He Became the Only Ally of the Abandoned Warrior
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Chapter 119 Table of contents
The city of romance, Lowellina, was bustling with preparations for the festival.
This festival was personally ordered by Airan to celebrate the victory at the demonic front. Beyond the victory itself, the fact that there were few casualties among the Lowellina forces filled the city with joy and excitement.
Word had spread that Airan’s rear guard would arrive that evening. Once Airan officially declared the festival open tomorrow morning, the city of romance would live up to its name with days of celebration.
From his lodging, Lin could see not only locals but also visiting merchants setting up their booths.
Under normal circumstances, Lin would have used this free time to sell monster parts collected from the recent battle. But this time, he didn’t.
Instead, he stored everything in Cosmos, preparing for the battles to come. While he had nearly exhausted his stock of item materials during the last fight, he also no longer had a pressing need for money.
With the main episode involving the elf forest skipped, the only thing left now was the final chapter. Therefore, once the festival in Lowellina was over, there was no longer any reason to gather funds.

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