The Hunter’s Gonna Lay Low
Chapter 24 Table of contents

Lee Sa-young didn't come back to the shop for a few days, even though he had offered to trade and had given him his number. In the meantime, Ui-jae hadn't deleted his number. Neither did he sell it to the tomato market. Instead, he kept his number and thought about it more and more.

Because according to Lee Sa-young's ominous prophecy, strange characters have been flocking to the store like carp stalking their prey.

For example, ....

"Yes, this is Haejang-guk House."

-Hello, I'm Kim So-young, a writer from MBB station, can I call you?

"Sorry, we don't deliver."

-I'm not ordering anything, I'm just calling to ask if you want to be on the show. Our show is called Live One Today, which airs weekdays at 7pm, and we have a restaurant feature segment...

"I'm not going on the show."

-Promoting your restaurant as a hunting destination will help your business...

"No thanks, I've got a lot of customers, so I'm going to hang up now."

He gets calls like this once a day,



"Turn off the camera in your pocket."

"What? No, tell me where the camera is. Did you see that? Ha, that's ridiculous."

"It's illegal to film without permission."

"Hey, man! I can hear the camera rolling. He's ignoring the hunters' ears."

"Why are you filming me eating Haejang-guk? What is he?"

"Crazy, he's a cyber wrecker who made a forced controversy and posted it on YouTube!"


"Shit, we'll see!"

"If we don't catch him, he'll hook up with two of the people here and make a big deal out of it."

"What the hell are you sitting around for, go get that bastard!"

"Don't take my Haejang-guk. I'll get that bastard before the soup gets cold."

"I have a warming artifact. Your seafood soup will be fine."

"Lee Wonho-ssi...!"

"Kang Doo-chil-ssi...!"

"Looks like they're going to have a fight."

Not to mention that such incidents are not uncommon...

xxYeahsungH i...o f ten...

shed tea r s...

I feel that I can't hold back my tears...

because my heart is p a i n e d....

If I do... the fact that I can shed tears...

is a good thing...

#daily #blog #manastone #waitingforanswer #tears #sad #crying #can'tconcentratework

Like 874k

-Don't cry YS ????

-(crying emoticon)

-Yesung-ssi, my brother is looking for the mana stone, so just wait for me. If you cry, my heart will break too ᅲ ᅲ;;

-Jung-bin, please confiscate Hong Yesung's Instagram.

-Yesung, I love you, but this kind of post is a little overwhelming.

Hong Yesung's emotional Instagram posts with tearful selfies,

It's really delicious^^ -Hunter Jungbin

After being confronted with Jung-bin's autographed paper sticking out of the registered mail that suddenly arrived, I lost the will to care.

Ui-jae thought about selling it to the tomato market, but he didn't want to be subjected to message terrorism again, so he kept it on the wall. Ha-eun liked it, so it worked out in the end.

Recently, ordinary people with gun cameras have also started to hang around the store, presumably to take pictures of the Named Hunter. The quiet life was starting to get a little annoying, with more and more things to do with the wider world.

12:24 p.m. Ui-jae swept the front of the shop with a broom in his short free time and made a face. He could feel a camera filming him from a distance. Unfortunately, he had no electrical skills, so he couldn't sabotage the camera from a distance. He could throw a broom and hit the camera, but ....

Should I throw it?

"Part-timer! Please give us more kimchi!"


I am a weak ordinary person. An ordinary person can't break a camera with a broom. I am an ordinary person....

Fortunately, the timely call pushed the bad thoughts out of his mind. Reminding himself that he's just an ordinary person working at Haejang-guk House, Ui-jae returned to the tutu shop. All of this couldn't have happened because of a single mana stone.

An incredibly rare Mana Stone showing up at the local tomato market should be a cause for concern among hunters. Some madman has listed an A+ gem at a low price, and they'll be scouring the area to find the owner. They'll also eat the famous Haejang-guk, which is a favorite among hunters.

But a restaurant where Korea's proud number one hunter, Lee Sa-young, and the country's official hunter, Jung-bin, ate haejang-guk side by side? That's a big deal.

It's no wonder that the house gets all the attention from that moment on. The timing was right, too, because after Jung-bin's visit, the first cyber wreckers and cannon cameras appeared around the house.

I think Jung-bin and Lee Sa-young are the problem....'.

At that moment, Ui-jae heard Jung-bin's voice on the TV giving tips on how to prevent water pipes from freezing and took out the kimchi jar.





A loud exhaust note and a tearful scream shattered the silence of the alley. Ui-jae looked out the door. He'd convinced himself that he could handle being surprised by anything by now, but the sight of a sleek black motorcycle crashing through the door was still refreshing.

The hunters in line at the front of the restaurant clung to the wall to avoid the motorcycle, and the hunters eating haejang-guk stuck their heads out to see what was going on.

A black leather rider's jacket, dark navy blue jeans, and black boots. Someone with a helmet pushed down stood in front of the shop's sliding door. The rider's jacket paused for a moment, as if scanning the shop, then roughly removed the helmet. Bright golden hair, pulled back in a high ponytail, fell in soft waves.

The hunters, who had been watching the Jacket's behavior with bated breath, gasped.

"L, Longevity Wasp...!"

"What's Longevity Wasp doing here?"

"Some bastard said Longevity Wasp. Do you want to be killed?"

"Hic, sorry!"

Not bothering to hide her ferocious momentum, she slammed open the sliding door and burst into the shop. A blonde with high ponytails and the nickname Longevity Wasp. This was someone he'd seen before when he was looking for information on Lee Sa-young.

-Ranked #5 in South Korea, A-Rank Hunter. Real name Yoo Chae-hyun. Her hunter name is Honeybee, but many people call her Longevity Wasp because of her fighting style and personality.

...But why would a fifth-ranked hunter come to such a shabby Haejang-guk house? To eat Haejang-guk? As if to mock Ui-jae's idea, Honeybee shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Lee Sa-young, come out!"

Okay, it's him again. Another hunter sign for the wall.
Ui-jae's expression immediately turned cold.

Honeybee noticed his gaze and looked back at him. Her eyes scanned him up and down as if searching while he held a kimchi container, and when she realized that he was an ordinary person, her voice became relatively friendly.

"Is there a problem?"

As far as he was concerned, there were already plenty of problems. This wasn't one of those cute little things that could be passed off as a problem.

The motorcycle parked out front! The shamelessness of the person who came in shouting 'Lee Sae-young! The arrogance of the person who blocked the door! The harshness of the person who made the waiting customers stick to the wall like chewing gum!!!!! And finally, the ominous premonition of a honeybee zone!!!!!! Everything was a problem.

Jung-bin panicked because he hadn't seen anyone he knew for a long time, but in reality, dealing with these hunters was easy for Ui-jae. He spoke as blindly and innocently as he had when he had called the Rift Management Agency.

"Oh, wait."


[Trait Pokerface (B) activated]

"You're Honeybee, right?"

At this point, he's in the normal cosplay meta.

The more powerful and famous hunters care about their reputation, so it's a good idea to be kind and gentle with the general public. Ui-jae even uses a special move that hunters wouldn't say even if they were dead to prove that he's just an ordinary good citizen.

"Wow, I'm a big fan."

Hearing the fan's comment, Honeybee quickly changed her posture like a bee. She untied her hair and swept her long blonde locks out of her face, striking her signature CF pose, her locks fluttering in the heater breeze.

"Change your color!"
(TL/N: this part is written in English on the raw)

"Like this?

Ui-jae paused for a moment, but soon regained his composure. He even cheered, tapping the surface of the kimchi container like a drum.

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