The God of War Returns and Spices Up Life With Ma…
Chapter 38 Table of contents

Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to be a big hindrance to you.

Not only Bai Juanqiu, Ren Xingliu also fell silent after that. 

What the hell was he talking about?!

Was Xiao Bai going to think of him as a metamorphosis! He only wanted to lighten the mood!

Just as Ren Xingliu was seriously thinking about how to salvage the situation, Bai Juanqiu came to his senses first.

He gave Ren Xingliu a look and slowly spat out two words, “Thank you.” 

Ren Xingliu: “…”

For a moment, he didn’t know whether it was how powerful Xiao Bai’s mentality was, or because his ego was too big!

As he was wondering if he should say more, there was suddenly a loud scream of pain from ahead, followed by a commotion from the crowd as they all gathered to a spot.

“What’s going on?”

“My goodness, that’s a lot of blood!”

“Oy, make way, get out of the way, stop pushing.”

The scene sounded very chaotic, so Ren Xingliu and Bai Juanqiu exchanged a look before following the crowd in a tacit agreement, asking, “What happened?”

Seeing that it was Ren Xingliu, the people blocking the path made way, and someone responded, “Mr. Cheng fell…” 

Mr. Cheng was a manager of the planning team and was responsible for props used in the activities.

It turned out that the side road was uneven, and as Mr. Cheng was about to move things, he accidentally stepped into a small pit, fell down and hit a rock that was sticking out of the road.

At this moment, Ren Xingliu also got a good look at Mr. Cheng, who was surrounded by the crowd, frowned.

He wouldn’t lie, this looked very bad. 

Manager Cheng’s calf had a large wound half a palm long. The wound was so deep that it was almost bloody because it had rubbed against the sand and gravel on the ground.

Mr. Cheng’s calf had a large cut that was half-palm size, and the wound looked very deep. Because this was a fall to the ground, he got dirt and small pebbles on his wound, and this could only be described as pixelated flesh and blood.

The wound was bleeding out, almost half of the trouser leg was soaked, and the blood pool on the ground was shocking the eyes and astonishing the heart.

The staff from the planning team gathered around, running around like headless chickens. 

They did bring in a medic for the team building event, but the person was still on his way here. How would the planning team know there was going to be an accident before they got to the site?

Ruan Shao had already brought over the emergency first aid kit, but she didn’t know how to take care of the injury. It would be fine if it was small, but Mr. Cheng’s wound was more than they could handle.

As they panicked round and round, a pair of long legs appeared in their sight.

Ren Xingliu squeezed through the crowd and squatted in front of Mr. Cheng. He examined the wound while saying, “He needs to be rushed to the hospital.” 

Ruan Shao was surprised, but it wasn’t the right time for that, so she said, “The campsite vehicle is on their way.”

“Okay.” Ren Xingliu nodded and said, “There is still some distance from here to the hospital. He is losing too much blood, so it’s best to take care of that first, otherwise, he might go into shock from the blood loss.”

The campsite was located in a relatively remote area with less developed transportation. Even if there was a means of transportation, it would take some time to get to the hospital.

Ruan Shao knew this fact as well. The problem was their limited ability, so she could only say, “We don’t dare to move him in his current condition.”

Another colleague chimed in, “I just asked around. No one has first aid training…”

Before he could finish speaking, Ren Xingliu reached out and took the first aid kit, assuring, “It’ll be fine, I’ll do it.”

He was bound to pick up basic first aid techniques after years on the battlefield.

Ruan Shao: “?” 

Her colleagues on the side: “??”

They suddenly turned flustered, while the onlookers were also showing an expression of shock.

“Wait a moment.” Ruan Shao quickly urged, “Our medic is almost here. Why don’t we wait for him to arrive…”

It wasn’t just her, but also her colleagues. At first, they were skeptical, then they were dumbfounded, followed by looking very surprised.

It was nothing other than how skillful Ren Xingliu was moving. 

He quickly picked out items such as cotton swabs, bandages, elastic bandages, and disinfectant from the first aid kit, then he raised Mr. Cheng’s calf.

Mr. Cheng himself wasn’t confident with his help and instinctively wanted to struggle. However, the moment he moved, his leg was instantly pinched.

Ren Xingliu warned, “Don’t move.”

At the same time, Mr. Cheng felt his entire leg go numb. Never mind struggling, even the pain was instantly lessened. 

Mr. Cheng: “??!”

He was gobsmacked, almost doubting whether this was just his head or not, but no one else knew about the shock he felt inside.

Ren Xingliu then covered the wound with sterile gauze and applied pressure with his hands at the same time. He didn’t know how to press it. Within a moment, the non-stop bleeding stopped.

