Dark Fantasy: Super Coward Mode
Chapter 94 Table of contents

"The Black Lion."

"Yes, Deputy Commander."

The Deputy Commander had scoured all of Londan and finally found the Black Lion rushing through the city. This was the last area that needed inspection.

"Has everyone been fitted with the mental defense helmets?"

"Yes, the check is complete."

The Inquisitor's arrival.

Recalling that time, when they had all fallen helplessly before the red mist, the Deputy Commander had realized the importance of taking minimum precautions to minimize casualties.

"Damn Foreign Entities are draining the estate's wealth like dried beans."

Importing the mental defense helmets from other territories had put a strain on the economy.

"We can rebuild the economy, but once a human life is lost, it's over."

"You're right, Black Lion."

The Deputy Commander had made tough choices, fully aware of the sacrifices involved. Most of all, the knights had to endure.


The Deputy Commander recalled Tanten’s words before he left for Londan, saying he would face the Inquisitor alone and asking for protection inside the territory.

The Inquisitor he had encountered was immensely powerful. Comparable only to the Foreign Entity responsible for the disastrous expedition to the snowy mountains. It would be absurd to leave this task to Tanten, who was still only a novice knight.

Yet, the Deputy Commander had granted his request. Tanten had worn the same determined expression the Commander himself wore when he knelt before a Foreign Entity. He couldn’t bring himself to break that unwavering gaze.

Even if this were to be Tanten’s last stand, the Deputy Commander wanted to respect his choice. After all, Tanten had a knack for making the impossible possible. He had a feeling Tanten would return victorious.

"Deputy Commander! Combat preparations are complete!"

Three union leaders rushed over, snapping the Deputy Commander out of his thoughts. Given the territory’s size, there were only three unions, so this meant that all the knights were ready.

"All preparations are finally complete."

The Deputy Commander dashed into the Black Lion’s station and stood before the logpile, taking a deep breath before shouting,

"All knights, attention!"

His voice reverberated, silencing Londan. The civilians had already evacuated underground due to the emergency declaration.

That underground refuge—Tanten had discovered it. What an intricate plan he must have.

"The operation to defeat the Inquisitor begins now. You’ve received detailed orders from your commanders."

Though no voices could be heard, the Deputy Commander knew that everyone was responding. He took a short breath and centered his strength.

"I order you all! Fight with honor! Win! Survive! That will illuminate your path as knights!"

As his declaration ended, the sky over Londan began to cloud with red mist again.

In the mist, tens of thousands of Foreign Entities swarmed, their tentacles flailing, as the Inquisitor’s minions emerged from hiding. The Deputy Commander closed his eyes, hoping that the knights in Vandre Village could hold their ground.


The Deputy Commander raised his greatsword high, its clang drawing the attention of all nearby knights. He pointed the blade at the approaching Foreign Entities like a tidal wave and bellowed,

"Knights, charge!!!"

The knights roared, following the Deputy Commander into battle. The war had begun.


As we quietly walked outside Londan, Asti spoke.


"Why didn’t you call for any knights?"

She was right; we were alone.

There were several reasons. First, if the Inquisitor’s threat to eradicate humanity was true, he would unleash his full force to destroy Londan. He’d likely control the hidden Foreign Entities and his minions to wipe out the knights.

Given the vast number of Foreign Entities and their sheer numbers, it was better to leave the knights to defend Londan.


"The more eyes on the battlefield, the easier it is to spot mistakes."

For Record Keeper’s ‘mistakes’ to remain unnoticed, I needed as few witnesses as possible. While Record Keeper may only see us as NPCs, reducing the variables was still worthwhile.

Good. The Inquisitor hadn’t arrived yet. I had some time to set up.

It’s standard practice to load up on potions and buffs before a boss fight, right?

I blew on the party whistle, and Belle appeared first.

"Are you really going to play with me after this is over?!"

Did she remember my promise?

"Of course. I’ll make sure we have a blast."

Belle let out a happy yelp and handed me a pair of gloves shaped like a dog’s paw.


"My eyes are here too!"

Upon closer inspection, I noticed a hidden eye on the back of the glove, concealed by fur. Creepy. Even in a cutesy form, it wasn’t easy to handle.

These gloves must allow me to use Belle’s watcher abilities.

Once I donned the gloves, Belle chirped a few times, seemingly satisfied, and vanished. All right, now for the crucial part of this battle.


A familiar softness landed on my shoulder, and I immediately recognized the voice.

"Are you really planning to defeat ‘her’ all by yourself? Isn’t that a bit arrogant?"

"It’s not just me. I have all of you."

I heard the Gardener smack her forehead.

"Do you realize what stuffing all of this into your body will do to your lifespan?"

My lifespan.

True, if I saved Londan but died afterward, it would be pointless. But on the flip side, if I survived but Londan was destroyed, that would be equally meaningless.

Rather than doing nothing and succumbing to despair, I’d rather give my all and find a way.

"You never know. Record Keeper might make another ‘mistake’."

"Sigh. I don’t know anymore."

Though she said that, I felt grateful for the Gardener’s genuine concern.

It felt like I was living a life more privileged than I deserved. So, to repay that privilege, all I could do was push myself to the limit.

The sounds of people shouting and wings flapping echoed from inside Londan.

As expected, the invasion had begun from within.

"Asti, let’s get ready."


At my command, Asti pulled a dagger from her chest, signaling her readiness. I nodded at her and called for Ria.

Ria poked her head out, and though there was nothing there, it felt like a fierce wind was blowing, and the falling snow became rougher.

"Find your mother."

Ria pointed into the air, moving her lips ever so slightly.

"There, right above!"

In an instant, I spread my dragon wings and soared, aiming my sword toward the direction Ria pointed.


The harsh friction made it sound like the sword might shatter. I tried to press with all my might, but brute force alone wouldn’t be enough.

Just as if peeling away an invisible barrier, the Inquisitor appeared, pushing my sword away with his fan.

Without a word, I furrowed my brow, and he sneered, both of us locked in a battle of wills through our weapons.

Realizing this wouldn’t resolve anything, we both stepped back, landing on the ground.

"I didn’t expect you to find me."

"With a little help from my friend."

I refrained from naming Ria. No need to talk, and it wouldn’t matter if I did.


The Inquisitor laughed, wiping tears from his eyes, while Asti and I watched with grim faces.

"You're the most amusing human I've ever met. For the first time, I don't feel like killing someone."

The Inquisitor pointed a finger at me.

"What do you say? Offer your body to me, and I promise I’ll never meddle in the human world again."

It was a tempting offer on the surface. But...

"Spare me. I’d rather dive into a sewer."

If that was my goal, I wouldn’t be here. And besides, I was determined to send this wretched being straight to hell for his unforgivable sins.


Feigning disappointment, the Inquisitor’s face twisted into a wicked smile, like a manic psychopath. Disgust filled me.

"If I can’t have it, I’ll just destroy it."

As he spoke, a sinister red aura began to emanate from the Inquisitor. It was clear that this signaled the start of the fight.

The boss battle had begun.



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