After the Secrets of the Passerby Were Leaked, He…
Chapter 69 Table of contents

When Zhang Qiran wakes up tomorrow, Ye Leyao has no idea how he’ll react; he only knows that Zhang Qiran’s fans have already lost it before him.

As early as when Zhang Qiran shouted “What’s there for me to like about you?” at Song Zhehan, sharp-eyed netizens and fans sensed something was off.

But at that time, they had too little information and didn’t know the full story.

So, the cautious onlookers held back and decided to stay put.

The only ones truly emotional were Zhang Qiran’s fans. After a brief moment of chaos, the fans were somewhat breaking down:

—”It’s not like that, brother. Do you even know what you’re saying?”

—”Can someone come and quickly shut my brother’s mouth? I don’t want to hear him keep talking…”

—”God, seeing everyone’s reactions, could it be that what brother is saying is actually true?”

—”This doesn’t look fake at all! You guys know about the saying ‘truth comes out when you’re drunk,’ right?”

—”We’re done, we’re done. Zhang Qiran needs to stop talking. If he keeps going, I have a feeling I won’t be able to hold my head up in front of other fans ever again…”

As the saying goes, the more you fear something, the more likely it is to happen.

Soon enough, Zhang Qiran’s fans were hit with a series of comments that made them feel utterly faint—

Fans could still accept the whole medicine-buying and endorsement-blocking thing. After all, they didn’t buy the medicine, and Zhang Qiran didn’t actually accept the endorsement. Zhang Qiran didn’t suffer any losses, so neither did they.

But what they couldn’t accept at all was that, to prevent Song Zhehan’s hard work from going to waste, Zhang Qiran selflessly wasted his own time and let his own efforts go down the drain!

So, you knew your drama wouldn’t air, but you still couldn’t turn down the role at that time?

Was Zhang Qiran worried that even if he had turned down the role, Song Zhehan would still take it?

If this isn’t being love-blind, then what is?

And don’t even mention Lu Cheng.

Eight months!

It’s been a full eight months since the show’s recording!

And you still remember that Lu Cheng hugged Song Zhehan? Do you even remember exactly where Lu Cheng’s hands were placed?

After all this, Zhang Qiran, you still stubbornly cry and shout that you don’t like Song Zhehan anymore?

—”If you don’t like him, why are you crying? Shouting? Drinking?”

—”If you don’t like Song Zhehan, then let his fans like him, right?”

—”If this isn’t called loving deeply, then what is?”

Of course, the most outrageous part of all this is the behavior of today’s shameless netizens.

Not only did they edit and cut this whole segment into a recording, but they also added different background music for each of Zhang Qiran’s different lines.

Zhang Qiran, crying and shouting: “Song Zhehan is such a big liar!”

Background music: *Remember you told me to forget~ Remember you told me to forget~~ You said you would cry, but not because you care~~*①

Zhang Qiran, crying: “I really hate Song Zhehan the most!”

Background music: *You said you loved someone you shouldn’t have, and your heart is full of scars~~~*②

Zhang Qiran, pitifully: “I never want to like Song Zhehan again!”

Background music: *If this doesn’t count as love~~~*③

As soon as the video was uploaded, it was crazily shared by countless netizens, and some even directly tagged Zhang Qiran and Song Zhehan underneath.

—“Husband, say something, husband, are you satisfied with this video?”

—“Teacher Gou Shi, look, Zhang Qiran really likes you!”

—“Teacher Gou Shi, why have you been so quiet tonight? Is it because you don’t want to talk?”

Even worse, some netizens with incredibly fast internet speeds transcribed all of Zhang Qiran’s crying and shouting and instantly made it into a reading comprehension exercise.

Other netizens eagerly answered the questions in the comments.

—“‘I don’t like you anymore’—this sentence’s hidden meaning is that I still like you. Not only do I like you, I like you very, very much!”

—“Based on Zhang Qiran’s hoarse tone at the time, ‘hate’ actually equals ‘like.’ So, translating ‘I hate Song Zhehan’ means ‘I like him.’”

—“So to sum it all up, all these words boil down to just one sentence: ‘Song Zhehan, I still like you!’”

Zhang Qiran’s fans were furious, directly shouting:

—“Damn it! I’m going to call the police and have all of you arrested!”

—“Stop editing! Stop editing! Zhang Qiran has already cried all night on my Weibo homepage. If I keep seeing him cry, I’m going to cry too, wuwuwu—”

—“We fans are already this miserable, we’ve directly become Gotham’s clowns! Can you please let us go?!”