Ren Xingliu then covered the wound with disinfectant gauze and applied pressure with his hands. It wasn’t clear what he did, but in no time at all, the blood that had been flowing non-stop actually stopped.

This alone was enough to dispel everyone’s doubts.

The onlookers went silent momentarily; their eyes all focused on Ren Xingliu’s hands.

After the initial surprise, the people holding Mr. Cheng also showed joy on their faces.

Ren Xingliu picked up hydrogen peroxide and said, “Next, I will need to clean the wound. It will hurt, so best if someone could help hold Mr. Cheng…” 

As Ruan Shao was about to step forward, a figure next to her got to it before she did.

Bai Juanqiu knelt down on one knee next to Ren Xingliu and said, “Allow me.”

“Alright.” Ren Xingliu gave him a glance and pulled the other person’s hands to the correct spot. “Press here, and pay attention…”

He explained several precautions in detail, ensuring that there weren’t going to be any problems before starting the next step. 

Cleaning the wound, removing foreign matter, bandaging, etc., every step was done very smoothly and neatly. The bandage was wrapped very smoothly and beautifully, and the technique was professional.

Cleaning the wound, removing foreign objects, bandaging the wound, and so on. Each step was done very smoothly and cleanly. Even the bandage was wrapped in a beautiful manner, a professional touch.

Finally, he didn’t forget to check Mr. Cheng’s pulse.

“Done.” Ren Xingliu clapped his hands as he finished the last task. “This is all I could do with what I have, but it will hold out until he gets to the hospital.” 

He spoke very lightly, but beside him, the people from the planning team were gawking in unison.

If this was all he could do with the resources available, wouldn’t that mean if there were more resources, Mr. Cheng wouldn’t even need to be sent to the hospital?

Not only them, but the onlookers were also looking between themselves, with the same thought in their heads. The Crown Prince didn’t seem as delicate as the rumors!

What he just demonstrated was simply excellent first aid skills. While he was focused on treating Mr. Cheng’s wound, he also got himself dirty. 

But from the beginning to end, he didn’t frown, not even once, let alone showed a thread or a hair worth of disgust.

The same was for his boyfriend.

After a while, both the campsite car and the medical team had arrived.

The medical personnel rushed here after hearing the news, but to his surprise, the injured person had already been bandaged. Not feeling at ease, he wanted to patch the injury anew. 

After seeing the work on the bandage, he gave up that notion and even praised several times for the beautiful technique, obviously done by someone with professional training.

The last vestiges of doubt were finally dispelled as everyone felt relief.

The medic was ready to take Mr. Cheng to the hospital; however, the injured person refused to get inside of the car, seeing that he had stopped bleeding.

It turned out that they had prepared a lot of supplies for this event, and the original plan was to have the buses directly take them to the campsite through the main gate. 

However, because the main gate was temporarily blocked, and the buses couldn’t go through from the side entrance, they had to arrange the transportation of supplies.

Because this was Mr. Cheng’s responsibility, he was worried that the task would fall apart if he was to go to the hospital now.

Ren Xingliu was quite speechless for this reason and said, “Mr. Cheng, this is only a job, how is it more important than your health. You don’t need to worry and hurry to the hospital.”

This didn’t stop Mr. Cheng from worrying. “Let me at least find someone to take over…” 

“I’ll do it.” Ren Xingliu turned around and asked Ruan Shao, “Do you have a list of supplies?”

Ruan Shao nodded. “I do.”

For such an important team building, various risks have been planned, and there are several supply lists to prevent such accidents.

This was an important team building event, of course they had prepared contingency plans for various risks, and there were also several lists of supplies, just for accidents like this one. 

Ren Xingliu made an okay gesture and tilted his chin towards Bai Juanqiu, saying, “Xiao Bai, help Mr. Cheng to the car.”

Bai Juanqiu rolled up his sleeves. “Got it.”

“?” Mr. Cheng looked flustered. “Wait a moment—”

But he wasn’t built as tall as Bai Juanqiu, not to mention he was wounded, so there was no way he could resist. 

When they saw the car carrying Mr. Cheng disappeared into the dust, his colleagues around could no longer hold it as they burst out laughing.

Although it was unkind, the scene just now was really stunning.

A worker insisted on working, but the little boss refused for the worker to continue working, and in the end, he had to send the worker away with brute force.

This was the kind of plot development that anyone would find comical. 

Ren Xingliu didn’t eat his words. After Mr. Cheng was rushed away, he then asked Ruan Shao for a list of supplies and took over the task.

Actually, it wasn’t that hard. The campsite had already sent a small trailer, so allocating manpower didn’t take long.

In this kind of situation, you have to sell some favors, which usually requires an old employee to come forward, so Manager Cheng doesn’t feel comfortable leaving it to someone else.

