Seoul Object Story
Chapter 210 Table of contents

Blue Reaper in Disguise

The Blue Reaper, wrapped in a Golden Reaper cloak, sat atop the security console, gazing up at the security staff. Due to the cloak's mental influence, none of the staff realized it was actually a Blue Reaper. They simply thought, What a peculiar Golden Reaper.

Concealed within the cloak, the Blue Reaper smiled with joy. To be able to watch their beloved human from up close—it made all the hardships of sneaking into the security room worthwhile. Avoiding the cheerful researchers roaming the halls of Sehee Institute had been challenging, as was evading the camera's watchful eye.

In reality, dodging those two things wasn’t too difficult. The cameras were fixed in place, and humans emitted emotions that the Reaper could detect and avoid by hiding in the shadows. However, avoiding Mom’s gaze had been the hardest part.

Despite appearing like any other Golden Reaper, Mom would stare intently at the Blue Reaper whenever she sensed something off, making stealth nearly impossible. While getting caught by a human wasn’t a big deal, getting caught by Mom definitely was.

Imagining what Mom would do if she found out made the Blue Reaper nervous, so they quickly scanned the surroundings.

‘Mom could ghost through the walls at any moment.’

But there was no sign of her anywhere. Relieved, the Blue Reaper returned to watching the security staff with a smile.

Happiness. Just being able to look at their beloved human so closely filled them with a deep joy. For Blue Reapers, the most precious thing was 'attention.' Many of them became attached to security staff because they were always being watched by cameras.

Though now, disguised as a Golden Reaper, they could only give attention one-sidedly, the Blue Reaper dreamed of a day when they could meet face to face in their true form.

But as they dreamed of a happy future, a menacing gray figure emerged from the far side of the security room. The face of a Gray Reaper appeared through the wall, grinning with a sinister laugh.

The Labyrinth Encounter

Under the flickering green torchlight, the shadow of the butchered swallow danced grotesquely. The girl, still awed by the black sword in her hand, raised it high.


She hadn’t expected the sword she found on the first floor to be so powerful. Regretting the wasted money on snacks instead of weapons, she wondered how much stronger the items deeper in the labyrinth could be. Despite tales of terrifying creatures and bizarre traps, she felt confident with her new sword.

“So this is an Ego Sword, huh?”

Though the Black Reaper didn’t understand her words, they felt her overflowing excitement, hope, and joy. Emboldened, the Black Reaper let out a small sound.


“Oh, how cute! Are you talking back to me?”

The tiny, bird-like chirp seemed to cement her affection for the sword. Ego Sword! To a young girl, there couldn’t be a more special treasure. She was so engrossed that she barely noticed the eerie resemblance to the sound she’d heard outside the labyrinth.

Admiring the intricate designs on the blade, she unconsciously brought her finger close to the razor-sharp edge. But as she neared it, the sword bent away, reshaping to avoid her touch. Startled, she pulled her hand back.

“Did you just dodge me to keep me safe? Thanks!”

With a smile, she gently patted the sword as if it were a beloved pet.


The Black Reaper emitted another happy sound, enjoying her affection. After bonding with the sword, the girl resolutely set off deeper into the labyrinth.

The Encounter in the Labyrinth’s Darkness

The unsettling green torches flickered as the shadows danced across the cramped labyrinth floor. Heavy breathing and frustrated shouts echoed through the first floor of the labyrinth.

“Damn it!”

Covered in dust, a man clad in metal armor huffed and cursed. His experienced party had explored the labyrinth before, but the green torches had thrown everything into disarray. The room plaques displayed strange symbols, and unfamiliar monsters appeared.

The man, with enough provisions to last, was frustrated as the map became useless. They were now facing off against a swallow with blades instead of feet. Despite being small, the creature was swift and deadly.


The swallow swooped down at incredible speed, forcing the armored man to abandon his shield and roll across the floor. His metal shield was sliced in half, clattering onto the ground.

“Stay focused! We just need one hit!”

He tried to rally his demoralized companions, but they had already lost one member, whose body lay in pieces. The swallow was fast and agile, evading their strikes effortlessly.

In that moment of despair, the wall rippled, and the girl stumbled into the room. She seemed oblivious to the grim atmosphere, as if she’d miraculously avoided any monsters so far.

“Watch out!” the armored man warned her, but his caution was in vain.

“Take that!”

Her shout was weak, but as she swung the black sword clumsily, it responded with a life of its own, slicing through the swallow in an instant. The man stared in disbelief at the remains of the swallow.

“Are you all okay?”

The girl’s bright voice pulled him back to reality. He realized that the sword was the one wielding power. Its dark blade gleamed with unusual, exotic engravings that made it stand out even more.

‘What a remarkable item. I’ve never seen anything like it.’

His gaze remained fixed on the black sword.

The Plot Unfolds

After the fight, the men quickly led the girl to a corner, saying it wasn’t something a child should see, and began cleaning up. They lit a fire with some dry wood, preparing for the night.

“Is it safe to have a fire in here?” she asked.

The man pointed to the ceiling, where the smoke seemed to be sucked away.

“Wow, that’s amazing.”

As she admired the fire, the men prepared a camp, offering her a seat and a meal by the warm flames. She accepted, thinking, What kind people!

After eating, the man who appeared to be the leader approached her with a gentle tone.

“That black sword—where did you get it?”

“Oh, this? I found it in the labyrinth.”

“Hmm, I see.”

He wore a sinister smile, but the girl, too drowsy to notice, started to nod off.

A Sinister Change

As the fire died down, the men whispered amongst themselves.

“Such a shame, she’s practically a kid…”

One man, clad in light leather armor, looked at her with a greedy gleam, contrary to his pitying words.

“She definitely doesn’t have any protection, right?” the leader whispered.

“None. She’s got no powerful backer, just basic clothes and tools. Though they’re a bit too nice for a kid.”

The man, his expression twisted with anticipation, drew a sharp blade and began approaching her slowly. Watching this, the Black Reaper let out a low, eerie sound.


The sound hung in the air like a death knell, a warning from the grim reaper.

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