so annoyed, why don’t you create a more interesting discussion topic?
  ┗ You find this interesting?
  ┗ Ignoring all the usual combat mechanics and boss patterns?
    ┗ This is hilarious.
- Keep your diary entries to yourself.


Despite the fading hype, the topic of the Gravekeeper would occasionally resurface in the community. 

Was it frustration over differing opinions, simple chaos for chaos's sake, or some misplaced sense of justice? 

Like pyromaniacs with torches in one hand and pitchforks in the other, these groups would rampage through forums, burning down every mention of the Gravekeeper they came across.


“Our next target is over there!”

“Burn it all! Leave nothing but ashes!”


People avoided them not out of fear of the mess they caused but to avoid the stench of their figurative 'fire.'

Exhausted by the endless chaos these incendiaries caused, most users retreated, leaving the victorious mob to revel in their delusion of triumph.


“Let's use this momentum to root them out completely!”

“Yeah, let’s do that!”


They marched forward with the fervor of their pyrrhic victory, believing that they could purge the ignorant masses who dared oppose them. But their fervor came to a sudden halt.


[Gravekeeper Easter Egg Found in Real-Time]

(Gravekeeper slashing through a Cocatrice.jpg)  
(Gravekeeper pointing a sword at Journey.jpg)  
(Gravekeeper walking away after turning his back.jpg)


- Why did it spare her?
- ???? Is this real?
- How did that even happen? I thought it always attacked first?
- Is this for real?
  ┗ No, it’s a screenshot from Journey’s stream.
  ┗ Isn’t she that streamer who travels around a lot? Did she go there for the raid?
  ┗ Not for the raid—she said she was just curious and wanted to see for herself.


This unexpected discovery of new information could be the key to cracking the Gravekeeper's mechanics.

The pyromaniacs, unable to adjust their speed, crashed headlong into this newfound obstacle—one they had no chance of overcoming.


[So what? Does this change the fact that it’s still a bad boss design?]  
[Seriously, we need to complain now so that they don’t make more of these trash bosses.]  
[I hate how every clueless player is jumping on this game just because it’s ‘cool.’ Go back to the games you came from; you’re ruining it.]


But no matter how bright a light might be, it means nothing next to the brilliance of the sun.

Everyone's attention was now on this massive new discovery, leaving the loud voices of the trolls to echo into the void. 

Pyromaniacs lose their power when there's no fuel left to burn, and the community's disinterest extinguished their torches.


“We can’t let it end like this!”


Despite their last-ditch effort to ignite another flame, they were silenced by an even greater force.


[You have been blocked by an administrator.]


Their final cries faded into nothing, leaving only a cold, abandoned pitchfork behind.


[Summary of the Current Gravekeeper Theories]

Any decent hunter in the game should know about the hunting ground called ‘Old Kingdom’s Capital.’  
If you head west from the Empire, you'll find this area, which is full of high-level monsters, making it a popular spot.  
People started calling it the ‘Old Kingdom’ because, aside from a few ruins here and there, it's basically a wasteland now.  
Obviously, a capital city wouldn’t turn into a wasteland unless a significant amount of time had passed, right?  

But actually, this area was once the capital of the Kingdom of Gracis, which fell just a year and a half ago in *Silia Online*'s world.  
Something major happened, though no one knows what exactly. It became like that in less than two years.  

So, what does this have to do with the Gravekeeper?

(Journey meets the Gravekeeper clip)

Thanks to a streamer, it was revealed that the Gravekeeper is likely from the Kingdom of Gracis.  
It's not 100% confirmed yet, but we can pretty much assume it’s true.  
Gracis didn’t use Arqish, the Empire’s language, but instead spoke ‘Granic,’ and when the streamer spoke to the Gravekeeper in Granic, it stopped attacking, as shown in the clip.  
The mountain where the Gravekeeper lives was part of Gracis’s territory, and since it’s hiding its identity, it’s highly likely that it’s from Gracis.  

Anyway, after hearing the streamer speak Granic, the Gravekeeper didn’t kill her and simply walked away.  
And here’s the shocking part:

(Audio Clip)

It turns out the Gravekeeper is a woman.  
No one realized this before because nobody had managed to talk to her. Everyone kept trying to communicate in Arqish, so of course, she never responded.  
Considering Gracis was at war with the Empire before its fall, it wouldn’t be surprising if she harbored resentment toward the Empire’s language.  

People always said she was a broken boss, but maybe the real bad guys are the ones who tried to kill her using a language she didn’t even understand.  
And wasn’t the first guy who died trying to steal her sword in the first place?  
Turns out, as always, the players were the real problem.

My deepest apologies, Demonin's...!  
And I’m sorry, Gravekeeper-sama.


- Based on her voice, she’s definitely a kid, not a grown woman.  
  ┗ Anyone stronger than me is ‘onee-sama.’  
  ┗ Yup, this checks out.  
- Baby Gravekeeper buries her victims.  
- Looking back, it seems so simple. How did no one figure this out before?  
  ┗ Most players were too busy grinding levels, lol.  
  ┗ Yeah, Western players tend to be better at uncovering stuff like this.  
- Please give Journey all the support!  
- So what happens next?  
  ┗ Still ongoing.  
  ┗ Where can I watch?  
  ┗ (Journey’s stream link)  
  ┗ Thanks, I’m going to check it out.


In the world of online communities, information spreads fast and wide.

The saying goes that rumors travel a thousand miles, but in the digital world, they can travel ten times farther.

And the results became evident quickly.


