The Hunter’s Gonna Lay Low
Chapter 35 Table of contents

As I trudged to the entrance of the makeshift center, I shoved my hands into my pockets.

What is this?

I took out something hard in my hand and examined it. And after making eye contact with the gentle Buddha again, I briefly remembered why I had put it in my pocket and not in a glove compartment. With a small sigh, the fan was placed in the street pocket.

As I approached the entrance, I was greeted by an employee standing in front of a container.

"Hello, sir. What brings you here?"

"I want to register as an Awakener."

"Please take a number here and wait a moment."

To my surprise, Min-ki was right about the lack of people; the only people in the makeshift center were the medical staff and government officials.

I took a numbered ticket from the machine, sat down on a plastic chair, and checked the digital clock on the wall. It's 3:02 p.m. The inspection itself shouldn't take long, so if I move quickly, I shouldn't have any problems with my evening business.

I'll take it to the Haejang-guk... As I closed my eyes and waited a while, my number was called.

"Number 93."

I went to the window and handed over my number ticket. The clerk placed the ticket in a plastic basket and asked.

"What brings you here?"

"I am here to register as an Awakened One."

"Congratulations on your awakening. How long have you been an Awakened?"

It's been 11 years. However, I had no choice but to lie because I would have been caught if I had been honest.

"It's been three days."

"Give me your ID and your cell phone number."

I gave my ID and my cell phone number. As the clerk entered the number, some documents were printed from the printer next to him. An employee who had completed the identification process handed over the documents and resident registration cards and gave me businesslike instructions.

"You only need to fill out the part marked with a highlighter here. Please write your name, resident registration number, cell phone number, and address. Please open your system window and fill in the description box. You don't have to write down all your skills, but you must write down one skill to show when you measure your skills."


"There's a pen over there. Please fill it out and give it back to me."

Eui-jae, who got up from the window and sat in a corner for a while, struggled with the pen. You can write down the address of the hangover soup restaurant... I was able to write down my personal information without difficulty. It was rather easy, because thorough management of the personal information of the Awakened was never done when J was active.

After getting up from the counter and sitting in the corner, I grabbed the pen and thought. For the address, I can write the Haejang-guk... Personal information was not difficult to write down. Keeping track of the personal information of the awakened was something that hadn't been done at all during J's time, so this part was rather easy.

The problem came next. I called up the system window, which I hadn't consciously checked for some time.

[Checking Cha Ui-ijae's information]
[Lots of information. Supports summary function]
[Will you read the summary?]
[When summarizing, traits and skills are displayed in order of increasing skill, up to a maximum of three].
[Enable summary].
[There is an item that makes ■■ impossible due to ■■]

When several of the system's information windows overlapped, I frowned slightly and then opened them again. Just because I hadn't lived through it didn't mean that eight years hadn't happened, so it would be like collecting eleven years of data.

After waiting a little longer, the summarized information appeared in the white window.

[Cha Ui-jae
Hunter name: J
Age: 2■
Sex: Male
Rating: A (currently under a weakening curse)
Traits: Basilisk Venom (S+), Muscle Strength (S+), Poker Face (B)
Unique Traits: Adept's Hands (S+), Sight (S+), ■■■■■■(?)
Title: ■■■ ■■■
Skill: Tracker's Eye (S+), Heart Penetration (S), Silent Steps (S)]

I quickly skimmed the information and stared blankly into space. Okay, so.

What the hell am I supposed to write...?

Skills were like a lifeline for hunters, so even if you had a low rank, a good skill was enough to make you a hunter.

As society stabilized and the position of the hunter increased, the Hunter Association, an interest group of hunters, argued that the disclosure of all skills possessed by individuals violated the Privacy Act. The Awakening Management Bureau responded that this was nonsense, but after a long battle, the Bureau backed down. The criteria has been changed so that all skills are not recorded when Awakened are registered.

As a result, the skills section of the Awakened registration form has been reduced to a single space, replaced by a space for you to list one skill that represents you, your signature skill.

That single skill becomes the Hunter's signature. Well, it didn't matter anyway, since the intention was to hide one's power and identity. But he had to demonstrate it, so he couldn't invent something that wasn't there. His eyes scanned the list.

