The God of War Returns and Spices Up Life With Ma…
Chapter 22 Table of contents

Why did it feel like neither of them was thinking clearly???

At this point in time, there was no way to get a taxi from Thirteen Lane. They had to get to the opposite intersection after crossing a street. 

At the beginning, Ren Xingliu was still clinging onto Bai Juanqiu. After walking for a while, he found it inconvenient, so he stood back up and said firmly, “It’s best if I walk on my own.”

Bai Juanqiu felt the weight off of his hand, gave him a silent look and asked, “You can walk on your own?”

“Sure I can.” With justice on Ren Xingliu’s side, he said in an assertive tone, “But it takes effort, and I felt so tired.”

He was still under the alcohol’s influence, but not drunk to oblivion. 

He could walk, but he didn’t want to walk on his own.

In fact, after his years of transmigration, he had mastered the way of restraining his young master demeanor. Even if he got drunk, he could still control his behavior.

But for some reason, as soon as he saw Bai Juanqiu, he couldn’t resist acting shamelessly.

He went through an analysis with his somewhat chaotic mind and quickly came to a conclusion.

This must be Comrade Xiao Bai’s fault!

It was all Comrade Xiao Bai’s fault for lacking principles, going along with all of his requests!

Otherwise, Ren Xingliu wouldn’t have acted like a rascal!

Correct, it was him! 

Ren Xingliu narrowed his eyes, glanced at the crime lord, the source of all misfortune, and firmly placed the pot on Bai Juanqiu.

Bai Juanqiu was totally oblivious, not knowing that these were the eyes that had labeled him as a criminal. He couldn’t hold back chuckling out loud.

It should be said that as expected of Young Master Ren, who was able to stay firm with his strange logic in a particularly convincing manner even when drunk, making it impossible to refute.

Making it hard for him to refrain from…indulging him. 

“I see.” Once Bai Juanqiu confirmed that the other could stand steadily, he released his hand around his waist. “Then remember to watch your steps…”

After saying that, he still felt uneasy. After thinking for a moment, he reached out his hand and suggested, “Why don’t you hold my hand?”

Ren Xingliu was already preparing to leave swaying, then he saw the extended hand.

It was a very beautiful hand, with an arm with a smooth outline, slightly defined wrist bone, and finger joints like bamboo, slender and distinguished. 

Ren Xingliu stared at it for a while before slowly raising his head and praising, “Gugu, your hand is so big. There must be so much force behind it!”

The tone was sincere, but in a broad outline, it left one speechless.

Bai Juanqiu was both at a loss for words and amused. “Yes, that’s why you can rest assured that when we hold hands, I’ll hold onto you tightly.”

“Made sense.” Ren Xingliu used his remaining brain cell to think for a moment. Deciding that this wasn’t a bad idea, he nodded and reached out, holding onto Bai Juanqiu’s hand. 

After pulling it on, he still felt that it was not secure enough, so he scratched it between Bai Juanqiu’s fingers, and finally succeeded in squeezing the gap between his fingers, and then passed his fingers through, making the fingers interlocked.

After that, he still felt that it wasn’t secure enough, so he squeezed between Bai Juanqiu’s fingers until he got through the gap, putting his fingers through and allowing him to clasp their hands.

“Alright.” Ren Xingliu nodded with satisfaction.

His palm was slightly smaller than that of Bai Juanqiu. Because he had been pampered since he was a child, there weren’t any calluses on his hand. His hand was like a jade, fair and delicate.

Probably due to being blown by the evening breeze for a long time, his body temperature was lower, which made his hand cold.

When their gazes met, Bai Juanqiu raised an eyebrow. The other person seemed to have something to say.

The next second, Ren Xingliu laughed wildly, grabbed his hand and shook it, and said with a proud face: “Auntie, our fates are now closely connected, remember to watch the road carefully! “

The next second, Ren Xingliu let out a rampant laugh, swaying his hand and tagging along the other’s hand with him. With a smug look, he said, “Gugu, our fates are tightly linked now. Remember to watch your steps!”

At the end, he emphasized, “Otherwise, if I plant my face onto the ground, you’re not escaping the same fate!” 

Bai Juanqiu: “…”

Why would he expect anything else from this person?!

The inner clamor in his heart disappeared without a trace in an instant. He closed his eyes and tightened his fingers. “Got it.”

