Former Hero, Solo Play Oriented
Chapter 8 Table of contents

After smoothly defeating the first boss, the *Orc Brawler*, the *Chris Raid Party* encountered a significant challenge when they reached the second boss.


The party's tank, *Deathmaster*, was unable to withstand the boss’s attack and collapsed.


“Kyaa! Sis!”

“Chris, help!”

Chris bit her lip as she faced an *Orc Mage* who had appeared alongside the second boss, the *Orc Assassin*.

As soon as the tank fell, the *Orc Assassin* began to rampage. The backline members, *Beimerung* the mage and *Cherni* the spirit summoner, were now exposed to its lethal attacks.

“Fall back! We need to regroup!”

Back at the entrance to the second boss area, where *Deathmaster* had just revived, Chris questioned him.

“Hey, Death. I trust your abilities as a tank. Is the second boss’s pattern really that difficult to handle?”

In truth, *Deathmaster* had flawlessly handled the first boss, *Orc Brawler*, without allowing a single critical hit. His swift reflexes caught every attack, maintaining aggro while the rest of the party dealt with the elite soldiers.

Even during the early attempts at the second boss, *Deathmaster* had shown great skill. He quickly caught onto the special attack pattern of the *Orc Assassin*, which targeted the backline, and expertly used his *Backstep Evasion* to refocus the attacks on himself.

“…It was like fighting a ghost. Even with my *Flash Vision*, I couldn’t completely track its movements.”

“What do you mean? Explain it so we understand.”

“He means,” *Beimerung* chimed in, “he lost sight of the *Orc Assassin*.”

Chris nodded thoughtfully before asking again.

“So, do you think you can hold out in the next attempt?”

“It’ll take some more time.”

“Alright. Leave the *Orc Mages* to us. Focus all your attention on figuring out the *Orc Assassin*’s pattern.”

Chris gripped her talisman tightly and stared toward the area where the *Orc Assassin* awaited.

“After all, if the tank can’t endure, there’s no way we’ll clear the boss.”

[Second Boss]
[Level 16 *Orc Assassin*]
[HP 17700/17700]

[Level 15 *Orc Mage (Ice)*]
[HP 3000/3000]

[Level 15 *Orc Mage (Fire)*]
[HP 3000/3000]



I smiled brightly as I toyed with the earring hanging from my ear.

[*Orc Brawler's Earring*]
[Strength +5, Agility +5, Intelligence +5]
[Critical Hit Rate +1%]
[Critical Damage +5%]

This was my first elite-tier accessory!

It was on a completely different level compared to the rare-tier *Orc Gladiator* accessory I had been wearing before.

In addition to stat boosts, it also had special options that enhanced critical hit abilities.

If the first boss dropped an earring, then the second boss would likely drop a ring.

And the final boss, the third boss, should drop a weapon.

Accessories were bound upon pickup, but weapons?

I opened the auction house and searched briefly.


There were no listings for *Orc King’s Weapons* yet, but the category existed. 

That meant the weapons were tradeable.

Even if I didn’t get a sword for my class, I could sell it to someone from another class for a lot of gold.

It was a decent win-win setup.

Those with a lot of gold could buy weapons from the early elite dungeon raiders and then farm accessories more easily.

Once a player farmed both accessories and weapons from the elite dungeon, they would gain a huge stat boost, finally allowing them to move on to the next area.



The regular orcs in the second boss area were definitely stronger than those in the first, but thanks to the *Orc Brawler's Earring*, my attacks had also become more powerful.

I steadily cleared the normal orcs as I made my way forward.

And finally, I arrived at the second boss.

[Second Boss]
[Level 16 *Orc Assassin*]
[HP 17700/17700]

[Level 15 *Orc Mage (Ice)*]
[HP 3000/3000]

[Level 15 *Orc Mage (Fire)*]
[HP 3000/3000]


This game really didn’t let players focus solely on a boss.

In the first boss fight, additional enemies appeared halfway through, and now, with the second boss, the supporting enemies were present right from the start.

The *Orc Assassin* stood with a long, sharp dagger in one hand, scanning its surroundings.

Behind the *Orc Assassin*, a large tunnel led deeper into the cave—the entrance to the *Orc King*’s chamber, no doubt.

I tightened my grip on my sword.

After all, the swordsman class had the *Block* skill.

The second boss might have some unblockable attacks like the first, but as long as they didn’t come too frequently, I could handle it.