The shameless netizens couldn’t hold it in anymore and burst into laughter.

But as they laughed, some netizens sighed and said:

—“So, since you like him this much, Zhang Qiran, why can’t you just be a little braver?”

—“He has been brave! Didn’t he just confess to Song Zhehan in front of the entire nation?”

—“Sigh, jokes aside, I actually understand Zhang Qiran. After all, the person he likes isn’t just anyone; it’s Teacher Gou Shi, who has taken down everyone in the entertainment industry. It really does take some courage to confess privately.”

—“Stop it! Now I feel even worse for Zhang Qiran!”

—“+1. Watching him cry made my heart soft. My tears are cheap, wuwuwu…”

—“But on the other hand, Zhang Qiran’s confession really threw our Teacher Gou Shi for a loop!”

Who wouldn’t agree?

At this point, Song Zhehan’s fans finally passionately spoke up:

—“If you look closely at the edit, ever since our Teacher Gou Shi decided to be true to himself, when has he ever explained himself to anyone?”

—“Exactly! Not only did he explain why he didn’t recognize Zhang Qiran, but he also handed him a tissue! Even though he still scolded Zhang Qiran, it was already pretty gentle, okay?”

—“Right, right, and all the old fans of Teacher Gou Shi know he has a cleanliness obsession. But look, Zhang Qiran got drunk and leaned half his body on him, and he didn’t push him away! What does that mean—?”

A netizen quickly replied:

—“It means I’ve completely lost my mind shipping them!”

Other netizens eagerly commented:

—“Not gonna lie, they’re really kind of cute together.”

—“Enemies who fall in love and end up as a couple, hehe…”

—“Is it sweet?”

Even though some netizens started shipping them as a couple, most remained clear-headed.

—“Although, I think Song Zhehan just sees Zhang Qiran as an old friend.”

—“Yes, after all, I haven’t seen any signs of love in Teacher Gou Shi’s eyes so far.”

—“But what is certain is that Teacher Gou Shi has truly let go of the past. He should be able to become friends with Zhang Qiran again, right?”

This comment sparked the most discussion.

Some netizens thought that Song Zhehan could let go of past grudges and be friends with Zhang Qiran again, but Zhang Qiran might not be willing.

After all, he’s liked Song Zhehan for so long. How could he be completely free of feelings and go back to just being friends?

Another group of netizens believed that being friends isn’t so bad; it’s better than them being enemies, right?

Even if they can’t be together, at least Zhang Qiran has expressed his feelings for Song Zhehan, and he won’t have any regrets.

The two groups analyzed back and forth, but ultimately couldn’t reach a conclusion. However, one thing they couldn’t deny was that after all the analysis, everyone felt even more sympathy for Zhang Qiran.

After all, unrequited love is truly painful.

And Zhang Qiran’s genuine affection for Song Zhehan shouldn’t be reduced to mere gossip.

Of course, the initial intent behind the teasing and gossiping wasn’t to mock Zhang Qiran. Some netizens even saw a bit of themselves in him.


Even though they sympathized, they weren’t going to stop enjoying the fun because of it!

They were genuinely looking forward to seeing what kind of reaction Zhang Qiran would have tomorrow morning!

And that’s how tonight’s viral trending topic came about.

The lights in the villa were already off, but the gossip-hungry netizens were still hanging around the livestream.

All the other guests had gone to sleep, but the lights in the living room of Song Zhehan’s suite were still on.

Ye Leyao, having followed the gossip until now, couldn’t resist his curiosity and clicked into the livestream.

As soon as he entered, he saw the comments scrolling by:

—“How many minutes ago did Song Zhehan go in?”

—“Three minutes ago!”

—“He still hasn’t come out?”

—“Oh, the door’s opening! He’s out!”

On screen, Song Zhehan came out of Zhang Qiran’s room and quietly closed the door behind him.

He seemed a bit tired, rubbing his temples, then his eyes moved slightly upward, landing on the camera in the living room.

Ye Leyao blinked:

[Hmm? Is Song Zhehan going to turn off the camera?]

Just as he said that, Song Zhehan walked quickly towards the camera, then out of nowhere, a piece of clothing dropped down, completely covering the camera.

The livestream chat:

—“!!! Come on, Teacher Gou Shi! Don’t be so stingy!”

—“Ahhhhhh, I want to see, I need to see, let me see!!!”

—“I’m gonna throw a fit, really throw a fit, what’s there that we can’t see?”