“Ah—” Ren Xingliu exclaimed, “Too hard, be gentle!” 

“Oh.” Bai Juanqiu said with a calm face, “Sorry, I got too much force and accidentally exerted too much.”

The gentle night breeze, weaving gently between skyscrapers and neon lights, dispersed the murkiness of the city that accumulated from the long day.

Bai Juanqiu held Ren Xingliu’s hand and walked out of Thirteen Lane. At the intersection of traffic lights, his heart finally calmed down. 

This was a little drunken ghost without a clear conscience. He probably didn’t even know what he was doing, so there was really no point in taking him seriously.

With this thought in mind, Bai Juanqiu slowly exhaled a breath, as well as loosened his grip, then saying in a gentle voice, “Let’s go to the other side. It will be easier to call for a taxi from there.”

Ren Xingliu nodded and said, “Alright.”

Probably because of fatigue, he wasn’t as talkative as before, and he was also very cooperative, looking particularly well-behaved. 

Bai Juanqiu smiled. Just as the pedestrian light turned green, he led the little drunken ghost across the zebra crossing, while carefully avoiding the flow of people.

This area is a commercial area, with a row of shops facing the street and a lot of people coming and going. Bai Juanqiu pulled him to the fence on the roadside: “I’ll stop the car. Please stop here and don’t walk around…”

This was a commercial area with a row of stores facing the street, with many people coming and going. Bai Juanqiu pulled Ren Xingliu to the roadside fence and said, “I’ll call for a car. You stand here and don’t wander off…”

Before he could finish speaking, Ren Xingliu suddenly saw something, and his eyes lit up. With a grasp, he made a beeline ahead. 

His movements were so sudden that it startled Bai Juanqiu. Fortunately, with his bright eyes and quick hands, he took a fast stride forward and caught up to the other person, asking in a panicked state, “Where are you going?”

Since Ren Xingliu’s movements were constrained, he could only turn back and blinked at Bai Juanqiu, saying, “To buy a vehicle.”

Bai Juanqiu: “?”

Where did this idea suddenly come from?

Before he could ask in detail, Ren Xingliu couldn’t wait to pull him forward and pointed ahead, saying, “There are dealerships ahead. Can you see…”

Bai Juanqiu didn’t look up at all. There was no need for him to look. He knew what the other was saying.

At the end of this road was the most famous 4S store in the city.

Don’t be fooled by this little drunken ghost’s appearance of not being able to walk straight, because as soon as he was in action, he was surprisingly very strong. 

Bai Juanqiu was worried about hurting him, so she didn’t dare to use too much force. She couldn’t resist him at all, so she could only follow him for the time being. While walking forward, she said helplessly: “For no reason, what car should I buy?”

Worried about hurting him, Bai Juanqiu didn’t dare to exert too much force, so he couldn’t stop the other fully, instead, he followed along for the time being, walking forward and helplessly saying, “With no cause and no reason, why buy a car?”

“It’s not uncalled for.” Ren Xingliu said excitedly, “I have been wanting to buy one for a long time. As it happened, I received an allowance enough for me to purchase one in full. Hehe.”

Bai Juanqiu: “…” 

Let’s say he was not clear headed; he could still explain it coherently.

Let’s say he was clear headed, what he just said didn’t sound right.

However, his words once again reminded Bai Juanqiu that the one before him was the most famous silk pants in Ling City.

Previously, when Bai Juanqiu was looking into Ren Xingliu, everything emphasized on how much Young Master Ren squander money like dirt and indulge in a life of luxury. With sports cars alone, he had several.

According to students at Ling University, they have a deeper impression of his sports cars than the driver himself.

However, since knowing each other, Ren Xingliu had never shown that side of himself in front of him, and often had a kind of simplicity that was very different from the rumors.

Gradually, Bai Juanqiu had forgotten about those rumors.

Unexpectedly, after drinking alcohol, Ren Xingliu unknowingly revealed his young master demeanor. 

Buying a car along the way, just because he got a huge allowance. This was something that only someone who grew up without grief and without concern could do.

Very extravagant.

But if it was from this young master…

Bai Juanqiu raised his head and saw the youth’s glowing face bathed in the streetlights. His eyes were shining brightly as he looked ahead, full of open flamboyance and anticipation. 

