Dark Fantasy: Super Coward Mode
Chapter 92 Table of contents

The underground space was as messy as if a war had broken out there, but the cooking area was as spotless as a real restaurant.

Maybe that was why the unsettling atmosphere of the space felt a little more comfortable.

"Do you want the broth thick or soupy?"

"Just a little bit of broth, please."

I liked to eat all the meat first, then mix the remaining broth with rice. It felt like a proper meal that way.

It was an old habit.


Despite the vague request, the chef smiled as if she understood and returned her focus to cooking.

She was in the final stages, adding seasonings here and there before turning off the heat.

Soon, a small dish and a bowl were placed in front of me and Ria.

The stir-fried pork looked delicious, with the rice grains perfectly moist.

My mouth watered.

I could barely resist.

"Thank you for the meal."

"You're welcome. Enjoy."

The chef smiled, and I began eating.

I felt a small sense of happiness as I looked at the empty bowl.

Ria, looking satisfied as well, lay on the floor with a contented expression.

It had been a while since we last ate the chef's food with the other Foreign Entities.

I had intended to have all three meals here, but "not enough time" was proving to be a frightening truth.

"Thank you for the meal."

"Was it good?"

"Yes! It really was."

"I'm glad."

The chef leaned against the kitchen table, resting her chin on her hands, smiling.

She always cooked for me with a smile, despite never asking for anything in return.

And just saying it was delicious made her seem like she had received all the reward she needed.

I wondered if I was only imagining that I was taking too much without giving anything in return.

The other Foreign Entities were like that too.

The gardener might grumble, but he always provided useful information.

Belle, though currently sulking, would quickly cheer up after a little playtime.

The Dragon Slayer helped me because I had helped her, always lending a hand without question.

But why? What had I done to deserve this?

As I pondered, the chef finished washing the dishes and sat gently beside me.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Just... sigh, I'm not sure how to put it."

The chef's warm smile gave me an overwhelming feeling.

The Inquisitor’s intrusion, the mountain of tasks left to do…

Everything felt unfair.

"Why do you care so much for me? I may have listened to some of your worries, but I don't think I did enough to deserve this kind of treatment."

"Why do you think that?"

She countered with a question, and when I looked up to understand her intention, I involuntarily opened my mouth.

She was simply smiling.

She listened as if she found joy in just hearing my words.

"Well, all I did was help you realize what you were already capable of."

"But you still gave me advice, didn’t you?"

"True, but that’s nothing compared to your dedication."

I was curious.

Why were they so good to me? Why did they care for me so much?

So I asked, hoping to understand them better.

To see if I deserved such treatment.

"Sometimes, trying to know too much can be a bad thing."

The chef closed her eyes slightly.

Before I knew it, her hands were on the back of my neck, pulling me in.

Into her embrace.

「I knew this would happen...!」

「Phew, that Record Keeper... She’s better than I thought. What is this situation now?」

My face was pressed against the chef’s chest, and I could hear the gardener’s scolding voice and the Dragon Slayer’s icy tone in my head. I tried to pull away.

"Can’t we just call it ‘one of those things’?"

But the gentle tone in the chef’s voice made me freeze.

Something about this warm sensation, as if comforting me, felt nice.

I just wanted to stay like that.

Her hands stroked the back of my head, each touch filled with kindness.

"Don’t dismiss your actions so lightly. Those seeds you sow can grow into homes for small creatures and food for little ones. We’re the same, if not more so. After all, from your perspective, you risked your life to help us. How could we not be drawn to you for that?"

The chef continued as she gently caressed me.

I did put my life on the line.

The gardener, filled with human hatred, initially tried to kill me.

Eating the chef’s food could have been fatal for a human.

The Dragon Slayer, due to her despair from White Mask, avoided humans altogether.

Nutritia... She tried to bind me to the subconscious.

But these were human standards. For the Foreign Entities, ‘death’ didn’t carry the same weight.

It was just a passing thought.

"Look, you’re overthinking it again."

The chef pressed her finger against my cheek.


I let out a small sound, and the chef smirked before smiling warmly again.

"We don’t usually help each other. That alone could cause significant ripples. So we endure our struggles alone. But you’re solving those problems. If it weren’t for you, the little dog friend would still be wandering the underground prison without his bone, the plant friend would have lost her companion, I would be in despair, and the Dragon friend would be forever playing with baby dragons and dolls."

Foreign Entities don’t interfere with each other.

Especially Major Foreign Entities, as they symbolize concepts and must tread carefully.

So they became isolated.

And because I helped them, they fell for me.

"Or maybe it’s easier to think it’s because you’re good-looking?"



I mean, silver hair and clear eyes can be attractive.

But the aesthetic sense of Foreign Entities and humans is a whole other matter.

I’m not sure, really.

Maybe it’s just because I’ve been constantly moving for Londan.

I feel a little tired.

"…Can I rest for a while?"

"Of course. Rest well."

The chef placed my head on her lap and gently stroked my hair.

The comfort made my eyes slowly close.

On the way back to the branch, I regretted clinging to the chef like that. I wanted to rip my head off, but what’s done is done.

I must have been really exhausted.

Rest was indeed necessary for clarity.

Perhaps because of the chef's meal, my body, which felt like it was about to give up, had fully recovered.

In fact, it felt like my training results were showing; I felt stronger than before.

At this pace, I might become strong enough in fourteen days.

I’d have to rely on the chef a bit more in the coming days.

「Hmm. Is that so.」

…Haha, of course, I’ll be bringing my other friends along to eat with me, yes.

「I’m looking forward to the day my husband can recognize our names.」


Could you all please stop staring at me like that? It’s terrifying!


I need to hurry back to the branch.

With the branch manager taking care of Asti in my absence, I was worried about her, recalling how I’d found her collapsed.

Just as I was about to head to my room, I noticed a knight standing at the branch entrance, looking around.

The knight's face brightened upon seeing me, and he rushed over, looking distressed.

"Tanten! Please help! The child you rescued…!"


The urgency in his voice indicated something was wrong.

I ran inside and found the branch manager struggling with Asti in front of my room.

"Hold on! Are you trying to act on your own without your master?"

"No, I have to… before he arrives…."

Both of them looked at me as I arrived, and their expressions were a stark contrast.

"Ah, Tanten! Finally, you’re here!"


"Asti suddenly slumped down, and the branch manager, surprised, let her go.

Asti collapsed and lowered her head.


I cautiously approached her and lifted her face, only to be startled.

There were tears in Asti's usually expressionless eyes.


Asti’s voice was full of anguish.

"I… I shouldn't be here."


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