There Is No World For ■■
Chapter 34 Table of contents

The entrance ceremony at Lord Howe Academy was grand indeed.

Despite recent terrorist incidents delaying the event and the heavy security turning away many would-be attendees, a substantial crowd still gathered. Although the renowned auditorium wasn't quite full, the number of attendees could have easily filled a soccer stadium. Due to the strict visitor control, the average quality of attendees this year was much higher, attracting influential politicians, diplomats, powerful superhumans, renowned magicians, significant figures in education, and even self-proclaimed celebrities.

The assembly of so many notable figures who typically wouldn’t be found in the same room was a sight to behold. Even before the event officially began, flashes from cameras were already firing off incessantly.

However, it was not a flawless event. The overcharged atmosphere left many of the new students, who were supposed to be the stars of the ceremony, feeling intimidated. It was only natural; after all, most of these superhumans were still just children. They weren’t accustomed to the blinding camera flashes or the deafening noise of the venue.

A few of the new students, their superhuman status notwithstanding, were visibly struggling. Some slouched over, while others broke out in a nervous sweat under the scrutiny.

For instance, the girl sitting next to Seti—Miridis, or rather, Soemiri—was one such student. She looked down with an almost tearful expression, overwhelmed by the attention. Her shy nature only worsened things, as the attention directed toward her was intense.

Having been escorted to the academy by the famous Sacred Sword herself, and possessing striking beauty, it was no surprise that she was the center of attention. The journalists couldn't have asked for a better target.

As a result, Soemiri had been bombarded with camera flashes ever since she took her seat. Though she tried to shield her eyes, her elven sensitivity made it impossible to ignore the numerous stares.

At last, as the ceremony neared, she could no longer hold back and began to gag.

“You okay?”

It was Seti who helped her, patting her back and offering a handkerchief and water. Grateful for the kindness amidst the chaos, Soemiri sipped the water and wiped her eyes, before bowing her head to her considerate human roommate.

“Thank you, Seti.”
“It’s nothing.”

Seti shrugged it off as no big deal. Despite enduring the same bombardment of camera flashes beside Soemiri, she didn’t utter a word of complaint. She even stretched and looked around as if she were trying to spot someone in the crowd.

Soemiri found herself impressed by her roommate’s boldness. Amid the unwanted attention, she sneaked a glance at Seti.

Soon after, a bright smile spread across Seti’s face as she straightened up and waved towards the back of the auditorium. Following her gaze, Soemiri saw three students waving back at Seti.

Friends? No, they seemed more like family. They had a similar air about them.

“Who are they?” Soemiri asked quietly.
“They’re my sisters,” Seti replied nonchalantly.
“All three of them?”
“Yes. Somehow, all four of us ended up entering the academy together.”

A wistful smile played on Seti’s lips. Soemiri, who had recently lost her own family, sensed a hint of longing behind that smile.

Knowing that grief all too well, Soemiri remained silent, giving Seti space to collect herself.

After a short while, the lights dimmed, and the ceremony finally began. One by one, prominent figures took to the stage. Soemiri recognized only a few, but some were well-known enough that even she knew who they were.

‘Jose Aguinaldo...’

A dapper-looking middle-aged man stood out among them. Apart from his neat mustache and tanned skin, he didn’t seem particularly remarkable, but superhumans were judged by their achievements, not their looks. By that standard, Jose Aguinaldo was a giant, having once crossed swords with her own father and survived.

‘What’s someone like him doing at an entrance ceremony?’

She squinted, taking in the other figures. There was a man in military uniform and a woman with a familiar eyepatch.

‘Lieutenant General Macfarlane, and Preah Khan... Is this lineup really necessary?’

She wasn’t from Earth, but she knew enough to realize that it was unusual for three of Earth’s strongest to be gathered in one place. Still, as an outsider, she had no way of knowing why the humans had assembled such a formidable force for an entrance ceremony.

'Is it merely a response to the recent terrorism? Or are they planning something big?'

Her mind wandered as she scanned the crowd, until her eyes met with an elderly Asian man on stage. It wasn’t an accidental glance. His piercing gaze was fixed on her as if trying to bore a hole through her.

‘Who is he?’

Before she could ask, Seti spoke up.

“Don’t bother making eye contact with him. It’ll only sully your eyes.”

