The God of War Returns and Spices Up Life With Ma…
Chapter 28.2 Table of contents

Dead pig not afraid of scalding water. (Part Two)

As the sun was setting, a flashy red sports car was on its way to the Sea Dream Shopping Center, catching many passersby’s attention. 

However, the main reason why people were taking notice of the car wasn’t because of its magnificence, but because it was driving too! Damned! Slow!

It was not yet time to get off work, and the roads in the suburbs were wide and flat, with no traffic jams at all. Under normal circumstances, those sports cars would have been eager to fly right over.

It wasn’t time for most people to get off work yet, so the wide and flat roads in the suburbs weren’t crowded. On any other normal days, sports cars like this would love to speed straight through.

However, today, this car was driving like a slowpoke, saying it was going at a turtle speed wouldn’t even be exaggerating. At one point, it was even overtaken by several small electric donkeys. 

Passersby looked towards it one after another with disdain. What a disgrace in the realm of sports cars!

Song Chengkai himself was also speechless. Only heaven knew this was his first time driving at this speed.

Could Ren Xingliu drive any faster?

The little electric donkey had its own speed limit, and Ren Xingliu was driving at his own pace, maintaining a relatively stable speed of thirty steps per hour, on average.

In short, this was outrageous.

Song Chengkai was tempted many times to just overtake the scooter and head home, but every time, he decided against it.

He didn’t know what exactly he wanted to do, but he only knew that if he left just like that, he would stay in gloom afterwards.

He really didn’t understand. How could Ren Xingliu be like this? 

They clearly had a fire-water relationship, and this was a well-known fact. They caused a commotion loud enough that even got their families to turn their eyes.

Instead, Ren Xingliu effortlessly let go of his grudges.

This was too ridiculous!

It really made him have a very small belly, chicken’s gut. 

The more Song Chengkai thought, the more resentful he felt. This was the moment his phone rang, which he answered in passing.

The caller was one of his younger brothers. The caller obviously made the call at the last minute and said, “Brother Kai, are you done over there? We’re all here and we’re just waiting for you.”

The caller was one of his little brothers, who clearly pinched the time to call. The moment the other side’s call was answered, he started, “Kai-ge, are you done over there? We’re all here waiting on you.”

It was only then that Song Chengkai remembered he was supposed to meet up with a few friends today. The plan was for him to sneak off to the bar to relax after dealing with his grandfather. 

What wasn’t part of the plan was encountering Ren Xingliu, making him completely forget about this.

He wasn’t in the mood now and said listlessly, “You guys go have fun on your own. I’m not coming.”

“Don’t be like that, Kai-ge. What’s wrong?”

Song Chengkai fixed his eyes on the small yellow scooter ahead and said without a second thought, “I ran into Ren Xingliu, and I’m tailing him right now.” 

“Fuck.” As soon as the other side heard that, he cussed and said now that he was in the know, “I got it. Where are you at?”

“On my way to Sea Dream…” Song Chengkai found that question strange, and as he was about to ask why, the small yellow scooter in front of him suddenly stopped.

What a Mr. Nice Guy, yielding to the pedestrians.

He glanced at his car’s speedometer. Great, twenty steps per hour. Thankfully there was no minimum speed limit on this road. Otherwise, he would eat a ticket today.

When the little yellow car started up again, he remembered that he was still on the phone, but when he looked at his phone again, he found that the person on the other end had hung up.

Whatever, he had told them not to wait on him. 

The small little scooter was all Song Chengkai could think about, and anything else was non-urgent. He was also too lazy to call back.

Up ahead.

Ren Xingliu drove his scooter leisurely, while glancing at the red car’s outline in the rearview mirror. He shook his head and clicked his tongue, “He sure is patient. He had been following us for a while now.”

Bai Juanqiu was also somewhat at a loss for words. “Should we let him pass?” 

“Forget it, it’s not like we own the roads.” Ren Xingliu said, “Moreover, he is acting weird, so I don’t want to talk to him.”

Bai Juanqiu chuckled. “Alright, then we will pay him no mind.”

