As we approached the tower, the sight of the majestic structure filled us with anticipation.
It loomed over the surrounding landscape, a tall, imposing fortress against the sky, adorned with intricate designs that hinted at the mysteries within.
“Wow... it’s even more magnificent up close!” Raphne exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
“Yeah, I can’t believe we’re finally here!” Emily added, bouncing on her feet.
Mary looked around, her gaze serious as she surveyed the area. “We should remain cautious. We don’t know what challenges lie within.”
Adrian nodded in agreement. “Exactly. It’s important that we stay vigilant and work together. No more recklessness.”
“Right!” I affirmed, feeling the weight of our responsibility as adventurers.
57.2 and 58.1 are missing, well, I’m grateful for the translation, it’s a tad sad to spend coins on an incomplete chapter and missing chapters