It made people get the impression that he deserved everything he wanted!

As soon as this thought flashed through his head, Bai Juanqiu was once again, falling into deep self-doubt.

Upon reflection, it seemed that his willpower was drawing weak these days, especially when it came to this young master. He would easily lose his principles.

Very problematic! 

His thoughts drifted away unconsciously…

This was when Ren Xingliu stopped his track and chirped, “We are here.”

“We’re here?” Bai Juanqiu was lost in thought, so he didn’t pay attention to where they were heading. But he was still stunned, because he knew there was still a distance from that 4S store.

Did this little drunken ghost couldn’t even distinguish storefronts? 

He had to frown, but still glanced at the roadside, then: “…”

The shop next to them was indeed a dealership—for electric vehicles, the two-wheeled kind that was commonly known as small electric donkey.

Because every inch of this place is an inch of gold, this storefront wasn’t that big, but there were still several rows of scooters, all trending colors and styles.

Good heavens, it turned out that he was the blind one! 

Ren Xingliu had already broken away from him and rushed to one of the rows, excitedly pointing at one of them. “This is the one. I have had my eyes on it for a long time!”

This one was a lemon-yellow color with a round head, very cute looking.

Bai Juanqiu held back until he could hold back no more and asked with a complicated expression, “This is the vehicle you want?”

“Yes.” Ren Xingliu nodded and explained seriously, “As you know, our dormitory is far from the teaching building. I don’t skip classes now. Walking such a long way every day is very tiring.” 

“Yeah.” Ren Xingliu nodded and explained seriously, “As you know, my dorm is far from the lecture buildings. Since I don’t skip lectures anymore, I have to walk the long way every day, and it’s very tiring.”

Bai Juanqiu: “…”

Of course he knew that Lingda University, as the largest university in the city, covers a large area and the distance between the student dormitories and teaching buildings is not short. Many students have bought transportation tools for the convenience of attending classes. There are many bicycles among them, and some with better conditions will be upgraded to e-donkeys.

He certainly knew that as the largest university in the city, Ling University had a large campus and the distance between student dormitories and lecture buildings was not short. Many students have bought a means of transportation for the convenience of attending classes. The majority of them were bicycles, and those with better financial resources would upgrade to small electric donkeys. 

But no matter how he looked at it, this type of transportation didn’t really fit Young Master Ren.

Don’t you always drive a sports car to class?

No wait, I thought you don’t attend classes?

Wait, that wasn’t right either. Since they got to know each other, Young Master Ren has been present in all of his lectures and took public transportation when going out… 

Bai Juanqiu always had confidence in his own thinking ability, but at this moment, every logic he had arrived at was all contradictory.

For a moment, it was very difficult to tell whose thoughts were more disorder, him or the little drunken ghost.

After a moment, Bai Juanqiu decided to forsake thinking.

In these days, he had come to understand one point; it was not easy to reason with Young Master Ren. When sober, it was difficult to talk over him, when not sober, the killing power was noticeably even stronger. rgw8d7

At this point, he could only do gentle nudges.

“Then let’s come back tomorrow to buy it.” Bai Juanqiu said with patience.

Whether it be a sports car or a small electric donkey, as long as he really wanted it, Bai Juanqiu wouldn’t stop it. He was even willing to do more.

Granted, the prerequisite was that the youth had to be in a sober state. 

But now the alcohol was clearly getting the better of him, this was mostly likely an impulse purchase. Maybe he would dislike it when he woke up tomorrow.

Bai Juanqiu felt that there must be at least one person between them who could maintain the most basic sanity.

“But I have class tomorrow, and…” Ren Xingliu wrinkled his nose and said slowly, “If I have a little electric donkey, next time you come to class with me, I can ride to pick you up. Already.”

“But I have classes tomorrow, moreover…” Ren Xingliu wrinkled his nose and murmured slowly, “If I have a little electric donkey, the next time you come to class with me, I can use it to pick you up.” 


Bai Juanqiu fell into a deep thought. After a minute, he turned his head and saw the boss who had just got here. He calmly asked, “Hello, where can I pay?”

The boss: “???”

Wasn’t this purchase going way too fast? 

He didn’t even give his sales pitch!

Also, wasn’t only one of them drunk?

Why did it feel like neither of them was clear-headed???

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