I Have a Reason to Hate Streamers
Chapter 27 Table of contents



A pleasing sound echoed from the video playing.
I’d been a bit disappointed that no one noticed my efforts, but finally, it felt like my hard work was being recognized.
I practiced just as hard. The new item’s effect looked promising.

Still, I didn’t plan on using the chain scythe much for a while.
The more often I used this weapon, the more countermeasures opponents would devise.
I’d engraved my presence well enough. That would suffice.

With the main event as a group round, it was best to hold back.
Opponents would definitely analyze me in advance.
The more cards I had to play, the better.



Indeed, the opponents I faced after Camellia weren’t remarkable.
It wasn’t that they were bad, but they lacked a distinctiveness.
Even their nicknames were so needlessly complicated, they were hard to remember.

And now, it was already Round 4.

By now, Sulbbang and Eldorin had probably started their broadcast, making small talk.
I’d been nervous at first about my matches being streamed, but by now, I was used to it enough to watch other matches while queuing.

Honestly, watching the broadcasts directly made me more anxious.
It felt heavier. The thought that all those viewers were watching just for me was overwhelming.
I much preferred to watch the reactions after the stream was over.

Of course, if I lost, I wouldn’t watch.
Even if the reactions weren’t bad, I wouldn’t watch.

Infinity Arena Second Qualifier – Final Phase match has been completed.
Do you accept the match? Y/N
...Transporting to the battlefield in 20 seconds.

I don’t think I used to be this weak.
Maybe it was because I’d been living in solitude for too long.

If I won this tournament, would my thirst be satisfied?
I didn’t know. Part of me feared it would be like drinking seawater—unsatisfying and only increasing my thirst.
No, I couldn’t go down that line of thought. If I started, there would be no end to it.

I consciously stopped myself from getting lost in thought, though I had to admit something:
My mind wasn’t as strong as it used to be.
I was easily shaken, easily depressed, and easily swayed by emotions.

My psyche had rusted and decayed in too many places to be salvageable.
...Oops, I’d been spiraling again despite telling myself not to.
Luckily, Eldorin’s whisper arrived just in time to break the chain.

Whisper from Eldorin:


“It’s fine. I haven’t entered the match yet. What’s up?”


Her message brought tension back to my relaxed mind.


It was a no-brainer.
Luce was going to watch my match?
On stream?

My eyes widened.
I just needed to keep my composure.
All I had to do was control my expression and voice so that my excitement didn’t show.

“No problem. Please thank him for me.”


Of course.
I was going to win no matter what.

Battlefield: Hall of Shadows
vs. Haruka (Kunoichi)
[Notification: Auto-translate feature activated.]

[Combat will begin in 5 seconds...]
[Good luck.]

The dark and damp arena.
As soon as the battle started, torches on the walls cast a faint glow.

The search phase began, where both of us tried to find the other first.
By now, my opponent was probably moving through the shadows, trying to locate me.
To avoid giving away my position, I moved carefully, sometimes hiding behind pillars or clinging to the ceiling.

The Hall of Shadows lived up to its name with stark contrasts between light and dark.
All external light was blocked, and without other means, visibility depended solely on the torches.
However, the arena’s torches randomly went out and sometimes plunged the space into complete darkness without warning.

Staying calm amidst the shifting light was crucial.
In a match between assassins like this, even the slightest variable could decide the outcome.

‘Have we already crossed paths? Or could she be nearby?’

The floor of the Hall of Shadows didn’t make a sound if walked on carefully.
But that didn’t mean there were no clues.

For instance, dust settled on the ground.
Ashes from burnt-out torches left faint footprints behind.
I paused my movement and held my breath.

I had the upper hand in the first search phase.
The kunoichi class sacrificed some assassination abilities in exchange for ninjutsu techniques.
I had an advantage in stealth and close-quarters traits.

That is, assuming no variables interfered.


The torches around the arena suddenly blazed to life.
With the darkness dispelled, we could see each other’s positions.

