Life is Easier If You’re Handsome
Chapter 29 Table of contents


How are you here? I called her name, my voice a mixture of surprise and confusion. Soojin simply chuckled.

“Why, am I not allowed to come? I could come to the set with Mom, you know.” “Y-yeah, that’s true.”

It was just strange that she was suddenly here now, after not showing up before. I swallowed the rest of my thoughts. I was too surprised to speak coherently.

“It’s been ages. I think it’s been almost ten years since I last saw you.” “Right?” “You’re still as handsome as ever—more than before, actually.”

Soojin flashed a shy smile and gave a little twirl of her skirt.

“And I’m prettier, right? More than before?”

Soojin, who was starting to lose her baby fat, was definitely pretty. She had inherited her mother’s strong features, and her bright yet intense face naturally drew attention.

With her eyes reflecting the red sunset, she almost looked like a vampire. But why was she dressed like that?

“Yeah, you’re prettier than before. But your outfit’s... unique.” “Oh, this? It’s called Menhera fashion. I’m kind of famous for it.”

Now that I think about it, wasn’t this style just starting to become popular?

‘Probably a little later on, though.’

She’s in the entertainment industry, so she must be up to speed with these trends. But why would she wear it? Just as the question crossed my mind, it vanished just as quickly.


I understood the reason. Soojin was fourteen.

‘That explains it.’

She was deep in the throes of adolescence.


My heart was racing.

—Mom, is today Dong-hoo’s final shoot? —Yes, why? Are you curious? Want to go? —Huh?!

A perfect opportunity presented itself after a casually tossed question the night before.

—Yes! I want to go!

That evening, Soojin immediately opened her wardrobe. She didn’t want to wear just anything.

Though they had done a video call once, that was just through a screen. This would be her first time seeing him in person since then. Soojin carefully chose the most unique outfit from her wardrobe.

To make a lasting impression on their reunion.

‘How many more girls will show up?’

Sure, Kim Dong-hoo was unrealistically, unbelievably handsome, but his personality was also quite unique.

Normally, someone that handsome would be annoying, but he had a strange gentleness about him. Even if he seemed harsh at first glance, there was a sweetness hidden underneath that could drive people crazy. How could anyone not fall for him?

‘I was the first to know how handsome Kim Dong-hoo is!’

I was also the first to hold his hand!

So, she had meticulously prepared a plan. She had even begged her mom for some alone time with him.

She had set up a heater, turned off the lights in the room, and waited for him.

But as soon as Kim Dong-hoo turned on the light and they locked eyes, all those plans evaporated. She could only smile.

She was just happy to see Kim Dong-hoo again after so long.

Her heart raced wildly.

“Did you know we’re having a meal together on Christmas?”

“Oh, I know!”

At Kim Dong-hoo’s words, Soojin nodded enthusiastically. How could she not know? She had practically begged her mom for it.

“That’s great. I happen to be free then.”

She also knew this.

‘Dong-hoo’s mom is feeling much better, and his dad is heading to the U.S. to prepare for their return.’

Soojin knew all of this, thanks to the connection between her mother, Kim Yu-ryeon, and Dong-hoo’s mom, Lee Yoo-hyun.

“What’s wrong? Are you nervous because it’s been a while? You were all smiles just a moment ago, and now you’re speechless.”

With a playful smile, Kim Dong-hoo moved a step closer.

One step, two steps. His ridiculous handsomeness was getting closer and closer.

“Remember when you used to ask me to hold your hand? Do you?”

Soojin’s face turned red, and she couldn’t say a word. All the conversation topics she’d prepared since last night began to disappear one by one.

Like how she had started school a year early, so she was technically his senior, and how she’d tease him to call her “noona.” Or how she wanted him to go to the performing arts high school so they could attend school together.

But she couldn’t say any of it.

Kim Dong-hoo’s hand reached out, coming closer until only three centimeters remained between their fingers.

All her attention was drawn to that point when he spoke again.

“We used to hold hands a lot back then. Brings back memories.”

Just one centimeter away from touching.

This was the hand she used to cry and beg to hold,
the hand she’d clasped tightly, vowing never to let go.

‘Wow, a guy’s hand really is this big.’

Her heart pounded fiercely.

