I Have a Reason to Hate Streamers
Chapter 40 Table of contents

[Infinity Arena Finals Group E – Match 9]
[Battlefield: Hall of Duel]
[vs. Acid Gaming’s Reaper (Assassin)]


The corners of my mouth lifted as soon as I saw the chosen battlefield.

Of all places, it had to be the Hall of Duel. A simple arena, free from complex terrain or gimmicks, where pure skill determines the victor. And since we’d both chosen the same class, it would all come down to me alone.

This time, the chain scythe wouldn’t work. There were already enough close calls against the Mistweaver, so if Reaper picked the Assassin class, there was no room for error. I wasn’t about to hand over my hard-earned victory on a silver platter.

I opted to drop any ambiguous skills. It made more sense to trust my instincts than to invest points in tactics that might not work. As the timer counted down, the screen went dark, then returned to reveal the long corridor of the Hall.

[Battle has begun.]

The biggest feature of the Hall of Duel is that you can see your opponent right from the start. No hiding behind obstacles. No need for reconnaissance. This is a true battlefield for warriors, where only a bloodbath awaits.

The moment the match started, Reaper and I sprinted toward each other at full speed. As we closed the distance, we both—almost as if on cue—showed each other a sign of ‘respect.’


Deflecting his flying dagger, I threw one of my own with my other hand. A dark cloud rose from where it struck the ground, courtesy of the generous coating of poison I’d applied.

‘He’s using dual daggers, just like me. If that’s the case, his favorite opening is... a left-hand feint, aiming low.’

Correct. Due to my smaller size, Reaper swung first. It looked like he was aiming for my left eye, but his other hand was secretly going for my thigh.

I couldn’t dodge everything, so I braced myself. We moved into a binding position, with our blades clashing. Strength wasn’t on my side here, so I couldn’t push his dagger away easily.

There’s no point in a fight you can’t win. Twisting my blade, I aimed for his wrist, drawing blood from both of our arms.

I glanced. Reaper’s eyes dropped to the ground for a split second. Without thinking, I tilted my head back.

In the spot where my chin had been a moment ago, a shadow shot up like a spike. His daggers, targeting me in my moment of distraction, resembled a spider’s fangs.

Rather than trying to block clumsily, I retreated a few steps. With the distance cleared, I threw another throwing knife. Reaper deflected it effortlessly, but this time, a spike sprouted from the shadow of the knife lodged in the ground.

My first point scored.


A dagger fight is always intense. At this range, wielding short weapons, perfect defense is impossible, and attacks land almost instantly.

Both of us were dual-wielding daggers, so even the hand that should defend was armed. The attacks were relentless, and both of us shed a lot of blood.

I grazed Reaper’s chin with my dagger. A red line appeared on my shoulder, which had lurched forward, while we both locked one of each other’s arms in a binding position. Not wanting to give him an opening, I thrust my blade deeper.

Reaper responded by lodging his dagger in my collarbone, while his found its mark in my right shoulder.

Daggers driven in so deep are hard to retrieve. We both pulled back, leaving our blades embedded, then grabbed each other’s daggers from our own bodies to continue the fight.

[Remaining HP: 34.8%]

With reversed weapons, we resumed tearing at each other. My dagger pierced my own flesh, while Reaper’s pierced his. This time, defense was abandoned as we both fought more aggressively.

I struck his ankle and sliced his calf. Meanwhile, he cut my cheek and neck. When our daggers clashed again, we both escaped into the shadows at the same moment.

It was comical how we reached the same conclusion, making me chuckle.

“Nice. This is fun. You’re good, and you’re strong.”

Blood poured from my wounds. My torn clothes were soaked through, the cooling blood making me feel both hot and cold. I could faintly smell the metallic tang of blood—was I the only one noticing it?

Seeming to think he was at a safe distance, Reaper momentarily dropped his guard. He tossed his dagger back to me, as if he wanted it returned. I understood the gesture and returned his.

Now that we each held our own daggers again, words were unnecessary. If we clashed now, one of us would die. Though I couldn’t see his HP, I knew neither of us was doing well.

[Remaining HP: 13.1%]

There was no hesitation. I pushed my blood-soaked body toward Reaper. I was hurting everywhere thanks to the high synchronization rate, but my mind was strangely calm.

The art of the sword I’d dedicated my life to was fundamentally a martial art. Though called a path of honor, it was essentially a sport where weapons clashed against flesh. Practicing for hours on end left my body bruised and battered.

And yet, I enjoyed it.

The burning pain across my body. The sensation of pouring everything into the fight. It felt like I was back in that time—my entire body alive with sensation.

‘It’s been a while since I felt like this.’

The distance between us had closed, and this time, Reaper attacked first. Like the natural advantage of reach in martial arts, Reaper, with longer arms, initiated the strike.

But I saw it. Time seemed to slow. His gaze skimmed my wrist, his back muscles tensed, ready to retract at any moment. I saw his intentions, and I could decide.

I’ll give it to you.

[Remaining HP: 8.5%]

A long cut opened along the artery in my wrist, blood streaming freely. In return, I moved in closer, Reaper’s dagger aiming for my heart.

I threw my body backward, dodging with a roll, my good arm bracing against the ground. The world tilted as I flipped, catching Reaper’s chin with my heel in midair.

It landed perfectly, causing a momentary stun. I wrapped my legs around his neck as he fell. I tried to stab him, but he’d already slashed my wrist—my arm wouldn’t move. Well, at this point, it didn’t matter.


With my thighs locked around his neck, I twisted my body and heard the sickening crack of bones breaking as we both collapsed onto the floor. I felt weight pressing down around my lower abdomen.

[Remaining HP: 0.6%]

I couldn’t lift my head. Moving now could make the bleeding worse, and I felt like I’d die if I did. Blood poured from my wrist, dangerously unchecked.

If Reaper wasn’t dead, I’d lose. My vision darkened as death approached. Thinking I’d lost, I closed my eyes, but when the pain suddenly vanished, I opened them.

A blue system message appeared in front of me.

[Victory achieved.]
[You have advanced through the Infinity Arena Group Stage.]
[You are awarded Seed 1 in Group E.]

[Posted by: Gawol]
[Title: Well, that was close]
[Upvotes: 223]

Since I won, the challenge is off the table.

I was honestly surprised by all the comments wanting to see my face. I hope it wasn’t out of spite.


[Posted by: Gawol]
[Title: I almost forgot about the challenge]
[Upvotes: 790]

Thank you for all the congratulatory messages. I’m really happy too. I don’t know who I’ll face in the Round of 16, but I’ll do my best again.


[Posted by: Gawol]
[Title: Waiting for SpeakingPigeon and SnazzyShot]

SpeakingPigeon, you’ll be frying rice with mint chocolate. And SnazzyShot, with added pine leaves!

If these promises aren’t kept, I’ll have to hunt you down in-game. From your old posts, it looks like your in-game names are the same?

I mean it. You’ve got three days.


[Posted by: SpeakingPigeon]
[Title: Delicious Mint Chocolate Fried Rice]

[Posted by: SnazzyShot]
[Title: Please, just this once, let it slide]

[Posted by: SnazzyShot]
[Title: I’ll never speak recklessly again]

[Posted by: SnazzyShot]
[Title: Mint Chocolate Pine Needle Proof]

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