In this situation, it couldn’t do without selling human emotions. Usually, the task would be entrusted to the senior employees, which was why Mr. Cheng wasn’t confident in handing it over to others. 

But this didn’t faze Ren Xingliu. After scanning the list of materials, he called out directly to the group, “Anyone wants to lend a hand?”

Bai Juanqiu stepped forward at the perfect time, “I’ll do it.”

Ren Xingliu blinked and beamed at him. “Alright, then I’ll let you handle the few heavier boxes.”

If someone else were to ask this, everyone wouldn’t have cared. But since it was from the Crown Prince himself, they have to be respectful.

Moreover, by now, people were actually more accepted of him.

Sometimes the public’s mentality is so strange. If Ren Xingliu asked someone to do something from the beginning, no one would dare to refuse, but they would definitely feel that he was using his status to do things.

Sometimes, the public’s mentality was this magical. If Ren Xingliu had someone do something from the beginning, people wouldn’t dare to refuse, but they would definitely feel that he was abusing his identity to get people to work.

But after the incident, when Ren Xingliu asked again, their views were much different. 

This guy personally bandaged Mr. Cheng, and he only took on this job because Mr. Cheng was worried about this work. Look how kind the Crown Prince was to his coworker!

And he didn’t put just his employees at work, his boyfriend was also the first to set an example.

After Bai Juanqiu volunteered, other colleagues also raised their hands and said, “I can help.”

“I can help too.” 

Ruan Shao stared from the sideline in wonder. To be honest, they could do that job as well, but it wouldn’t have the same result as Xingliu.

He was the Crown Prince after all!

With manpower now, the rest would be easier.

Ruan Shao and her team quickly made use of the trailer and allocated supplies, while Ren Xingliu assigned tasks to people. 

Within a short while, the hastily formed transportation group began in full swing.

Ren Xingliu originally wanted to help pull the trailer, but his colleagues were too active and didn’t leave him any work.

There was even a colleague joking, “Xingliu, why don’t you come sit on the trailer? We can pull you there.”

Ren Xingliu was sweating buckets. “No need.” 

Ruan Shao and her planning team were secretly clicking their tongues from the scene.

If anything else, the Crown Prince’s coordination skills weren’t too shabby.

Chen Zhi and a few other senior management were also going to participate in this team building event. With their dedicated transportation, they had already arrived at the campsite. 

As soon as Chen Zhi arrived at the spot, he encountered He Lang, and he instantly pulled his complexion.

After the morning meeting, his portion of the budget was cut by a third.

So now, he felt a slight pain in his heart whenever he saw He Lang’s face. Of course, it wasn’t as bad as that brat.

The two of them were almost at odds, and Chen Zhi didn’t bother to pretend anymore. He immediately snorted and said angrily, “Why are you the only one, and Xingliu didn’t come with you?” 

Now, the two of them pretty much had shed all skin on their faces, and Chen Zhi was also too lazy to pretend any longer. He snorted and said passive-aggressively, “Why are you the only one here? Did Xingliu not come with you?”

He heard that after Ren Xingliu went to He Lang’s division, the two of them got along quite well.

He Lang was in a good mood recently and didn’t want to spoil the mood by arguing with him, so he replied offhandedly, “He is still at entry level, so of course he will be coming with others.”

Chen Zhi found this amusing and disdainful, “Oh come on, it’s not like they don’t know who he is. Why bother pretending to be approachable? The employees these days won’t buy into this…”

Before he could finish, there was a commotion coming from the distance. It seems that people from He Lang’s division had arrived.

They had already sent the supplies to the designated location, and now they have come together to the gathered spot. When they see the senior management, they greet them one after another.

When Chen Zhi turned his head, he was completely baffled: “??”

Ren Xingliu actually integrated perfectly into the team. He was even chatting and laughing with everyone! 

Was it from his good acting skills, or those employees’ good acting skills?

Chen Zi felt even more suffocated inside, so he deliberately raised his voice and said, “Xingliu, why didn’t you arrive here with us? Isn’t what you are doing hindering the others?”

Before Ren Xingliu could respond, those colleagues came to his defense first.

“Mr. Chen must be joking, how can Xingliu hinder us?” 

“Hahah, if anything, it’s we who hindered him.”

“Yeah, it was all thanks to him earlier.”

Everyone was taking turns talking, and they said nothing but compliments and positive things towards Ren Xingliu.

Chen Zhi almost died of anger there and then. He simply tossed his hands up to leave, but Ren Xingliu suddenly looked over and said, “Chen-shu, I know what you’re trying to say.” 

Chen Zhi was puzzled. “What am I trying to say?”

Ren Xingliu deadpanned, “Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to be a big hindrance to you.”

Chen Zhi: “?!!”

That wasn’t what he meant! 

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