Martial Arts Ain’t That Big of a Deal
Chapter 68 Table of contents

Seo-jun slowly gave up on trying to understand the situation.

If most people saw the exchange happening in front of his eyes, they would likely do the same.

"Is this even possible...? How did this even...?"

"Oh my, now I understand why Young Hero praised them so much."

An even exchange between a chest and a cheek.

Sure, touching a cheek in public wouldn’t attract much attention, but a chest was different.

People in the inn were clearly trying not to stare, yet their eyes were inevitably drawn to Namgung Sua's chest as Chunbong’s hand squished it.

‘The "Mad" in the title should be attached to these two, not me,’ Seo-jun thought idly, revealing a bit of his Qi.

At the sudden pressure, people quickly averted their gazes.

Honestly, acting like this in public was probably wrong, but still, they were staring way too obviously.

Seo-jun grabbed his throbbing head and stood up.

“Well, since it seems no one needs any more rest, shall we get going to Hao Gate?”

“Hehe, shall we, Young Hero?”

Namgung Sua adjusted her disheveled robe and stood up.

Chunbong, still reeling from the shock, was absentmindedly squeezing the air with her hand.

Seeing her, Seo-jun sighed.

“You too, seriously? Why are you doing that in front of so many people?”



“It was amazing. You should try it—no, wait. Don’t.”

“What even is that?”

Shaking his head, Seo-jun quickly left the inn.

It wasn’t easy.

“Now, let’s see…”

Recalling the way to Hao Gate, the first thing Seo-jun noticed was a large hole in the top-floor wall.

“What the…?”

It had been crudely patched with wooden boards, but there was no way to completely hide it.

“What could have happened here?” Namgung Sua wondered aloud.

“I have no idea…”

Frowning, Seo-jun headed for the main entrance.

Since business seemed to be running as usual, it didn’t appear to be anything serious.

“Ah, you’ve returned. Are you here to see the Lady of Hao Gate again?”

The woman they had met previously approached them with a slight bow. Her attitude seemed a little friendlier than before.

“Yes, but what’s with the hole over there?”

“Oh, just another common act of violence from a martial artist.”

“I see.”

These martial artists… They’re something else.

Seo-jun shook his head as he continued walking.

“Should we go to the top floor?”

“Please wait a moment.”

A man descended from the upper floor and made some gestures toward the woman.

Nodding, the woman spoke again.

“The Lady will be coming down.”

“Really? She’s actually going to show her face?”

“It’s better if her identity remains as discreet as possible.”

“I see.”

It sounded like she was asking him not to go around telling people that she was the Lady of Hao Gate.

After a short wait—less than five minutes, by Seo-jun’s estimate—a well-dressed man appeared, descending the stairs.

“This is my first time seeing you in person, Guang-ah-lang.”

The man flashed a mysterious smile and greeted both Chunbong and Namgung Sua.

Seo-jun, staring at him for a moment, tilted his head.

“You look surprisingly normal.”

“I wasn’t hiding my face because I’m ugly.”

“Hmm, true. …Ah, that’s it. You look exactly like a playboy.”


The man, who had momentarily massaged his forehead, sighed.

He was beginning to understand what kind of person Guang-ah-lang was.

That wasn’t meant as an insult. Seo-jun simply had no filter between his thoughts and his mouth.

He probably thought he was giving a compliment.

“It's not an insult—I’m saying you’re handsome.”

See? It really was a compliment.

The man let out a dry laugh.

“You’re one to talk. You look like a playboy yourself.”


“Well, that’s enough about looks. You can call me Hyeon-wol.”


Seo-jun glanced around the inn.

Isn’t this place called Hyeon-wol Gate? Does he even care about hiding his identity?

His thoughts must have been written all over his face because Hyeon-wol grinned.

“It’s better to be bold. People are less likely to suspect you.”

“Is that so…?”

“That’s how it is. Now, follow me. I’ll take you somewhere nice.”

Hyeon-wol began leading the way.

Seo-jun scratched his head.

“Why not just stay here?”

“I’ve been cooped up here for too long. Even you would start itching to get outside after being stuck in one place. It’s not often I get a chance like this.”

“Ah, I see.”

Seo-jun nodded, and Hyeon-wol smiled. His gaze briefly swept over Chunbong and Namgung Sua before returning to Seo-jun.

“Also, if you stayed here drinking with the courtesans, I don’t think you’d make it out alive.”

“I don’t usually drink myself into a stupor. I react quickly to surprise attacks.”

“Oh, is that so? Well then, let’s go.”

The place Hyeon-wol took them was another inn, located beside a large river.

“This river is a tributary of the Yellow River. Do you see those boats?”

At the tip of Hyeon-wol’s finger, a few boats floated on the river.

“Drinking on the river is an experience like no other. Soon the sun will set, and a little later we can enjoy the moonlit view. If this isn’t paradise, what is?”


Seo-jun, intrigued, followed Hyeon-wol. The latter laughed heartily.

“Haha! So you appreciate good times, too. Let’s go!”

As expected from the owner of Hyeon-wol Gate.

It seemed that Hyeon-wol had already made arrangements, quickly securing a boat with all the necessary supplies for a drinking party.

Most of the boats on the river were small ferries, so Seo-jun had expected their boat to be small as well, but it was surprisingly large.