Then Ren Xingliu’s phone rang. Since he had both of his hands on the handlebars, it wasn’t convenient for him to answer it right now. Thus, he said, “Xiao Bai, answer it for me.”

“Okay.” Bai Juanqiu lowered his eyes and listened for the source of the ringing. After a moment of silence, he reached into Ren Xingliu’s pants pocket and fished out the phone. 

He answered and pressed speaker mode. Ding Shi’s voice instantly came out, “Iron pallet, where are you right now?”

“I’m heading to Sea Dream.” Ren Xingliu replied offhandedly, “What’s up?”

“A big matter!” Ding Shi panicked, “I need to tell you…”

Before he could finish, the call was dropped. 

“Out of battery.” Bai Juanqiu glanced at the screen and furrowed his brow. “He sounded urgent. Do you want to call him back on my phone?”

Ren Xingliu mumbled, “…Do you think I got his number memorized?”

Bai Juanqiu: “…”

“It’s fine.” Ren Xingliu continued, “We’re almost there. We can borrow a power bank later.” 

It was all they could do.

Bai Juanqiu took the opportunity to wrap his arms around Ren Xingliu’s waist and said calmly, “Then I’ll hold on tight, so you can drive faster.”

Ren Xingliu: “!”

Xiao Bai was being way too conscious! 

At the same time, in the red sports car at the back, Song Chengkai’s hands on the steering wheel almost slipped.

How could Ren Xingliu allow himself to be held in that person’s arms like that???

Where did Ren Xingliu’s tough-man energy go?!

Also, could these two be any more lovey-dovey?!

By the time they arrived at Sea Dream Shopping Center’s entrance, Ren Xingliu discovered another problem. His Xiao Huang was almost out of power.

This was very normal. Although Xiao Huang was young and strong, it still couldn’t beat today’s long journey.

Fortunately, there are usually charging piles in the underground parking lots of shopping malls. Ren Xingliu asked Bai Juanqiu to queue up first, not forgetting to say: “Remember, it’s the hot pot restaurant on the third floor. Don’t make the mistake.” 

Fortunately, shopping centers usually have charging stations in their underground parking lots. Ren Xingliu have Bai Juanqiu to queue up first, not without reminding him first, “Remember, it’s the hotpot restaurant on the third floor. Don’t line up at the wrong place.”

Correct. They have already decided on a restaurant on the way here, which was a hotpot brand very popular among the young folks. Ren Xingliu often saw his classmates get together to eat there.

Bai Juanqiu glanced at him and asked, “You really don’t need me to come with you?”

“No need. Xiao Huang can still hold out for a while.” Ren Xingliu said solemnly, “But you have to get a number as soon as possible. That restaurant is very popular.” 

Bai Juanqiu uttered, “…Alright.”

Ren Xingliu also handed his phone to the other person. “Borrow a power bank and charge my phone while you’re at it.”

Thus, the duo split up for their own operations. Bai Juanqiu went to the restaurant to get a number, while Xiao Huang drove down to the underground parking lot.

Sea Dream Shopping Center’s underground parking lot was huge and complex. Ren Xingliu wasn’t familiar with the location of the charging stations, and soon, he was going in circles. 

Seeing that Xiao Huang was in its last mile, he had to pull over and ask for help. However, everyone ignored him as they all rushed past him.

As he was feeling worried, a familiar red sports car drove over from behind and slowly rolled past him.

Ren Xingliu’s eyes lit up. He called out, no longer minding this person’s odd demeanor anymore, “Xiao Song, wait a minute.”

Xiao Song? How ironic to call him that! 

Song Chengkai had unknowingly followed this far. Seeing the small yellow scooter suddenly stopped by the side of the passage, he was hovering between speechlessness and curiosity.

What was Ren Xingliu doing?

Song Chengkai wanted to pretend to be passing by as if nothing had happened and peek a few times, but he didn’t expect to hear such a shout. His hands suddenly slipped again, and he stepped on the brakes reflexively.