And as for the *Orc Mages*.

I had already experienced multi-targeting patterns with the first boss.

From the leveling process, I had grown used to facing three or four monsters at a time, so I could distinguish the more dangerous attacks from the general chaos.

I’d follow the same approach as before.

Take out the *Orc Mages* one by one, then deal with the *Orc Assassin* alone.


I slapped my cheeks lightly to calm my nerves.


Then, I stepped into the *Orc Assassin’s* aggro range.


The *Orc Assassin* locked eyes on me, baring its fangs as it gripped its dagger tighter.

The two *Orc Mages* flanking the boss began gathering energy in their hands.

Fire and ice magic.

Both would deal significant damage if I took them head-on.

*Rain*, keep it simple.

Just block everything and take them down one by one.


With a shout, I charged toward the *Orc Assassin* at full speed.


*Clang, clang, clang!*

The *Orc Assassin’s* five-hit combo rained down on me in an instant.

Its powerful strikes made my sword tremble as I blocked them with my *Block* skill.

The *Orc Assassin’s* rapid movements sent blows from left to right, but my 180-degree frontal block was enough to keep up with the attacks.

From the way the *Orc Assassin* moved, it was clear that this five-hit combo wasn’t meant for just one target.

If there were other party members within range, they would have been hit too.

*Boom, boom!*

Meanwhile, fireballs and ice arrows from the *Orc Mages* continued to barrage me.

Fortunately, all of the boss and supporting monsters’ attacks were blockable.

Even the *Orc Assassin’s* five-hit combo, which looked like a finishing move, couldn’t break through my swordsman’s *Block* skill.

However, I couldn’t move while using *Block*.

To manage all the attacks, I slowly rotated my body, keeping all three enemies within the 180-degree coverage of my *Block*.

The moment their barrage ceased, I had a small window of opportunity.

I released my block stance and moved.


But the gap was brief.

I resumed my block stance, patiently waiting for another lull in their attack pattern.

Then, the next opportunity arrived.

This time, I moved more boldly.


With a quick turn, I activated my *Backstep Evasion* and rapidly closed the distance to my intended target.

I smiled as I arrived at my destination.


I had reached the side of the *Orc Mage (Fire)*.

Despite being a mage, it seemed overly confident in its physical resilience and didn’t attempt to move out of range.


The *Orc Assassin* rushed in, clashing its dagger against my sword.

But now, I had both the *Orc Assassin* and the *Orc Mage* within my melee range.


My sweeping attack, triggered by *Block*, left wounds on both enemies.

The distant *Orc Mage (Ice)*, which was still firing ice arrows, remained unscathed for now, but if I maintained this formation, the *Orc Mage (Fire)* would go down soon.

After that? I’d move closer to the *Orc Mage (Ice)* and repeat the same strategy.

That was the solo strategy for the second boss.

I grinned confidently.


[*Orc Mage (Fire)*]
[HP 1514/3000]


The *Orc Mage (Fire)* hissed in frustration.

Its HP had been reduced to nearly half by my repeated slashing attacks.

Though the distant *Orc Mage (Ice)* hadn’t taken any damage yet, its ice arrows couldn’t break through my blocks.

Even the *Orc Assassin’s* attacks were being intercepted by my blocks.

Taking advantage of the small gaps in their relentless assault, I continued landing hits, slowly wearing them down.

The swordsman’s 180-degree *Block* was an overpowered skill as long as it didn’t break.


I smirked at the orcs behind my sword.

You guys are no match for me.

Just then.

One of the orcs vanished from my sight.

I blinked, momentarily dumbfounded.

There were

 supposed to be three of them, right?

But now, only two were visible—the *Orc Mage (Fire)*, still struggling against my sword, and the distant *Orc Mage (Ice)*, firing spells.

The *Orc Assassin* was gone.

The game system stats held my body back, preventing me from reacting as I had in my days as a hero.


That was my first thought.

And then—



A sharp pain jolted through my body.

My vision blurred.

“Ah? Ah…?”

I couldn’t even form proper words as my mouth hung open.


My mind was clouded with confusion.

I looked down, trying to understand what had happened to my body.

And finally, I saw it.

A sharp blade had pierced through my chest.

*Drip, drip.*

Was that my blood, dripping from the end of the blade?

The sharp object retreated, and my body, no longer under my control, crumpled backward.


The world quickly darkened.

And soon, I saw nothing at all.

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