“Oh, wow…!”

Chunbong stood by the railing, staring at the river in amazement.

“It’s floating…! This big thing is actually floating!”

What is this kid trying to do, kill me with cuteness?

The amount of adorableness was reaching lethal levels.

Clutching his chest in agony, Seo-jun heard Namgung Sua chuckle beside him.

“She’s so cute, I almost want to adopt her as my little sister.”

“Hold up, Chunbong’s my little sister. You can’t have her.”

“Then I’ll just be your Nuna, right?”


Seo-jun’s exaggerated reaction drew a dry laugh from Hyeon-wol, who was walking over with some courtesans.

“You all certainly live interesting lives.”

“Wait, why are there courtesans?”

“What, did you think you’d be the only one enjoying the company of beautiful women? I need someone to pour my drinks, too.”

“I see.”

Seo-jun, somewhat convinced, followed Hyeon-wol and sat down.

The courtesans took their seats on either side of Hyeon-wol, while Namgung Sua sat on Seo-jun’s right.

Chunbong, meanwhile, was excitedly exploring the boat.

“Let’s have a drink. I’ll cover the costs today, so drink to your heart’s content.”

Hyeon-wol poured the first round, and Seo-jun, taking the bottle, filled Hyeon-wol’s and Namgung Sua’s cups.

Then, the courtesans offered their cups, giving Seo-jun expectant looks.

“What about us, Young Master?”

“You’ll pour for us too, right?”

Seo-jun subtly passed the bottle back to Hyeon-wol, who laughed heartily.

“Haha! Fine, I’ll pour for them instead.”

Hyeon-wol poured drinks for the courtesans as well and raised his cup.

“A single petal flies and spring recedes. The wind blows countless petals, and worry fills the heart. The flowers are fading from sight, so let’s not fret over much and drink deeply.”


“It means forget your troubles and drink.”

“Oh… That sounds pretty sophisticated.”

“That’s why you learn poetry.”

Laughing out loud, Hyeon-wol downed his drink in one go.

Seo-jun followed suit, emptying his cup in a single gulp.

“Ah… that burns.”

“You’re still young.”

“We’re probably not that far apart in age…”

“Is that so? Well, thank you.”

Leaning back in his chair, Hyeon-wol let out a deep sigh.

“Did you see the hole in the inn wall?”

“Uh… are we talking about that here?”

Seo-jun glanced toward the courtesans, and Hyeon-wol nodded.

“It’s fine. They’re part of Hao Gate as well.”

“Oh, I see. Anyway, I did notice the hole. What happened?”

“Some crazy old man broke it. Turns out he was a big deal. Ever heard of the Soul-Stealing Demon, Hyeok Mu-gang?”

“I’ve smashed his head before.”

“…Excuse me for a moment. I don’t think I’m drunk yet.”

Hyeon-wol exchanged glances with the courtesans, who burst into laughter and nodded.

“You heard him right.”

“Well, I’ll be damned.”

Hyeon-wol casually pulled the courtesans close, wrapping his arms around their shoulders.

Seo-jun couldn’t help but be impressed.

“Wow, you really live like a playboy.”

“…Is that supposed to be a compliment?”

“Of course not.”

“I see.”

Namgung Sua interjected with a sly smile.

“Young Hero, are you jealous?”


“That’s a shame.”

With a soft laugh, Namgung Sua backed off.

Hyeon-wol let out a faint chuckle.

“I was going to give you a warning, but since the Soul-Stealing Demon is already dead, there’s no need.”

“He was actually a nice old man.”

“…That demonic fiend?”

“Yeah. He was really generous.”

“Is that what you call it? I suppose crazies understand each other.”

“What did you just say?”

“Haha! Just joking.”

Stretching out his arm, Hyeon-wol pointed toward the horizon.

“The sun’s setting.”

Turning to look, Seo-jun saw the sun dipping below the horizon, casting an orange glow over the river.

Admiring the beautiful scene, Seo-jun called out.

“Hey, Chunbong! Stop playing around and come here! You’ll regret missing this!”

“Huh? What is it?”

Chunbong scurried over and, upon seeing the river bathed in the golden twilight, her mouth fell open.


“Beautiful, isn’t it?”

“…Yeah. Hehe.”

Chunbong giggled as she plopped down next to Seo-jun.

“Want a drink?”

“Ew, no thanks.”

“Alright, alright. You stick to water. We grown-ups will drink.”

“What the heck, you jerk?”

Chunbong angrily grabbed a cup, but remembering how she passed out the last time she drank, she quietly set it back down.

Laughing, Seo-jun raised his cup.

His glass, already filled, shimmered with clear liquor.

“Let’s have a drink, then.”

“Do you know any poetry?”

“Poetry? Hmm… A star for my mother, a star for Chunbong… Nah, let’s just drink.”

“Haha! Alright then.”

“Cheers, Nuna.”


Clinking her glass against his, Namgung Sua chuckled softly.

“Yes, cheers.”

“Hey! What about me?”

“Oh, our dear Chunbong wants in too. Cheers to you!”

Seo-jun clinked his glass against Chunbong’s water cup with a smile.


In other words, bottoms up.

Seo-jun downed his drink and let out a laugh.

Good liquor, good food, good company.

The martial world wasn’t such a bad place after all.


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