I Have a Reason to Hate Streamers
Chapter 33 Table of contents

Clank. The cold metal rang out softly. The lance, blazing with fire, turned to seek its prey, and a tense exhale escaped from within the thick armor.

The opponent was nowhere to be seen. Was it stealth? Or had they already gained distance and found cover? Just as the spear tip started to move slowly, a voice came from somewhere it shouldn’t.

Right in front of him, from behind the shield that blocked his view.

"You. Having a hard time focusing yet?"

“Damn it...!”

"Let’s call it after this match. There's no point in continuing."

The spear knight’s gun lance erupted with a powerful explosion. The noise was so loud that even he temporarily lost his hearing. Though he managed the flash by briefly closing his eyes, nothing had improved.

A burning sensation shot through his ankle. A dagger had sliced through a gap the shield hadn’t protected.

He was under attack. That meant his barrage hadn’t hit the assassin, Gawol. Completely unaware of his opponent’s position, Traveler could only guess at Gawol’s next target.

He swung the shield behind him, but it met nothing. At that moment, Traveler’s rational mind admitted defeat. The tendons in his knees gave way, blades sank into both his shoulders, and he found himself struggling to hold his weapon.

Two daggers mercilessly tore into him, solidifying her victory.

Practice Match Ended.

Winner: Gawol (Assassin)

As the match ended, Traveler collapsed to the floor. His eyes, filled with disbelief, turned to the small girl.

“Have you ever gone pro?”

“I’ve never been a pro gamer.”

“Then... why are you so much better than me in terms of stamina?”

“It’s more about concentration than stamina. You don’t run out of breath playing a game.”

The gap between amateurs and pros is vast. It’s not just skill but also the way they handle pre-match nerves and how long they can stay focused.

Traveler had expected to take it easy on her, but the opposite happened, leaving him bewildered.

"Any other games?"

"I told you, I've never gone pro."

“Are you an athlete? Or a Go player, maybe? You seem too familiar with analyzing matches to be an ordinary person.”

“If you want to hear about my past, bring more money. If you’re not going to analyze, we’re done for the day.”

“Fine, fine. Sorry. Let’s go over it.”

Traveler quickly gathered himself. They retraced the match step by step.

They discussed where the assassin had hidden, why he lost his line of sight, and the times when Traveler’s defense had succeeded. Although their approaches differed, their exchange of ideas flowed smoothly.

In the end, Traveler gave a laugh of disbelief.

“How did I find someone like this just now?”

It wasn’t a bad laugh.

Infinity Black has ended.

Thank you for using our service, Gawol.

It had been a while since I’d exited the connection pod feeling fine. Usually, I’d crawl out only when my body was screaming in agony or my stomach was growling from hunger.

I hopped around on one leg, opened the window, and laid down on my bed, savoring the sensation.

Feeling unfamiliar in my own routine showed how much my life had deteriorated. Not that I intended to change it.

I only felt mentally clear at two times: right after waking up or on weekends when I went to rehab. So, why did I exit the pod now?

“As I was saying, Rime charges forward!”

“The fortification timed perfectly, guard gauge depleted.”

“Minimal damage to health bar, but the gun lance’s energy is fully charged.”

“Closing the distance with a shield rush—burst!”

“The paladin’s shield shatters, and the front line collapses!”

I had to analyze my next opponent. While I could watch videos in-game, taking notes and gathering data was inconvenient. It was better to switch to my computer for this.

I put on my old tablet, leaned back in my chair—the same one I’d used during my pro days. It was practically a bed now, as I spared no expense for things related to my health. The soft cushioning pressed against my body.

The next spear knight I’d face was the quintessential ‘one-man fortress’ class. With defense rivaling any tank, his burst damage could compete with the best DPS players. But, of course, this class had its drawbacks.

I pulled up footage of Rime’s gameplay on my monitor and scribbled notes on the tablet.


However, his judgment and battle sense were impressive. Was he the calm type? No, he’d taken excessive risks in recent matches. His consistent play style probably masked his aggressive nature.

He usually scans front, right, left, then up. So, his lower side is open. A good point of attack.

‘With these tendencies, he’s likely tried some odd strategies. When am I supposed to dig through all this footage?’

During my pro days, I made it a point to memorize my opponent’s videos. In critical moments, people rely on experience. Sharing their experience broadened my choices.

Some rely on coaching staff for this analysis... but I was never that type.

I had to burn it into my brain until I could visualize their moves and decisions. Not that I had a coach to rely on now.

Since Rime had a long career, there was plenty of footage. After I got through his, I’d move on to others. Especially Reaper—his unpredictable style was already giving me a headache.


After hours of analysis, I stretched my arms, drank some cold water, and noticed I was starving.

I put down the tablet and stretched. A smile crept onto my face. Today, I’d reward myself for all my hard work.

Swiping to the side, I opened the food delivery app I hadn’t used in ages. Temptations flooded in, but my heart was set.

Only chicken. My unwavering dedication led me straight to it.

Order Completed!

Order Accepted by the Restaurant!

Estimated Delivery Time: 31 Minutes Remaining

Yes, I had enough in my wallet now. I could splurge on some long-awaited chicken, thanks to my recent earnings from Sulbbang and Eldrin.

I wouldn’t get streaming revenue from the main tournament, but each victory came with prize money. After that... I’d go back to making money through PKs. Though I had my doubts.

Message from Eldrin


I still hadn’t given him an answer. I felt a bit guilty for putting it off.

It’s not that I didn’t want to. The thought of streaming revenue was sweeter than I expected, and it’s something I’d wanted for a long time.

The problem was the lack of sustainability.

It’d only be a fleeting dream if I couldn’t keep it up. Going pro was the same. Ultimately, fixing my leg was the only solution.

[Your Order Is Almost Here.]

[Delivery Completed!]

In the midst of my thoughts, the chicken arrived. I hopped to grab my crutch, retrieved the bag, and returned to the table with a thrill deep in my chest.

Come to think of it, Eldrin did promise to treat me if I won the arena. A meet-up in real life... I’d have to give him an answer about that, too. Maybe he’d get me something delicious.

The chicken tasted incredible after so long. It made my lingering doubts seem trivial.

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