Seti’s tone was unusually sharp. Soemiri, puzzled, tilted her head.

“Is he someone unsavory?”
“Calling him unsavory would be a kindness. He’s trash. As soon as he found out you were from Korea, he started eyeing you like a piece of meat to exploit.”

“Take my advice: if anyone from the Korean government approaches you, don’t acknowledge them. It won’t do you any good.”

Seti’s face was impassive, but the disdain in her eyes was unmistakable. Soemiri nodded quietly, remembering the Korean government’s willingness to use grotesque creatures as pawns.

As the two fell silent, various government officials and superhumans took turns giving speeches. It was a monotonous affair, with the usual platitudes about becoming future heroes and using one’s powers for the betterment of society.

The most noteworthy speech, though, was given by Preah Khan. She simply took a look at the new students and said:

“This year, not one of you impresses me. Try harder.”

Being notorious for her eccentricities, her blunt statement didn’t spark much controversy. Soemiri gave a wry smile, while Seti nodded in a peculiar manner.

Finally, the speeches came to an end, and it was time for the new student pledge. Journalists, magicians, and superhumans alike turned their attention to the stage.

“The student representatives, please come forward for the pledge,” the announcer called out, and the atmosphere in the hall shifted.

Confused, Soemiri looked to Seti, who explained with a soft smile.

“To be chosen for the Lord Howe pledge, a new student must be recognized by the faculty in every field.”
“Is that such a big deal?”
“Of course. It means that even as a new student, you’ve earned the respect of active superhumans. In years when no one meets the standards, they don’t hold the pledge at all.”

“This year, we have representatives from martial arts, magic, and religion—a first since the academy’s founding. Expectations are high.”

Seti looked wistful as she gazed at the stage, as if wondering what it would be like to stand there herself.

The announcer’s voice echoed through the hall once more.

“The martial arts representative: Jeon Yoon-sung!”

Soemiri watched as a young man strode confidently onto the stage. He was handsome, but that was all. Having grown up around centuries-old elven warriors, she was unimpressed by his presence.

It was Seti’s reaction that drew her attention—she caught a fleeting mix of anger, jealousy, and something that almost looked like a smile.

What could be the story between them?

Before she could ask, the announcer continued.

“The magic representative: Salome!”

This time, she knew the name. Salome was often called “The Vessel,” a title stemming from a prophecy by the last great mage that she would embody all magic.

In the Magic Tower, Salome was hailed as the “Hope of Asha,” the one who would restore the tower to glory and put Earth’s humans in their place.

The elven community was skeptical, of course. The Magic Tower had long since declined.


After a second call from the announcer, a figure cloaked in black rose. Completely shrouded in a black veil and gloves, she looked like a walking shadow.

‘She’s still living like that...’

Soemiri felt a pang of pity as she watched Salome head to the stage. The journalists muttered among themselves, but let it go—such eccentricities were expected from mages.

At last, it was time for the religious representative, and there was no surprise. The one who bridged Earth and the other dimensions, a symbol of peace—the Saintess.

“For the religious representative... we are honored to have the Saintess herself. Please come forward, Saintess.”

Soemiri turned to Seti with curiosity.

“What’s this Saintess like?”

She asked without expecting much, but Seti’s reaction was unexpected.

“A lunatic.”
“She’s an avatar of vanity. A woman whose mental state is inversely proportional to her beauty. Every time she’s on TV, she acts so fake it’s nauseating.”
“Oh... You two must be close?”

Seti scoffed.

“Close? I hate her guts. I don’t even go to the temple because of her.”

As Soemiri struggled to think of a reply, a commotion erupted on stage.

After a moment, the announcer’s voice rang out again, this time with a hint of embarrassment.

“Due to health issues, the Saintess will not be attending today. The new student pledge will proceed with Jeon Yoon-sung and Salome.”

At this, Seti’s lips twisted in a smirk.

“Health issues, my foot... She probably ran off again.”

“...Seti? Did you say something?”
“Just talking to myself. Don’t mind me.”

Soemiri quickly turned her gaze away. For some reason, she felt that meeting Seti’s eyes at that moment would have been a mistake.

“Let the pledge begin!”

As Jeon Yoon-sung’s powerful voice filled the hall, Soemiri wondered if she needed to revise her initial impressions of her roommate.



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