What’s there that we can’t see?

Ye Leyao echoed the same question as the chat.

With the camera covered, a large portion of the viewers immediately left the livestream.

Ye Leyao sighed helplessly and was about to exit the stream and head to bed.

Just then, he heard the sound of a car downstairs.

Unable to resist his curiosity, Ye Leyao got up and took a look outside, spotting Zhang Qiran’s manager and assistant hastily arriving downstairs.

[Finally, they’re here. Now Teacher Gou Shi can get some rest.]

Ye Leyao let out a long yawn and slowly walked back to his room, lying down again.

Because of the events that happened tonight, the director team decided to give the guests a half-day off in the morning, which meant Ye Leyao could sleep in!

A smile crept onto Ye Leyao’s face as he put on his earplugs and eye mask, closing his eyes.

Sweet dreams.

When Ye Leyao opened his eyes again, it was already 10 a.m. It was late, so he didn’t dawdle, quickly getting up, changing clothes, and heading downstairs.

When he reached the dining room, Ye Leyao glanced around and saw that everyone was there except for Zhang Qiran.

Huo Yan waved at Ye Leyao and pointed at the porridge and breakfast on the table: “Just heat it up and you’re good to eat.”

Ye Leyao nodded and carried his porridge into the kitchen.

Coincidentally, Qin Yao was there and reached out his hand: “I’ll heat it for you. Want some oat milk?”

Ye Leyao thought for a moment, then nodded.

Qin Yao put Ye Leyao’s porridge into the microwave and picked up a nearby cup, pouring him a glass of oat milk.

The milk was still warm, with small oats floating on top. Ye Leyao took a small sip and found the texture rich, with the added taste of nuts.

Ye Leyao liked it a lot and drank more than half of it in one go.

Qin Yao glanced back: “Like it?”

Ye Leyao nodded: “Mm, it’s delicious. I think I had milk with this flavor when I was little, but when I grew up, I couldn’t find the same flavor anymore.”

A soft smile appeared in Qin Yao’s eyes: “I made it myself. There’s plenty more.”

Ye Leyao’s eyes lit up: “Then I’ll have another cup later!”

When the microwave beeped, Ye Leyao’s porridge was ready.

Qin Yao took Ye Leyao’s cup and refilled it with milk.

Ye Leyao brought his porridge to the table himself.

After a few sips, Li Siyuan suddenly came over to Ye Leyao: “Did you bump into Zhang Qiran when you came down?”

Ye Leyao paused mid-sip: “Huh? Did Zhang Qiran run off again?”

His voice was quite loud, and for a moment, all eyes turned toward him.

Song Zhehan glanced at Ye Leyao briefly before quickly looking away.

Ye Leyao hurriedly looked to Qin Yao for help.

Qin Yao, meanwhile, poured himself a glass of milk and sat down beside Ye Leyao: “His manager’s morning response was that he’d attend the recording as usual.”

“So, he’s still not up?” Ye Leyao turned his gaze to Song Zhehan.

This gaze was impossible to ignore.

Song Zhehan was looking down at his phone when he noticed Ye Leyao’s stare. He frowned immediately but didn’t even lift his head: “Ye Leyao, didn’t I already tell you? Stop staring at me so much.”

Ye Leyao wasn’t the least bit afraid of Song Zhehan’s threat. He blinked: “I’m just curious, okay? After all, you’re sharing a room with Zhang Qiran. Is he up yet?”

Song Zhehan didn’t miss a beat: “If you’re that curious, why don’t you go check for yourself?”

Ye Leyao thought Song Zhehan made a very valid point, so he finished the rest of his porridge in one gulp and grabbed Li Siyuan’s hand: “Come on, let’s go together.”

Li Siyuan didn’t budge: “Isn’t this a bit inappropriate?”

“What’s inappropriate about it?” Ye Leyao turned to look at Huo Yan, “Second Brother, are you coming?”

Of course, Huo Yan was going.

Without hesitation, he stood up and even gave himself a proper excuse: “It’s nearly noon now, and we have to leave soon. We should go wake Zhang Qiran up.”

With Huo Yan joining in, Li Siyuan stopped resisting.

As the elevator doors closed, Zhou Zijian glanced across the table at Song Zhehan: “He’ll probably have a headache after waking up from the hangover. Should we get some medicine from the director’s team?”

Song Zhehan’s fingers paused for a second while texting. He suddenly lifted his head and stared directly at Zhou Zijian, raising a smile: “Brother Zhou, what are you trying to test?”

