The Hunter’s Gonna Lay Low
Chapter 16 Table of contents

"You're going to cut off my face."

Lee Sa-young said lazily, his jaw clenched. A voice from inside the gas mask slipped past his lips. His black hair and soothing purple eyes matched his voice. Thick, long eyelashes cast shadows whenever he blinked.

From the bridge of his nose to the small mole at the lower left of his full lips. All in all, it was an aesthetic look with thin lines that looked as if they had been painted with a brush. It was delicate and glamorous, but there was a certain languor to it.

Strangely enough, Ui-jae understood why Sa-young wore a gas mask. It seemed to him that showing his face everywhere would cause a lot of trouble.

It's true that he didn't like Lee Sa-young in many ways, but this guy's face looked objective. He should say that it attracts attention in a different sense than the gas mask, but the difference is that when he wore it, he was just an idiot who shouldn't be dealt with, and when he took it off, he became an idiot who deserved to be dealt with.

A few of the remaining hunters looked at him, but he didn't seem particularly uncomfortable. He was used to being the center of attention. Instead, the hunters followed his gaze and averted their eyes as if on the lookout for something.

After clearing the area without saying a word, Lee Sa-young picked up the spoon. At the same time, Ui-jae also stood up after finishing his business. What would he say after eating the Haejang-guk? It was time to slow down and listen. Bae Won-woo asked if he could scratch his itch.

"How is it? Is it good?"

"The soup is hot."

"He just cooked it, so of course it's hot, you nut. The flavor, the flavor."

"The meat is tender."

"Right? The meat here separates from the bone very easily."

"Yeah, well. That's good."

Lee Sa-young gave a small nod. It was a sour response, but he hadn't heard him say it was tasteless, and he felt a little relieved.

While he was washing the backlog of dishes in the kitchen, he looked over at Hall. Sa-young was quietly eating his meal without much trouble, unlike the way he had argued before ordering. As the two sat in the eye of the storm, there was a brief moment of peace in the Haejang-guk house while they ate.

When Ui-jae had almost finished washing the dishes, Sa-young was the first to get up. Soon after, Bae Won-woo stood at the counter and called to Ui-jae.

"Part-time, the bill please!"

"Yes, wait a minute-"

Ui-jae took off his rubber gloves and roughly wiped the moisture from his hands on his pants a few times. On the table he'd seen on his way to the counter, there were two pots on top of each other, one empty to the brim and the other with some soup left. He was surprised that Bae Won-woo had only eaten one bowl, since he hadn't ordered more.

"Thirty thousand won."

Sa-young handed over two 50,000 won bills. He's bragging about his money, Ui-jae thought and grabbed one of the bills. When he took out 20,000 won in change, Sa-young looked even more surprised.

"I paid for the food."


"Didn't I tell you my name?"

"You did."

"Didn't you look it up..."

Slightly blinking, Sa-young said in an admiring tone.

"Hyung, you really don't know me."

Then he opened his mouth a little wider to show his tongue. It wasn't the usual crimson color, but a dark tongue that went all the way to the root. Seeing where his eyes were going, he bit the tip of his tongue with his front teeth.

"I have a poisonous mouth."

"Wait a minute, damn it.

"I don't often eat outside."

Somehow the area around him was empty! Ui-jae looked back at the table where Lee Sa-young and Bae Won-woo were eating. I thought he was safe because he wore gloves, but he's a poisonous snake with a poisonous mouth. That's why you should read the article and not just the headline. There was a reason he was wearing a gas mask.

Sa-young smiled wryly.

"Yes... We need to get to know each other."

"No, you crazy bastard.

"I'll come back another time."

Ui-jae's next words came out of his mouth.

"Don't come back."

"Then tell me your name."

"Don't come back."

Ui-jae looked at Bae Won-woo. Won-woo understood the meaning of his words and gently pressed his palm against Lee Sa-young's back. But the number one hunter in Korea was not to be denied. As he struggled to push back, Lee Sa-young suddenly said.



"It's black, did you dye it?"

Crazy, how did he know that? Luckily, his poker face was still on. Ui-jae replied shamelessly.

"What are you talking about?"

