Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have …
Vol. 1 Ch. 195 Table of contents

Leon hoped he had misunderstood.

By the time they reached the dining hall, Moon was already devouring her father’s “offerings” with great enthusiasm.

To be able to enjoy the best steak on such a beautiful morning—it was truly one of life’s greatest pleasures.

Noa sat next to her younger sister, quietly reminding her not to scatter bits of meat outside the plate, as it would make it harder for the maids to clean up afterward.

Moon nodded obediently, continuing to eat in a more orderly manner.

Leon and Rosvisser took their seats as well.

After such an intense and eventful morning, a hearty breakfast was just what they needed to recharge.

During the meal, Leon casually brought up, “Oh, by the way, Noa, Moon, your mom and I thought of a name for your little sister while we were away.”

Both dragon sisters’ eyes lit up with excitement.

Moon, holding her knife and fork, eagerly asked, “What is it, what is it?!”

“Aurora,” Rosvisser said, smiling. “It’s a name inspired by the word for ‘aurora,’ representing the northern lights and the dawn.”

Noa and Moon didn’t seem disappointed that their parents hadn’t chosen names like "Blazer" or "Star," as they had previously suggested. 

In fact, they both thought *Aurora* was a beautiful name that suited their little sister well.

“That’s such a pretty name! Who came up with it—Dad or Mom?” Noa asked.

Hearing this, General Leon suddenly perked up, all traces of fatigue vanishing.

Oh, my dear daughter, I’m now declaring you the MVP of the season!

Leon proudly puffed out his chest and said with satisfaction, “Of course, it was your old man who came up with it. When it comes to creativity and meaning, your mom’s still a bit behind me.”

The dragon sisters immediately gazed at their father with admiration, their wide eyes full of awe.

Yes, yes, this is the look! 

Leon had always pursued two types of expressions: one was the look of admiration from his daughters.

The other was the look of disdain from the big mother dragon.

Now that he had received admiration, as for disdain…

Barely able to suppress his grin, Leon slowly turned his gaze toward Rosvisser across the table.

The Silver Dragon Queen sat with her legs crossed, casually resting her chin on one hand while lazily eating the bacon on her plate with the other.

When she noticed Leon’s glance, she raised an eyebrow and rolled her eyes.

Ah~~, yes, *this* eye roll, *this* disdain—perfect~~

Leon happily refocused on his breakfast, silently appreciating how fulfilling this morning had been.

“O…Aurora…” Moon tried to pronounce her little sister’s name.

Noa corrected her gently, “It’s Aurora.”

Moon (..??_??..): “Auro…rora…”

Noa: “Aurora.”

Moon (??? ? ??): “Auro...rora…”

Noa: “A-u-r-o-r-a.”

Moon ( ??灬?? ): “Ororogua-gua.”

Noa gasped softly, patting her little sister’s head. “It’s okay, Moon. Let’s just eat.”

Moon: *tat*

“Dad, Mom, let’s give little sis a nickname,” Noa suggested.

Moon nodded vigorously, nearly ready to raise both hands, feet, and even her little tail to support the idea.

After all, the baby’s full name was a bit hard for her to pronounce.

Leon and Rosvisser exchanged a glance, both finding the idea reasonable.

Rosvisser smiled mischievously and said, “Since you’re so proud of your creativity, why don’t you give her a nickname on the spot, darling?”


“Yeah, Dad, a nickname should be easier to come up with than her full name, right?” Noa added.

“Uh, well…”

Seeing Leon flustered, Rosvisser covered her mouth, trying not to laugh.

So much for creativity and poetic skill—this idiot just happened to have the right mood when they parted, which is how he stumbled upon such a great name for their daughter.

But now? Was he really going to fail at this simple task?

The dining table fell into an awkward silence until Rosvisser spoke again.

“Let’s call her ‘Little Light,’ then. It matches the idea of the aurora.”

Moon had no objections. “Little Light is a great name!”

As long as it was a name she could pronounce, it was a good name in her book!

Noa also had no complaints.

And just like that, their youngest daughter’s formal name and nickname were settled, much to Leon and Rosvisser’s relief.

After breakfast, Sherry brought the baby over.

It had only been a few days, but Little Light’s eyes had grown even more expressive, and her body language was more lively.

When she saw Leon and Rosvisser, she babbled happily in baby talk and reached out her chubby hands toward her parents.

Her tiny pink tail wiggled in excitement behind her.

Rosvisser immediately scooped Little Light into her arms, holding her close.

Feeling the comfort of her mother’s embrace, Little Light calmed down, grabbing onto Rosvisser’s hair while staring at her mother with big, curious eyes.

It had been several days since her birth, and now her eye color was becoming more distinct.

This was a good sign that her development was progressing normally.

But it didn’t bring the couple much comfort.

Leon frowned slightly, rubbing his chin as he looked at his daughter’s pale pink irises.

“Her hair and tail are already like hers, but now even her eyes are starting to resemble your sister’s…”

Rosvisser gently squeezed Little Light’s chubby cheeks. “It’s not that bad. My sister’s eyes are pure red, while Little Light’s are more on the pink side. Right, sweetie?”

Leon had always thought that talking to babies who couldn’t respond was something only overly sentimental new mothers did.

Who would’ve guessed that Rosvisser did it too?

At this point, Leon was starting to suspect that dragons were naturally aggressive only because they didn’t have enough children.

So, maybe the best way to pacify the Silver Dragon Clan would be to ask their queen for a third child as soon as possible…

Leon shook his head, clearing away the silly thoughts.

Just in time, Noa and Moon were preparing to take Little Light out to play.

“Be careful, don’t let her fall,” Rosvisser reminded them.

“We know, Mom~”

With the daughters out playing, Leon and Rosvisser returned to her room.

Anna had been helping clean and ventilate the queen’s chambers over the past few days, so the room was fresh and clean.

Rosvisser kicked off her shoes and padded barefoot over to the wardrobe. She pulled out a few clean clothes and tossed them to Leon. “Go change in the bathroom.”

Leon caught the clothes with a grunt. “Got it.”

Ah, these couples… They already have three kids, and yet they still avoid each other when changing clothes. What an odd custom.

Leon headed to the bathroom to change while Rosvisser picked out her own clean outfit.

Not having changed clothes for five days was torture for someone like her, who had mild OCD.

And over those five days, she’d been camping out in a forest outside the Empire, eating cold meals under the stars.

At night, she even had to be on guard against patrolling dragon-slaying teams. It wasn’t that she was afraid of fighting them, but if she got caught, she wouldn’t be able to wait for Leon in that spot anymore.

Thinking back on her 200-plus years of life, who had ever been worth this kind of effort from her?

Just one captive, and yet she was willing to go to such lengths for him—it was utterly ridiculous.

“Hmph, Leon Cosmody, now that you’re back, don’t think you can just leave so easily this time!”

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