Zhou Zijian: “…”

Wen Xiangyue gave Zhou Zijian a reproachful look.

She had warned him not to meddle, but he just had to.

Zhou Zijian quickly explained, “Xiao Song, I didn’t mean anything by it. It’s just that, since we still have half a day of recording, I thought…”

“I think I brought some hangover pills. I’ll go give some to Zhang Qiran,” Qian Yue suddenly spoke up, interrupting Zhou Zijian.

Zhou Zijian let out a sigh of relief.

Song Zhehan glanced at Qian Yue before looking down again.

Qian Yue shrugged and was about to press the elevator button when Song Zhehan finally spoke: “No need. His manager prepared some for him last night. They’re right on the bedside table. Unless he’s blind, he’ll see them.”

Qian Yue’s footsteps paused.

Zhou Zijian’s eyes lit up immediately, and he hurriedly gave the others a meaningful look.

Wen Xiangyue slapped his hand in annoyance.

“Don’t make your gossiping face too obvious!”

Wen Xiangyue then looked at Song Zhehan, who was still in the same position as before, as if he hadn’t noticed the other guests’ gossipy glances at all.

Upstairs, Ye Leyao and the others were unaware of what was happening downstairs. Once they entered the north suite on the third floor, Li Siyuan gestured for Ye Leyao to knock on the door.

After all, Ye Leyao was the one who suggested waking up Zhang Qiran, so of course, knocking on the door should be his responsibility.

Ye Leyao had no choice but to brace himself and knock on the door.

After a while, there was still no sound from inside.

Ye Leyao turned back, confused, and looked at the two of them. “Could it be that he’s still not awake?”

Huo Yan thought for a moment. “How about we open the door and take a look?”

Although Zhang Qiran had gotten drunk last night, they were still filming a show, so nothing too awkward should have happened.

Just as Ye Leyao was about to open the door, it was opened from the inside.

“Who is it?” Zhang Qiran’s hoarse voice sounded, and then he appeared, sticking out his messy head. His pale face was contrasted by a pair of particularly swollen eyes.

Seeing Zhang Qiran, Ye Leyao couldn’t help but be reminded of the events from last night. His lips involuntarily started to curve upward. He tried hard to suppress his smile, took a deep breath, and asked, “Did you… just wake up?”

Zhang Qiran nodded, then opened the door wider. “Am I late?”

“Yes, you’re the only one who hasn’t gotten up yet,” Li Siyuan observed for a moment and said.

Zhang Qiran muttered an “oh” and took a few steps back inside. “Then please wait a moment while I go change.”

Ye Leyao and the others felt it inappropriate to go inside, so they sat on the sofa in the living room.

[Judging by Zhang Qiran’s reaction, could it be that he forgot everything from last night?]

Ye Leyao couldn’t help but turn to Huo Yan and ask, “Second Brother, didn’t someone once get you drunk too? When you woke up, did you also…?”

Huo Yan immediately covered Ye Leyao’s mouth with his hand, gritting his teeth, “Ye Leyao!”

Li Siyuan is still here!

Couldn’t he be more mindful of the situation?

However, Li Siyuan quickly caught on and suddenly understood, saying, “Was it Su Rui who got you drunk?”

Huo Yan: “…”

Ye Leyao struggled to free his mouth and quickly apologized, “Second Brother, I didn’t mean to!”

Huo Yan closed his eyes and pretended to be dead.

Li Siyuan couldn’t help but chuckle, but he still pursued the topic, “So it’s true that people forget things after they get drunk? Otherwise, Su Rui wouldn’t have been able to take advantage of you, right?”

Huo Yan took a deep breath. “How could anyone really forget? Being drunk is just temporary. Alcohol dulls your body’s control, but it doesn’t affect your mind. Remembering is just a matter of time!”

“Besides, I didn’t fall for Su Rui’s tricks; I was just—”

Li Siyuan turned to Ye Leyao and said, “Your brother seems a bit anxious.”

Ye Leyao pressed his lips together and nodded, his movements small and cautious.

Huo Yan: “…”

One day, Ye Leyao will be the death of him!

The coat covering the camera in the third-floor living room had already been taken down. Now, not only could the audience see the three of them bantering through the livestream, but even the guests downstairs couldn’t help but secretly pull out their phones and open the stream.

Song Zhehan put away his phone, just as Li Siyuan’s voice came through Xia Yang’s phone.

