Pregnancy Is Too Much For The Villain
Chapter 150 Table of contents

Being labeled a traitor or a murderer of a prince no longer mattered to Reynard now that Valentin was safe, separated from him. However, the reason he chose the long and arduous path was because of the overwhelming hatred that consumed him. Simply taking Clifton’s life wouldn’t be enough to fill the emptiness in his heart.

Clifton Leopold, the 3rd Prince—Reynard wanted his name to be remembered in history with disgrace, for all those associated with him to rot in prison as criminals, and for him to die a painful, shameful death.

Reynard had meticulously planned everything until now, enduring all the pain, just so he could exact perfect revenge while ensuring Valentin’s safety.

So, on the day Evener brought the final evidence and all preparations were completed, Reynard stamped the divorce papers. It was the reason he had sent Valentin away, separating him legally, to ensure that if anything went wrong and Reynard was accused of treason, Valentin would remain safe.

When Reynard first contemplated what he would do if things went awry and he became a traitor, he had already come to terms with the consequences.

Recently, Reynard made a direct request to Grand Duke Howard Denox:

["Disloyal son. I ask you to strip me of my right as heir to Denox. Please grant me this, Father."]

The Grand Duke sighed as he looked at his son, understanding the root and reason for Reynard's all-consuming thirst for revenge.

["Is Valentin really worth all this to you?"]

He was asking if Valentin was worth losing everything, perhaps even his own life. After all, those separated from their bonded mate often withered away and died.

["Even though he has left me, he remains, and always will be, more important than my life or my honor."]


["Those who wronged him, those who caused him such torment, must pay the price. I am willing to sacrifice everything I have for that."]

["Could you not just let go of this revenge?"]

Letting go of revenge would have been the simplest solution.

Reynard could have buried his lost child in his heart, ignored the Emperor's demands for an heir, and lived out his days quietly in the Duchy with Valentin. Then, none of these dangerous plans would have been necessary.

Valentin had asked Reynard not to seek revenge because he knew it would cost him everything.

But Reynard had no intention of giving up. He needed to exact vengeance on Clifton, the one who had threatened him and Valentin and caused the death of their child. It was the only way he felt he could survive.

Standing tall, Reynard faced his father, the Grand Duke.

["The Dalesian people, we are victors who annihilate our enemies to the very end."]

With eyes burning with determination, Reynard proudly declared the motto of the navy, and the Grand Duke nodded.

["Very well. As Grand Duke, I strip you of your right as heir to Denox. From now on, you will hold only your own title, and you are hereby relieved of all duties and rights associated with the Grand Duchy."]

["Thank you, Your Grace. I will ensure that I never tarnish the honorable name of Denox."]

Thus, Reynard had settled his status.

As he recalled the events of the recent past, Reynard downed a glass of strong vodka in one gulp. These days, he couldn't sleep without alcohol.

As soon as he set the glass down, a coughing fit overtook him, and dark red blood spewed from his mouth.

“Your Grace!”


“Colonel! Powell, fetch the doctor…!”

Seeing the commotion caused by the four men around him, Reynard raised his right hand to stop them.

“No need to make a fuss.”

This had become a frequent occurrence. His body, suffering from the effects of being separated from his bonded mate, was rebelling. The side effects were severe.

His body craved his mate’s pheromones, but without them, he was slowly wasting away. He was plagued by intense headaches, his digestive system was failing, and he frequently suffered from sudden bursts of high or low blood pressure, causing fainting spells and, more often than not, these coughing fits with blood.

Reynard wiped the blood from his lips with the handkerchief Powell handed him, acting as if nothing had happened. He turned to the first man and asked,

“Felix. Have you confirmed where Valentin went?”

He had deliberately let the 3rd Prince believe that the divorce was in progress, to ensure Valentin would no longer be his target. But he couldn’t be sure. Clifton was a petty and despicable man, and Reynard couldn’t rest until he knew Valentin was safe. He had assigned Felix to discreetly protect him.

“I did place some of my men to watch him, but... I’m afraid we lost him. He was safe while still in the capital, but once he suddenly left the country…”

While Valentin had been helping the poor who had fallen ill due to the side effects of New Popinsa Tincture, Felix’s men had been secretly guarding him, ensuring he was protected without him knowing. For a long time, they had assumed he would stay in the capital. The idea that their lord’s partner, someone so saintly, would abandon those in need was unthinkable. Felix rarely broke a sweat, but this time, he did. Reynard’s mood was darkening by the second.