The opponent was closer than I had expected.
Clad in fluttering white robes over her exposed outfit, she stood within reach if I just made a leap.

A sneak attack was now pointless.
I closed the distance immediately.

Parrying her shurikens with my dagger.
I deflected all three, but one of them, as it bounced to the side, bore a charm.
A small explosion occurred, and the blast of wind pushed me back.

[‘Goblin Flame’ engraves the ‘Liang’ mark.]
[It lasts for 30 seconds, reducing fire resistance by 12.]
[Sustaining all four marks of the Demon Phantom Soul will inflict critical damage.]

This is why being small is inconvenient.
The damage was about 3% of my max HP—a scratch considering natural recovery.
But my lightweight frame made me susceptible to being pushed back.

Consequently, I failed to close the distance.
She now had time to prepare some skill suited to an assassin.
To make matters worse, half of the torches went out, cloaking her in darkness again.

This isn’t good.
I needed to see what was coming next to be prepared.
It seemed today’s luck in the arena wasn’t on my side.

[‘Ghost Step’ engraves the ‘Gui’ mark.]
[It lasts for 30 seconds, reducing darkness resistance by 12.]

“You’re unlucky this time.”

A voice from behind.
My calculations were done.

[‘Fox Claw’ engraves the ‘Ren’ mark.]
[It lasts for 30 seconds, reducing physical defense by 18.]

It wasn’t a fatal blow, but it burned like a hot iron plate on my shoulder.
I could bear it.

[‘Curse of Weakness’ engraves the ‘Hun’ mark.]
[It lasts for 30 seconds, reducing physical defense by 18.]

I could feel the impact from my left dagger.
Maybe I had struck her thigh or side. I couldn’t see exactly, but it didn’t matter.
From now on, I wouldn’t have to worry about minor injuries.

Fine, let’s make this a brawl.
She’ll regret closing the distance.

I threw my body back, pressing myself against the kunoichi until we were in close contact.
At this range, neither of us could use our primary skills.
Anyone who would miss the timing to cast here wouldn’t have made it this far.

The desire for victory coursed through me like a drug, clouding my senses.
The thrill I felt went beyond the searing pain in my shoulder, making my blood boil.

“We’re locked together now, huh?”
“You’re insane…!”

I twisted my body, grabbing her by the waist and slamming her to the ground.
Though I took several cuts across my waist, I slashed at her from ankle to thigh.

My right arm stopped moving.
It seemed I had taken a critical hit somewhere that rendered my arm useless.
From what I could feel, everything from my wrist to my forearm was damaged.

But I had incapacitated her left arm, so it was a fair trade.

“Just think of it as bad luck for you, too!”

Why was I like this?
My entire body screamed in pain, but I found myself smiling.

Now it was an up-close, brutal melee.
Both of us had weapons in hand, but neither could defend against the other’s attacks.
The only thing left was for one of us to fall, relentlessly tearing into each other.

The sickening sounds of our weapons tearing flesh and muscle filled the air.
We tried to avoid each other’s vital spots, but each slash brought us closer to the edge.

My left hand gripped the dagger, feeling the unnerving sensation as it tore through flesh.
At the same time, I felt a horrifying sensation between my ribs.
The pain made it hard to breathe.

With each stab, our HP plummeted at an insane rate.
Finally, as my dagger stabbed into the kunoichi’s neck, her bloodied kunai halted just in front of my throat.

Her arm fell limp, and the weapon rolled onto the ground.

Only then was I able to stop my own arm.

[Round 4-1 Victory.]
[The next battle will begin in 3 minutes.]
[Battlefield: Hall of Shadows]

“Heh… heh…”

[Remaining HP: 1.7%]

The pain vanished as if everything had been an illusion.
But I couldn’t get up for a while, clutching my trembling arm.

Even so.
Despite everything.

The overwhelming joy made me want to soar.
I hugged myself tightly, laughing.

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