A whirling noise spun in her head.


Their fingers touched, and as soon as they did, their hands intertwined.

Kim Dong-hoo smiled softly as if nothing had changed, as if they were just the same as before. But now, her hand seemed to fit perfectly into his.

Rather than simply holding hands, it felt like his hand was enveloping hers.

He gently raised their clasped hands to the space between their faces.

“See? It’s just like old times.”


As soon as he spoke, Soojin’s feelings of embarrassment overwhelmed her.


After Kim Dong-hoo’s break, they resumed filming, and Lee Jae’s performance continued for a third time.

“Cut! Well done!”

With the cinematographer Ji Jang-min’s call, the day’s shooting schedule came to an end.

“Thank you for your hard work!” “Kim Dong-hoo, you did amazing!” “I can’t believe it’s the final shoot. It’s such a shame!”

With the end of Kim Dong-hoo’s role as Lee Jae, the entire crew expressed their gratitude.

In the cold of winter, he reminded them why they were working so hard on such a day.

“That was an incredible performance, truly.” “Eating fishcake and listening to classical music on a chilly winter’s day. No one else gets to do this.” “Right? This is priceless.”

Listening to a maestro’s performance on set was a privilege not everyone could enjoy, and everyone celebrated the end of Kim Dong-hoo’s shoot together.

There were, however, three who couldn’t quite join the celebration wholeheartedly.

“Send me the edited version as soon as it’s ready. I’m sure I’ll need to revise the script.” “Who do you think I am, Writer? I’ll edit it to perfection. After all, the material’s already excellent.” “Not wrong. I don’t know how long it’s been since I enjoyed filming like this.”

For writer Lee Min-ha, PD Kim Young-mo, and cinematographer Ji Jang-min, it was different. Lee Jae’s role was technically finished, and there was no reason for him to reappear. From now on, the story would be filled with light-hearted romance and comedy among the High Dream members.

But when does life ever go according to plan? It was almost as if they could already see the future.

Writer Lee Min-ha glanced bitterly at her script, covered in dust and dirt.

“Kim Dong-hoo.”

She vowed to make him the lead in her next project, her determination blazing within her. And with that, the day’s shoot wrapped up.



The streets were adorned with Christmas trees, and bakeries were busy preparing Christmas party cakes.

But the romance of the season was absent in one place—Cheorwon, Gangwon Province—where countless crew members were sweating profusely.

“No, not there! Over there! How many times do I have to tell you?” “Sorry!” “Do it right! If this war film lacks realism, it’s over. Do you want to ruin the movie?” “No, sir!”

Under the sharp eye of the art director, the crew scurried about, working diligently.

Endless Frontline.

Set during the final days of the Korean War, in a fierce battle for a ridge as the armistice is declared, every detail had to be perfect. Authenticity was crucial in a war film, especially when depicting things like weapons.

Satisfied, a man with a long beard reminiscent of Guan Yu watched the scene. This man was the film director, Kang Sang-hoon.

“The foundation has to be strong for the film to be good.”

He reflected on the efforts required to secure this location.

“All the actors are here.”

He had gathered a cast he considered near-perfect, including top-tier actors like Han Tae-geon and supporting actors like Go Chang-sik and Seo Myung-woo, who added richness to the film.

And lastly,

Kang’s gaze drifted to a boy sitting quietly in a corner of the set.

“Kim Dong-hoo.”

A newcomer who had flawlessly embodied the role of a cadet soldier during the script reading. His acting was truly impressive, almost bone-chilling.

“He’s unbelievably handsome.”

The crew might not have noticed, but Director Kang could tell. He understood why the other actors greeted Kim Dong-hoo warmly at first and then kept their distance.

They were wary of appearing alongside him in a shot. Anyone who stood next to him would undoubtedly look dull by comparison.

“If you look like that, you wouldn’t need to work hard. But he’s putting in so much effort.”

Despite the noisy surroundings, Kim Dong-hoo was entirely focused on his script, which Kang found endearing.

It was clear he had been studying the script tirelessly, probably without sleep. At such a young age, his dedication was something the other actors should aspire to.

And there he was, in that very moment.



Kim Dong-hoo was deeply absorbed in his role.



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