“What about the Viche family?”

The marriage may have been ending, but the alliance and cooperation between the families remained. Reynard turned to Shane, who often kept in contact with Earl Viche and his heir, Dalton, but the response was the same.

“They’re helping as much as they can, but they have no information on the Duchess’s whereabouts either…”

Shane shook his head, explaining that the Viche family had gone silent on the matter.

“They’ve assured us, though, that there was no kidnapping or other threat. They told us not to worry about the Duchess’s safety.”

“I’ll send more men to investigate…”

Felix murmured, still dejected.

“After all, wasn’t he always someone who dreamed of traveling freely? For now, you should focus on your health, my lord…”

Shane’s agreement was echoed by Powell, who added that Reynard should prioritize his health. Annoyed, Reynard threw the bloodstained handkerchief he had been holding onto the table. A young servant quickly snatched it away to prevent the blood from staining the papers.

“By the way, the divorce papers are still being processed…”

Before Reynard’s mood could darken further, Sir Benson, the lawyer, changed the subject. They were waiting for a reply, hoping the legal process would soon be finalized, but there had been no news.

Had they been too quiet about the divorce? Perhaps, like other nobles, they should have made it a public affair, stirring up the social scene. Reynard thought of the messy divorces of other aristocrats, who often used newspapers and tabloids to make a spectacle of their separations. Such divorces usually progressed swiftly through the courts, thanks to the public attention.

“How far has it gone?”

“We’re waiting on the Archbishop’s signature.”

“Priests are slow everywhere, aren’t they?”

Felix shrugged, adding a comment to support his brother. As always, his tone was light, but it was true. Compared to the rest of the world, those who lived by divine law seemed to take their time. It was the mark of those detached from the secular world.

“I’ll report back once the papers are finalized. But for now, there’s a more pressing matter.”

Benson handed Reynard a formal document as he nodded, thinking about the leisurely priests.

“This is the official protest. Once you’ve reviewed it, we’ll send it to the 3rd Prince as a warning.”

Reynard glanced over the perfectly drafted legal document and handed it back to Sir Benson.

“Good. Proceed as planned. This article will serve as solid evidence for our protest.”

“They’ve openly admitted it, so we have both justification and grounds.”

“It seems the fifth one is doing his job properly.”

“Even though he doesn’t look it, that man has some loyalty.”

Reynard picked up a small note from his desk and read it again.


*The target is not in their usual state right now. The timing is perfect.*


Though the handwriting was rough and there was no signature, it was a report from the “fifth,” who had infiltrated Clifton’s circle. Thanks to his schemes, Clifton had become slightly addicted to a type of drug that heightened emotions and clouded judgment.

Once Reynard discovered that Valentin had been poisoned through such a cunning scheme, he made a decision. He would ensure that Clifton suffered the same kind of hell.

Everything had gone according to plan, and now Clifton was subtly addicted, his mind slightly unhinged. The final phase of the plan was in place.

“We’ll proceed to the final step.”
The official protest from Marquis Valkres was delivered to the 3rd Prince’s side.

The protest cited the invasion of privacy, the dissemination of false information to the media, and the defamation of Reynard's partner. In the end, it staked Reynard’s honor on the line.

Reynard didn’t just send the protest but also leaked it to the media. Alongside this, he released the articles Clifton had tried to suppress. With a little pressure from those as powerful as the royal family and financial incentives, the media eagerly took action.

Society was now on the brink of a storm. The press, no longer under the royal family’s control, unleashed a flood of articles condemning New Popinsa, detailing its harmful effects on society, and linking it to the 3rd Prince.

Furious citizens stormed

 Clifton’s pharmaceutical company, while most of the workers fled or went on strike. The building was reportedly in ruins, and the news spread through Eldon like wildfire.

Even Parliament didn’t stay silent. Protests from members of the lower house, who represented the people, were relentless, and rumors circulated about secret meetings among the aristocrats of the upper house in gentlemen’s clubs.

At one point, there were even rumors that the enraged 3rd Prince had shot one of his servants in a fit of anger. However, the royal family quickly covered it up, blaming the servant for attacking the Prince first. A brief mention of the incident appeared in a small article at the bottom of the daily papers.

The very next day, a formal challenge arrived for Reynard—a duel, the ultimate relic of a bygone era meant to protect the honor of gentlemen.




TL NOTE: Please don't skimp on the stars for the translation - I'd really like to see how far Leon goes and how far we can increase the number of chapters. Thanks~!

If you want to buy me a coffee

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