[Tracker's Eye (S+)]

The ability to track and locate others was not a common skill. If it became known that I possessed it, I would be twice as annoying as I am now. Others.

[Heart Penetration (S)]

I can definitely penetrate the heart when I use it. It was also J's signature skill. If I write this while J is still alive, the Bureau will catch me. Excluded.

[Silent Steps (S)]

It allows for complete concealment when used, which is unlikely for a lower-ranked hunter. Excluded.

Other relatively low level skills were also full of ambiguities. At this point, all I could do was use my imagination and tell a decent lie. The problem is that my imagination is terrible.

What's something that's inconspicuous and easy to deceive?

What I'm good at is beating people up and holding on for dear life, but he can't beat people up because that's his signature skill.... I agonized for a long time and finally wrote down a skill.

Strong (D)

It strengthens the body and makes it strong.

First of all, I'll get hit. And I insist that it's a strong one that uses skills.

All I have is a strong body and a mill. That is when I switch to the tank class.

Choi Seok-yoon, a C-rank hunter from the Awakening Management Bureau. He was assigned to the temporary Awakening Registration Center in Gwangjin-gu because he was new.

It's a temporary center, and he'll be moving to the main building soon, so it was nice to have less work, but... he was bored because he had nothing to do. Recently, he even watched a season of dramas during work hours. If there was nothing special today, he could watch another season until the end.

Ding dong.

Choi Seok-yoon, who had stopped the video screen with the play button for a while and yawned until his mouth was torn apart, was surprised by the notification sound he heard for the first time in a long time and checked the monitor. It seemed that someone was finally coming to test his skills. He cleared his throat and raised his voice.

"Uh, come on in."

It was a tall young man in a gray hood who opened the door and walked in. Without hesitation, the young man approached Choi Seok-yoon and handed him the document. In fact, it was such a cool move that Choi Seok-yoon felt embarrassed. He was embarrassed for a moment and checked the document.

Name, Cha Ui-jae. Age, 28. Skill is... Is it strong? What's the name of the skill.

Choi Seok-yoon couldn't help but laugh. Well, there are quite a few people who can shoot if you look around Hunter Net a bit. He asked, scratching his temples with a pen.

"From the skill description, it looks like it's a tank-type skill that increases defense, right?"

"I think so, but I don't really... I don't know."

The young man trailed off. His voice sounded insecure, a far cry from the bold step he had taken when he first entered the room. Choi Seok-yoon looked at the young man, then back at the papers.

The date of the awakening... Three days ago? That's possible.

If it was a self-strengthening buff, it would be hard to feel it even if you used it alone. It's not an attack skill. Choi Seok-yoon shook his head and stood up.

"Wait a minute."

He took the dummy out of the corner and turned it on. The dummy, which looked like a woodcarving doll, creaked and stood upright. Choi Seok-yoon placed a wooden sword in the dummy's hand and gestured to Ui-jae.

"You just have to use your skill and take the attack. The blow will be delivered with the average attack power of a D-ranked Awakened, are you okay with that?"


"If you get hit and it hurts too much, please! You must tell me. I'll give you a recovery potion."


The young man's voice was still a bit shy, but it was very calm considering that he was about to be beaten by a dummy. Choi Seok-yoon was deeply impressed.

Your calmness is amazing.... Since you're the tank, a small or medium guild might take you right away.

And Cha Ui-jae...

I used my skill so I didn't get hit too hard, but I was still in pain, so I played a sick person.

I was preparing for a Hollywood action.

"Did you use your skills?"


"Then let's go."

When Choi Seok-yoon pressed the button, the doll raised its wooden sword and rushed at me. To my eyes, it was terribly slow, but it could not be avoided. I rolled my eyes along the slowly descending trajectory of the wooden sword. At this rate, it'll be a shoulder. As soon as the wooden sword hit my left shoulder, as I had expected,

Oh, wait.


I had a premonition when I heard an unusual sound. Something had gone wrong. I was expecting a heavier blow, not this light one. My anxious gaze flickered into the air.

Sure enough, the wooden sword that was supposed to be on his shoulder...


It flew into the air, split in half.

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