"I think it was a little gray back then."

"How come the guy with the gas mask has such good eyes?

It was a good thing Ha-eun had reminded me that it was time to dye his hair. Maybe I should buy her one of those slime toys she's always wanted,' Ui-jae thought.

"You must be mistaken. Why would a healthy person have gray hair?"

As if Ui-jae's rebuttal wasn't worth answering, Lee Sa-young said.

"And eyes."


"They're black."

"Koreans have black eyes."

"That's strange."

Lee Sa-young put his gas mask back on and looked through the lens.

"It was blue when I saw it."

A shiver ran down Ui-jae's spine. Had he seen it in that fleeting moment, before the pursuer's eyes had switched off?

Oh, he is so tricky.

Just as Ui-jae's mouth hardened, the purple eyes narrowed and Sa-young retreated.

"Well... That's it for today. Bye, Hyung."

"Goodbye, sir."

"Why don't you call me Sa-young?"

"Please go away."

Sa-young let out a small laugh and disappeared. Bae Won-woo scratched his head in confusion and left the Haejang-guk with a grunt. After the storm, the Haejang-guk house was deserted. Ui-jae looked at the two five thousand won bills on the counter and muttered.

"What a bastard..."

"Pado Guild Blinds

※Please use with good manners!

Posts that do not follow the rules may be deleted without notice.

Subject: [Anonymous] I've been eating at Haejang-guk House almost every day lately.

Is this normal?

I suspect that our team leader is being bullied at work...

Haejangguk is delicious... It's delicious, but...

Since I eat it every day...

Comment (14)

-Is this the deputy guild leader's team?ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ?


-Originally, the deputy guild leader liked the Haejang-gukᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ, now you're bringing him on the team?

The guild leader has paid 5 million won in advance for Haejang-guk's house.



The guild leader, not the deputy guild leader???????

Five hundred?

Yes, he wanted to pay 15,000,000 won up front, but there was a part-time job and a vice guild leader, so he only paid 5,000,000 won.

Why don't you pay 10 million won in advance for a beef restaurant?

ᄂWhy Haejang-guk House?

ᄂI don't know... That's why I always eat Haejang-guk... It's nice to save money on food...

ᄂ240 is a free spirit, but this is new, so it's ridiculous.


<Knowledge ON>

Q. [Question] My business was interrupted by a hunter.

Hi, I work in a small shop. If a hunter interferes with my business, where should I report it? I'm torn between the police and the Awakening Management Bureau.

A. [Adopt questioner]

According to the Awakening Special Law, incidents involving Awakenders should be reported to the Awakening Management Bureau. Even if you call the police, the case will be referred to the Awakening Management Bureau, which will take longer to process. Report it to the Bureau from the beginning.

I'm not sure what kind of business interruption you're experiencing, but... is this a problem with an abusive hunter? You can also take advantage of the bad publicity surrounding abusive hunters by posting anonymously on the marketplace. If the hunter is a member of a guild, the guild's legal team will contact them to try to resolve the matter, but I'm not sure about unregistered hunters... If you know any journalists, try to get an interview.

ᄂQ+. [Additional question from the questioner]

If I report to the office, will the office hunter come directly?

ᄂA+. [Additional answer from the questioner]

Usually an investigator is sent first, but if the hunter is a well-known hunter and the evidence is strong, the bureau will come directly.

A. To whom? ᄏᄏ There are still some bullies? Just give me the first name of the hunter and I'll get rid of them ᄀᄀ

A. Next time they come, I'll record it and post it on the Internet to get justice~

Comment (5)

-If they're a high-level hunter, they'll notice that you're recording with a regular machine because they're good at hearing and quick-witted. Break the machine? Not even a job. If you want to record, you'll have to use a dungeon reward item or a recorder with a mana stone.

ᄂEasier said than done ** ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ How does a normal person get dungeon rewards and mana stone recorders?

It is easy to get if you have hunter connections and money.

ᄂIt's easy if you use Haentaeinma

A. I'm Park Chul-min, a reporter for Hanmin Ilbo. If you are interested in an interview, please send an email to the address below. We will guarantee your anonymity.

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