“W-What’s going on with the viewer count…?”

- Our streamer... went global?  
- Journey! Journey! Journey!  
- Forbes’s #1 most influential internet streamer of the year.  
- Her reaction is priceless, lol.


Ten thousand… no, one hundred thousand?!

Journey’s eyes spun as she stared at the ever-increasing number of viewers.

Before today, Journey had already been a big name in the streaming world—what you’d call one of the 'giants' in the industry.  
She had a huge base of regular viewers, tons of subscribers, and her donation numbers were consistently high.  

But even for her, this viewer count was beyond anything she had ever seen.


"Is it… still going up?!"

Even now, more viewers continued to pour into her stream. 

Mixed among the chat were awkward attempts at Korean and various foreign languages, a clear sign that international audiences were tuning in.

Though the platform Journey used, *Pisissik*, mainly catered to domestic markets, it seemed she had caught the attention of people worldwide.


The built-in translation module wasn’t great, making real-time communication difficult, but the viewers still flooded in, eager to share their thoughts in the chat.

Her moderators, frantically trying to manage the overwhelming flood of messages, cried out in panic, and seeing them, Journey’s mind cleared.

‘It’s a shame, but…’


She knew better than to get greedy. Trying to hold on to too much would cause her to lose something greater.

With a quick tap of her finger, she enabled ‘Follower Chat’ mode, restricting chat to those who had been following her for over a week. As if by magic, the tidal wave of comments subsided, and her moderators breathed a collective sigh of relief.

Sure, some viewers might leave due to the chat restrictions, but those who genuinely enjoyed the stream would stick around. It was a calculated sacrifice to maintain a healthy streaming environment.

A wise decision.

But she hadn’t accounted for one thing: human persistence.


[‘q1w2e3’ donated 10,000 won! Thank you!]  
- If you take off that cloak, I’ll donate 100,000 won.

[‘Anonymous’ donated 1,000 won! Thank you!]  
- Ask about the Gravekeeper’s fans and I’ll donate another 1,000 won.

[‘Atomic’ donated 100,000 won! Thank you!]  
- WTF! I can’t understand a word, but this is incredible!

[‘Anonymous’ donated…]


‘S-So much for restraint….’

Chat may have been muted, but the flood of donations took its place.

Journey hesitated, unsure how to respond.

She chewed on her lip nervously, struggling with indecision, when suddenly, something interrupted her thoughts.






A piece of steaming meat—grilled to perfection—was being held out to her.


“Uh… so, how do I say ‘thanks for the food’ in Granic again?”

Journey’s limited Granic vocabulary mostly consisted of words like ‘help’ or ‘wait,’ and she had no idea how to ask if this was an offering.

After a moment of futile brainstorming, she decided to give up.


“Whatever! I’ll just take it!”

Surely offering food wasn’t some bizarre Gracis tradition… right?

It’s not like that’s why the kingdom fell… right?


Taking a deep breath, she accepted the offering. Thankfully, the Gravekeeper showed no reaction and simply resumed eating.


“…Is this for me?”  
- Yeah, she gave it to you to eat, not throw away.  
- Can’t believe she shares food with strangers. What a kind soul.  
- How could we ever treat someone like her as a villain?  
- This is Gravekeeper's home-cooked meal. You better savor it.  


“Wait, isn’t this Cocatrice meat…?”

Journey had never eaten monster meat before.


- ???  
- You’re seriously not gonna eat it?  
- Instant disrespect if you refuse.  
- Monster meat is actually delicious, no cap.  
- Wait, you’ve tried it?  
- Yeah, NPCs eat it all the time. They even sell it at inns and stalls.  
- I tried some once. It was gross. Had one bite and tossed it.  
- That’s just low-quality meat. Good stuff tastes amazing.


Journey hesitated, but she couldn’t ignore her viewers’ expectations.


‘Well, it's not just that...’

Her gaze shifted toward the Gravekeeper.

Would it be wise to refuse the food, especially when it had been prepared personally? Rejecting it might be the equivalent of a death wish.

The thought of throwing away the carefully grilled meat sent shivers down her spine. 

Journey trembled, dreading the consequences of rejecting the offering.

The longer she hesitated, the more her chat’s mood turned against her.


“Ugh… fine! Here goes nothing!”


Finally caving to the pressure, Journey closed her eyes and took a bite.

Given her love for travel, Journey had eaten all kinds of exotic dishes during her adventures. She had even tried wild game before, but the intense smell of those animals had left a lasting bad impression.

She had assumed monster meat would be worse.

Plus, the Gravekeeper’s cooking method was primitive, to say the least. There were no spices or preparations to mask the smell—it was just meat cooked over an open fire.

This was bound to be a disaster.

Or so she thought.


Chew, chew.



Journey’s eyes widened in surprise.

The outer layer of the meat was tender, and as her teeth sunk in, an explosion of juices filled her mouth, making her senses dance.


“It’s… delicious?”


There wasn’t even a hint of the gamey smell she had feared. The texture was melt-in-your-mouth tender, with a rich, smoky flavor from the fire.


“This is… amazing!”


Without hesitation, Journey dove back into the meal, devouring the Cocatrice meat with newfound enthusiasm. The presentation even looked straight out of a comic, adding to the experience, and her viewers could only watch enviously as she ate.


- Starting today, I’m hunting Cocatrices.  
- Told ya monster meat is great.  
- She’s really enjoying it.  
- I’m boiling water for ramen right now.


The Gravekeeper continued to silently observe her, though Journey was far too engrossed in her meal to notice.

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