Initially, Song Chengkai intended to pass by, pretending they weren’t acquaintances, while sneaking a peek at the situation. But he was completely caught off guard by the way he was addressed. His hands slipped once more, and he reflexively stepped on the brake. 

He wrinkled his whole face instantly, and he glared fiercely at Ren Xingliu. His first instinct was to break his mouth with loud curses, but when he cracked his mouth open, he unconsciously softened his tone, “…You need something?”

“Do you know where the charging station is?” Ren Xingliu blinked and sighed, “My scooter ran out of battery.”

Song Chengkai: “…”

No wait, how was Ren Xingliu able to talk to him so naturally without any mental hindrance!

Also, was it reasonable for Young Master Ren to drive a small electric donkey in the parking lot in search of a charging station?

Because the whole scenario was very bizarre, Song Chengkai didn’t know which angle to start ridiculing first.

“I don’t know.” Song Chengkai tugged the corner of his lip. He had never driven a small electric donkey and had never paid attention to this matter.

He originally wanted to seize the opportunity to taunt, but just after replying, he saw Ren Xingliu’s disappointed expression before hearing, “I’ll ask someone else then.” 

Song Chengkai didn’t know what came over him, but his head went into overdrive as he replied, “No need. I’ll go find it.”

After that, he stepped on the gas and drove around the parking lot. In no time, he found the charging station.

Ren Xingliu was finally able to charge Xiao Huang. He didn’t hold back showing his gratitude as he smiled at Song Chengkai. “Thank you.”

After not seeing this person for a decade, although he had gotten weird, he wasn’t that bad, with a fervent heart and intestines. 

Song Chengkai: “!”

When he and Ren Xingliu met before, they were always tense and sarcastic. What they remembered was the other person’s chin pulling upwards and condescending eyes.

In the past, swords would be drawn, bows would be bent, and sarcastic comments would be tossed every time he encountered Ren Xingliu. All he could remember of Ren Xingliu was his condescending look and turning his nose up at him.

This was the first time he had seen a friendly smile from Ren Xingliu. 

It was also the first time he noticed that when Ren Xingliu smiled, it would be unexpectedly sincere, and also…good looking?

As soon as that thought popped into his mind, Song Chengkai shivered uncontrollably.

He might have given himself the heebie-jeebies!

Thinking that Bai Juanqiu was still waiting for him, Ren Xingliu didn’t stay and chat as he waved to the kind-hearted person, “I’ll be off then.” 

Song Chengkai unconsciously called out, “Wait a moment.”

Ren Xingliu stopped his track. “There’s something else?”

Song Chengkai actually had nothing wrong with him, he was just a little unhappy and felt like he was being used (?) and then thrown away. But it was impossible to say such words, and it was embarrassing just to think about it.

There was actually nothing, except feeling slightly unhappy. Song Chengkai felt like he had been used and tossed to the side afterward. But no way would he say that out loud, it was embarrassing just thinking about it. 

But he had already stopped the other person, it would look like there was something wrong with him if he said nothing.

Song Chengkai’s head turned rapidly, and finally he had a flash of inspiration. He raised the back of his hand and said angrily: “When I was in the car accident, I left a scar here. The doctor said it will never go away!”

Song Chengkai racked his brain until finally, a flash of idea. He raised the back of his hand and bellowed, “I got this scar from the accident. The doctor said it’s permanent!”

Ren Xingliu felt silent inside, feeling so complicated inside that it was not easy to express succinctly. 

He didn’t expect this guy, who behaved so crazily, to be actually this delicate. Daring to follow him for miles just because the car accident left a scar on him.

Back of his hand as well!

Ren Xingliu couldn’t resist competing with the other person and raised his hand, saying with an expression of complaint, “I fractured my bone, and I just got the plaster cast taken off.”

Song Chengkai: “…”

No way, even this could be a contest?

However, Ren Xingliu did come out of the accident with injuries more severe than he was.

Fortunately, everyone ultimately came out fine.

Although he had clearly thought about revenge before, at this moment, being stared at by those eyes, Song Chengkai inexplicably felt fear. 

Then, for some reason, he questioned, “You didn’t have any symptoms from the accident, right?”


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