Xia Yang: “…”

He forgot to use headphones.

Song Zhehan only glanced at Xia Yang and quickly averted his gaze. Sweeping the room with his eyes, he noticed that nearly all the guests were watching something on their phones.

There was no need to guess what they were watching.

Song Zhehan calmly stood up, smiling as he said, “I’m heading upstairs to change clothes. Do any of you want to go join the fun?”

Everyone: “…”

Well, it’s not exactly going to join the fun…

Liu Yan was the first to say, “I’ll pass.”

Watching the stream downstairs was just as good.

Qian Yue feigned ignorance. “Why would we go upstairs just to watch you change clothes?”

Xia Yang wished he could bury his head in the couch. Why didn’t he think to put on headphones earlier!

Song Zhehan looked at Zhou Zijian next.

Zhou Zijian didn’t even dare to meet his eyes.

Song Zhehan smiled faintly, then turned and headed toward the elevator.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps behind him.

He turned around and found Qin Yao walking over, carrying a thermos.

Song Zhehan raised an eyebrow slightly. “Seems like President Qin is feeling rather leisurely.”

Qin Yao smiled slightly. “Not really. I just remembered that it’s best to drink warm water when taking medicine, so I figured I’d head upstairs with you.”

Song Zhehan’s gaze briefly lingered on the thermos in his hand for a couple of seconds before he looked away. Yet, for some reason, the previously relaxed space between his eyebrows subtly tensed.

Qin Yao withdrew his gaze and pressed the button for the third floor.

Seeing that Qin Yao and Song Zhehan were heading upstairs, Ye Leyao’s eyes immediately widened.

[Why is Song Zhehan coming up?]

[Could it be that he’s concerned about Zhang Qiran but too embarrassed to say it?]

Before Ye Leyao could speak, he saw Song Zhehan walk right past them toward his own room. A second later, the door closed behind him.

Ye Leyao looked at Huo Yan and Li Siyuan, then turned to Qin Yao.

Qin Yao placed the thermos on the coffee table in the living room and explained, “He came upstairs to change clothes.”

Li Siyuan curled his lips. “Didn’t he just change this morning? What’s he running upstairs to change into now?”

In his mind, this was clearly just an excuse!

But Ye Leyao didn’t think so, knowing that Song Zhehan really had a bit of a cleanliness obsession.

The group sat back down on the sofa, and just then, Zhang Qiran came out, having changed his clothes and tidied up his messy hair. Looking a little dazed, he walked over.

Seeing the four people on the sofa, Zhang Qiran’s expression changed slightly. “We’re about to set off already? Have you all been waiting for me? I’m so sorry, I don’t know why I just couldn’t wake up today…”

Ye Leyao noticed his misunderstanding and explained, “No rush, we still have an hour before we set off.”

Zhang Qiran paused for a moment, looking confused. “But I just checked the time, and it’s already half-past eleven. Why is the departure so late today?”

Ye Leyao and Huo Yan exchanged glances.

[It seems like he really doesn’t remember anything?]

[Should we remind him?]

[But if we remind him directly, won’t Zhang Qiran be too embarrassed to show his face?]

While Ye Leyao was troubled, Li Siyuan spoke up, “You don’t remember?”

Zhang Qiran’s red, swollen eyes showed a hint of confusion. “I… I have a bit of a headache.”

No, or rather, it should be said he has an extremely severe headache.

As soon as Zhang Qiran opened his eyes earlier, he noticed the pain was unusual.

But he didn’t think too much about it and just got up to open the door.

Even while brushing his teeth and changing clothes, he was still in a daze.

After hesitating for a second, Zhang Qiran finally spoke, “Am I… sick? Or…”

At that moment, the door to the opposite room was suddenly pulled open. Song Zhehan, already dressed in new clothes, stood in the doorway. Hearing Zhang Qiran’s words, he smiled slightly and directly asked, “Do you not remember what you did last night?”

Zhang Qiran stared blankly at Song Zhehan and began to recall last night’s events.

“I remember we came back very late last night, so the production team prepared hot pot and barbecue for us. After eating half, we started drinking… drinking—”

The subsequent events flashed rapidly through Zhang Qiran’s mind. His eyes widened in shock, and within a few seconds, his face turned entirely pale with fear, his ears flushed, and even his neck and face turned bright red.

Seeing his reaction, everyone had a hard time suppressing their smiles.

[It seems like he remembers now…]

[At this point, we must remain quiet and not provoke Zhang Qiran.]

Unfortunately, Song Zhehan couldn’t hear Ye Leyao’s thoughts and directly asked, “Do you remember now?”

Zhang Qiran stood there, stunned, before finally managing to speak, “I… I think I had a nightmare.”

A nightmare that would haunt him for a lifetime!

Ye Leyao found it hard to hold back his laughter.

Li Siyuan was also covering his face, his shoulders shaking with laughter.

Zhang Qiran could see the reactions of the others. How could he not understand?

His breathing became rapid, his face reddened, and even his hands began to tremble slightly.

What was happening?

Was it possible that everything he had said in front of everyone about Song Zhehan being a scum wasn’t a dream?

He really…

Couldn’t be true, right?

So last night when he saw his manager and assistant, that wasn’t a dream either?

Oh, and when he was in the room, holding onto Song Zhehan’s arm and insisting that he must take responsibility.

Zhang Qiran’s vision darkened, and he found it hard to breathe. He took a large step backward.

He needed to find a place to hide!

Song Zhehan suddenly stepped forward quickly and grabbed Zhang Qiran’s arm before he could retreat any further. He leaned in slightly to meet Zhang Qiran’s gaze, his eyes smiling, and burst Zhang Qiran’s last bit of hope. “Xiang Yang, you didn’t dream it.”

Hearing the familiar name from Song Zhehan’s lips, Zhang Qiran wished he could just disappear on the spot.

The next second, he yanked his arm away, his face redder than his eyes, and in a fit of anger and embarrassment, shouted, “You—get out!”

But Song Zhehan was quicker. He blocked the door with his hand.

Zhang Qiran’s attempt to close the door faltered, and he was so frightened that sweat appeared on his nose.

Song Zhehan smiled. “Why are you getting angry so early in the morning? I wasn’t even upset when you vomited all over me.”

The four people behind him had their eyes wide open.

[He even vomited on Song Zhehan?]

“Is that true?” Huo Yan asked.

Li Siyuan replied, “I don’t know!”

Qin Yao whispered, “It probably didn’t happen.”

The living room camera was covered up late last night by Song Zhehan, and the director said he didn’t see Song Zhehan change clothes.

Ye Leyao realized.

*Since he didn’t vomit on him, Song Zhehan must be…]

Then everyone watched as Song Zhehan took out his phone and displayed a QR code.

Zhang Qiran’s eyes were now devoid of light, as if his soul had left his body, standing there in a daze.

“Scan it,” Song Zhehan said impatiently.

Zhang Qiran snapped back to reality with a hint of fear, his gaze briefly falling on Song Zhehan’s face before quickly averting it. He nervously took another small step back. “Scan, scan what?”

“Scan the code to transfer money,” Song Zhehan said.


“What do you mean, ‘ah’?” Song Zhehan raised an eyebrow, “Aren’t you supposed to compensate me for a piece of clothing?”

Zhang Qiran let out a realization, slowly took out his phone, and after a beep, trembled with confusion, “Why isn’t it a payment code?”

“It’s a large amount. Just add me on WeChat and transfer it directly,” Song Zhehan said.

Zhang Qiran added him and asked, “Added. How much?”

Song Zhehan replied, “Fifty-two thousand.”

Zhang Qiran looked up in shock. “So expensive?”

Song Zhehan looked at him and nodded seriously. “Yes.”

Zhang Qiran dared not meet Song Zhehan’s eyes. He looked down, entered 52,000, and confirmed the payment with facial recognition.

Song Zhehan checked the transfer on his phone screen with satisfaction, then finally took a step back. He glanced at the four people on the sofa who were watching intently and remembered something as he turned back. “There’s hangover medicine on your bedside table. Remember to take it and come down quickly. We’re about to set off.”

After saying this, Song Zhehan walked towards the four people, smiling with a friendly expression. “Are you all leaving?”

Ye Leyao was the first to stand up, smiling with satisfaction. “Let’s go!”

[Zhang Qiran has just learned the truth; he needs a bit of time to adjust.]


Ye Leyao glanced at Song Zhehan in front of him and then turned to Qin Yao beside him. “Fifty-two thousand.”

[What kind of price tag is that for a shirt!]

Qin Yao smiled.

Li Siyuan said, “Tsk tsk tsk, really an old fox.”

The five of them left the suite. Before they could head towards the elevator, a heart-wrenching and utterly despairing scream came from the room they had just exited—

“Ahhhhh, oh my god!!! How can I possibly continue living in this world ahhhh!!!”

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